VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #7

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I am interested in hearing everyone's opinion on wether :
A.) Sam had help or not.
B.) Sam was told , ordered , or otherwise prompted/suggested to do the murders.
C.) It's all just one big coincidence.

Folks , dont be shy , what's your opinion ?

I am particularly interested in hearing Dangrsmind, Pax, & Blouangels' theory,
as well as the opionion from any other regulars or lurkers out there !
Welllllllllllllllllll... The pig thing is kind of freaky, but none of that seems to say much about later events. Of course "ready to die" and "living dead" are said--those are the lyrics. And though they say things like that right when they're around Em and Mel, Em and Mel ARE right in front of them. They probably say 500 things like that when they AREN'T attending to the two most available heads to touch in the audience, too.

I am interested in hearing everyone's opinion on wether :
A.) Sam had help or not.
B.) Sam was told , ordered , or otherwise prompted/suggested to do the murders.
C.) It's all just one big coincidence.

Folks , dont be shy , what's your opinion ?

I am particularly interested in hearing Dangrsmind, Pax, & Blouangels' theory,
as well as the opionion from any other regulars or lurkers out there !

Definitely Occam's Razor for me--it was just Sam.
Definitely Occam's Razor for me--it was just Sam.

So , Do you think Sam got the idea from the voices inside his head or from voices outside of his head ( i.e.: being told to do it by a real live person ) ?
So , Do you think Sam got the idea from the voices inside his head or from voices outside of his head ( i.e.: being told to do it by a real live person ) ?
I'd like to know who the pig is. Did he "bless" anyone else that way, that night?
It sure looks bad, hindsight being what it is.
I'd like to know who the pig is. Did he "bless" anyone else that way, that night?
It sure looks bad, hindsight being what it is.

seems the pig is a rapper also.. who's name is stitch mouth take from his blog

Sunday, September 20, 2009

RIP Emma and Mel + Some thoughts.

I haven't known these girls for YEARSSS or anything, but for a while now. They were very sweet, beautiful young girls, very friendly and funny. I can't believe what has happened. I just saw them not long before this and I will NEVER forget meeting them. It was an honor to meet such cool people and to be able to say they were my friends. The little time I have known them was awesome. Just getting to know them, their support, and just there to talk to about anything. Not a lot of people do that for you in life anymore. So I was very happy to have gotten the chance to meet them in person. Never would have... COULD have... thought it was the last time. I will never forget them, they impacted a lot of lives and my heart goes out to all that have been effected by this terrible loss. 4 people gone over nothing, there was no reason for this, Im sorry that things ended the way they did, it was never ment to be this way. I never thought I would ever go through something like this in my life and it breaks my heart.

We will always love and remember you!


This is just music, it's entertainment. We are real people with real feelings. We bring you stories and the alternate side of the human mind. We obviously all have thoughts and urges, and we WRITE these songs but we would NEVER do things like this. That's just rediculous to think because we create this kind of music that we would actually do it? It's no different then metal, horror movies, etc.. it's just a form of expression and entertainment. If a kid acts these songs or movies out that is their own fault. We do not condone such behavior. Those are people that already have something wrong with them and anything could set that off. Maybe they have personal problems I don't know. You have to be able to distinguish between "real life and the movies" you know. Some people just do things on their own and don't have to be influenced by something, some people are just ****ing nuts. If a kid goes out and kills some people and leaves a stuffed Big Bird on a body and said that Seasame Street influenced them, would you trash the show? No. Hard to believe now days but yeah, some people do make their own choices and don't follow the strict society standards layed before them. Some people break the corporate mold and act on their own. Hard to believe but it's true.


I can't believe at a time like this, where people are mourning the loss of loved ones and friends people have the nerve to try to "blame" anyone for music or for ****s sake trying to help maybe save someones life. We are focused on the REAL LIVES of people that we were close to, you were close to, that have families and people who saw and hugged these people every day. I really hope something horrid happens to your loved ones and friends then you get to see people making fun of it, laughing at it, trying to place blame on stupid **** and you can do nothing about it but let it hurt you. While you just want to remember them and talk to others that were close, remember the good times and express your sorrow. NO, I hope it's all taken from you and all you have to do is sit in your own head and get to read and hear people degrading your fallen. Things do have a way of "working out" like Sick said, and I just hope I am around by some chance to witness it. Anyway... Grow the **** up. Let it go

Let us mourn the loss of our friends and loved ones in peace please.

located @

pixy could you give us any information on the pig maybe??

seen you where on stage with him.

I am a little curious to why this is the day they made Underground History as said on the flier?? a lil odd to me.. :waitasec: what went on to make Underground History?? Em and Mel getting killed??

taken from

I am also having a hard time with not seeing SAM in one SINGLE PHOTO!!! Yet when he went to WA to visit WIR he took lots of Photos and Videos with these people.. along with Raz and Sick in photos with Sam.. But NONE for the biggest EVENT in Underground music as they say?? Something is so fishy..Sam did Artwork and Created websites these was his friends also.. I get that maybe they knew what was going down with the murders all of this was planned is why he's not showing up in any photos like he was never there....
Who took the videos at the ASTW 2009 ? Anyway to find out who was behind the camera? Mary or Pixy ya know?

I am a little curious to why this is the day they made Underground History as said on the flier?? a lil odd to me.. :waitasec: what went on to make Underground History?? Em and Mel getting killed??

taken from

I am also having a hard time with not seeing SAM in one SINGLE PHOTO!!! Yet when he went to WA to visit WIR he took lots of Photos and Videos with these people.. along with Raz and Sick in photos with Sam.. But NONE for the biggest EVENT in Underground music as they say?? Something is so fishy..Sam did Artwork and Created websites these was his friends also.. I get that maybe they knew what was going down with the murders all of this was planned is why he's not showing up in any photos like he was never there....

It is kind of ironic that only 80 folks showed up for this big ( ? ) event.

But , you're right about one thing , there is certainly something odd about all of this !

But you know how it goes in Farmville. None of this is going to be delved into.

Looks like LE in Farmville were going out of their way NOT to lock Sam up. But you know , they were kinda forced into it .

So it is now an open and shut case , no need for any more investigating.

But if there was more to it than just Sam , you can expect this to happen again.

I am a little curious to why this is the day they made Underground History as said on the flier?? a lil odd to me.. :waitasec: what went on to make Underground History?? Em and Mel getting killed??

taken from

I am also having a hard time with not seeing SAM in one SINGLE PHOTO!!! Yet when he went to WA to visit WIR he took lots of Photos and Videos with these people.. along with Raz and Sick in photos with Sam.. But NONE for the biggest EVENT in Underground music as they say?? Something is so fishy..Sam did Artwork and Created websites these was his friends also.. I get that maybe they knew what was going down with the murders all of this was planned is why he's not showing up in any photos like he was never there....

This has been discussed before. Did they avoid taking pictures of him or did they delete the ones that were taken? It is unusual that there is not even one picture of him at the show anywhere out there.

No he's still in solitary. The way it is in there it's like 8 cells to a room, so he's in a cell by himself but does get to talk to other inmates that are around him.
I'm gonna call monday and make sure he's ok though.




Sam told me there's a chance he might get 10-20 out of this, and obviously there are lots of things we don't know about the case, so maybe his lawyer has a plan...Who ****ing knows.,39.0.html
I am interested in hearing everyone's opinion on wether :
A.) Sam had help or not.
B.) Sam was told , ordered , or otherwise prompted/suggested to do the murders.
C.) It's all just one big coincidence.

Folks , dont be shy , what's your opinion ?

I am particularly interested in hearing Dangrsmind, Pax, & Blouangels' theory,
as well as the opionion from any other regulars or lurkers out there !

A. There is no evidence supporting your proposition A. Looks like he did it himself as far as we know.

B. Depends on what you mean here. It seems unlikely that anyone gave him overt "orders" of any sort, however he's was possibly easily influenced by others in the scene that had higher social status.

C. That "C" word again. No such thing.

seems the pig is a rapper also.. who's name is stitch mouth take from his blog

Sunday, September 20, 2009

RIP Emma and Mel + Some thoughts.

I haven't known these girls for YEARSSS or anything, but for a while now. They were very sweet, beautiful young girls, very friendly and funny. I can't believe what has happened. I just saw them not long before this and I will NEVER forget meeting them. It was an honor to meet such cool people and to be able to say they were my friends. The little time I have known them was awesome. Just getting to know them, their support, and just there to talk to about anything. Not a lot of people do that for you in life anymore. So I was very happy to have gotten the chance to meet them in person. Never would have... COULD have... thought it was the last time. I will never forget them, they impacted a lot of lives and my heart goes out to all that have been effected by this terrible loss. 4 people gone over nothing, there was no reason for this, Im sorry that things ended the way they did, it was never ment to be this way. I never thought I would ever go through something like this in my life and it breaks my heart.

We will always love and remember you!


This is just music, it's entertainment. We are real people with real feelings. We bring you stories and the alternate side of the human mind. We obviously all have thoughts and urges, and we WRITE these songs but we would NEVER do things like this. That's just rediculous to think because we create this kind of music that we would actually do it? It's no different then metal, horror movies, etc.. it's just a form of expression and entertainment. If a kid acts these songs or movies out that is their own fault. We do not condone such behavior. Those are people that already have something wrong with them and anything could set that off. Maybe they have personal problems I don't know. You have to be able to distinguish between "real life and the movies" you know. Some people just do things on their own and don't have to be influenced by something, some people are just ****ing nuts. If a kid goes out and kills some people and leaves a stuffed Big Bird on a body and said that Seasame Street influenced them, would you trash the show? No. Hard to believe now days but yeah, some people do make their own choices and don't follow the strict society standards layed before them. Some people break the corporate mold and act on their own. Hard to believe but it's true.


I can't believe at a time like this, where people are mourning the loss of loved ones and friends people have the nerve to try to "blame" anyone for music or for ****s sake trying to help maybe save someones life. We are focused on the REAL LIVES of people that we were close to, you were close to, that have families and people who saw and hugged these people every day. I really hope something horrid happens to your loved ones and friends then you get to see people making fun of it, laughing at it, trying to place blame on stupid **** and you can do nothing about it but let it hurt you. While you just want to remember them and talk to others that were close, remember the good times and express your sorrow. NO, I hope it's all taken from you and all you have to do is sit in your own head and get to read and hear people degrading your fallen. Things do have a way of "working out" like Sick said, and I just hope I am around by some chance to witness it. Anyway... Grow the **** up. Let it go

Let us mourn the loss of our friends and loved ones in peace please.

located @

pixy could you give us any information on the pig maybe??

seen you where on stage with him.

..the stitch thing on stage really is creepy in hindsight...he also made that beautiful tribute song to mel and emma....doesn't it almost seem over the top?...for people he just met? seems like someone that was VERY close to them would write this..I'm gonna look for comments emma or mel left on his page...
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