VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #1

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And that is why I asked if she had a car, and was told students walk everywhere. :gaah:

They do walk everywhere.....around Grounds and at the Corner. LOL They do have a free trolley that runs to the Downtown Mall, but it stops at 11:30. You will see students at the Downtown Mall, but more for dinner than for partying. Students, particularly younger ones, don't party downtown. I cannot figure out why she would have been down there unless extremely disoriented or meeting someone.
When I accidentally found myself alone at night in a sketchy area while in college/grad school, I would often run. (I went to school in a rough-ish urban area that was fine/populated/busy even at night right around campus, but then I had to make it ~2 blocks that were usually not terribly populated/well lit back to my off-campus housing.) My thinking was that it made me less of a target -- a perp would have to bother to chase me, it would be harder for him to catch me, etc. Obviously, I should have been more careful... but I wasn't and nothing ever happened. All of this is to say, it's possible HG was just running because she was lost/alone/it was dark.
depends on the area mood.. you walk faster when you done the walk before. 1.5 miles is very long way it depend on how the road is set as well.

I walk 4 miles a day and don't seem far to me. While I don't think its far for 18 yr old to walk of said shape. The question is has she walked it before. Maybe she was truly lost.
Seriously, weed? While marijuana use can exacerbate already present mental illnesses, it doesn't cause a previously healthy and sane young woman to suffer from a psychotic break and hallucinate. Meth, maybe. Or the date rape drug GHB, which can even be manufactured at home, making it accessible to anyone. Also, she is a member of the ski team, and college athletes participate in mandatory drug screenings. I seriously doubt she was using marijuana, considering how long it stays in your system.

I actually disagree with this statement - I do not have any mental problems & I've smoked weed an caught panic attacks & hallucinated...twice. Everybody reacts differently to it. I know of many people who suffered from the same thing as me when they smoked weed - I will never try it again, ever. I do agree that I doubt she was smoking pot though, as you said because of the drug screenings.
And he may have particularly noticed her because she was unlike the usual cast of characters in that area at that time.

What is the cast of characters in that area? Because here in DC I've seen TONS of areas like that - due to gentrification you have a mix of people that park in areas like those to get to trendier areas or places.
It was reported that Morgan Harrington was acting weirdly when she disappeared. In that case she walked out of a concert venue that she was really excited to be at, spent 40 mins trying to get back in via various closed doors, argued with security staff and then tried to link arms with a man she didn't know. I always wondered if she had been drugged (rather than just drunk).

Now we have reports of Hannah Graham acting weird, running with no-one chasing her, allegedly texting that she was lost in an area she should have known when she was probably a mile and a half away. Could she have been drugged too?

I just get an awful feeling about the fact that a man so similar to the one that was thought to have abducted MH was seen again in the area, and HG just happens to go missing around the same time.
depends on the area mood.. you walk faster when you done the walk before. 1.5 miles is very long way it depend on how the road is set as well.

I walk 4 miles a day and don't seem far to me. While I don't think its far for 18 yr old to walk of said shape. The question is has she walked it before. Maybe she was truly lost.
I actually disagree with this statement - I do not have any mental problems & I've smoked weed an caught panic attacks & hallucinated...twice. Everybody reacts differently to it. I know of many people who suffered from the same thing as me when they smoked weed - I will never try it again, ever. I do agree that I doubt she was smoking pot though, as you said because of the drug screenings.

Someone linked the club page for the ski team - there's no drug testing because it's a club, not a sport or whatever else it would be considered (you know, like football or baseball)..
OK. I'm going to ignore the obvious (and acknowledged) racist/islamophobic undertones in this post and go for facts.

What cell phone store kiosk do you know that is open at 1:30am?
Also, maybe the cell phone store workers where you live tend towards a certain race, but that is not the case where I live, so that may not be the case in VA.
Who is her father? I've seen nothing about her parents' occupations in the MSM articles.

Oh. And it's not Isis. Or Al-Qaeda. Or the IRA.

Her citizenship is a footnote in this case, not a major factor. It can change what kind of law enforcement is brought in and they may get some extra prodding from the UK Embassy. For all intents and purposes, Hannah was an American kid. No UK accent. Made an American flag dessert for the 4th of July. Grew up and was educated here.

Well I did say I was just brainstorming.....

But regardless, don't ever say "it's not" anything. Particularly in an area and time where it's occurring without most people being aware. Her father is of some political importance, intelligent individuals her age, from college campuses are being recruited in record numbers, and VA alone has had many instances of it already. And for the record, yes....where I'm from 90% of those shops are of great interest to the DOJ because they're used as smuggling and narcotics fronts. Its only racist if its done with hatred or to discriminate. I should've said "profiling." But anyway....not that I said any of this was likely at all. I was just brainstorming, and throwing out POSSIBLE and at least plausible scenarios. I'm sure the ones who have gone missing and then ended up in Syria, their parents were probably thinking "yeah, I doubt that happened...." So don't ever rule anything out.
They do walk everywhere.....around Grounds and at the Corner. LOL They do have a free trolley that runs to the Downtown Mall, but it stops at 11:30. You will see students at the Downtown Mall, but more for dinner than for partying. Students, particularly younger ones, don't party downtown. I cannot figure out why she would have been down there unless extremely disoriented or meeting someone.

Mmk. So, they "walk everywhere" within a 1/4 mile radius. Gotcha. ;)
And he may have particularly noticed her because she was unlike the usual cast of characters in that area at that time.
Fellini's is a pretty up-scale place. I used to live two blocks from there. Might be deserted in the early morning hours, but not a bad neighborhood.
Mmk. So, they "walk everywhere" within a 1/4 mile radius. Gotcha. ;)

Basically. :) They will also walk in the student residential areas, which can be further away, but they do not make the trek to the Mall...and they definitely don't make that trek using the route she took. Main st or not at all.
Fellini's is a pretty up-scale place. I used to live two blocks from there. Might be deserted in the early morning hours, but not a bad neighborhood.

This area isn't that bad. There is a homeless shelter next door, but they aren't open at night. It is just a place for them to go and get meals and use resources during the day. The Downtown Mall is actually very nice, many upscale places....but a large homeless population is there. Believe me, you get MANY complaints from the mall frequenters about the homeless folks.
At this point, given the information that has been released, I think she had some sort of accident. She was clearly not in her right mind. An abduction is always possible, though.

Is there water near the mall? Woods?
Well I did say I was just brainstorming.....

But regardless, don't ever say "it's not" anything. Particularly in an area and time where it's occurring without most people being aware. Her father is of some political importance, intelligent individuals her age, from college campuses are being recruited in record numbers, and VA alone has had many instances of it already. And for the record, yes....where I'm from 90% of those shops are of great interest to the DOJ because they're used as smuggling and narcotics fronts. Its only racist if its done with hatred or to discriminate. I should've said "profiling." But anyway....not that I said any of this was likely at all. I was just brainstorming, and throwing out POSSIBLE and at least plausible scenarios. I'm sure the ones who have gone missing and then ended up in Syria, their parents were probably thinking "yeah, I doubt that happened...." So don't ever rule anything out.

90% Really? That seems to be an arbitrarily high statistic with no link involved. Please provide a source for that.

And you didn't answer my two other questions. Of what political importance is her father? I've seen nothing about her parents' occupations.
What cell phone kiosk is open at 1:30am?

And with all due respect, I firmly believe it is not ISIS, Al-Qaeda or the IRA. Do I have hard evidence it isn't? No. I also don't have hard evidence it wasn't Bigfoot or an alien abduction, but I feel pretty confident eliminating those options as well.
At this point, given the information that has been released, I think she had some sort of accident. She was clearly not in her right mind. An abduction is always possible, though.

Is there water near the mall? Woods?

I agree with this statement. I also believe she had a terrible accident.

There appears to be a reservoir about 5 miles to the west. Probably not a possibility though. The area where she was last scene is pretty much all buildings and roads - densely populated.
At this point, given the information that has been released, I think she had some sort of accident. She was clearly not in her right mind. An abduction is always possible, though.

Is there water near the mall? Woods?

Further on down past the mall is the Rivanna River, a good stretch, but not out of the realm of possibility. There are train tracks that run parallel to the mall. Perhaps something happened while trying to cross the tracks, but she would have been found pretty easily I would imagine.

Is there water near the mall? Woods?

What's near the mall is acres of parking lots, all of which would be sparsely populated late at night and ideal for anyone who wanted to get an inebriated young woman into a car. (On the other hand, the last time I visited, I recall noticing lots of CCTV cameras.)
I have a personal story about my daughter, she was in a bar and someone put the date rape drug in her drink, she told her friends she was going to the car to lie down, but absolutely did not remember anything until she woke up in a guys house in the morning. Fortunately this guy saw her wandering around and took her home, and he happened not to be a bad guy. She totally and completely freaked out when she woke up. He brought her home with him because he felt sorry for her (?) she had no purse or ID, we immediately went to the police and he came forward and told his story, he got in trouble for not calling them when he found her, it was just a stroke of luck that she was not a "missing girl". I honestly feel so blessed that I still have her. My point is not one of her friends walked her to the car, made sure she was ok, they were all drinking and having fun and they didn't want to be bothered with a sick girl. This is the way drinking people act and think. Please tell all of your daughters to be careful. We see this more and more girls missing after drinking. Don't ever let you friends walk alone or go to the car alone. After so many days of a girl missing, things don't look too good, I feel so sorry for her parents, they don't deserve this, but predators do not care about other people and how they feel. And there's always a chance she could have had some type of accident. I pray for this girl and her family. I hope she's found.

I have a similar story, was waiting for a friend and having my first beer. It was a regular neighborhood joint where I usually know lots of people- bartenders were good friends. It was a very busy night, lots of strangers, and an annoying guy started to chat me up, and idiot me didn't keep my eyes on him because I was looking away- how you do when you are not interested- and texting my friend to hurry.
Very suddenly I realized I had been drugged and had to get out of there. I scanned the room, and picked the most honest looking guy I could find and went right up to him and told him what happened and to please get me out of there and home. I'm not sure why I didn't tell the bartender. I just thought I needed a big strong honest guy because I would not be able to walk soon, so that is what I did.
I woke up on my couch with a text from the guy who brought me home checking if I was okay. And texts from my friend saying she wasn't going to be able to make it out because of work. Last I remembered we were in the cab sorting out my address and keys. I am so glad I picked a good guy. It can happen to anyone, anywhere.
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