VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #13

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IICR, Keswick is a little crossroads community ease of Cville -- old country store with a gas station. Maybe some "no trespassing" signs around to discourage parking/peeing.

There is also the private Keswick estate, very exclusive, and likely to have a security system installed which would alert if any unauthorized personnel were on the property.

A motorist would have to go out of their way to drive onto the property, in my opinion, but much more like to "get caught trespassing" than if they were loitering around a convenience store . JMOO

Have you checked google maps to see if JM's orange car is parked outside?:laughing:

I'm new and wanted to respond to this thread last night, but I couldn't because it seems to take a while to register here. So not to flog an already dead horse, but I wanted to comment on the sex trafficking idea. I live in VA. not far from where all of this is happening. About 45 minutes away. Our local news a few months back had a 2-3 night segment on sex trafficking and how they use interstate 81 to bring them through this area.

I don't think this involves HG at all, but maybe others who keep bringing up the topic also live in this part of VA. and you heard about it on the news. Granted most of them are not white women, but it is an industry that is growing.

I've also read many of her tweets. In the UK and Europe the legal drinking age is 18. From what I've read, she seemed to have cocktails, etc. when in Europe, which is completely legal. Just my opinion, but I think she probably has a better tolerance than an 18 year old who had never had wine or beer before. And Cville is and can be very confusing at night. Even for someone who has been there many times.

My heart breaks for her family. And all of the families around here with a missing family member. Sometimes I feel like our local news sort of glosses over the fact when someone goes missing. And then you find a forum like this and realize there are a higher percentage of missing women in my area compared to where someone else may live.
I'm going to throw out theory here. Unless people can absolutely prove that no un-located white women have not ended up trafficked, I can't completely rule it out. It may be rare but the way LE is handling the case/media also appears unusual.

Right, now for the theory..not the only one I have

imo jmo and all that
JM was had links with a gang that also participates in human trafficking/owed them money/owed them a favour /......
To repay whatever debt, he got them a girl
HG is on the way to central America or some other place the gang has ties
They might have eyewitness or video evidence of them together in the car by now. We don't know that either way.

Yes, but their last statement was that they do not, so that is the last known fact and that is what I will base my opinions off of.
How do you know her pants are missing? Or aren't missing?

Yeah, I'm not sure what that was supposed to mean. We're dealing with a missing person, all of the clothing she was wearing is missing too. It would be bigger news if her pants weren't missing.

I think that the person you're quoting was confusing it with the speculation that JM's pants were missing. That was the whole discussion of how investigators didn't find the white shirt+shorts in his apartment and he wasn't wearing them at the police station, i.e. So where are they? Did he burn them? etc. etc.
BBM. Interesting that JM's neighbors saw a white woman there on saturday I think but said she did not meet the description of HG.

I think his original tweet of walking with an unidentified woman was in relation to the tuels video that we now know showed JM walking with Hannah.

Sorry, none of this really pertains to the case other than providing an explanation as to why Coy is reporting strange "breaking news" things that turn out to be false.
FYI: For those who have been speculating, the below is from a press release issued by the Nelson County Commonwealth Attorney's office today, September 24, 2014. Please feel free to quote this post and/or share the link to the PR image so that we can put an end to this line of false speculation.

In recent days, there has been much discussion in news reports and on social media as to whether or not there is any connection between the case involving Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr., charged in connection with missing UVA student Hannah Graham and Randy Allen Taylor who was convicted in May 2014 for abduction with intent to defile and the first degree murder of Alexis Murphy of Nelson County.

The discussions focus on whether or not Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. of Chalrottesville was the person Randy Taylor tried to implicate in his trial of being with Alexis Murphy when she left Taylor's camper in August 2013.

Dameon Bradley was the black male Taylor positively identified as the person he was talking about in the Alexis Murphy case. Taylor also said that Bradley drove a maroon Chevy Caprice with big rims. He also described Bradley as having "corn rows".

At no time did the name Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr., or a vehicle resembling Matthews', come up in the Randy Taylor, Alexis Murphy case. Dameon Bradley, who testified in Randy Taylor's jurty trial, denied Taylor's allegations and had an alibi that was confirmed by law enforcement for the time period Alexis Murphy went missing.

It is also important to note that Bradley is light-skinned and is of much smaller build than Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. Bradley also worked at the McDonald's at the Liberty Gas Station, where Taylor saw him on a regular basis.


Important repost.
I do not want to convict someone before all the evidence is in, and it's innocent until proven guilty, my problem is the fact that since we all know he was the last person to see Hannah, why didn't he go to police and tell his story, where he dropped her off, where she may have been going, etc. It would have been much better for him to do that as far as I'm concerned, instead of taking off and making himself look guilty. If she did accidentally die, why on earth would he have not called 911 to get help for her? I know defense attorneys say not to talk, but there is a human element here, like her parents who desperately want their daughter back. Maybe I think too unrealistically, but if he had nothing to hide why did he run?

What you are saying sounds reasonable but there are others who are so certain that he's guilty that they've taken to belittling the very idea that he may be innocent. That's what's causing contention.
First post. Lurked all the way through while Jennifer huston and Kristy kelley were missing. Was so hoping for a different outcome for them. Maybe for Hannah....

Anyway, the 'intent to defile' seems very specific and ominous to me. Really makes me think that they must have found the date rape drug or handcuffs or something in his car/ house. Both the words 'abduction' and 'defile' imply something done against the will of the victim-- not any sort of accident. They must have something more on him to be able to use those terms. MOO
I don't have a link, but my memory from the presser before last night was the Chief said they had....not sure how he worded it.....but he indicated they'd been seen together after they left Tempo. He worded it in a way that I wasn't sure if it was eye witness or video. He may not even have said seen. I remember thinking it was a very ambiguous way to word it. I'll look it up later.

Yes, that has been his wording this whole time. They have footage of them after they left the bar, but not in the car. That could mean they have footage of them outside the bar, sitting on a bench a few feet from the bar, down the street from the bar etc. We don't know. But, they have stated they do not have footage of them in the car. They have footage of the car leaving, but can't determine who is in it.
Why is it taking so long for JM to turn himself in? Does he not realize the effect it is having on his family, friends, coworkers? The family of Hannah? Her friends and fellow students?

Every minute he delays is one minute longer before learning of what transpired with Hannah after they left Tempo. And possibly for her safe return? Can't he imagine what her parents are going through not knowing whether their daughter is dead or alive? Doesn't he think that they are in agony?

I wish he would just do the decent thing and turn himself in, guilty or innocent. JMV

Respectfully snipped for length.

I agree and at this stage I cannot see this ending well for JLM or his family.

My fear is that he will do something stupid......lets face it he hasnt shown himself to be an Einstein by any means

Or impulsive when he seriously hurt an acquaintance while horsing around or when he punched a lawyer in the face for threatening to call the police.

My fear is that he will precipate a situation in which police have no choice but to fire upon and kill him.

Desperate men are known to take desperate actions.

And if he is killed Hannah might not be found for long, long time.
Yes, but their last statement was that they do not, so that is the last known fact and that is what I will base my opinions off of.

The point still stands that they may have the evidence though, and the detective did say the other day that they had something that put JM together with Hannah after they had been to the Tempo.
Why is it taking so long for JM to turn himself in? Does he not realize the effect it is having on his family, friends, coworkers? The family of Hannah? Her friends and fellow students?

Every minute he delays is one minute longer before learning of what transpired with Hannah after they left Tempo. And possibly for her safe return? Can't he imagine what her parents are going through not knowing whether their daughter is dead or alive? Doesn't he think that they are in agony?

I wish he would just do the decent thing and turn himself in, guilty or innocent. JMV

JM may just be thinking about himself right now. There are a lot of people who think about them selves nearly completely. The thing is, it's not going to be an easy thing for JM when he does turn himself in. There will be a media circus, most likely, and he will be treated like a criminal, shackles on legs and cuffs, with police all around him. Thrown into a cell . Life as he has known it will end and he will likely spend a lot of time in the next year or so in a jail cell with a lot of scorn thrown his way. So it's not like some great nirvana awaits him.

And he isn't going to get any reward for giving any information up about Hannah. He might be worse off if he does. In fact, I would be surprised if his attorney doesn't tell him to just keep his mouth shut. He would be better off if they do not find Hannah (especially if she is dead and traces of JM are on her). The DA would have to come up with a story to fit what evidence he has and try to sell it to a jury, and the defense just can tear it down and give probably alternatives. The less said by JM, the easier it is for the defense. Because JM is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, he does not have to say a word, answer any questions, nothing. The DA has to make the case, prove it while the Defense can shoot holes in it and cast reasonable doubt.

So unless JM has anything that would help his case, saying nothing is the best thing to do. With little evidence and nothing to use that JM has said, there is a higher likelihood the case will deal out.

Frankly, I think JM did kill Hannah, my opinion only, but that is the most likely scenario. Maybe he did not intend to d so, got too angry, too physical, he was just too strong, hit her the wrong way. Maybe it was deliberate so that she could not testify against him if he did indeed take her somewhere against her will, assault her, rape her.

IT was not only evil for if do so, but on a pragmatic basis, foolish since there were witnesses who saw him with her. I don't think he was thinking clearly. Or he isn't smart at all. Or was on something. He had to know that he could be traced to her.

If there is a chance she is alive, if he just dumped her off somewhere, he should say, but I think he knows she's dead, and if she is found, the case against him will be stronger. No advantage to him to say anything.
Lets see. Suppose HG never goes missing. She hooks up with JM & is seen walking with his arm around her. Later their seen in a bar together. DNA is found in his apartment. Maybe even some of her clothing is found in his apartment. Also, maybe some of her DNA is found in his car. This scenario plays out every day. Nothing suspicious about this.
Have you checked google maps to see if JM's orange car is parked outside?:laughing:

imo jmo and all that
JM was had links with a gang that also participates in human trafficking/owed them money/owed them a favour /......
To repay whatever debt, he got them a girl
HG is on the way to central America or some other place the gang has ties

I don't really have anything that contradicts your theory. But I have to ask if you have any facts that support it?
My comment should not have been construed as telling someone to stop posting. It was telling someone to stop drawing conclusions based on deductive reasoning comprising a single supposition.

The point is that that is their right to post, and it is not your right to tell them to stop. Regardless of your reason. Let people post and add to the conversation in their own ways. There is nothing wrong w/ that.
Bringing this forward again..

CBS 6 WTVR Richmond ‏@CBS6 1m
RT @MelissaCBS6: Detective: We do have video of #HannahGraham and Matthew together after they left Tempo restaurant@CBS6

MSM has false information all over the place. Chief Longo specifically said there is no video. He said it was witness testimony. It's right there in the pressers. Some MSM says JM sped of recklessly immediately after leaving the police station. Chief Longo specifically said it was 15 minutes after leaving near the county line. There are like 20 more examples of MSM having conflicting reports.
Maybe JM is practicing for a Movie role where he plays a clearly Guilty man on the run.

He's doing a damn good job.

Lets see. Suppose HG never goes missing. She hooks up with JM & is seen walking with his arm around her. Later their seen in a bar together. DNA is found in his apartment. Maybe even some of her clothing is found in his apartment. Also, maybe some of her DNA is found in his car. This scenario plays out every day. Nothing suspicious about this.

I would agree, but does your characterization of this as drunken casual sex support the abduction with intent charge for which JM is being sought?
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