VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #2

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I didn't think it was the pot-belly white guy in the dark pants that contacted police . . . . I thought it was the thinner white guy wearing light colors that spoke to the police (and has been cleared). Am I wrong?

That's exactly what I was thinking. I have actually DONE this--I was out on a hiking trail when a creeper scared me, and I literally ran to a couple 100 yards ahead of me and linked my arms through theirs, and said "can I please walk with you, I think that guy is following me."

How did the potbelly white guy KNOW to call the police if he hadn't been watching this very, very closely? He may be a perfectly nice man, but...if I were LE I would not be done with him yet.

Here's a good link that ties all the video together...
That is a good question! In all of the video of her moving, she is walking FAST. The distance between the two buildings is 207 feet and would take a normal-speed person 1 minute to walk. If it took her 2-4 minutes, my guess is that she stopped along the way. This would explain how the dreadlock guy was able to catch-up with her. . . . . but that would have probably meant that the white guy would have either passed her before the dreadlock guy caught-up with her (unless he stopped walking when she did). ????


For those discussing time and distance between surveillance videos, keep in mind that rarely are these synced to accurate time sources. Even when connected to the Internet, it generally takes extra configuration to configure them for continuous accurate time. So I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the two minutes it takes from the 1:06 video to the 1:08 video.
So if BG was helping her feel safe, why did she not arrive at her destination?
Yep, yep, yep.
Hinky meter is firing double time. My biggest question: Unless this guy was a mall business owner (at which point I feel like we would know this), WHAT WAS HE DOING OUT ON THE MALL AT 1AM FOLLOWING A DRUNK COLLEGE GIRL AROUND? He stood out like a sore thumb.

Single people following someone scares me. I don't care if it is innocent. I would be uncomfortable. I was at market basket once, and I swear this older man was following me. I didn't notice till the end, when my cart was full and he had maybe 5 items in his. We ended up in every aisle together. Eventually it was time for me to check out, I even saw him glimpse to see if that was what I was doing too. I tricked him and went back for something. When I return I didn't see him in line. But I observe him outside as I was checking out, he was loading his vehicle. Took him forever, right next to mine by the way. I was thinking I am not leaving till he leaves. He did.

She might of saw someone ahead and remembered seeing them earlier that night and got creep out. Or behind her. I would more than likely pretend to know someone if I had that feeling.
I have heard that he contacted policy on Tuesday, but his call was not returned until Wednesday (after LE had the video that matched his story) . . . . . and this is why they were comfortable releasing the videos.

I am confused about one thing though. Why did it take a couple days for WG to call the tip line. Surely he would have known they were looking for her before that. Was he waiting to see if they had him on video.
I didn't think it was the pot-belly white guy in the dark pants that contacted police . . . . I thought it was the thinner white guy wearing light colors that spoke to the police (and has been cleared). Am I wrong?

Yes, you are. It was the heavier guy. The other guy isn't even behind her, is he?
I'd like to see video from before Sal's. where was cell phone guy and when did Hannah first notice him? When did Hannah first start walking so fast and appearing on alert?

If he noticed her earlier and she was aware, she might have already tried to duck him once or twice. So she loses him by stopping and he has to keep walking. and so he stops to wait. then she comes by and he makes it obvious he's still on her. so she stops again to text and/or grab a friendly passerby to walk with her (dreadlocks). so she ditches him but maybe picks up someone who's also a predator? or maybe dreadlock guy takes off and cell phone guy is waiting for her again and maybe he's pissed off now.
I am checking in... new to this case, and I just want to say that my first impression, without reading all the posts, was that the person with the long hair/dreads is transgender. A female dressed like a male. So when I started reading about the confusion in gender, I assumed this was why.
For those discussing time and distance between surveillance videos, keep in mind that rarely are these synced to accurate time sources. Even when connected to the Internet, it generally takes extra configuration to configure them for continuous accurate time. So I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the two minutes it takes from the 1:06 video to the 1:08 video.

The time stamp on the Tuel's video is actually 01:02:xx. I've been assuming that is a time setting issue not the accurate time ...
I wonder if the mall can be characterized as having the atmosphere of last call at the bar late at night, where desperate folks can just hang out, people watch, and pick off the last of the drunk crowds as they leave events at JPJ, Jefferson, or the outdoor pavilion.
Yes, you are. It was the heavier guy. The other guy isn't even behind her, is he?

Oh, I thought cell phone guy contacted police. If not, then he's suspect for sure. It was the older, heavier guy who contacted police?
agree totally. but he appears concerned. he cranes his neck and steps in right behind her. too obvious to be stalking. I believe him. the other white guy who walks by before Hannah does ends up behind her at the jewelry store, probably because she stopped, maybe to text as police say she was texting friends. so then dreadlocks catches up to her and offers her a ride?

Well maybe he texted her. Ever thought of that, just maybe he "catfished" her with a fake profile or a picture. To meet him there after some talking telling a lie there was party down town meet him there.. Its a lot scenario we can use in this one.
Another oddity to the time line, if she did stop so that dreadlock guy caught up how did she catch up so fast to the two women. If you look at the beginning of the jewelry store video it catches them right as they pass by, soon after HG and whoever she is walking with pass by. She has gained considerable distance on the two women when compared with the first video outside the restaurant. That wouldn't make sense unless she never stopped or the women also stopped.
The other possibility is she stopped and asked someone to use their phone. Maybe her's went dead.

That said, even though he makes my hinky meter go off, if he really WAS a good samaritan, he could have just felt satisfied enough when the other guy joined Hannah to leave her be.

So if BG was helping her feel safe, why did she not arrive at her destination?
Also, I wanted to note that maybe CWG pulled over and checked his phone for the time, for one reason or another. Even when I am wearing a watch I will pull my phone out of my pocket to check the time, sometimes subconsciously. Especially if he was nervous, it could be more like a nervous tick or something to make him look busy, etc.
This might be an obvious observation but he also seems to be acting in a shady manner more than the BM, who seems to me is just walking. CWG looks around several times in a shady way and then the ducking into the doorway, just seems more shady than walking along.

I agree CWG looks shady from the time he first appears. The first couple of times I watched the video I couldn't really identify Hannah right away, however, I did notice CWG and thought he looked creepy.
There are LOTS of people on the Downtown Mall at this time of night that look like the guy people are calling "CWG" . . . . and like Dreadlock guy . . . . and like the women walking. My point being that Cville, for being such a small town is truly a melting-pot of diversity (especially the Downtown Area). I have watched the videos at least 20 times and no one in the video seems out of place or odd to me for the area at that time of night . . . . there are college students, townies, bar/cafe workers getting off-shift, homeless people, etc. I really don't think we should stereotype anyone here.

Yep, yep, yep.
Hinky meter is firing double time. My biggest question: Unless this guy was a mall business owner (at which point I feel like we would know this), WHAT WAS HE DOING OUT ON THE MALL AT 1AM FOLLOWING A DRUNK COLLEGE GIRL AROUND? He stood out like a sore thumb.
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