VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #6

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dude rode the bus with JM in middle school. waste of time. he said JM was a person of faith and he doesn't think he is capable of this. but hasn't heard from/seen him in 13-14 years.

And in related news, Ted Bundy's Kindergarten classmate said Ted was an awesome guy and regularly shared his chocolate milk.
This is going to sounds really, really weird. After watching all the videos of her walking and being alone so much of the evening, I have to pose this question. Is there any way possible she could have some type of exercise disorder? It almost looks like she is wearing running type shoes in some of the videos I watched. I knew girls in college that would go out walking at midnight after a night on the town as to not feel fat after drinking all night. I know it is weird. I just wonder if she left after Tempo's and continued her exercising and then was snatched by someone else? Sorry, i know this is weird and disrespectful.

Oh,wow. That thought crossed my mind, too!
After all these days and all this sleuthing I believe that Hannah was on a mission and I've heard other people say this, and I agree, it had to do with a boyfriend? Does anyone know if she had one? Maybe she just didn't want her friends to know whom she was seeing for various reasons. I do not believe it was BG. Whatever happened after that and there are so many things that could have happened, I can't quite figure out, it's so confusing. I just am praying for her safe return, but it's not looking good at the moment.

I hadnt considered the phraseology before. Ive been a driver for most of my adult life so my text would have read "going to a party" since it would involve some work (driving) getting there.

"Coming" does seem to imply that someone is "bringing" her there.
It would help to know what her friends may have texted her before that because if a friend were to say someone said you were going to a party...she could then respond by asking a question by saying I'm coming to a party....I'm lost as in she was confused. Does that make sense?
I think everyone needs to be careful when people start saying, "Oh, LM is the absolute nicest guy, blah, blah." That very well may be true. People still come up to me to tell me my stepdad was the nicest guy they ever met, although he was a monster at home to my mom and me. Also, Scott Peterson's own friends and mother in law defended him at first. So, just remember sociopath types always have EVERYONE fooled. How do you think they get girls in their car in the first place? They are masters of deception. Just saying....
She would use "coming" if she was asked by someone at party where she was...and "a" party could have been a typo or autocorrect, if she typed "tah" or something for "the". I think she was in control of her phone at 1:20am. Jmo
Again, we do not know correct, accurate wording used in her text.


Bingo...we do not know the actual wording of the text. Also, to those who say I'm coming to a party implies traveling with doesn't mean that to me, at all. It just means that I'm on my way. But to my knowledge, the actual wording of the texts has not been shared by the PD (unless I missed that), so the rest is just pure speculation. But, heck...we're all pretty good at that here. That's why there are 6 threads and we're on page 39 of #6 right now. :winkaway:
And if that is the exact quote -- which it might not be -- why "a" party instead of "the" party?

Thinking maybe it was a party her friends were not familiar maybe a party she found out about at some point that night, rather than "the party" that her friends may be familiar with. But then again, if someone else wrote the text...that's a different story.
I think everyone needs to be careful when people start saying, "Oh, LM is the absolute nicest guy, blah, blah." That very well may be true. People still come up to me to tell me my stepdad was the nicest guy they ever met, although he was a monster at home to my mom and me. Also, Scott Peterson's own friends and mother in law defended him at first. So, just remember sociopath types always have EVERYONE fooled. How do you think they get girls in their car in the first place? They are masters of deception. Just saying....

But it was his Grandma...and he did eat his greens before heading out for the it must be true!
For all we know, both could be predators and WG stepped forward because he may have feared someone saw him tailing her. I find them both to be creepy.

Agree. I am also skeptical of any "good friend", etc who speaks to the media about the POI at this point. It's a high-profile case and you're likely to end up with his fifth cousin twice removed or a classmate from 15 years ago telling the media all about the POI as if they are the authority on his current life/habits in order to get 15 minutes in the spotlight.
Friend hasn't seen him since 10 or 11 years ago :)
I think everyone needs to be careful when people start saying, "Oh, LM is the absolute nicest guy, blah, blah." That very well may be true. People still come up to me to tell me my stepdad was the nicest guy they ever met, although he was a monster at home to my mom and me. Also, Scott Peterson's own friends and mother in law defended him at first. So, just remember sociopath types always have EVERYONE fooled. How do you think they get girls in their car in the first place? They are masters of deception. Just saying....

Yes, it swings both ways. In some cases you get a bunch of people coming forward saying "OMG he was always so creepy I knew he would do something like this eventually!". In other cases you will have people saying "I can't believe he ever would do this, he was an amazing guy!"

IMO, many types of people can commit major crimes-- whether they have a 'creepy'/unpleasant personality or not.

However, I am still very interested in hearing from people who actually do know him currently (not people who rode the bus in middle school...).
To me, the behavior of the middle-aged white man who was hiding and watching her in the mall, ducking out of sight, etc., is MUCH more suspicious than anything I've heard about the guy with dreadlocks. Who does that? Who ducks and hides while watching a young girl in obvious distress and seemingly not in full command of her faculties? To my mind, that would be the behavior of a predator, someone stalking her and just waiting for his chance--NOT someone who wants to go to her aid. I wouldn't put it past such a person to continue the hide-and-watch routine while Hannah is talking with the dreadlocked guy, just waiting his own turn, and knowing that he now has someone else to blame for whatever he himself is hoping/planning to do. And the phone call to the help line later would be useful in turning LE's attention to a black suspect instead of himself. Somehow this all bothers me, mainly because of having seen the security film of this *helpful* middle-aged man ducking out of view to watch Hannah and then following her. All I think when I see that video is "predator." Sorry if all this has been said a zillion times, but this is my first visit to this thread.
There is a table of three men in that video (referring to the pub video) It looks like they are talking about her. You can see there heads and gestures. When she crossed back over the street to leave one of them leaves the table. Maybe they should really look into where that young man goes. You can see someone leave out that direction at the very end of the video, but it is too short to see it.
Yes, it swings both ways. In some cases you get a bunch of people coming forward saying "OMG he was always so creepy I knew he would do something like this eventually!". In other cases you will have people saying "I can't believe he ever would do this, he was an amazing guy!"

IMO, many types of people can commit major crimes-- whether they have a 'creepy'/unpleasant personality or not.

However, I am still very interested in hearing from people who actually do know him currently (not people who rode the bus in middle school...).

We have two ppl on this thread that knew him in some way. 1. Works with him, the other's son plays on a football team that JM coaches.
From surveillance video police have found, it appears that Graham simply was walking in the wrong direction while trying to meet up with friends. Police detective James Mooney said that in her text messages to friends, Graham indicated that she was lost and disoriented, at one point saying she was on Main Street when she actually was on Preston Avenue.
Graham also indicated that she believed she was walking back toward her home when she was actually headed the opposite way, authorities said. She also texted friends asking for someone to come find her after she realized she was lost. She last texted friends at 1:06 a.m., about the time that the man in dreadlocks encountered her.
Longo, the police chief, said it is clear that Graham walked to the mall on her own — more than a mile from her apartment — and that police believe she could have left the mall in the man’s vehicle after joining him at Tempo, a restaurant and bar.
Yes, I know. And I greatly appreciate their input :)

I'd actually like to hear from his buddies, roommates, girl friend...their insight would be dead on. But then again, ppl can hide the "monster." We've seen that in past cases.
I'm new to WS and this is my first comment. I work at the hospital where POI works and know people who have trained him and worked closely with him. He used to work in patient transportation but now works in the OR's as a person who helps to move patients in the OR and help position pt's for surgery. He would potentially have access to drugs in the OR's- not super easily but it would be possible. I really only had peripheral contact with him but found him to be polite and not inappropriate although I have heard that the way he looked a women made some of the other male techs uncomfortable- they thought it was over the top for work I think. Also, I know at least one woman who has worked near/around him found him to be creepy in that he was sort of seemingly unaware of personal space and boundaries. Not sure that that is really incriminating though. Haven't heard that he didn't show up for work as scheduled except for on Friday when they executed the search warrant at his apartment.
I agree that the story doesn't make sense. I have also heard he has/had a long-term girlfriend and seemed to have gotten his life relatively together- was volunteering as an assistant coach for the football team at a local Christian school and had a good job, having worked his way up a bit. The video shows his behavior to be suspicious though and if his motives were good he would have tried in some way to help HG and would be willing to discuss that with police. His behavior that night and his public persona do not match, which gives me the creeps. If he was really who he portrays himself to be publicly and did not do her harm, he would have come forward to help. This leads me to believe that he is not who he seems to be outwardly.

Welcome to Websleuths! And thank you so much for sharing. I am on the fence about JM, but I find this kind of feedback very helpful. It's interesting that some folks felt like he had some boundary issues. I'm looking for red flags.

I do find it suspect that he portrays himself as a strong Christian according to someone else here on WS who knows him, and yet he was out drinking on the mall at 1 AM. That's not a typical Born-Again activity. It tells me there's a disconnect in identity, kind of like the Cooper Harris case. JMO
I would help to know what her friends may have texted her before that because if a friend were to say someone said you were going to a party...she could then respond by asking a question by saying I'm coming to a party....I'm lost as in she was confused. Does that make sense?

Context of the text is important. Friend could have texted something to the effect "where have you been? where are you? we will pick you up on our way to party" In response, one might respond (without normal punctuationas we do with texts) "lost at 14th and ...."
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