VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #5 *Arrests*

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AM "says" they were running buddies. Has this really been confirmed? Or, are reporters simply repeating what AM says without fact checking? I admit I'm skeptical that AM even knew DE let alone trained with him and witnessed NK lurking about. AM could be making the whole story up.

But if AM did indeed know DE, I find it **REALLY STRANGE** and I would like more information on how they met. Being "connected" to two murderers is an unbelievable coincidence. I'd like to know details on how they met, if they did. How in the world did DE come to "train" a non-runner, non-student?!

I'm not sure which one of these scenarios to believe.


It's more than bizarre! AM much older than DE too, yet he seemed in awe of him. I don't think we can trust anything AM says. I think he is being scrutinized closely all brought on by himself. Former FedEx driver & NASCAR wheelman, he remains under a cloud of suspicion with the APD
"Things to Know if You’re Questioned by Loudoun Police

The most important thing to know is if you’re being questioned by police is that you’re not obliged to speak with them. The body of case law known as “Miranda rights” referring to the case of Miranda v. Arizona, states that you have rights and those include the right to remain silent when being charged or similarly detained.

The officers will often ask their suspect or a person recently charged with an offense to waive their Miranda rights and speak with the officers. They can do that if they so choose, but I would advise against that and most other attorneys in my line of work would as well. So the important thing to know when speaking with law enforcement is it falls in your court and you control things. The situation is going to be set up psychologically so you feel you are not in control; however, you always have the ability to invoke your right to remain silent and invoke your right to counsel and you should not hesitate to do so if you are not comfortable."

This is from a defense attorney's web site offering advice to potential clients. Not knowing what the booking procedure is I did a search and came across this.

My guess on her demeanor...She was in handcuffs at booking but had not been charged yet. In the video she has no clue what she is in for. They probably told her it was just procedure to put her in handcuffs if she would be finding in the squad car and didn't really mean anything. They were probably very friendly with her to gain her trust, hence why she was so bubbly. Later during the questioning she sang like a bird. Must have been a relief for her to get it off her chest, cathartic even. As it says above...
" The situation is going to be set up psychologically so you feel you are not in control;"
She feels in control at the point we see in the video. And then the sh** hits the fan.


The only things you should ever say when questioned by a LEO is:

1) (if asked) your name, address, and DOB (you are required by law to give them this info in some states but not all)

2) "I wish to remain silent."

3) Am I free to leave?

4) Am I being arrested?


5) "LAWYER."


ETA: Not that any of us here at WS who are upstanding citizens would need this advice anyway, it's still good to know. People are falsely accused of crimes all the time.

The only things you should ever say when questioned by a LEO is:

1) (if asked) your name, address, and DOB (you are required by law to give them this info in some states but not all)

2) "I wish to remain silent."

3) Am I free to leave?

4) Am I being arrested?


5) "LAWYER."


ETA: Not that any of us here at WS who are upstanding citizens would need this advice anyway, it's still good to know. People are falsely accused of crimes all the time.

This is one reason I don't think Keepers watched a lot of true crime TV. You learn pretty quick by watching not to talk and if you feel pressured to ask for a lawyer. And, if you happen to be on the stand and are asked a question you feel might incriminate you, you can respond by replying "I would like to invoke my 5th amendment right and not answer the questions."

None of this means you are guilty of anything. It just puts the responsibility on LE to investigate and not jump the gun by focusing on you.
Yes, early morning from BUF's post. I guess LE allowed her change clothes - unless she was still wearing the same clothes they killed Nicole in - which would not surprise me either.
I don't know what others thought but I found the summer-like scooped neck tank tops and leggings to be out of place for the weather we were having, at the time. It just seemed odd to be dressed that way on Jan 31st.

At the time of her arrest, it was near 30* F.
I don't know what others thought but I found the summer-like scooped neck tank tops and leggings to be out of place for the weather we were having, at the time. It just seemed odd to be dressed that way on Jan 31st.

That was literally my first thought when I saw NK's mugshot---like WHY is she wearing a tank top when it's freezing outside?

The only things you should ever say when questioned by a LEO is:

1) (if asked) your name, address, and DOB (you are required by law to give them this info in some states but not all)

2) "I wish to remain silent."

3) Am I free to leave?

4) Am I being arrested?


5) "LAWYER."


ETA: Not that any of us here at WS who are upstanding citizens would need this advice anyway, it's still good to know. People are falsely accused of crimes all the time.

I loved your ETA!
I thought it was interesting to see "weight loss" as one of NK's boards in Pinterest. I wonder if she had body image problems? Is that in line with being a "cutter"? The other "foods I will make gluten free" board was mildly amusing to see given her statements at the bail hearing (in a dark humor sort of way - on no account do I find any part of this horrific situation to be funny).
Well, perhaps she thought she could distract the officers, if they were male, with her female assets, or perhaps they told her to take off whatever she had on in order to photograph her arms for evidence?
Also, her mugshot is in street clothes whereas DE's was in jailhouse orange. Btw, in the booking video, if you look closely to the right of the frame, when DE is in his pjs, the guard behind the desk actually hands the uniformed officer the jailhouse uniform. The timer then jumps to several minutes later and DE is then in the Orange.
PJ bottoms reportedly were under his jeans...LE arrived when he was in bed for the night. When they took him in for questioning, he put on jeans over the jammy bottoms. JMO
Also, her mugshot is in street clothes whereas DE's was in jailhouse orange. Btw, in the booking video, if you look closely to the right of the frame, when DE is in his pjs, the guard behind the desk actually hands the uniformed officer the jailhouse uniform. The timer then jumps to several minutes later and DE is then in the Orange.

Weird! I wonder what the deal is... That is curious.
That was literally my first thought when I saw NK's mugshot---like WHY is she wearing a tank top when it's freezing outside?

Funny, I didn't think that at all. Seems teenagers these days never get cold because so many of them refuse to wear a jacket or coat in the winter, at least in the suburb of Washington, DC where I live. Plus, we don't know if the dorms are overly warm. All the girls wear those leggings and Ugg boots or other leather boots. Isn't that how she was dressed in the booking videos?

I thought it was more amusing that DE was wearing his pajamas, but then I realized that he was arrested in the middle of the night and booked at 2:00 in the morning. He was probably in bed sleeping when the police arrived with arrest warrant in hand to arrest him.
Birds of a feather, flock together.
Weirdos attract weirdos.

Unconfident, feeble minds attract the eye of users and sociopaths. Eisenhauer probably thought he could pin the whole thing on NK if ever caught, especially if she was as into him as is expected, thus the reason he didn't worry that much about the electronic trail (cell phones, social media sites, Walmart tape, etc) or the physical evidence left in NKs dorm.
O/T did anyone ever hear of 'guilty sleep'? On 48 hours a murderer was in a fetal position on the floor, then cradled his head in his hands .........the LE talked of 'guilty sleep' a way to ignor the situation. Interesting!
in the DC area as well, leggings are very popular and not uncommon to see people dress "out of season" in winter here for some reason, ie. guy I worked with wore cargo shorts all year long.

NK is from the area (Laurel, MD is in the Wash DC Metro area) so I'm not surprised at her attire.
O/T did anyone ever hear of 'guilty sleep'? On 48 hours a murderer was in a fetal position on the floor, then cradled his head in his hands .........the LE talked of 'guilty sleep' a way to ignor the situation. Interesting!

Never heard of it. By the looks of the mugshots, it doesn't look like either of them were doing much sleeping, but who knows? I think Keepers was on some kind of "high" or something!
Just a thought, but could it be that DE talked NK into taking the blanket & cleaning supplies (and possible suitcase/backpack) with she would be the one caught with evidence? He did immediately say that he picked up NK when questioned, bringing her into this. DE just didn't expect NK to talk so much.
Just a thought, but could it be that DE talked NK into taking the blanket & cleaning supplies (and possible suitcase/backpack) with she would be the one caught with evidence? He did immediately say that he picked up NK when questioned, bringing her into this. DE just didn't expect NK to talk so much.

Yes, I do think he could have talked her into taking all that "evidence" to her dorm room. Maybe she was so off guard when LE showed up that if they asked her to search the room, she absolutely caved knowing how it was going to look with her having Nicole's blanket, cleaning supplies and the possible "suitcase/backpack". I'm sure they didn't share with her the evidence they did have on DE at any point. Oh, to be a fly on the wall....
Also, her mugshot is in street clothes whereas DE's was in jailhouse orange. Btw, in the booking video, if you look closely to the right of the frame, when DE is in his pjs, the guard behind the desk actually hands the uniformed officer the jailhouse uniform. The timer then jumps to several minutes later and DE is then in the Orange.

Weird! I wonder what the deal is... That is curious.

I would suspect that pjs may be considered 'inappropriate' wear (no matter what they actually look like). And if he did have jeans on top of them, having both pjs and jeans on may have also been considered 'inappropriate' (in a security sense). So that may explain the orange vs street clothes.
Just my thoughts.
Yes, I do think he could have talked her into taking all that "evidence" to her dorm room. Maybe she was so off guard when LE showed up that if they asked her to search the room, she absolutely caved knowing how it was going to look with her having Nicole's blanket, cleaning supplies and the possible "suitcase/backpack". I'm sure they didn't share with her the evidence they did have on DE at any point. Oh, to be a fly on the wall....

Could it be that is why he said "the truth will set me free"...that his plan all along was to pin it on NK?

Am I off the wall here?
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