VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #5 *Arrests*

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I don't know how reputable an agency US News is, but an article on their site stated that DE brought Nicole to NK ... what is the narrative from that point? Do they have this wrong? I didn't realize he brought her to NK.

Eisenhauer first denied his involvement after messages on Nicole's phone led police to him. Later, he admitted driving to her home and watching her climb out of her window the day she vanished. He said he greeted her with a side hug and then brought her to Keepers, Pettitt said.
I would suspect that pjs may be considered 'inappropriate' wear (no matter what they actually look like). And if he did have jeans on top of them, having both pjs and jeans on may have also been considered 'inappropriate' (in a security sense). So that may explain the orange vs street clothes.
Just my thoughts.

The first thing I thought when I saw DE in the pj's was thought that's risky to leave him in cell with those on because he could hang himself.
Could it be that is why he said "the truth will set me free"...that his plan all along was to pin it on NK?

Am I off the wall here?

No, not off the wall IMO. The more I think about it, the more I think DE planned for Natalie to be the fall guy. Fortunately, he left a bigger trail leading to him as the perp than Natalie - at least according to what we know at this point.
Weird! I wonder what the deal is... That is curious.

I think allowing NK to remain in her regular clothes a bit longer may have had to do with keeping her feeling "comfortable" and ready to keep talking as long as possible...keep her thinking she likely might be getting away from that place pretty soon if she cooperated.
Unconfident, feeble minds attract the eye of users and sociopaths. Eisenhauer probably thought he could pin the whole thing on NK if ever caught, especially if she was as into him as is expected, thus the reason he didn't worry that much about the electronic trail (cell phones, social media sites, Walmart tape, etc) or the physical evidence left in NKs dorm.

bbm: This. Yes. I have even wondered if he may have been considering a scenario in which he kills NK, too...setting things up to look like the girls attacked each other, or that he was "defending" one or the other of them.
Just a thought, but could it be that DE talked NK into taking the blanket & cleaning supplies (and possible suitcase/backpack) with she would be the one caught with evidence? He did immediately say that he picked up NK when questioned, bringing her into this. DE just didn't expect NK to talk so much.

I think it's very possible. He also may have "assigned" the task of getting rid of those things to her.
I don't know how reputable an agency US News is, but an article on their site stated that DE brought Nicole to NK ... what is the narrative from that point? Do they have this wrong? I didn't realize he brought her to NK.

Eisenhauer first denied his involvement after messages on Nicole's phone led police to him. Later, he admitted driving to her home and watching her climb out of her window the day she vanished. He said he greeted her with a side hug and then brought her to Keepers, Pettitt said.

There are different versions by different news agency regarding that particular statement. I'll see if I can find another version.

If indeed he did state he "brought her to Keepers" he really was trying to distance himself from the entire situation. I wonder if he said anything after that to the effect and then he left to return to his dorm room to continue studying or read his bible, etc.
The first thing I thought when I saw DE in the pj's was thought that's risky to leave him in cell with those on because he could hang himself.

Yes, if your pjs have string through them you're definitely not keeping them.

The prosecutor said Eisenhauer initially denied his involvement when police found his messages on Nicole's phone, but eventually, he said he drove to the girl's home, watched her climb out of her window and greeted her with a "side hug" before they drove off to pick up Keepers.

Keepers is adamant that she was not present at the killing itself, but she went along for the ride, Pettitt said. And once Nicole was dead, Keepers helped load her body into Eisenhauer's Lexus, the prosecutor added.
I think allowing NK to remain in her regular clothes a bit longer may have had to do with keeping her feeling "comfortable" and ready to keep talking as long as possible...keep her thinking she likely might be getting away from that place pretty soon if she cooperated.

Yes, and that would explain her "cocky" lackadaisical attitude in the video. Plus, LE played right along with her too, I think, leading her to believe she had suckered LE and they were totally believing everything she told them. And then the door slammed behind her, and there was only a toilet and hard cement bench to sit on (before she was moved to a cell). And, then there was the phone call to dear ole dad... I feel for her parents. It's a wonder her father didn't have a heart attack.
Here's a theory: Off the wall, I admit, a bit...but just for thinking on: What if DE told NK he was being stalked by some "woman"...that he needed her help to find out who this woman was and to figure out what to do. (Assuming he had got into "hot water" with Nicole and had decided to kill her...or maybe no "hot water", but just decided to kill her.)

Sooo....he maybe asks NK to stick pretty close...stick around when he's out running or at a track meet, etc., to see if she can spot "the stalker". Then AM comes into the picture that one day...sees NK hanging around at that meet and maybe other sites, asks about her. Of course DE is not gonna spill what he is up to, so he lets on to AM that NATALIE might be a stalker-type. Setting everybody up.

The prosecutor said Eisenhauer initially denied his involvement when police found his messages on Nicole's phone, but eventually, he said he drove to the girl's home, watched her climb out of her window and greeted her with a "side hug" before they drove off to pick up Keepers.

Keepers is adamant that she was not present at the killing itself, but she went along for the ride, Pettitt said. And once Nicole was dead, Keepers helped load her body into Eisenhauer's Lexus, the prosecutor added.

Don't have link handy, but I think there is yet another version that says he said he watched Nicole climb out the window, gave her a side hug, than left to go to Keepers' place...indicating that Nicole did not go with him.

All really confusing.
Still trying to wrap my head around the idea that an 18yr old guy who wants to keep his inappropriate relationship with a little girl a secret, would share this with a female peer at school. He felt comfortable enough with Keepers to let her in on his dirty secret... or was it something like, "Look at this 13 year old girl I'm trolling, hehe. Wanna help me troll her?"

Or maybe NK found out by accident, looking at his phone or computer when he was out of room or overhearing him on phone. This might be another reason DE felt the need to dispose of NL. Someone else now knows the secret which could result in his loss of scholarship money, degree, career, position on track team, reputation, parents respect, etc.
Here's a theory: Off the wall, I admit, a bit...but just for thinking on: What if DE told NK he was being stalked by some "woman"...that he needed her help to find out who this woman was and to figure out what to do. (Assuming he had got into "hot water" with Nicole and had decided to kill her...or maybe no "hot water", but just decided to kill her.)

Sooo....he maybe asks NK to stick pretty close...stick around when he's out running or at a track meet, etc., to see if she can spot "the stalker". Then AM comes into the picture that one day...sees NK hanging around at that meet and maybe other sites, asks about her. Of course DE is not gonna spill what he is up to, so he lets on to AM that NATALIE might be a stalker-type. Setting everybody up.

I can see everyone playing right into that hand too. And while LE has Natalie's story, AM is going around telling his version of events to help DE. AM scares me too.
Could it be that is why he said "the truth will set me free"...that his plan all along was to pin it on NK?

Am I off the wall here?

You know they are both going to point fingers, otherwise they would have copped a plea by now. The question is, who will the juries believe. Remember, just because NK said they plotted the murder for 3 weeks doesn't make it so. She also said she saw Einsenhauer kill Nicole. Maybe, NK told Eisenhauer, pick her up and I'll talk to her and help get rid of her for you, meaning scare her off. She may have even hid in backseat like in the Zamora case. A catfight may have ensued that resulted in a planned or unplanned murder on the part of NK. DE then was obligated to drive her to Walmart to get shovel and cleaning supplies "with her body still in trunk" as he was in this up to his neck as well. Nicole would have fought hard if she thought NK was a rival, as she put it on her social media page "Mess with my boyfriend and I will kill you." NK was way too forward and willing to reveal so much pointing the finger directly at DE for someone with nothing to hide. She's definitely lying... it's just a matter of how much.

Remember she was "excited to be part of something so secretive and special." She's not the little lame-brained pansy in all of this some might think. It very well might be that the murder was not planned at all, but an accident, a fight gone bad and NL may have actually died at NKs hand.
You know they are both going to point fingers, otherwise they would have copped a plea by now. The question is, who will the juries believe. Remember, just because NK said they plotted the murder for 3 weeks doesn't make it so. She also said she saw Einsenhauer kill Nicole. Maybe, NK told Eisenhauer, pick her up and I'll talk to her and help get rid of her for you, meaning scare her off. She may have even hid in backseat like in the Zamora case. A catfight may have ensued that resulted in a planned or unplanned murder on the part of NK. DE then was obligated to drive her to Walmart to get shovel and cleaning supplies "with her body still in trunk" as he was in this up to his neck as well. Nicole would have fought hard if she thought NK was a rival, as she put it on her social media page "Mess with my boyfriend and I will kill you." NK was way too forward and willing to reveal so much pointing the finger directly at DE for someone with nothing to hide. She's definitely lying... it's just a matter of how much.

Remember she was "excited to be part of something so secretive and special." She's not the little lame-brained pansy in all of this some might think. It very well might be that the murder was not planned at all, but an accident, a fight gone bad and NL may have actually died at NKs hand.

I think they bought the shovel ahead of time.
I'm a little confused. I thought NK was adamant that she was not present for the killing. How can you be not present, but also witness it?
I think they bought the shovel ahead of time.

If true, that puts them both in it up to their necks. Time of shovel purchase will determine everything. If prior to NL pickup, nothing either of them can say will save them from M1 conviction.
I'm a little confused. I thought NK was adamant that she was not present for the killing. How can you be not present, but also witness it?

Medias been reporting both accounts. Last report was "she saw him kill her." We know she was there. Whether she "saw" it, did it herself, or whatever, will come out later. She is left handed. Evidence will speak volumes and tell the tale. Time of shovel purchase will be final nail and show which way the ball bounced. Wounds on Nicole will show which one inflicted them, assuming he's right handed.
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