GUILTY VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, murdered, Blacksburg, 27 Jan 2016 #8

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So how did such a "smart" young couple of college students do internet searches about disposing of bodies end up just leaving it slightly off the road? To murder Nicole, he apparently took her a couple hundred yards out in the woods but he couldn't take the time to take her body a bit further out? There were so many stupid moves. Dexter, they were not, luckily!
I guess we won't know WHY NOW?!?! I can understand his attorneys trying to get things not admitted as evidence, trying to plant doubt, basically being good defense attorneys. But I don't know why they decided yesterday was the pivotal point of getting him to change his plea. Was there really a pro to doing that? I would have thought they would have hoped for the seed of doubt, and the jury not being unanimous in finding him guilty.

The text messages had to have been in evidence, and defense knew they would be used. Maybe his family didn't want all the details to come out? Save them from having their friends/coworkers/family from knowing exactly the evidence the state had, and maybe they didn't know the evidence before hand. However, if they were paying the attorneys, it looks like they would have known. IMO, the families of neither defendant nor victim should be hearing facts for the first time during the trial. They should be prepared and told what evidence exists and would be at the trial.

I hate that we didn't get to see the trial as reading body language, and hearing the trial is so much different through tweets and news reports. So much is lost in the translation. I wonder if the attorneys spoke with David's parents at all during that situation yesterday when the objections were given, then the attorneys spoke with David. That photo that Annie had on twitter of David's Mom, IMO, shows the grief she is enduring. Had she been told what was going on before that photo was taken? OR was the testimony upsetting her? The weight of the murder and trial upsetting her?

What changed yesterday

Maybe he had spun some fantastic tale his parents believed, telling them he never had sex with Nicole, that she was blackmailing him. Maybe he had them convinced that NK did all the killing. When they began to see the evidence in court, they realized it was all a lie and there was no hope. Maybe DE's dad told him he didn't want to spend huge amounts on legal fees anymore when the evidence showed DE was probably guilty and his case was hopeless.
He was a nice-enough looking, athletic, intelligent young man who likely had endless opportunities in both HS and his short college stint to hook up with any number of age-appropriate willing females.

He knew what he was involved with when he searched out and groomed this vulnerable young early adolescent

Oh I agree he knew what he was doing was completely wrong. But I don’t think he expected her to be so “clingy” (I use that word cautiously - but can’t think of another one) as in he thought it would be an easy hook up, but didn’t foresee her continuing to reach out to him and only then did he realize how easily what he had done could be brought to light.

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He was a nice-enough looking, athletic, intelligent young man who likely had endless opportunities in both HS and his short college stint to hook up with any number of age-appropriate willing females.

He knew what he was involved with when he searched out and groomed this vulnerable young early adolescent

I don't think his religious background had anything to do with his capability to carryout such a heinous murder. I think most likely he had been coddled and spoiled most of his life making him believe he was entitled to do whatever he wished without consequences or accountability.

These kind of murderers come from all walks of life and varying backgrounds. I truly believe he has the traits of a sociopath.

Unfortunately some in the upper class do look down upon others who do not have the money or prestige they believe they have. Nicole was just a trinket to him. Another entitlement. He knew she could easily be hoodwinked by him and only see the mask he wanted her to see at the time. He picked up on her vulnerabilities, and used that to his advantage to lure her in to his web just like so many sociopaths do.

As far as him being nice looking I found him average at best but he seemed to be so skinny in his mug shot. Did they ever determine if he had been using drugs? tia

He did this to stop the bleeding. He and his attorneys knew it was going to get worse and worse.

So glad that justice has been served. I think his sentence will be harsh.... as it should be. He should be given life without parole.

This is the same thing Dylan Adams did in the case of Holly Bobo, but at least he did his plea before the trial began and didn't make her parents and family members endure a trial. He also gave up any rights to an appeal.

DE knew once the communication evidence came forward it would be all over but the crying. His defense team had to know this would not be kept out of the trial. They bluffed, and they lost! Communication data always comes into trials like this nowadays and these attorneys knew all along it would come into this trial too.

I think at sentencing the Judge will take into consideration how cruel and calculating he was when he premeditated killing Nicole who was just a naive young girl who didn't deserve any of this. And how cold, and remorseless both defendants were as they plotted this heinous crime. I have no doubt the Judge has been observing his demeanor during the trial. Its obvious he thinks he had an entitled right to murder Nicole as if she meant nothing to him and she didn't. It was all about covering his own worthless narcissistic butt and sociopaths will do anything even resorting to over-kills murders like this to protect themselves from being exposed.

I think they were two sociopaths feeding off of each other's evilness. We have seen this happen before and it seems sociopaths have the ability to seek and team up with other sociopaths just like them.

If Keepers knows what is good for her she will make a plea too. I will always believe she was up to her eyeballs in all of this and had much more involvement in Nicole's murder.

May Nicole be at peace now. A young naive girl who only wanted to be loved, and special to someone, but instead found two remorseless monsters who placed no value on human life except their own.


So very well said.......thanks.
At one point in his interrogation w/ the FBI officer, he mentions having counseled kids with mental problems, probably at the parochial school he attended back in WA. I'd be willing to bet some of those kids were molested by him. If true, it will go unreported as the Christian school he attended, where the abuse probably occurred, won't go public with it.

Pedo's like him often start at an early age, in their teen years. Once they start, they usually don't stop.

I just had a thought. What if he liked young girls (as seems to be the case), but Nicole wasn't acting young "enough." She went into girlfriend mode, she wanted a future together, etc., which wasn't what he wanted, even as a manipulation device to lead her on.

She was young and naive, but trying to act older, which wasn't his thing.

Speculation only. jmo
I think Nicole was going to out him
I think Nicole was going to out him

Was DE implying to Keepers that it was a one-time mistake (alcohol > underage girl > he wakes up in a ditch), and other than the night of the party, he had no other involvement with NL other than online?
Thanks epiphany for reposting. I didn't see it until after I reposted. Snow storm happening right now and a bit glitchy this a.m.
Was DE implying to Keepers that it was a one-time mistake (alcohol > underage girl > he wakes up in a ditch), and other than the night of the party, he had no other involvement with NL other than online?

That's my take on what we know.
Gosh I wonder what else we don't know?????
That's my take on what we know.

Such a leap from there to planning and carrying out a brutal murder where he appeared to inflict a lot of pain & suffering upon her.

Quite sociopathic to do even If it were/is the truth IMO
Gosh I wonder what else we don't know?????

There's the condom wrapper that was found among other evidence. It would seem logical to assume it was from the same time frame. The question would be whether it was used with the victim or accomplice. It would be interesting to see the full GPS logs to see the lengths and locations of all stops that night. The Galax address he gave was very close to the body site so I doubt they spent a lot of time looking around for a site. As much planning as they did ahead of time I'd suspect they already had it picked out. It would be unbelievably stupid to plan a murder, look up disposal methods but not pick a site.
He signed the plea forms at the beginning of Friday's hearing. There is no agreement with the prosecution, something Eisenhauer confirmed to Judge Robert Turk during the judge's standard questions that accompany such a plea.


There were messages between Eisenhauer and Lovell in which she said she wanted to be with him as long as he wanted her, and he warned her not to tell anyone about their relationship.

“Because they will hurt you,” Eisenhauer wrote.

“Who will hurt me? You’re scaring me,” Lovell replied.


There also were messages that Eisenhauer exchanged with another juvenile girl, identified in court as B.B., with whom he’d formed a relationship relationship during the summer of 2015.

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