GUILTY VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, murdered, Blacksburg, 27 Jan 2016 #8

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I think the defense took the risk at trial that the judge would rule in their favor and not allow the computer searches and text messages as evidence. The risk didn't pay off.

My heart sinks for DE's mom as I'm sure she held onto hope. Devastating for her, I'm sure.

But, truth prevailed.

I do too. I imagine he was offered a plea deal before the trial and they didn't except it. If so, I'd love to know what it was and if it differed from the one he has excepted. I expect it to be a harsher sentence.

It's often disappointing to see a plea mid trial but for me it's a relieve. We just never know how a jury will respond even with a preponderance evidence.

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News conference quotes:

Blacksburg Police Chief Anthony Wilson said, "Today, there were no winners. If we had won, we wouldn't be in this room, and Nicole would be in Blacksburg Middle School, where she belongs."

Tammy Weeks also spoke. "I was blessed to be her mother." She said Lovell "will always rest in our hearts, and no amount of time will ever change that."

Commonwealth's Attorney Mary Pettitt also spoke in the conference, saying, "Today, obviously, I'm happy that we were able to get some resolution to this, in the sense of a guilty conviction."

Pettitt said she would not discuss evidence at this time because Natalie Keepers' trial is on the horizon.
Wow, what a morning! I don't think any of us expected this.
He did this to stop the bleeding. He and his attorneys knew it was going to get worse and worse.

So glad that justice has been served. I think his sentence will be harsh.... as it should be. He should be given life without parole.

This is the same thing Dylan Adams did in the case of Holly Bobo, but at least he did his plea before the trial began and didn't make her parents and family members endure a trial. He also gave up any rights to an appeal.

DE knew once the communication evidence came forward it would be all over but the crying. His defense team had to know this would not be kept out of the trial. They bluffed, and they lost! Communication data always comes into trials like this nowadays and these attorneys knew all along it would come into this trial too.

I think at sentencing the Judge will take into consideration how cruel and calculating he was when he premeditated killing Nicole who was just a naive young girl who didn't deserve any of this. And how cold, and remorseless both defendants were as they plotted this heinous crime. I have no doubt the Judge has been observing his demeanor during the trial. Its obvious he thinks he had an entitled right to murder Nicole as if she meant nothing to him and she didn't. It was all about covering his own worthless narcissistic butt and sociopaths will do anything even resorting to over-kills murders like this to protect themselves from being exposed.

I think they were two sociopaths feeding off of each other's evilness. We have seen this happen before and it seems sociopaths have the ability to seek and team up with other sociopaths just like them.

If Keepers knows what is good for her she will make a plea too. I will always believe she was up to her eyeballs in all of this and had much more involvement in Nicole's murder.

May Nicole be at peace now. A young naive girl who only wanted to be loved, and special to someone, but instead found two remorseless monsters who placed no value on human life except their own.

Seriously. She looked 5 years younger than her actual age, imo. If he ever gets out, he should be labeled a sex offender.

I agree. I think he was a budding pedophile who groomed and then eventually purposefully acted out his fantasies upon his first innocent victim
One does wonder if he kept telling his family he was innocent. Maybe that's where this whole concept of a third suspect came from.

I read they had only attended one pretrial hearing. Usually, if you see all the pretrial stuff you pretty much know what the evidence is. This must have been devastating to hear.
He did this to stop the bleeding. He and his attorneys knew it was going to get worse and worse.

So glad that justice has been served. I think his sentence will be harsh.... as it should be. He should be given life without parole.

This is the same thing Dylan Adams did in the case of Holly Bobo, but at least he did his plea before the trial began and didn't make her parents and family members endure a trial. He also gave up any rights to an appeal.

DE knew once the communication evidence came forward it would be all over but the crying. His defense team had to know this would not be kept out of the trial. They bluffed, and they lost! Communication data always comes into trials like this nowadays and these attorneys knew all along it would come into this trial too.

I think at sentencing the Judge will take into consideration how cruel and calculating he was when he premeditated killing Nicole who was just a naive young girl who didn't deserve any of this. And how cold, and remorseless both defendants were as they plotted this heinous crime. I have no doubt the Judge has been observing his demeanor during the trial. Its obvious he thinks he had an entitled right to murder Nicole as if she meant nothing to him and she didn't. It was all about covering his own worthless narcissistic butt and sociopaths will do anything even resorting to over-kills murders like this to protect themselves from being exposed.

I think they were two sociopaths feeding off of each other's evilness. We have seen this happen before and it seems sociopaths have the ability to seek and team up with other sociopaths just like them.

If Keepers knows what is good for her she will make a plea too. I will always believe she was up to her eyeballs in all of this and had much more involvement in Nicole's murder.

May Nicole be at peace now. A young naive girl who only wanted to be loved, and special to someone, but instead found two remorseless monsters who placed no value on human life except their own.


You said it!

Spot on.

One does wonder if he kept telling his family he was innocent. Maybe that's where this whole concept of a third suspect came from.

Yes, that was a very far-fetched story, easily proven wrong. Even worse that some pushed the idea that police were "covering it up". I suppose some parents in that situation are desperate enough to believe anything. Major denial.

As I mentioned early in this case, DE and likely his parents, were fond of "othering" - treating all people not in their social/religious circle as being bad, devious, dangerous people less worthy of respect. Makes it easy to be in denial and believe all kinds of crazy things about other people.

I've seen it before with some of my kid's hyper-religious friends and parents when they were growing up. My son's new friend brought a knife to our10 yo's birthday party because he heard other kids at our house would have weapons. LOL, we have a very straight, upper middle class home. JMO, that's the kind of thinking that led DE to think he needed to kill poor Nicole. He imagined all kinds of evil things about her that were really untrue, delusional.
Wow, what a morning! I don't think any of us expected this.

I didn't expect him and his lawyers to cave but I knew without a doubt if it went to the jury he would be found guilty on all charges.

The state was burying them with evidence they knew they couldn't refute. Imo, they knew the jury wasn't going to buy it was all Keepers and DE was not the guilty party. If it had been allowed to go on each and every one who testified for the state would have continued showing just how evil and demonic DE truly was and still is, imo.

I read they had only attended one pretrial hearing. Usually, if you see all the pretrial stuff you pretty much know what the evidence is. This must have been devastating to hear.

I agree. I was really struck by how the parents left the courtroom, leaving their son "alone" so to speak to face his demons. But I then I thought it was probably more of way to escape the reporters and cameras.
Truth won today, but there's lots of devastated victims in the path. David's parents, siblings, family, friends, have to be in disbelief and crushed. Of course the same regarding Nicole's family and friends. Natalie's family and friends may still be in disbelief/denial, but they have to be worried and scared now.

The actions of two people have had a ripple effect. senseless murder. So glad they were stopped or they may have killed others. IMO, Natalie seemed to enjoy this. David, IMO saw it as a means to an end. He didn't want it known he had raped a child. He may have thought she was pregnant, in which case, I ask him... was it worth it? Would someone possibly having a baby worth killing them over? OF course not!

These two entitled people threw away all their lives.
I agree. I think he was a budding pedophile who groomed and then eventually purposefully acted out his fantasies upon his first innocent victim

At one point in his interrogation w/ the FBI officer, he mentions having counseled kids with mental problems, probably at the parochial school he attended back in WA. I'd be willing to bet some of those kids were molested by him. If true, it will go unreported as the Christian school he attended, where the abuse probably occurred, won't go public with it.

Pedo's like him often start at an early age, in their teen years. Once they start, they usually don't stop.
I am so very glad this trial was over so quickly, for Nicole's family's sake. The CA & prosecution did a great job, even though DE & NK made it almost too easy for them, regarding forensic evidence. I'm thankful today for DE's conviction and pray the same for NK. Will see you all when sentencing comes for DE.
Wow, I didn't see that coming! I have seen many trials veer off in totally unexpected directions, but this? This was EPIC. [emoji95]

I cried when her mom spoke during the press conference. I am so thankful she was spared sitting through any more evidence. I can't even imagine. My heart goes out to her.

[emoji146] Thanks to everyone for posting tweets and links and photos and running commentary. [emoji146]
So very sad that Nicole fought for her life at an early age with all her medical problems and survived...only to be met to her demise by these two.
Yes, that was a very far-fetched story, easily proven wrong. Even worse that some pushed the idea that police were "covering it up". I suppose some parents in that situation are desperate enough to believe anything. Major denial.

As I mentioned early in this case, DE and likely his parents, were fond of "othering" - treating all people not in their social/religious circle as being bad, devious, dangerous people less worthy of respect. Makes it easy to be in denial and believe all kinds of crazy things about other people.

I've seen it before with some of my kid's hyper-religious friends and parents when they were growing up. My son's new friend brought a knife to our10 yo's birthday party because he heard other kids at our house would have weapons. LOL, we have a very straight, upper middle class home. JMO, that's the kind of thinking that led DE to think he needed to kill poor Nicole. He imagined all kinds of evil things about her that were really untrue, delusional.

OMG you are so correct! I remember very early on in this case when there was a parent from his old Christian school who implied DE would have been better off if he had stayed within Christian school. Clearly, some of his morals, beliefs and proclivities were developed within his circle of this Christian school, including the "othering" you refer to. My children attended a Christian school, so I'm not bashing that choice. But I do bash the idea that many in these circles do consider themselves a layer above to put it lightly.
Yes, that was a very far-fetched story, easily proven wrong. Even worse that some pushed the idea that police were "covering it up". I suppose some parents in that situation are desperate enough to believe anything. Major denial.

As I mentioned early in this case, DE and likely his parents, were fond of "othering" - treating all people not in their social/religious circle as being bad, devious, dangerous people less worthy of respect. Makes it easy to be in denial and believe all kinds of crazy things about other people.

I've seen it before with some of my kid's hyper-religious friends and parents when they were growing up. My son's new friend brought a knife to our10 yo's birthday party because he heard other kids at our house would have weapons. LOL, we have a very straight, upper middle class home. JMO, that's the kind of thinking that led DE to think he needed to kill poor Nicole. He imagined all kinds of evil things about her that were really untrue, delusional.

I don’t really think it’s fair to assume what his parents are like. I know many very religious people and think your story, while anecdotally amusing and I can see it happening, is a rarity. I think he hooked up with a child and realized the implications of it later. Like he said “he couldn’t keep it in his pants”. But when he realized it could cost him his freedom, get him kicked out of school and bring great shame to himself and his family(I mean, honestly, how mortifying would it be to have this come to light) he very foolishly thought he could make this go away by murdering her.

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He was a nice-enough looking, athletic, intelligent young man who likely had endless opportunities in both HS and his short college stint to hook up with any number of age-appropriate willing females.

He knew what he was involved with when he searched out and groomed this vulnerable young early adolescent
Yes, that was a very far-fetched story, easily proven wrong. Even worse that some pushed the idea that police were "covering it up". I suppose some parents in that situation are desperate enough to believe anything. Major denial.

respectfully snipped for focus......

I found the conspiracy theory being floated/interjected of a third person being involved into the ongoing trial thread quite uncommon, and at times very confusing. Usually by the time a trial is held all of the suppositions and allegations against anyone else has gone away.

I have been reading the trial thread every day, but haven't posted much, but then when I would see some other irrelevant posts that had nothing to do with what was happening in the trial, I had to read it again to make sure it wasn't trial testimony. Especially since there had never been one bit of evidence known that anyone else was involved but these two.

The police know there was no other involvement by anyone other than the two that have been charged. If there had been three there would have been evidence to support that assumption, and they would have arrested anyone and everyone involved in this case. The evidence shows it was these two and only them.

But hopefully the third party conspiracy will be put to rest now.

I guess we won't know WHY NOW?!?! I can understand his attorneys trying to get things not admitted as evidence, trying to plant doubt, basically being good defense attorneys. But I don't know why they decided yesterday was the pivotal point of getting him to change his plea. Was there really a pro to doing that? I would have thought they would have hoped for the seed of doubt, and the jury not being unanimous in finding him guilty.

The text messages had to have been in evidence, and defense knew they would be used. Maybe his family didn't want all the details to come out? Save them from having their friends/coworkers/family from knowing exactly the evidence the state had, and maybe they didn't know the evidence before hand. However, if they were paying the attorneys, it looks like they would have known. IMO, the families of neither defendant nor victim should be hearing facts for the first time during the trial. They should be prepared and told what evidence exists and would be at the trial.

I hate that we didn't get to see the trial as reading body language, and hearing the trial is so much different through tweets and news reports. So much is lost in the translation. I wonder if the attorneys spoke with David's parents at all during that situation yesterday when the objections were given, then the attorneys spoke with David. That photo that Annie had on twitter of David's Mom, IMO, shows the grief she is enduring. Had she been told what was going on before that photo was taken? OR was the testimony upsetting her? The weight of the murder and trial upsetting her?

What changed yesterday
OMG you are so correct! I remember very early on in this case when there was a parent from his old Christian school who implied DE would have been better off if he had stayed within Christian school. Clearly, some of his morals, beliefs and proclivities were developed within his circle of this Christian school, including the "othering" you refer to. My children attended a Christian school, so I'm not bashing that choice. But I do bash the idea that many in these circles do consider themselves a layer above to put it lightly.

Agree, not all parochial schools have that kind of culture. Most are very good. I recall some of us did some research into that school in Yakima, WA and it was a little different. It had one big building where kids of all ages - K-12- attended class. Older students were encouraged to teach younger ones (usually when the school is trying to keep down teacher salary costs). DE probably had a lot of opportunities for unsupervised time alone with young kids.

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