Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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Sorry if this was asked....

During deliberations is JA transported to the court house each day until a verdict is reached or does he remain at the jail until summoned?

If you were a juror, would you be more ticked that JA lied to you or that the DT did in their closing?

Actually, neither. Expect it from both defendants and their attorneys.

What happen to Jodi's "special" male friend that used to be at court and visit her?

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For those that might have seen my posts earlier. My DIL is not pregnant. They came to use the decal cutter for a local firefighter. Oh well. At least my oldest DD has friends babies I can Grandma. And my two grands of course, but they tlk back now.
That was their plan all along. There really wasn't an intent to go with self defense, because it was ludicrous.

If you recall, the murderer said if she was not granted murder 2, she would drag TA through the mud. When the State called her bluff, she did exactly that. The DT team went through months or erroneous bs to get the lesser included charges. That was the idea.

They know there was no way ANY jury would buy self defense, given the irrefutable proof that she killed TA not just once, but three times. No possibility of an outright acquittal, but could 12 people buy crime of passion? Sure.

JM shot this down completely. By LAW, they should return murder one. After the first strike, whether you believe she stabbed him first or shot him first, she was LEGALLY BOUND to stop the attack. Not only didn't she call 911, but she stopped, considered his refusal to die and changed weapons. That isn't murder 2 and it certainly isn't manslaughter.

Regardless of what 12 people decide, it IS murder one. This is not in dispute. If for some bizarre reason it doesn't come back as that, it's exactly 0% the fault of the State.

Without her memory they have nothing to fight for. She screwed herself by deciding to "forget" everything after the gun "went off". Jodi has spun herself tightly into her own web.
I lurk daily but rarely post. I just wanted to say thank you to all the great posters here. This trial has taken over my life it seems at times. I got very emotional the past 2 days and it's good to be here with others who feel the same way. DH just doesn't get it!

Praying for justice for Travis and strength and peace for his loved ones.
For those that might have seen my posts earlier. My DIL is not pregnant. They came to use the decal cutter for a local firefighter. Oh well. At least my oldest DD has friends babies I can Grandma. And my two grands of course, but they tlk back now.

But I thought you were cornering your DH about the baby issue?? :floorlaugh:
Sorry if this was asked....

During deliberations is JA transported to the court house each day until a verdict is reached or does he remain at the jail until summoned?


Yes, she should remain in the holding cell at the court house, while the jury is deliberating.
Remember if the jurors have questions she has to be there.
Going to watch the HLN shows I recorded and keep my kitty cats entertained!

Nite nite all! Justice for Travis and family, friends.
:cat: :eek:fftobed:

Somebody knock on the top of my MacBook if anything good happens!
Don't have texting on my phone, never thought I would need it, doggonit.

Ditto. Mormon Attorney said it on the last thread and I quite agree - this is one of the strongest cases for murder one I've seen too.

Susan Wright and Clara Harris didn't concoct an alibi, drive 1000 miles, pick up a gas can or 3 along the way, turn their phones off, remove plates etc, before killing their husbands. Susan Wright used the self-defense/BWS defense (her abuse has since been substantiated to a degree and her sentence reduced by five years) and Clara Harris caught her husband with the mistress he'd sworn off seeing, and ran him over repeatedly in the hotel parking lot, resulting in his death and her COP defense.

Both women were convicted of 2nd degree murder, despite having been charged with 1st. But if you weigh cases side by side theirs were so much stronger to prove diminished capacity with not near the amount of premeditation. And even Susan Wright never claimed fognesia. ;)
I normally agree with pretty much everything you say but all Susan Wright had was a friend and her mom that she was abused. There was never any documented proof, just the word of someone. I mean, yes I know that not every abused person will To me it was like the Petersons claiming that Scott was such a great person and never killed Laci. She also tied the man to the bed and stabbed him almost 200 times. Even if he was abusive, you don't tie someone to a bed and stab them in a heat of passion.

At court a CPS caseworker testified and the jury viewed a video of Bradley Wright, age 4, being interviewed by a social worker. On the tape Bradley says "his father had "hit him four times in four days in January." (The month Jeff Wright was murdered.) He also told caseworkers he "had never seen his parents fight."

Susan Wright, aged 27, lured her husband Jeff Wright to a romantic evening in their bedroom with the promise of kinky sex. She tied him to the bedposts with his bathrobe sash and neckties. Evidence of candle wax was found between the scrotum and his upper inner thigh, and the wrist and ankle ligatures were still present when the family dog and then Police dug his body out of the ground.

Once he was tied to the bed posts, Susan Wright used a knife to cut his genitals with superficial nicks and slashings. Then in a murderous frenzy, she repeatedly stabbed Jeff Wright in the eyeball, in the mouth. in the ear, and obliterated his facial features with cuts. She stabbed him so hard, a tip of the knife broke off and stayed in his skull.

During the stabbing frenzy, their young son Bradley came to the bedroom door because of the commotion. Susan Wright stopped stabbing Jeff, went to the child, (presumably bloody) and returned the child to his room, reassuring him that everything was fine.

After the brief respite, she returned to the bedroom and again began stabbing Jeff Wright over and over again. It took time and energy it took to stab him that many times. Even after he was dead.

The Medical Examiner testified that Jeffrey Wright had been cut from head to toe. The tip of a knife was found buried in his skull. There were so many stab cuts that many overlapped each other. The Medical Examiner testified that Jeff Wright was stabbed more than 200 times. He had been stabbed 46 times in the chest, 23 times in the neck, 22 times in the stomach and seven times in the groin area. He had one significant stab wound in the back of one shoulder. There were also abrasions on the skin from his body being dragged.

The ME testified that the autospy did show that Jeff had ingested and was high on cocaine at the time of his death and that the stabbings had continued after Jeffrey Wright was already dead. He testified that each of the injuries inflicted would not have by themselves caused death instantly. Nor was there indication that Jeff had lost consciousness during the ordeal.

Thus Jeff Wright would have suffered a slow, painful and lingering death as he bledto death, unable to defend himself.

Jeffrey Wright had been tortured to death.
Susan Wright claims that the abuse started then, that Jeff became "controlling, demanding, everything needed to be perfect. Their child needed to be clean and quiet all the time. The house had to be spotless, the laundry done, the cooking done." Wright claims that Jeff began to "beat her after smoking pot. This was a side he'd never shown her while they were dating."

A friend overheard Susan Wright castigating Jeff over the phone for not filling out and filing his insurance papers in a timely manner, which delayed the process. She had a clear case of murder one...but it was another pinellas jury. Hers was as clear cut as Jodi's. That woman should not be up for parole next year.
Yes, and I want to apologize, genuinely to anyone I may have offended when I made the comment that the juror made a mistake. I did not realize at the time the depth and breadth of what he had done. I do understand that drinking and driving is unforgiveable and irresponsible. I recognize friends and family members here may have had tragedies in their lives due to a drunk driver and I apologize for not taking the initial report more serious. :facepalm::facepalm:

Later I heard the term, extreme DUI, and I had never heard that before. I hope the jury uses the weekend to reflect, and of course if they do drink it is safely in the privacy of their own home or with someone else driving them.

I actually think the jury did a quick vote just to get a temperature and found they are already of one accord, but decided to take the weekend and some time on Monday to give the appearance that it took them longer to come to a verdict. I believe that they had an opportunity to get all of their questions answered as the testimony went along and therefore they are in a different position than most juries of other states would be. I think they will make short order of this on Monday.
Justice for Travis!!

I must have been about 12 years old and my father and I had been at a family friends home and Pop had a few too many and drove us home. On the way, he was pulled over and I had to watch as they placed him in cuffs and put him in the back seat... and drive him off to jail; the reason they were so hard on him? Because he had his young daughter in the car with him. I had to wait in the car with a CHP car behind my car until my 17 year old brother got there with a friend to pick me and the car up.

Pop was so embarassed and sad that I had to witness that... and he never drank and drove again... and neither have I ever done so.
she tweeted she put up more art for sale (oh and that she does not profit from any artsales - um ok) and trying to set up a group prayer for her, blah blah blah....

Huh. I wonder what she needs prayers for? I thought she was sure no jury would ever convict her? Or will they be praying she finds the eloquent words needed to "beg for the death penalty?"
Do any of you remember her running down the street chasing after Cheney Mason during Casey's trial? I was so embarrassed for her

That clearly was one of the best chases I've seen since O.J. She was in the middle of an interview and took off in full sprint!
If you haven't been following him check out Troy Hayden of Fox 10 news.
Talked to Juan. Said he was upbeat. When asked what he was going to do now he replied, "Just hang out".

Btw Troy's pretty easy on the eyes too! :floorlaugh:

Only local news I watch channel The morning guy Rick D'Amico is like the real life Ron Burgandy.. LOVE ALL THEM AT FOX 10!!
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