Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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KN is so funny. He says "the state expects us to believe..." and starts to explain how a stabbed Travis "somehow got passed" Jodi to get to the sink.

Well, KN, you expect us to believe that Travis bodyslammed Jodi, and Jodi "somehow got passed" Travis and was able to out run him through the closet, and outwit him not to see that she was going to the closet and so he needed to reverse direction to catch her, and "somehow" got the gun off of a flippy shelf and shot him as he was still slow mo charging her.


And what is this mess about shallow stab wounds? She was hitting bone, KN. And maybe she doesn't get the idea to slit his throat until he was still breathing and getting away.
We aren't even allowed to know what kind of trouble ALV got into with the Court. I think that is the reason Juan hammered away at her - Did KN ever say anything about ALV or try to stop JM from hammering away at her? JMO - but what I read into this is that ALV got into deep doo-doo with the Court for her lies.

Worry not .. once the appeals process starts when she is awarded the DP a lot of this information will come to light .. all shall be revealed.
Well, we finally got some trial news on our local TV station just over the Oregon border from Yreka. It's not the big news here that it is on HLN. :waiting: They announced that the case has gone to the jury, and that she is pleading self defense because Travis was abusive. Then they played the clip of Jodi smiling when Nurmi said that nine days out of ten he doesn't like her. So weird. Why not just show Juan ripping her to shreds? Even the news anchor looked confused.


And this:

Funniest one yet :bow:

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
OMG!! Bahahahahaha!! Hilarious! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

This one...

According to Heavy D, who operates at the pace of a paralyzed snail, 9 days out of 10 he doesn’t even like Jenny’s stabby My Twinn Doll Jodi. But on the 10th day, she must bring him a sandwich or something, so he’s cool with her murdering someone. But just for that one day.
I can't believe I listened to KN all this long.
In all honesty, I kinda felt sorry for Dr. Geffner. I don't think he wanted to be there by choice and hardly had not time to prepare and Juan came charging at him like a bull. :giggle:

Yeah, and what's with all the giggles? Wish Juan would have made him look at an autopsy pic and shut him up. That guy made me angry chuckling like that.
So now that the jury has the case does this mean HLN will have to fill in a new show intead of the despicable After Dark show? I am sorry but I just felt that it was such a mockery of the most heinous crime! The quality is as bad as a 'Jerry Springer or Maury show!
KN is saying it's self defense AND she snapped. He's saying she lost control. Enough was enough.

So the jury has to see her as a battered woman to make it okay that enough was enough. If that's the case, the defense should have had a high as hell burden of proof for battered woman's syndrome and that messes it up for real battered women.
In the grand scheme of things does it really matter...he was trying to get away from her and she kept chasing him down to continue her kill. It doesn't matter which came first. He was murdered and it was first degree.

The important thing to remember the order of was her planning to murder. That came first.. and that began with stealing her grandfathers gun, gas cans then rental car...etc etc.

Yes !!! Juan showed the jurors the end of the rainbow for Travis. He was trying to get away from the murderer...Oh No !!! She wouldn't have that - She went for the THROAT !!!

This is absolute for the jurors that this was NOT self defense.
I am thinking about Tweeting Jodi "You know what is worse than waking up on Christmas to find that Santa skipped your house? Waking up on Christmas to find you sleeping under the Christmas tree" lol
Meditation XVII

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

Read entire text below ..

I love Juan more each day.

I have enjoyed tonight!
God bless you Travis

Prayers to your family and friends.

Justice is just a few days away!
According to Heavy D, who operates at the pace of a paralyzed snail, 9 days out of 10 he doesn’t even like Jenny’s stabby My Twinn Doll Jodi. But on the 10th day, she must bring him a sandwich or something, so he’s cool with her murdering someone. But just for that one day. "

OMG!! Bahahahahaha!! Hilarious! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

This one...

According to Heavy D, who operates at the pace of a paralyzed snail, 9 days out of 10 he doesn’t even like Jenny’s stabby My Twinn Doll Jodi. But on the 10th day, she must bring him a sandwich or something, so he’s cool with her murdering someone. But just for that one day.
I am thinking about Tweeting Jodi "You know what is worse than waking up on Christmas to find that Santa skipped your house? Waking up on Christmas to find you sleeping under the Christmas tree" lol


Yeah, she did that. She slaughtered a man, and she premeditated it, KN.

I am thinking about Tweeting Jodi "You know what is worse than waking up on Christmas to find that Santa skipped your house? Waking up on Christmas to find you sleeping under the Christmas tree" lol
Or, she is incredibly pizzed off. Me thinks... she is really, really, really angry. Which, makes me so happy!

Either I never want to hear about Jodi again once she's on DR, or sign me up for weekly reports on how miserable she is as the years go by.
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