Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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Good Morning The Farm!

The jurors had about 50 minutes to deliberate yesterday. They decided on a schedule (9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). They will come back on Monday morning to start deliberations. They probably chose a foreperson as well.

Katiecoolady's post is so heart-warming. They are all confident of a verdict on Monday! BBM

I hope so!

I really hope when it's all over, the jury agrees to sit as a group for a respectable news program** and have a meaningful discussion of their thoughts and experiences throughout the trial and deliberations.

**NOT HLN. Not only are they not the most respectable news broadcast but none of the jury members will be able to complete a single thought without interruption, screaming by JVM or excessive commercial breaks. JMO, lol
I hope so!

I really hope when it's all over, the jury agrees to sit as a group for a respectable news program** and have a meaningful discussion of their thoughts and experiences throughout the trial and deliberations.

**NOT HLN. Not only are they not the most respectable news broadcast but none of the jury members will be able to complete a single thought without interruption, screaming by JVM or excessive commercial breaks. JMO, lol

Yes! I hope that all the jurors publically state that they do not believe JA's accusation that Travis was a pedophile.
I was actually surprised how little effort JA put into trying to at least look remorseful. I figured it would be the acting role of her life. Apparently she's too consumed with her own anger at JM then to even TRY to show the jury she's remorseful. I just didn't see any!
I found it very strange that Nurmi talked about Snow White, haircuts and sexual orientation. The jury is not supposed to watch, read or listen (other than in court) about the trial as per the admonition given buy JSS. So, why would Nurmi even mention those things as nothing other than Snow White was brought up in court. Therefore, the jury would have no knowledge of what haircuts and sexual orientation would have to do with the trial.

To me, that went right back to Nurmi wanting sequestration and not trusting the jury. If I were on the jury, I would be very confused by those statements.

It was a bad move on Nurmi's part and I was especially happy when Juan rebutted and brought up Nurmi's hair cut. Nurmi was not talking about his own hair, rather ALV's. That whole statement was about ALV. Nurmi, was in fact telling the jury things that they were not supposed to hear, things that have been televised, on the internet and printed material. I trust the jury has obeyed the court and Nurmi's nonsense made him look very silly and enforces Juan's argument that the DT is saying anything just for arguments sake.

I thought Nurmi's comments about the Jury and HIS haircuts, as he is OBVIOUSLY obsessed with what folks are saying on social media; and all the other totally irrelevant nonsense he wasted his words on yesterday were his smart ares way of telling the public he could care less about what they think which OBVIOUSLY he DOES or he wouldn't have put it in his Closing! HILARIOUS! He is supposed to be giving a Closing Argument for his client and instead he starts off by defending his OWN SELF! He came off as immature, unprepared and inexperienced! Its was a good day for Justice and the Alexander Family. I believe we will have a verdict by end of business Monday!
I found it very strange that Nurmi talked about Snow White, haircuts and sexual orientation. The jury is not supposed to watch, read or listen (other than in court) about the trial as per the admonition given buy JSS. So, why would Nurmi even mention those things as nothing other than Snow White was brought up in court. Therefore, the jury would have no knowledge of what haircuts and sexual orientation would have to do with the trial.

To me, that went right back to Nurmi wanting sequestration and not trusting the jury. If I were on the jury, I would be very confused by those statements.

It was a bad move on Nurmi's part and I was especially happy when Juan rebutted and brought up Nurmi's hair cut. Nurmi was not talking about his own hair, rather ALV's. That whole statement was about ALV. Nurmi, was in fact telling the jury things that they were not supposed to hear, things that have been televised, on the internet and printed material. I trust the jury has obeyed the court and Nurmi's nonsense made him look very silly and enforces Juan's argument that the DT is saying anything just for arguments sake.

I missed the part about the hair, too. What was that about?
Could they be Mormon's ready to bless her poor soul?? Not religious so I have no clue, first thing that came to my mind!

I have no idea, how can we find out? White shirts? They do not look like LE to me, why would they both have white shirts on with no ties?
Wow, really?? I wouldn't think the JSS would allow that from anyone, especially JA!

I don't believe the judge is aware of it. i think this occurred after the trial ended ystereday but i don't know that for sure.
I found it very strange that Nurmi talked about Snow White, haircuts and sexual orientation. The jury is not supposed to watch, read or listen (other than in court) about the trial as per the admonition given buy JSS. So, why would Nurmi even mention those things as nothing other than Snow White was brought up in court. Therefore, the jury would have no knowledge of what haircuts and sexual orientation would have to do with the trial.

To me, that went right back to Nurmi wanting sequestration and not trusting the jury. If I were on the jury, I would be very confused by those statements.

It was a bad move on Nurmi's part and I was especially happy when Juan rebutted and brought up Nurmi's hair cut. Nurmi was not talking about his own hair, rather ALV's. That whole statement was about ALV. Nurmi, was in fact telling the jury things that they were not supposed to hear, things that have been televised, on the internet and printed material. I trust the jury has obeyed the court and Nurmi's nonsense made him look very silly and enforces Juan's argument that the DT is saying anything just for arguments sake.

There was testimony about Snow White during ALV

There was a juror question to R. Samuels about a bad haircut

Q: "You said transient global amnesia can be caused by sexual intercourse, immersion in hot or cold water, and a number of other things. Is the list you presented all-inclusive or could it also be caused by something such as the trauma associated with getting a bad haircut, for example?"

There was nothing asked or testified to about a witnesses' sexual orientation.. Nurmi was trying to insinuate that nonsense.

I do like how Juan handled those stupid comments by Nurmi.
I have no idea, how can we find out? White shirts? They do not look like LE to me, why would they both have white shirts on with no ties?

Seems if they were LE they'd have suits or uniforms right? I've not noticed them b4. People from the Church is all I can think of?

I can't see their pants but if those are white also...I have another idea!!

What rhymes with 'bunny farm'??
KN used the only ONE question that was really nagging me in this case--why call Ryan burns and tell him she was coming straight away. A lot of people disputed me on that question, but it's a really important question.

but KN, can you explain to me what conversations Jodi had with Travis for any length of time to prove he'd ask her to come there? Her call with Travis, the 2 minute one, was a couple hours before she talked to Ryan, yes? So she already knew at that point she was going to see Travis (if Travis had talked her into it). So yes, why DID she tell Ryan she'd be there straight away instead of making up a lie?

That is a good question for either side of this case.

I believe it's because she needed to be "off the grid" during the time she was in Arizona, and needed to be able to account for her movements without involving anyone else. If she gave a reason for her delay in visiting RB then she would know that at some point her whereabouts during this time would have to be verified.

IMO the "safest" alibi for her was to have "gotten lost". Therefore she wanted RB to think that she was on her way to enable her to later use this excuse.
I've never admitted this before.:blushing: When I served on a jury (years ago) we had arrived at a unanimous verdict but didn't tell the bailiff because we were about 30 minutes away from the dinner break and we had been told they were taking us to a really great seafood restaurant that night. So, after a nice lobster dinner we "arrived at our verdict" about 30 minutes after arriving back at the courthouse. :blushing::blushing::blushing:

Can you tell us (me, me! lol) more about your experience during deliberations. What did you do when you got in the room? How long did it take to choose a fore person? Etc, etc?
Well, lovely fellow vigil members. I'm off to finally get things done like go to the supermarket. Honest to God, I've been living on yogurt and lettuce during the past few weeks because going to the supermarket, dry cleaners, pet store and bank just didn't make it to my list of priorities. Not to mention clean my darn house.

Now that there's no chance to miss a verdict call, I can do some errands today.

Have a wonderful Saturday morning and DON'T SAY ANYTHING WITTY OR CLEVER WHILE I'M GONE. There will be too many pages to read when I get back. lol

I just posted this in another thread, I hope it is ok to post it here as well. I'd like to hear your thoughts on the possibilities of this being what happened.

Finally something clicked in this case that has bothered me for a long time, and that's the sex tape. Here's my thoughts

Travis had a character he would play at the conventions, but for the life of me I can not remember the name. A while back one of his friends who helped Travis develop this character said they wanted the polar opposite of Travis, someone loud, boisterous, obnoxious etc, someone totally out of character for Travis.

So here's what I think may have happened. Travis and JA are on the phone talking and this charactor of Travis' came up in conversation. Ja may have said something like "I wonder what it would sound like if XX called me for phone sex" or something like that. The two probably had a laugh over it and Travis got into character and started a sexual phone fantasy with JA for laughs. JA hits the record button.....

This tape sounds like everything Travis was not, in fact, it sounds like what his role playing character would say. I am not saying JA and Travis never wrinkled the sheets together, but this obnoxious redneck character would probably say some of the things we heard on these recordings. Thoughts?

Honestly, he sounds like a normal man who let his guard down and his inhibitions subside. He felt safe because she was going there with him. I think his character he does was a bit more boisterous and abnoxious, in a funny way, and he would maybe fantasize about pouring Budweiser on her or making love to Def Leopard :). I really think all healthy men have this in them, they just know better than to say it to a known psycho who is going to secretly tape it for blackmail.
Wow, really?? I wouldn't think the JSS would allow that from anyone, especially JA!

There was a hearing on it. She made a crack at his height on twitter before. Juan had to refer himself "as the prosecutor" during the hearing, lol. The judge basically said she can tweet if she wants. :facepalm:
How did they find out about the gas cans? The one that was purchased by Jodi was obvious, but who told them about the other 2?

I think our little Miss never considered the fact, when she was covering up for the murder of Travis, that the police would investigate EVERYTHING surrounding her......old boyfriends, old jobs, everything. So Darryl may not have known the significance of the gas cans and he told the detectives the TRUTH, something that was sadly lacking from you know who. I do think he realized the importance of the information eventually but it was way too late by then.
I don't know. If I were a man and I had to sit there and listen to Alyce LaViolette imply that all men are at least a little abusive (and use such little evidence to brand a man a sexual deviant and a pedophile who is psychologically and physically abusive) I would be livid. I also think that people who have been in sexual relationships, and who have initiated sex with a partner who isn't really awake, will find it offensive to, essentially, be called a sexual predator. I mean, I'd say half of the adult population AT LEAST has either been sexually assaulted or sexually abusive to their partners, based on the defense's definition. If Travis and JA had not been sexually active prior to that, they would have had more leg to stand on. You definitely can't say that she had a problem with it when she is sitting there giggling with him about it on the phone.

So, yea, I don't see the men on this jury being as light on JA as some may think. She does seem to be able to wrap men around her finger, but they aren't seeing her in that light.

Nurmi is absolutely right on this point. There is no consent to sex when one is unconscious or asleep. I can't even understand why any man would WANT to stick their wick in a sleeping woman anyway. What, she's just a piece of flesh for a guy to get off on without any participation or even interest on her part? They can't be bothered to wake her up first? There's only one reason a guy has for penetrating a sleeping woman and that's because they don't want to deal with the possibility that she might refuse - they want to have sex and don't CARE whether she wants to or not and don't CARE that she's not sexually aroused which is often physically as well as emotionally painful. YES, penetrating a sleeping woman without her consent is rape.

That said, plenty of partners have implied consent when it comes to what is ok and what is not ok concerning their sexual relations, and this can be one of them as long as it is clear between them that doing this is ok. But it's still obnoxious selfish behavior, and I'm damned as to why any woman would be ok with it no matter how much they love their partner.

Nurmi was only wrong for bringing this up because from Jodi's own mouth we learned that she LIKED being woken up by Travis penetrating her, and there was likely implied consent between them that this behavior she not only consented to but enjoyed. However, I think the whole story of Travis doing this is rubbish to begin with.

I'm so revolted by this attitude that as long as a woman is having a sexual relationship with someone that anything goes between them whether she consents to it or not and that having a sexual relationship with someone gives their partner a license to do with her body whatever they like as if she's nothing more than a mound of flesh that they own.

Raise your hand guys who don't see any problem with their partner waking them up by jamming a cucumber up their backside without lube when that's not something that you've ever consented to before.

I found it very strange that Nurmi talked about Snow White, haircuts and sexual orientation. The jury is not supposed to watch, read or listen (other than in court) about the trial as per the admonition given buy JSS. So, why would Nurmi even mention those things as nothing other than Snow White was brought up in court. Therefore, the jury would have no knowledge of what haircuts and sexual orientation would have to do with the trial.

To me, that went right back to Nurmi wanting sequestration and not trusting the jury. If I were on the jury, I would be very confused by those statements.

It was a bad move on Nurmi's part and I was especially happy when Juan rebutted and brought up Nurmi's hair cut. Nurmi was not talking about his own hair, rather ALV's. That whole statement was about ALV. Nurmi, was in fact telling the jury things that they were not supposed to hear, things that have been televised, on the internet and printed material. I trust the jury has obeyed the court and Nurmi's nonsense made him look very silly and enforces Juan's argument that the DT is saying anything just for arguments sake.

Wow - thank you for the heads up on this. I refused to listen to Nurmi during his closing and missed this - so when JM was talking about this in his closing I was confused to both. Excellent observation.

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