Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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Seems if they were LE they'd have suits or uniforms right? I've not noticed them b4. People from the Church is all I can think of?

I can't see their pants but if those are white also...I have another idea!!

What rhymes with 'bunny farm'??

Thats funny. I thought of that too. Shes trouble and they know it. Expect the unexpected from her. She did this to herself and now has to pay the price. If she gets 2nd degree murder she might wish she had 1st. degree so she could be by herself in a cell. She will be a target if shes in with the population. Her games will not go over well there.
I see the men in the white shirts now and do remember seeing them yesterday. I wonder who they are and if in fact they are LE?

I know there is a video from after court showing what Jodi, Nurmi, Juan and the Judge was doing...the guy with beard in white shirt has walked up to Judge, behind desks...waiting for her to finishing speaking to clerks. I don't know what happened after that, they were smiling and joking at one point. I think he sat down at a desk or chair there. Very relaxed.
I'm watching yesterday's closing again (only JM's part of course) and there are a handful of times when Willmott tells Nurmi to object and he does not. If Willmott had her way she'd object every 30 seconds.
May I make a confession? I said I'd try and fast tomorrow but I don't think I will. I feel guilty because it's not due to any health condition. I just feel weak and tired if I don't eat and I don't want that. I want to fully alert and energetic as we approach verdict day. I will be praying all day though.

I hope this doesn't make me a hypocrite of any sort. My heart is in Arizona this week.
Seems if they were LE they'd have suits or uniforms right? I've not noticed them b4. People from the Church is all I can think of?

I can't see their pants but if those are white also...I have another idea!!

What rhymes with 'bunny farm'??

The courtroom is divided in two parts by the bar (railing).

Only attorneys and court personal are allowed inside the bar.

Spectators are allowed to sit in the gallery (behind the railing).

ETA: So regarding your comment, if and I say a big IF someone from a church were in the courtroom, they would have to sit in the gallery (behind the railing).
Seems if they were LE they'd have suits or uniforms right? I've not noticed them b4. People from the Church is all I can think of?

I can't see their pants but if those are white also...I have another idea!!

What rhymes with 'bunny farm'??

Someone posted yesterday that one of those two men was JW's husband.
In the final 10 minutes of Juan's final closing argument, Jodi was writing notes to Wilmott and there was nothing Wilmott could do. It made me happy to know, she no longer has a say, she can't object, she can't direct, she can't conjure up another lie. It's over and she is now at the mercy of everyday people. Those typical everyday people that she has manipulated, used and dismissed as unimportant her entire life.

“Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” Juan Matinez quoting John Donne
In the final 10 minutes of Juan's final closing argument, Jodi was writing notes to Wilmott and there was nothing Wilmott could do. It made me happy to know, she no longer has a say, she can't object, she can't direct, she can't conjure up another lie. It's over and she is now at the mercy of everyday people. Those typical everyday people that she has manipulated, used and dismissed as unimportant her entire life.

She was writing like crazy!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Bet it was filled with suggested objections and things she wanted Nurmi to get up and say again.
May I make a confession? I said I'd try and fast tomorrow but I don't think I will. I feel guilty because it's not due to any health condition. I just feel weak and tired if I don't eat and I don't want that. I want to fully alert and energetic as we approach verdict day. I will be praying all day though.

I hope this doesn't make me a hypocrite of any sort. My heart is in Arizona this week.

Of course it doesn't make you a hypocrite! Not in the least. You shouldn't feel guilty either. It's obvious you feel a lot of sympathy for them and are hoping for justice.
Nurmi is absolutely right on this point. There is no consent to sex when one is unconscious or asleep. I can't even understand why any man would WANT to stick their wick in a sleeping woman anyway. What, she's just a piece of flesh for a guy to get off on without any participation or even interest on her part? They can't be bothered to wake her up first? There's only one reason a guy has for penetrating a sleeping woman and that's because they don't want to deal with the possibility that she might refuse - they want to have sex and don't CARE whether she wants to or not and don't CARE that she's not sexually aroused which is often physically as well as emotionally painful. YES, penetrating a sleeping woman without her consent is rape.

That said, plenty of partners have implied consent when it comes to what is ok and what is not ok concerning their sexual relations, and this can be one of them as long as it is clear between them that doing this is ok. But it's still obnoxious selfish behavior, and I'm damned as to why any woman would be ok with it no matter how much they love their partner.

Nurmi was only wrong for bringing this up because from Jodi's own mouth we learned that she LIKED being woken up by Travis penetrating her, and there was likely implied consent between them that this behavior she not only consented to but enjoyed. However, I think the whole story of Travis doing this is rubbish to begin with.

I'm so revolted by this attitude that as long as a woman is having a sexual relationship with someone that anything goes between them whether she consents to it or not and that having a sexual relationship with someone gives their partner a license to do with her body whatever they like as if she's nothing more than a mound of flesh that they own.

Raise your hand guys who don't see any problem with their partner waking them up by jamming a cucumber up their backside without lube when that's not something that you've ever consented to before.


I think you are over-generalizing and projecting. What is ok and enjoyable to
me may not be to you. It's all ok and I think your way of describing being woken up by sex is over the top. Obviously it is something you do not enjoy, but it doesn't mean that there is any reason to vehemently trash the idea as the BBM above. I could not disagree with you more intensely.
Originally Posted by Mare10 View Post
I found it very strange that Nurmi talked about Snow White, haircuts and sexual orientation. The jury is not supposed to watch, read or listen (other than in court) about the trial as per the admonition given buy JSS. So, why would Nurmi even mention those things as nothing other than Snow White was brought up in court. Therefore, the jury would have no knowledge of what haircuts and sexual orientation would have to do with the trial.

I didn't know what the h8ll Nurmi was talking about, I must have missed that day. Although I did think of ALV. I could care less what someone's sexual orientation is or how they cut their hair. Actually didn't think about it, but I wondered why ALV was so biased against men especially when she let it known she had a son. Unbelievable.

I think it was Juan who had to object and get it struck from jury, but you cannot unring a bell....when ALV told the jury that she didn't have much in her retirement account...meaning that's why she needed to be on this case, as an excuse for lying and biased answers.
May I make a confession? I said I'd try and fast tomorrow but I don't think I will. I feel guilty because it's not due to any health condition. I just feel weak and tired if I don't eat and I don't want that. I want to fully alert and energetic as we approach verdict day. I will be praying all day though.

I hope this doesn't make me a hypocrite of any sort. My heart is in Arizona this week.

Your hearts in the right place and that's all that matters! :seeya:
i heard on HLN last night that Jodi was tweeting nasty things about Juan, like he is a liar. can't that be stopped. it should be reported at the very least. honestly, i consider her dangerous even from jail.

JA having murdered TA has now transferred her RAGE to JM.

After all, just like TA who found her to be evil and the worst thing that happened to him, JM has had 5 years to see and feel that same evil. And JM can do and has done something about her.

Since JA can't sneak into his home and exact her revenge she will use what ever tools (and people) available to her to attempt her assassination of JM.

Surely, she can be managed by the jail.
I fell asleep last night, and woke up to all the TH's on HLN laughing about Jodi's latest tweets. They said the tweets were "Felony Stupid". :lol: The one about Juan, and now the one about Christmas! :lol:
Of course it doesn't make you a hypocrite! Not in the least. You shouldn't feel guilty either. It's obvious you feel a lot of sympathy for them and are hoping for justice.

Your hearts in the right place and that's all that matters! :seeya:

Thank you! It nearly kills me to not do everything I can for Travis and his family. I will be praying... :)
I fell asleep last night, and woke up to all the TH's on HLN laughing about Jodi's latest tweets. They said the tweets were "Felony Stupid". :lol: The one about Juan, and now the one about Christmas! :lol:

JA gives off a Charles Manson vibe with her groupies tweeting for her.

May I make a confession? I said I'd try and fast tomorrow but I don't think I will. I feel guilty because it's not due to any health condition. I just feel weak and tired if I don't eat and I don't want that. I want to fully alert and energetic as we approach verdict day. I will be praying all day though.

I hope this doesn't make me a hypocrite of any sort. My heart is in Arizona this week.

I don't think Travis would want anyone suffering, anymore, at the hands of JA. Just from what I have heard of him he would probably say to you"eat, drink and be merry!"
It really was such a loooooooooong trial that I would imagine there is not too much deliberating to do. The juror's got to ask a lot of questions and got answers to what they may have had to ponder about in deliberations, had they not been allowed in Arizona to ask during trial.

I seriously cannot see any other outcome than 1st degree murder. Anything less give free reign to women like her to murder someone that "just wasn't that into her". The "situation" between her and Travis was nothing more than what goes on all over when a desperate woman like Arias let's herself be used for sex with a delusion of "maybe if I give him sex he will love me and want to marry me". To me that is what this was all about. She manipulated and lied about "hot button" issues of DM and pedophilia to, in her sick mind, justify her murdering Travis. Because of course she doesn't want to be seen for exactly what she is: a cold blooded murderer. A creepy, crappy, selfish woman who through her whole life lived by the mantra "nobody puts Jodi Ann Arias in a corner" when she doesn't get who or what she wants. Whether it was a thing or a man. (Yes a reference to Dirty Dancing!) I am sure her family knows exactly what she is and always was all about.

I hope to never see another trial where someone like Arias can trash the victim, like she did, without any proof whatsoever to her allegations. That in itself should be a crime.
May I make a confession? I said I'd try and fast tomorrow but I don't think I will. I feel guilty because it's not due to any health condition. I just feel weak and tired if I don't eat and I don't want that. I want to fully alert and energetic as we approach verdict day. I will be praying all day though.

I hope this doesn't make me a hypocrite of any sort. My heart is in Arizona this week.

Oh sweetheart! That's a personal decision. Travis would understand! I can't fast because I have low blood sugar. I have met my floor on a personal level more times than I can count, before I was diagnosed!
Does anybody else think HLN has gone waaaaaaaaay overboard with their "HLN After Dark'??? I saw they were gonna be on for 3 HOURS last night. It's like they've been having a party over the murder of this young man.
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