Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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Anyone who missed the radio show tonight I highly recommend it. But want to warn you that after listening you will come away believing that anything other than Guilty of Murder 1 WITH Death Penalty will be a COMPLETE TRAVISTY OF JUSTICE. JMHO
Still recovering here from tonights radio show. I simply have no words. It was so moving and the timing couldn't be better as the fate of Jodi is now in the Jurors hands. As it should be :please:
I've never even seen my back end, and no one else is going to see it either.:facepalm:

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:I was married for 12 years, and I don;t believe my ex ever saw my "backside" either. (Unless he peeked while I was sleeping.)
This is OT but can I ask all you amazing people a favor? As we wait for justice to be done for Travis I would appreciate it if you could remember my boyfriend in your prayers. Today is his birthday and he has had a few years of hell. He is in business with his family, his mother and two brothers. I won't go into the whole thing but it has turned very ugly, to the point where they tried to sue to get him out and when they couldn't do that they managed to have his son fired from the business. That's right, the grandson/nephew of these partners spent a great deal of money to force the son out because they weren't able to get rid of the father.
Now that son has sued the business because of issues from when he worked there for several years. Basically he was cheated out of hours he worked and overtime and he never made an issue because it was family but after they forced him out he found an attorney to sue them. The mother runs the payroll and it was in shambles. Everything written on calenders, nothing done the way it was supposed to, employment taxes not paid and records changed after the fact to hid discrepancies, lies being told, police being called to harass and even Children's Services were called to try and get the son's child taken away. Of course they found nothing and Children's Services won't say who made the report but it is obvious it was an attempt to harass and intimidate him.
In spite of being recommended by their attorney and having a summary judgement against them they refused to settle and it goes to court before a jury tomorrow. This has cost my boyfriend, and his business, hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees and increased taxes because they would not consider any settlement that would have saved them many thousands of dollars because they don't want to lose. My boyfriend is devastated both emotionally and financially and most likely the business won't survive because of this. Please pray for wisdom for the court, judge and jury as this case is heard and for God's will and for somehow, someway, healing to take place between mother, son, brothers and grandson, for their hearts to be healed and for the situation to be resolved in God's will.
Thank you so much.

I will send a special prayer for your B/F Dairy

?? "This"???

Care to expand?

I was serious when I posted this. Those nude photos of her are disgusting. And the fact that they are all over the internet for ANYONE to just google I mean seriously. WOW.

I can't imagine anyone wanting that. It's disgusting.
Was Jodie's dad in court for closing arguments? I've not seen any pics in the gallery of him.i know he's a very sick man.
NO. I wonder if he will be there tomorrow, for the biggest day of her life, to date.
This is OT but can I ask all you amazing people a favor? As we wait for justice to be done for Travis I would appreciate it if you could remember my boyfriend in your prayers. Today is his birthday and he has had a few years of hell. He is in business with his family, his mother and two brothers. I won't go into the whole thing but it has turned very ugly, to the point where they tried to sue to get him out and when they couldn't do that they managed to have his son fired from the business. That's right, the grandson/nephew of these partners spent a great deal of money to force the son out because they weren't able to get rid of the father.
Now that son has sued the business because of issues from when he worked there for several years. Basically he was cheated out of hours he worked and overtime and he never made an issue because it was family but after they forced him out he found an attorney to sue them. The mother runs the payroll and it was in shambles. Everything written on calenders, nothing done the way it was supposed to, employment taxes not paid and records changed after the fact to hid discrepancies, lies being told, police being called to harass and even Children's Services were called to try and get the son's child taken away. Of course they found nothing and Children's Services won't say who made the report but it is obvious it was an attempt to harass and intimidate him.
In spite of being recommended by their attorney and having a summary judgement against them they refused to settle and it goes to court before a jury tomorrow. This has cost my boyfriend, and his business, hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney fees and increased taxes because they would not consider any settlement that would have saved them many thousands of dollars because they don't want to lose. My boyfriend is devastated both emotionally and financially and most likely the business won't survive because of this. Please pray for wisdom for the court, judge and jury as this case is heard and for God's will and for somehow, someway, healing to take place between mother, son, brothers and grandson, for their hearts to be healed and for the situation to be resolved in God's will.
Thank you so much.

Lots of prayers for your boyfriend....:)

BBM...(Me too, me too). Maybe we both have better sense than we think 'eh?

Amen. Holy smokes.

I purposely haven't viewed any of these photos because I have a sensitive constitution and I didn't think viewing the nude photos would help me understand this case any better.

Holy smokes.


I agree and haven't seen them, nor do I want to! <modsnip>
Anyone who missed the radio show tonight I highly recommend it. But want to warn you that after listening you will come away believing that anything other than Guilty of Murder 1 WITH Death Penalty will be a COMPLETE TRAVISTY OF JUSTICE. JMHO
I tried listening, then got a message saying the "room was full":facepalm:
Knowing that she won't enjoy those things gives me some comfort. It was 89 here in Oregon today..way to warm for May. But as I puttered around outside, I noticed how much the freedom to just stand in the sun will escape Jodi in the future. No more rental cars or road trips, unless they ship her off to another prison. No more waxes or colorings to schedule. She'll have all her time free to trace her pictures and watch her back. I'd rather be put to sleep than live that way. Either verdict is fine with me.

Hey, Oregon, you want to send some of that our way. Northeastern NC here and it's still in the low 60's.
Knowing that she won't enjoy those things gives me some comfort. It was 89 here in Oregon today..way to warm for May. But as I puttered around outside, I noticed how much the freedom to just stand in the sun will escape Jodi in the future. No more rental cars or road trips, unless they ship her off to another prison. No more waxes or colorings to schedule. She'll have all her time free to trace her pictures and watch her back. I'd rather be put to sleep than live that way. Either verdict is fine with me.

Makes you wonder as she's eating her jail food if she wishes she could eat a hamburger from in and out that she so loves. She also loved ihop ! and will no longer eat and enjoy the many things in life we take advantage of. No nice wardrobes or ever to conquer 10000 places to see before you die. She gave it all up by her demise.
I'm starting to think Jodi had her own little side business going...know what I'm saying...

Maybe that's what T.A. was going to expose... pure speculation...

The other night on HLN there was a woman talking about her daughter who lived with JA for 3 weeks. And this woman said her daughter had met Travis, so it had to have been around the time JA was involved with Travis. Anyhow this woman said there were men coming and going from the apartment to see JA .. all the time and the daughter finally couldn't take it anymore .It was very interesting.
?? "This"???

Care to expand?

I was serious when I posted this. Those nude photos of her are disgusting. And the fact that they are all over the internet for ANYONE to just google I mean seriously. WOW.

I can't imagine anyone wanting that. It's disgusting.

I apologize. In my world, posting "this" in response to what someone posted is another way of saying "I completely agree with this."
I think it was a backhanded slap at the internet wilding going on. There are comments being made about ALV's sexual orientation, comments about her haircut, etc.

Juan deftly deflected the haircut bit to Nurmi but I think he knew exactly what that was all about. Nurmi trying to muddy the waters again.

Plus it appeared to be a backhanded slap to the jury, as he accused the juror of reading and watching the trial since there was no mention so sexual orientation in the court room....slimy! :twocents:
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