Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 and 05/07/2013

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That is cool! I don't mean to argue with you. I just think women in prison are different from women in jail. Hard core and will see right through her.
On death row she will be protected.
In gen pop she won't.
You are probably right but I can fantasies can't I?

Seriously- don't take it wrong. : )

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ITA. Being a former federal prison guard at a women's facility, I can tell you that there is a big difference between jail and prison. Prison is more of an institutionalized mindset. There are some short-timers in there, but obviously more of the hardened criminals spend their lives in the prison. It's no joke.

Just like ethnicity - your crime is your 'skin color'.<modsnip> (child molesters) being the worst. Unfortunately, JA will get some props in Gen Pop for being a celebrity murderer and a DV victim (yeah right) for a little while.

It won't take long for her (if in Gen Pop) to acclimate to the culture and work it in her favor - BUT - if she meets up with another BPD woman (and there are some serious mental categories in prison) there will be some severe sparks. It's impossible for those types to get along. She wouldn't be able to help herself, she is so narcissistic and controlling by being manipulative - and other controlling women recognize that, and will have none of it.

She can sing, buy snacks, braid hair, and draw all day long for now - but in prison, the culture isn't so elementary school and she's in for a big surprise. I'm all for DP, but I think I could be OK with daily misery of Gen Pop as long as she's the low (wo)man on the totem pole. That would kill her.
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I'm watching HLN now because I worked until 8pm tonight.

By the way Katie Wick described them and JC; seems plausible they've reached a verdict but just want to sleep on it be to 100%.

Care to share why you think so, LL? :)
Tell her to research it on the Internet. I used to read about it from a woman who iirc was named Tamara who had bpd and now gives speeches etc about this problem.. Tamara green iirc... She explained it to a t

I guess I should just take the higher road. This person will NEVER research it. I just would like an easy explanation but I know I will be "but, but, but" challenged. I will just not bring it up...
Tell her to google it and research lol. Seriously tho many folks really don't know it is rarely used,rarely applies and is rarely successful. I cant remember the Stats. They are very low.

I agree, not guilty by reason of insanity means not knowing right from wrong at the time of the crime. JA destroyed evidence, premeditated how to not be detected in AZ (not very well but she tried) and she lied afterwards to everyone (by her own admission on the stand). All these rule out insanity pleas.
BPD is a personality disorder and is an AXIS II disorder. Only AXIS I disorders (ex. schizophrenia, multiple personality/dissociative disorder) take the death penalty off the table.

How do I explain this, layman's terms over wine at dinner to someone who likes to debate?
Troy Hayden on Greta (Fox) did a report in front of Travis's home. The new owners have a big blue ribbon on the tree out front. The new owners didn't know of the murder in their new house until reporters showed up at their door!
Is there no law in Arizona about having to disclose that? Maybe because it was a foreclosure the bank doesn't have to??
aw geez, a new thread in the middle of the night.


Jodi is going down.

BTW, how do I explain to someone that BPD (borderline personality disorder) is NOT insanity. At work a co-worker said "oh she will just get insanity". Well, we know that is not an option, so how do I explain that BPD is not insane?

Having a mental condition does not automatically equal insanity. My understanding of insanity defense is that the defendant's condition must be such that he or she cannot distinguish between right and wrong or cannot comprehend the outcome of the crime. Its an incredibly high burden and usually there is a long history of tragic mental problems.

I hope that helps.

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I guess I should just take the higher road. This person will NEVER research it. I just would like an easy explanation but I know I will be "but, but, but" challenged. I will just not bring it up...

Tell her that there's a big difference between people thinking someone is "insane or crazy" and what the law defines it as. To be legally insane they have to not understand that what they are doing is wrong when they commit the crime.

For example.... Take someone who is a schizophrenic and is hallucinating, etc. they are living in a different world, so to speak. Maybe that person kills someone, but is experiencing it as killing the devil because he's after them.

Someone like JA, on the other hand.... May not be "balanced" but she understands her actions and there consequences.

That's probably not the best explanation or examples, but it's how I understand it.

I read an article talking about the Aurora, CO theater shooter and it said that only 2% of defendants claim insanity and only 2% of them are successful. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was shockingly low like that. I'll try to find where I read that so I can provide a link.
Troy Hayden on Greta (Fox) did a report in front of Travis's home. The new owners have a big blue ribbon on the tree out front. The new owners didn't know of the murder in their new house until reporters showed up at their door!
Is there no law in Arizona about having to disclose that? Maybe because it was a foreclosure the bank doesn't have to??

If you read the link below the home owners state the realtor DID tell them there was a murder in the home before they bought it. Husband was ok with it, wife was nervous about it. However, she said they love the home, it isn't creepy or eerie at all and she feels a connection with Travis.
There is no law in AZ that the murder/bad event past of a home has to be disclosed, however, good realtors do reveal it, lest they anger buyers and hurt their reputation/career.
Lol, Guantlett still first poster on new thread.............are we slackers?! Does Guantlett have an insider telling when new thread is opening, lol! is the Caylee site to light a many of us came from that case to this site.

Also.........mods, would Love love love to see what cases folks may follow next??? As so many fine folks here would love to know.

1)Jane Bashara - Case starting ???? - Darkman001 here at WS keeps the thread alive, and Bob (husband/accused hired a hitman ("mentally impaired handyman") who has already been convicted)/ VERY VERY interesting case and threads here at WS. Bob was FINALLY arrested for it last month a year after wife death.

2)Andrea Sneiderman - Case starting July 9th this year in my home town of Atlanta. I went to a few of the prelims and trial for her "secret affair boss/killer/stalker of husband" This gal is just like Jodi...Denial/manipulative! And she lives less than 2 miles from me in Johns Creek Georgia! VERY VERY interesting case here at WS on threads. I did a media thread for the case....but not big enough to have "sub threads" at this mods have it disjointed right now......but expect it will be pulled together later.
BBM: I think SHE will hear "I now pronounce you husband and wife, Travis you may kiss the bride" because she is still living in her sick demented mind. :stormingmad: :twocents:

:floorlaugh: that is funny !

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I don't think it's the BPD that causes her to have no real emotions. I think she does have BPD, but is also a psychopath or sociopath. JMO of course, I'm not a psychologist.

I need to find a book about these different disorders or something. I find it all very interesting!

All the REAL psychologist stuff is very interesting to me and I totally trusted Dr. DeMarte's testimony about what was going on with JA. I also think the jurors liked her and trusted her. If I were to go for counseling (which I may need after this trial) - I would go to Dr. DeMarte. I went to a counselor once when I was going thru the one divorce I had and she dug way back into my childhood and family and warned me what my ex might try as a manipulator. She was right on every point.
Though it makes me sick (& it really does!!) I hope JA continues to tweet because I have a feeling it might be a factor in mitigation. I'm NOT a lawyer so I have no idea if this can actually happen but how outstanding would it be if her Mom (or other family members) are begging for her life, how remorseful she is, etc. and Juan pulls out some of these tweets? Again, I have NO clue if this is a possibility but I like to dream :please:
I guess I should just take the higher road. This person will NEVER research it. I just would like an easy explanation but I know I will be "but, but, but" challenged. I will just not bring it up...

The easiest explanation I can say is that to claim insanity and take the death penalty off the table, a person would have to be diagnosed with an AXIS I disorder (ex. schizophrenia, multiple personality/dissociative disorder).

Therefore, JA's AXIS II disorder (BPD) is not going to do that. It is a personality disorder.

'Hope that helps.
Lol, Guantlett still first poster on new thread.............are we slackers?! Does Guantlett have an insider telling when new thread is opening, lol!

The mods open threads when I ask them to, doncha know? This morning was a pure fluke. Normally new threads open about the same time I switch over to procrastination mode at work so I happen to be online at that time.:floorlaugh:
SLOW DOWN! :scared:
I keep trying to "catch up" on these threads and it is dang near impossible!
I have about 10 threads bookmarked already, I keep thinking I will be able to sit a few hours and get up to speed, but this forum has some massive traffic coming through.
Suppose I shall have to just sit down for a week or so after verdict and try and really take it all in, in the meantime I shall start at this point and try to keep up (not gonna happen!).

A thought occured to me, maybe it has been touched on already since this trial started, but I am new so not sure.
When Travis says the famous line on the phone sex call about the 12 year old, has anyone else ever thought he was possibly saying it as a slight put down to her? Meaning, her *ahem* orgasm did not sound genuine, thereby sounding like a 12 year old having her first (and being 12 likely doing what they THINK it should sound like).
To me she just sounds so freakin' phony during that call, and as it has been said he at first did not seem that into it. Maybe he was giving her a little dig that flew right over her head?

Anyway, just musing while I try to get up to websleuth speed and wait for tomorrow....
Night all!
I think Jodi's tweeting so much is 'cause she knows...
Her gig is up..

Arriving tomorrow 1 hour later than the schedule they themselves set......
We'll know by the way the Jurers are dressed.

No worries WS'rs...
Justice arrives tomorrow mornin'!

The jurors are required to start with the first count. So given that they followed that regulation, what could they have had a hard time with today about premeditated murder?
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