Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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I would bet money they have a decision but are waiting to announce til tomorrow so they can go home and get dressed up for media. If the jurors come back tomorrow dressed up more I would bet there is a verdict.

I said that I thought they would come back by the end of today and my hubby bet me it would be sometime Tuesday.

It seems I was off the mark so maybe I will have to pay up on my $5 bet to my hubby. lol

Im not worried in the least though. This was a very long trial and we have posted thousands of posts since January talking about it so the jury deliberating around 7 hours or so is not a biggy.

Realising that I have always put a lot of value on the eyes of defendant & victim on the fatal day. In the photo of Arias on the bed, her eyes have turned into black stones. Hateful resolve defying anyone to approach or to interfere with her fully hardened intent.

In the eyes of Travis, final portrait inside the shower, he is suddenly confronting the horrible validity of past alarm, dread and fear of what this woman is capable of. Recognition and horror, "You would dare do this? I see it is real, yes. Here you are and it is all hideously true!"

I never did get that impression from Travis' expression. I just saw annoyance with perhaps a hint of sadness.
I want to cut off my waist-length hair just to have something harmless to throw at the computer. Ok not really but almost. Come on jury!
Cross post:

Anyone who is interested in hearing more from Chris and Sky Hughes, they have several media appearances coming up.
Starting tonight, they are appearing on both Inside Edition (pre-recorded) and Dr. Drew.
Tomorrow night: Nancy Grace.
They filmed a 48 Hours episode on Saturday, but I don't know the date it will air.
There are more that are escaping my seems one will be on FOX and I believe a Dateline...but I will share as I learn more.
My DVR's are set for Inside Edition and Dr. Drew for tonight!

Thank you,

Michael, thank you and thank you for all you have done for the Alexander Family....
I CANNOT TAKE THIS WAIT ANYMORE!!!!!! Time for cigarette.
this jury comes back with anything less than 1st degree murder then I can say I have lost ALL faith in the justice system. After the CA fiasco I lost confidence that truth prevails and justice will be done. That case and this one are SLAM DUNKS. There is even photo evidence OF THE MURDER AFTERMATH in this one. What more does a jury need? It is appearing more and more to me that our American jurispmjrudence is more concerned with not harming or stepping on the accused rights vs getting in evidence that proves a crime was committed. I just don't trust the system anymore. It's how I feel. I'm praying and hoping this jury gets this no brainer right. I know she's gloating right now since they havent come back right away and that thought makes me :banghead:
Godspeed to justice for Travis. Please jury, get it right cause so much was done wrong here.

I feel exactly the same way. It seems you need a video tape to discount far-fetched defense theorys. It still bothers me such important evidence was kicked out. Prejudicial? I thought this was about the truth. Prejudicial is what it should be.
Ugh! I hope not! I'll be at Disneyland. I would prefer to watch the verdict live in the privacy of my home so I can shed tears of joy. The people at Disneyland will probably think I'm crazy if I'm standing there crying! :floorlaugh:

I think you could be arrested for shedding tears at "The Happiest Place on Earth"...

Just sayin'..... :dunno:

I'm prepared to blame the engineer who had 2-3 VERY specific questions. This guy (why do I think it's wrestler?) will want to CYA to make sure they don't have any mistakes leading to an appeal.

This my thinking......

There's an engineer on the jury?
I would bet money they have a decision but are waiting to announce til tomorrow so they can go home and get dressed up for media. If the jurors come back tomorrow dressed up more I would bet there is a verdict.

..Get dressed up for the media or just get dressed up to respect the court when they deliver their verdict.

Maybe the jury has learned after all these months how to drag stuff out so that it takes longer.
I must say that I'm a bit concerned about the older gents on this jury. These men came up during times that women were considered the weaker sex and needed protecting. I'm afraid that they just can not consider a verdict with a possible death sentence attached. JMO

Hubby thinks that men would be so disgusted by the "false accusations" that only the women could be the hold-outs.

Maybe somebody needs to be brought down to earth. Maybe the paperwork is a pain to fill out?
Anybody else microwave their ice cream, or is that a Kentucky thang? :floorlaugh:
Don't panic people. These jurors only deliberated 10 hours and 40 minutes for Casey, sadly not guilty, OJ was less than 4 hours, sadly not guilty, 30 hours for Phil Specter for a 2nd degree murder charge, 35 hours over 9 days for Robert Blake quilty 1st degree murder, Scott Peterson 7 days for both 1st & 2nd degree murder, 4 days for the Menendez brothers with 2 counts of 1st degree & nine days for Charlie Manson...

So far I've refinished a desk top sanded & sealed, gone to Target, chopped everything for ho' made pizza tonight among many other tasks. I understand your pain...
You are correct and if they are doing that they are violating not only their oath but the jury instructions as well.

At this time they are only there to determine if she is guilty and if so, what degree.

When I was on a death penalty case we never discussed the sentence the defendant could get when we were deliberating guilt or NG because we knew we were not suppose to do that and didn't.


Evidently, the Pinellas 12 got hung up on this and thought that whatever guilty decision they made meant that Casey would automatically get the DP. If they were uncertain and/or didn't understand their instructions, they should have asked for clarification by the Judge. :banghead:
I like Softail. I know she is a woman. :) She has a big heart, good taste in music, and likes motorcycles. That makes her pretty neat! What's more, she is always nice to posters even when they are not so nice to her. So there.

Agreed ! Softail rocks...she is good people !!!
Love ya chicky !
Mrs. Norris you make a really good point about something. Folks we have to remember something. These jurors sat and listened to this trial for 4 months!!!!! 4 MONTHS!!!!??? And listened to Jodi for 18 days!! And during that entire 4 months the jurors were not able to talk to anyone! NO ONE about this trial. They couldn't unload on their spouses when they got home or their boyfriend, girlfriend, or parents. For the first time they get to finally talk about their thoughts on what they have heard the last 4 months. More than likely they spent a few hours just unloading and venting.

My guess is that we will have a verdict sometime after lunch tomorrow. Hopefully the deliberations won't go into Wednesday and I hope they don't go for 2nd degree murder. It would be a travesty of justice if Jodi was ever let out, even after serving a 25 years.
Anything less than Murder 1, JA would consider a victory. She's already derived enough pleasure from killing Travis...I don't want her to feel even the slightest bit pleased that she got a lesser sentence.
for the jury to believe this is anything other than 1st degree murder, they have to believe JA.

i don't think they believe JA. how many questions did they ask her? over 200? and i don't remember any that showed someone believed her. i know not all of them submitted questions but could anyone believe ANYTHING she says?

so i refuse to entertain the thought they're coming back with anything less than what this case is----first degree murder. period. end of story.

we just have to be patient.

I completely agree...that's why I'm worried about the many hours they have spent discussing the case!! I'm just trying to stay calm, and as others have pointed out, it's true they haven't been able to talk about the case at all so they probably have a lot of say about it. I just feel like if I was a juror I would be so fuming mad at hey I sat there, took time out of my life to listen to your side of the story, and you straight up LIED in my face. It would take me 5 minutes for my decision after everything they've heard.
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