Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

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After this verdict, I don't ever want to see or hear from JA again. Ever.

I know there will be appeals and I will always support the Alexander family through all of that, but this monster has taken enough time and energy out of everyone's lives.

She needs to be thrown away and forgotten about.

A televised execution would be OK in my book.
I think it is very possible they don't want anyone to think they made a quick decision, on the other hand I don't think they would want to keep Travis' family from getting justice asap.

Maybe they find humor in her necked pics.

Hubby thinks that men would be so disgusted by the "false accusations" that only the women could be the hold-outs.

Maybe somebody needs to be brought down to earth. Maybe the paperwork is a pain to fill out?

I think if there is a hold-out that it is a female too.
I was happy to hear that when the door opened to where they were gathered (the jury) the commentator heard laughing and talking.. So they are getting to know each other and getting along. Always a good sign.

they may not want to look like they rushed through it. It's ok though :) we're all good with that.. please? now?


Maye it's just payback for all the hours they were kept waiting!
I thought Marlo in That Girl looked just like my brother's then girlfriend. I also thought she was so smmmoooooth on Donahue when she hooked him. Ever notice now, though, how old she is looking? Well...hello future!

Gee thanks for making me feel so much better :floorlaugh:...the future is happening faster then expected!
Dwayne Cates on HLN said he thinks it will be 2nd degree. So that would mean they woul dhave to believe Jodi's story that she took Travis' gun, right? And they would ALSO have to believe her story about the rope, thus the knife just being there. I don't see how that's possible...there is no evidence of that. There IS however evidence that Jodi might have had the gun b/c we do have concrete evidence of the gun being "stolen" from the home she was staying in.
If they think Jodi brought the gun, that would have to automatically mean 1st degree, right?
I just do not see how it could be 2nd degree based on the jury instructions, like Juan said even b/w the first stab and the second fatal stab to the neck, there was premeditation, then premed. again before the gunshot.
I do not see HOW the jury could come up with any other verdict than 1st degree.

He is an idiot...he has bad rapped JM through this trial....I would suggest he go to the gutter and try to dig up some clients :stormingmad:
only 32 min left to deliberate today...darn
Speaking of verdicts, I will never forget where I was when the OJ verdict came down. I was a college student, and I had watched the trial all summer. When the verdict came in, I was back at school at Utah State University and one of my classmates came in and said OJ was found not guilty. I felt like someone in my family had died almost. It still stays with me after almost 17 years!

I remember that day vividly too and the feelings/emotions I had...which were similar to yours. I was at work and in my college years and we had a TV in the break room and would huddle around it to watch the trial....the day the not guilty verdict was read impacting everyone in the shock.
Is that where Simon went? Listen, he likes cookies before bed, and no green M&M's. Don't feed him after six o'clock, and stay away from politics and religion.

Simon does not like cookies, and he now only eats green M&M's, he's actually quite upset about a few things that 'went on' I think you know what he means .. 'What was that Simon?' .. 'Yes, I am talking to HIM' .. Anyway, I've got to go now .. Simon says stop trying to contact him, he says you know why.
IMO even if they have come up with a verdict, I don't think they will give it today, this late.

If it were me, I'd want to give it in the morning. That way I could still take the day off work and get a break for the rest of the day.
I went to college with Harvey Yeary, Lee Majors, "The Six Million Dollar Man".
I have a weird mind. I don't know why I got to thinking about this right now. But here goes.

Woman vs. Man. A knife and a gun. I and I think most women would use the gun. It is quicker, more sure, pretty lethal (even a .25 if you shoot more than once.)

But there were many more knife wounds on him, and only one gunshot. Killing with a knife is usually considered more personal. With a gun you can stand back and shoot. With a knife you have to be right there, you have their blood flowing on you. Knifing is often times considered sexual in nature also. And she chose that the most wounds she gave him was knife wounds.

I don't know why, but that just struck me.

Stabbing would be more "quiet" .. ie: room mates, neighbors etc. would be more likely to hear a gunshot and call 911.

But having said that, this has been on my mind for a long time and I've never expressed it. But, I wonder if there are any pillows missing from his chair in the bedroom? I was thinking that maybe she could have used a pillow to shoot the bullet into his head to stifle the sound. That might account for some of the tassels in the bathroom and down the stairs as she was taking the pillow with her.

Call me crazy ... just a thought (smile)
I remember as well, Tut -- I was at work -- we were all in a big room (we were computer programmers & analysts and we were young) and we had all been listening surreptitiously to our radios, and when it was announced, there were some muffled cheers/claps and the rest of us were too dumbfounded to speak or breathe.

But he's in the jailhouse now.

Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love
What on earth you tryin' to do
It's up to you, yeah you

Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna look you right in the face
You better get yourself together darling
Join the human race
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
John Lennon, RIP

Love the Beatles reference, one thing we know about Jodi for sure, sure she is one Spinal Cracker!
After 56 days of listening to testimony and closing, how can you fault the jury for taking a while to discuss the case, look over evidence, etc... there are two separate 1st degree verdicts they have to decide.
Deputies tell #abc15 #jodiarias is transported 2 courthouse between 5-7am and kept here in a holding area while jurors deliberate.
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