Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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OK, I'm going to catch a nap while my 4yo sleeps since my 5yo decided we were waking up at 2:00AM this morning!

This will ensure that the verdict will come in immediately!!!:floorlaugh:
"""""""It wasn't a plea offer, it was a threat ("if we go to trial I will RUIN Travis's reputation")""""""

It was a combination of both.

In a July 2011 memorandum, Arias’ defense team tried to convince prosecutors to “discuss the resolution of the case within the parameters of the sentences available for second degree murder.” Attorneys argued that “it will require quite the feat of mental gymnastics” to prove the state’s felony murder theory to a jury.


The document describes some of the evidence the defense planned to introduce at trial, much of it dealing with the nature of Arias and Alexander’s relationship. The defense claimed expert witnesses would testify about the “extremely demeaning, degrading, and abusive behavior” Alexander exhibited toward Arias.

According to the memorandum, Alexander’s texts, emails and voicemails will “paint a tawdry picture not of a choir boy steadfastly practicing his faith, but of a playboy expert manipulator and sexual deviant.” Text messages would also allegedly show that Alexander was upset at Arias and called her names, but in the days before his death Alexander still wanted Arias for sexual purposes.

In a letter to prosecutors in December 2010, Arias claimed that testimony about Alexander’s relationships at the trial would cause “collateral damage” to others in the Mormon community and tarnish Alexander’s memory, according to the memorandum. After sending that letter, Arias was informed that a second degree murder plea would not be possible.

In addition to arguing that a conviction on first degree murder would be difficult to obtain, the defense also claimed that a death sentence was unlikely because the murder was a product of the “chaotic and unhealthy” relationship between Arias and Alexander. As a result, they felt she had no incentive to plead to a charge more serious than second degree murder.

The defense stated that Arias could receive a more favorable verdict at trial, but she was willing to plead guilty to second degree murder to avoid causing more pain to Alexander’s friends and family and “because she has grave regrets for the falsehoods she told the media after Mr. Alexander’s death and how such falsehoods might have caused the family even more pain.”

No plea deal was ever reached. Arias’ defense is expected to begin presenting testimony to the jury on Tuesday.

Jodi Arias Tried To Negotiate A Plea Deal For 2nd Degree Murder

Okay, that's IT! I'm against the Death Penalty but THIS IS so freaking unbelievable that I wish we could KILL HER 3 TIMES. God I Hate Her!!!
Ham is in the oven and potatoes are peeled!
Lol I still don't get the comment made about the bad haircut and sexual orientation.

I'm not positive, but I think at some point during this trial there must have been a reference to KN's hair. The sexual orientation, I think, is in reference to ALV and her sexual orientation, but not sure on why KN chose to say it.

I really think his opening statement with the above, as well as Snow White and Seven Dwarfs was so juvenile and redundant.

I have come to the conclusion that HLN, and everyone ON it, DISLIKES Juan Martinez. Nurmi gets "B's" on Dr. Drew and JM gets "D-'s" from other lawyers and "experts?" PLEASE! It's ABSOLUTELY ridiculous.

Personally, I love Nancy Grace. Always have. (I even pre-ordered my handcuff necklace. ;)) But when your panel includes folks from the National Enquirer, you have lost all credibility. And when your courthouse reporters and producers are called to the stand as potential defense witnesses, you as a network are overstepping bounds somewhere.

HLN is nothing more than a TV tabloid. I'll admit that I watch, but I much prefer the ID Channel. And, after this trial, that's likely where you'll find me. :twocents:

Yup. Discovery ID is my place too!

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As much as I want to stay on my computer and refresh, I have got to get back to work.
Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate.

Seel you later, peeps.
Mine just told me he does not want to hear anything else about the sicko. I am relistening to the radio show from last night. He is so MEAN.

redkat, that made me laugh so hard I started coughing and choking. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Seriously, I so needed that moment of levity and :tyou:
Praying for justice for Travis.

I so wish the jury could have seen the interrogation video of Jodi saying "if I killed Travis, I'd beg for the death penalty". Of course, that would have just been another lie. I'm curious to know how she would have explained that lie away if it had of been allowed in as evidence.

Fingers and toes crossed for a quick murder one, dp verdict today.

I agree with many others that wrote that Juan will probably use that in the penalty phase.
I also think that after four months of listening to testimony and not being able to discuss the case among themselves, they want to take time to do just that--to digest what went down, listen to other jurors takes on the strengths and weaknesses of the case, the witnesses, the testimony, impressions of Jodi-did anyone believe any part of her testimony, if so, what? Who could blame them? We've spent so much time discussing every aspect of this case...I'm sure each juror has something that really stuck with them or bothered them since the case began.

I agree. As much as I'm hoping for a speedy verdict, I think this jury has a lot to talk about.
This is awful. This waiting around. I keep thinking I should go out and get something done...And then I refresh again...

I'm trying to decide if I should watch "General Hospital". And I hope there's a verdict before my Grandaughter gets here or there's going to be a battle between HLN and "Good Luck Charlie, she'll win:banghead:
I don't know...I wonder if there is a hold out? Nurmi was allowed to complicate the process by adding yet another they never argued in the trial. That alone speaks volumes of how sleezy her defense team is.

They are not sleazy. They are doing everything they can legally to save her life. That is their job. They got the manslaughter charge in because it had legal foundation. Not because they are being sleazy but because that is their job. To defend her. The better they do their job, The more likely she loses any appeal.
When my hubby called from work he asked me if they had a verdict yet. He said he thinks it will be Tuesday before a verdict is rendered and I have been saying maybe it will come in by this afternoon late.


DH called at lunch time and said that he couldn't get on Websleuths! :D
Can someone please tell me what this means : spousal "unit" I see parental unit, spousal unit , I've always just said my spouse or parents?

Salute Jodie arias murder 1 premed ! at ihop she loved to go there.
This staring at the ceiling thing isn't helping me at all. I'll practice my dance so it will be just perfect for post-verdict 'celebrations'.



And don't forget the Juanettes' signature move... :juanettes::juanettes:
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