Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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I'm having similar trouble. I'm very computer savvy, but each time that I try to change to the Justice for Travis avatar, I receive an error. One says the upload failed; the other "invalid file." Frustrating, but I'm with everyone in spirit.

I had an error message as well .. "upload failed" .. I believe it was, but it worked anyway. I renamed it and had it on my desktop before uploading as avatar.
I don't know...I wonder if there is a hold out? Nurmi was allowed to complicate the process by adding yet another they never argued in the trial. That alone speaks volumes of how sleezy her defense team is.
I totally agree. I don't know how either of them can sleep at night knowing they trashed Travis as much as they possibly could - for what? To get someone they already know is guilty off?
Trashing the victim was waaaaaaaaay over the line of "doing their job" !!!
Sequestration tends to favor the defendant as the jury starts to feel like they are the ones in prison. Plus it's very expensive to sequester a jury, bailiffs to watch them, etc, etc. Does anyone hoping a defendant is convicted really want a pizzed off jury who resents the state?


So true plus Arizona hasn't sequestered a jury in like 80 years, why start now.
I was contemplating a margarita but then I decided it was not not healthy for me to drink alone. I'm now contemplating again. :fence:

This Mike's Hard Black Cherry Lemonade is nummy. Come on, join me! ;)
I thought it was another opportunity to smear Travis, as in Travis is a Pedo and insinuating her was Gay...? Maybe I missed what KN meant?

i'm wondering if juror #5 made some comment about ALV's sexual orientation and that's why she got the boot.
Greetings, Verdict Watchers. I think Jodi did it. Thank this post if you agree! :dance:
I'm looking forward to this case being OVER and all the hoopla surrounding it going awayyyy. Such a circus. So many distractions and poseurs looking for their 15 or 30 min. This is really a simple case of straightforward murder 1. All the hysteria and media just complicates it. Justice is not played out with people shouting into microphones. Justice is not played out with people photobombing, tweeting, or any of that ilk. Justice plays out quietly in the solemn oath of a jury, during deliberations, as the legal process proceeds.

There will be justice in this case and it will be because there's a strong case with strong evidence, a competent DA's office with a tenured prosecutor, and jurors who take their oath seriously. Everything else is flotsam and noise and distraction and has nothing to do with Travis or justice. ( IMO )
ok i was doing good waiting and now I cant stand it anymore. Have to make a long island ice tea.

Maybe the delay is because of something like this....

"ok, here we all are. Lets see where we stand. Raise your hands if you think murder 1."

Everyone raises hands.

"ok, we had better wait a couple hours because we have to make it look like we thought this out" LOL :)
they're not even supposed to be considering punishment at this point, though. so i doubt that's it. JUST COME BACK ALREADY!!!!!!!

Aren't they asked during jury selection if they would be willing to give the death penalty . .???
The dang husband just sent me a text and I flipped out thinking it was WAT giving me notice. He knows I am on verdict watch today...LOL
exactly what im wondering. it seems like such a slam dunk case. no gray area. pure black and white, leaning more on the black ;)

i would think it is whether or not she deserves to die....that maybe someone is against the death penalty. however, aren't they asked that question when being chosen....if someone is absolutely against the DP, they would not have been chosen, right?

The jury instructions says no talk about punishment yet. They don't get to decide their verdict based on the punshment tied to it. Plus they won't have to choose between Lwop or DP until the next phase of the trial.

I think they're stuck on the knife first vs. gun first issue, tbh.
My hunch is =

Mine as well. Even if they are already decided, I believe they will go a few hours into tomorrow so as not to rush anything....Of course , we could be wrong, but that's the intuition I have also....
They are not sleazy. They are doing everything they can legally to save her life. That is their job. They got the manslaughter charge in because it had legal foundation. Not because they are being sleazy but because that is their job. To defend her. The better they do their job, The more likely she loses any appeal.

They've clearly crossed the line of decency by implying Travis was an abusive pedophile. That is sleaze in its purest form.
dragged by a small woman?
Like somebody once said he did do a bit of crawling[ back stabs]
the she may have rolled him? Do not know...but whatever she did she got him back in the shower in a sitting position? Strange...I keep thinking how did she ever manage to do that?Only she would know...:(
The picture shown of Travis and JA (where she's wearing the bathrobe) reminded me that they weren't much different in height. Yes, he weighed more, but she wasn't much shorter than he was. I hate to, but I have imagined her doing it. It's horrible.
OMG, caller on HLN saying because we don't know to whom the gun was registered means no premeditation. :banghead:

Threw my house shoe at the TV during that! no no no Jenny from Florida... First thought she was on the Casey Jury :)
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