verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

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For those I may have offended earlier with my time zone comment :) (and to save a bit o' bandwith)

1:30 Arizona
1:30 California
2:30 Mountain
3:30 Central
4:30 Eastern
5:00 Newfoundland
6:66 HELL
9:30 pm Scotland
10:30 Hawaii

did I get them all?


Missed the place Arias will be calling home for all eternity.
my account was hacked. i typed a verdict today.

I love your avatar. If I could photoshop, I'd put JM, Det Flores, Dr Horn and Dr Demarte there.

(If people can't see it, it says Law & Order w/the cast.)
Thought maybe we would get one last little "tweet" from Jodi Ann but no...guess she is busy powdering her nose. That should take her quite some time since it has grown so much during this trial. (Her nose that is!)
So the instant HLN announced that they had a verdict it started to thunder and lightening here where I live, and now we are having a heavy downpour of rain. And fwiw I live in a part of the country where it doesn't rain very often....

Happy is th corpse when the rain falls...
Travis is happy!!!!!!
I had to text everyone I promised to when the verdict came in...I am freaking out, I cannot imagine the feelings of his poor family. I hope they get the justice they deserve. I need a Valium, LOL!:rockon::please:
1 hour to go, ladies and gentlemen.
In doctors office now. On my way to the office I opened the sun roof and felt the warm California sun on my face, blared my radio, gazed at the Pacific Ocean and thought of Travis. I almost burst into tears.

Is Rose here??? I hope she doesn't miss the verdict!!

We find ourselves together again...waiting on a verdict, my friend. Praying we are MUCH happier today than we were last time.

Love you, JSR! :heartluv:
:wave: T minus 1 hour until verdict read!

Prayers for TA's family and friends!
Right around the time this trial began,this nice sweet white dove with a pink leg band was visiting our yard.
The dove was eating with all the other was not afriad and did not fly off when we anyone went outside near it.
We found out it belonged to a wedding dove business in the next town.
One day as it was being sweet[ like travis was a white dove]
a nasty big hungry Hawk snapped it up flew off with it. Sadly we were too late to chase the Hawk away the sweet white dove we loved to see in our yard, had died,we however did not give the Hawk the joy of making it it's dinner.
We got it and buried it in a decent manner.
The moral of the story?
The murderer will not get the satisfaction of trashing, killing, slaughtering a good man. She was not the White Dove..
she is the blood thirsty hawk. I cried about this Hawk killing this dove.
I read that Hawks go for the heart first.
This is what she did took the heart and soul away from a good man. I am praying for the DEATH PENALTY...but I am not a let it be a verdict she so deserves...:jail:
So...what will Jodi's reaction be? Will she sit there and stare stoically? Will she flip that mop of hair over her face? Will she cry? Will she charge JM and get her azz zapped (one can hope) :giggle:

Can't wait to see her reaction but I fear it will be anti-climactic. :crazy:

I think she'll pull a Timothy McVea and roll her eyes at the jury as she stares them down. She's sick that way.
I bet JW is trying to coach her on fainting. That would be a mitigator :floorlaugh:
Does anyone remember why Ms two tone hair was dismissed from the Jury?
Vinnie said one juror, a woman, was seen coming back from lunch and wiping her eyes. What do you think this means--murder 1, murder 2, or manslaughter?

IMO, for whatever it is worth, I would think that means (if it is true) MURDER1. my reason for that is because what would there be to cry about in regards to murder 2 ? if one decides to take the life of another, even if deserved, that would have to weight heavy on them. that is a HUGE burden to bare - even if you truly believe in it.

I also think that they are normal humans and their hearts probably break for the alexander family and they know that the alexander family is heavily relying on them for justice.
beach told us earlier DO NOT REFRESH as it slows the site down - My last page showed as 77 - We have another hour to wait, correct?

But how do I keep up with new posts without refreshing? If I lose the board, just know my thoughts are here and I will be back when iI can.

And will it help to make fewer posts? I can just read along and let the "regulars" have the floor if that would make a difference. Let me know.

Thanks to all WS for having such a nice place to share the ups and downs of trial life with. I am sooo glad I finally stopped lurking!
How many minutes left? I don't even freaking now what 4:30 e my time is. Whew, I keep thinking how nervewrecking this must be for the Alexanders.
Thought maybe we would get one last little "tweet" from Jodi Ann but no...guess she is busy powdering her nose. That should take her quite some time since it has grown so much during this trial. (Her nose that is!)

She doesn't have access to a phone or contact with any outside parties while at the Courthouse. And don't expect any Tweets tonight...
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Amen. God is on His Throne.
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