I wonder, did any of them see the news about the first trial? did any of them see the interviews jodie gave? I mean, how could they miss any of it? I know that there are people who dont really follow crime, trials, the news, but heck, it was all over the media, every where was jodi..
now see, if I was a juror and they asked me did I see any news? I would have been yeah...sure did..I know something about it..and if they still picked me to be juror, well heck..what can I say?
Ill have to be honest here..even if I didnt see any news about jodi, or didnt know who she was and I was picked as a juror, I would find myself reading news about her, sneaking to see who the hell she is and what she done and reading websluthes and following along..just saying, I would be a sneaky juror,,,no way in heck I could serve as a juror lol im just being honest lol
I know they didnt hear everything, that the original trials had to offer, but I wonder...I mean come on, can we honestly say that none of them heard about jodi in the news? and if so, I wonder if they secretly are thinking about what they saw in the news, if they did see anything and are secretly using that info to come to a decision?
Hope I make sense...lol just thinking out loud..