VERDICT WATCH - Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Retrial Day 42

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Have been reading up for the past several months on all manner of things related to the DP, including studies about DP-qualified jurors. Statistically they are:

1. male

2. politically conservative

3. more likely to have listened to pre-trial publicity than DP-excluded jurors (DPEJ)

4. less willing to accept defense psych experts' testimony than DPEJ.

5. less likely to believe or to accept mental illness as mitigating than DPEJ.

6. greater need to hear the defendant express remorse than DPEJ.

7. more likely to focus on the aggravator(s) presented than on mitigators

8. more likely to dismiss mitigators altogether if presented with both strong and weak mitigators
I don't understand your thinking. Why go out for lunch when the defense could accuse a juror of trying to talk to the media and get that juror booted? This shows the jury's bonding and working through lunch. I hope they do it again today. They have a lot of evidence they never got to see. Don't be so hard on them. They wil get it right. They were not a part of the first trial. Jodi isn't going anywhere. Let them do their job. If it takes a few days, so be it. More time for Jodi to sweat it out. I am proud of this jury.

if I were on the jury, it would've been me toting the crock pot. I would rather eat a meal home cooked than something I caqn scarf down in less than five minutes at some fast food place. They really didn't get a long period of time to sit, order, eat. And I'm sure they all talked about food and family, anything but this case.
Since Paul Sanders said it took them 15 days to return a sentencing verdict in the DeVault case........ I do not believe the verdict will come today. While I don't see it taking that long due to the fact that JA is sorely lacking in mitigation factors.... I do see it going maybe all week with a verdict maybe on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon.

I don't think they have already decided although I would love to be wrong on that. Nothing has moved fast in this case and I don't expect this part to be fast either.

As far as bringing the crockpot in.... when I was on a four week trial ...during deliberations we did bring in food for everyone to eat. We took turns on who would prepare the main course and who would bring in sides if needed. We had decided that it saved far more time rather than going out to eat. I believe anytime someone 'breaks bread' together they become more unified and will want to come to an unanimous decision.

So it may take awhile to convince one or two if the others are already in agreement on what they think is an appropriate punishment.

I hope that if there are holdouts for life then the other jurors can tell them (respectfully of course) that they are letting JA manipulate them too. Maybe they will come to realize that and all vote for death which is the only just punishment in this case, imo.

The ironic thing is if Travis had been the defendant instead of the victim, and had done all of the things this murderer has done, I don't think many would think his life would be spared by the jury. He would be given death and whether he had a personality disorder or claimed abuse just wouldn't matter. They need to think about that in the jury room and come to grips with reality by totally removing the gender of the offender in this case and look solely at the premeditated actions and the cruelty inflicted on the victim.

Can they do that as they are told by law to do? Will they uphold the law that says the gender of the victim nor the defendant can weigh into their decision?

We'll see.
Since Paul Sanders said it took them 15 days to return a sentencing verdict in the DeVault case........ I do not believe the verdict will come today. While I don't see it taking that long due to the fact that JA is sorely lacking in mitigation factors.... I do see it going maybe all week with a verdict maybe on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon.

I don't think they have already decided although I would love to be wrong on that. Nothing has moved fast in this case and I don't expect this part to be fast either.

As far as bringing the crockpot in.... when I was on a four week trial ...during deliberations we did bring in food for everyone to eat. We took turns on who would prepare the main course and who would bring in sides if needed. We had decided that it saved far more time rather than going out to eat. I believe anytime someone 'breaks bread' together they become more unified and will want to come to an unanimous decision.

So it may take awhile to convince one or two if the others are already in agreement on what they think is an appropriate punishment.

I hope that if there are holdouts for life then the other jurors can tell them (respectfully of course) that they are letting JA manipulate them too. Maybe they will come to realize that and all vote for death which is the only just punishment in this case, imo.

The ironic thing is if Travis had been the defendant instead of the victim, and had done all of the things this murderer has done, I don't think many would think his life would be spared by the jury. He would be given death and whether he had a personality disorder or claimed abuse just wouldn't matter. They need to think about that in the jury room and come to grips with reality by totally removing the gender of the offender in this case and look solely at the premeditated actions and the cruelty inflicted on the victim.

Can they do that as they are told by law to do? Will they uphold the law that says the gender of the victim nor the defendant can weigh into their decision?

We'll see.

I think he made a mistake. Deliberations took 3 days in DeVault's case.
I think he made a mistake. Deliberations took 3 days in DeVault's case.

The life/death phase took three days
The aggregating factors phase took two days
The guilt innocence phase took ten
I think they could have been late leaving on Thursday just because they were cleaning up in the jury room, gathering their food and trash and such.

I also don't think they expected the media and family to be there when they walked out the door.
Good morning everybody. I woke up and thought, okay, it's Monday, who's testifying in the Arias retrial today? Then I realized. No more Nurmi!!! That in itself makes it a great day. Here's hoping we hear a decision SOON.
In her looney tunes mind, Jodi probably thinks the jury will say that the killer shouldn't have been found guilty in the original trial :crazy:

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. When the trial video is released the first thing I want to see is the look on her face when the verdict read. I want to watch her turn to the gallery and see the 3 people who could be bothered to show up for her, and then I want her to see the Alexander side of the gallery so full extra chairs had to brought in.

The only expression I expect to see WHEN she hears the DP verdict is a little grimace, quickly followed by a woe- is -little 'ole- me -the -victim look she's no doubt rehearsed.
I suddenly have to be gone for a while today. I hate to be a pain, but could someone post the link to get an alert when the verdict is reached? Pretty please?
I was so disappointed in the reporters that minimized the jurors for bringing in food.

The same reporters harped about the judge not respecting the jurors time, then turn around and sensationalize something that is simply practical.

It appears that most of the media didn't think Juan presented a very good case, so I feel confident the jurors picked up on his message. Reporters seem to have become so obsessed with the sensational that common sense has fallen by the wayside.

Please let today be the day the Alexander's can start to breathe again.
I have HLN on, I'm pretty sure they'll announce it...please tell me if I'm wrong!
I think he made a mistake. Deliberations took 3 days in DeVault's case.

Ocean- FWIW, there were many posts on Verdict Watch thread II about Sanders' oddly wording the length of time for deliberations. Penalty phase deliberations for that jury lasted 3 days, not 15. IIRC what he meant was the jury deliberated a total of 15 days (over 50 days) for guilt, aggravator and penalty phases combined.
Yeah, I don't know. I think the guilty was the big thing for her. We all know that she won't really get the DP even if she is sentenced to it so I don't think this matters as much to her. I think she still feels she is going to win an appeal and get off.

But DP is big because she won't have her own little harem. She will be alone, except for the DP attorneys.
But DP is big because she won't have her own little harem. She will be alone, except for the DP attorneys.

But nothing much will change for her now. She will still be in jail and she seems to have adjusted so well to live behind bars. Singing, Hair donations, DV work..........
:waitasec: Isn't the verdict going to be live streamed from the courtroom? Only audio?
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