Was Joe involved?

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LE is working with several liars who have engaged in criminal activity, drug dealers and users, no body - we don't yet know what physical evidence they have.

It will not be enough, IMO, that M and ToC's versions now more or less match, with "tolerances" that you would expect "in normal witnesses."

ToC, M and JO - who had the major role? It's one of them.
I vote MC. When the "intruder" story failed, she and ToC had to come up with another one and since JO is the family outsider, it's him that's getting thrown under the bus. Just MOO, of course.
In my opinion, Joe and Tommy were involved in the disposal of Haleigh's body and a gun-for-drugs transaction. Neither is responsible for the initial injuries inflicted upon Haleigh.
LE is working with several liars who have engaged in criminal activity, drug dealers and users, no body - we don't yet know what physical evidence they have.

It will not be enough, IMO, that M and ToC's versions now more or less match, with "tolerances" that you would expect "in normal witnesses."

ToC, M and JO - who had the major role? It's one of them.
ususlly in a situation, where a finger is being pointed at a suspect, he starts pointing his right back. I wonder why Joe hasn't done this. His lawyer may have told him to keep his mouth shut, so as not to implicate himself of ANY involvement, or maybe he really doesn't know anything. Personally, I think even if he's not the murderer, he is most definantly involved. He may just be trying to save his hide from any jail time, but I don't know. With Tommy's wild stories being made public, via his lawyer, you'd think he'd come out & offer some proof that he is lieing or exagerating. I'd want to clear my name, even if it meant confessing to being a part of the disposal or clean-up. It is possible that he wasn't involved, but when he saw that Haleigh was missing, decided to take off, so as not to get caught up in the investigation. This story just doesn't make much sense. He had to of known that Haleigh would be reported missing & that he would be seen as a suspect. Why kill her? I just don't see much of a motive. Even if it was to cover a sexual assault, wouldn't it make more sense to lie & cover for that? But people aren't always logical. There was a teenaged guy, here in town, who raped his sister & then cut her throat & left her to die. She survived & told on him. But the main difference with him, was that there weren't other people involved, to tell on him. He thought he was home free. If the Joe story is true, he left witnesses.
ususlly in a situation, where a finger is being pointed at a suspect, he starts pointing his right back. I wonder why Joe hasn't done this. His lawyer may have told him to keep his mouth shut, so as not to implicate himself of ANY involvement, or maybe he really doesn't know anything. Personally, I think even if he's not the murderer, he is most definantly involved. He may just be trying to save his hide from any jail time, but I don't know. With Tommy's wild stories being made public, via his lawyer, you'd think he'd come out & offer some proof that he is lieing or exagerating. I'd want to clear my name, even if it meant confessing to being a part of the disposal or clean-up. It is possible that he wasn't involved, but when he saw that Haleigh was missing, decided to take off, so as not to get caught up in the investigation. This story just doesn't make much sense. He had to of known that Haleigh would be reported missing & that he would be seen as a suspect. Why kill her? I just don't see much of a motive. Even if it was to cover a sexual assault, wouldn't it make more sense to lie & cover for that? But people aren't always logical. There was a teenaged guy, here in town, who raped his sister & then cut her throat & left her to die. She survived & told on him. But the main difference with him, was that there weren't other people involved, to tell on him. He thought he was home free. If the Joe story is true, he left witnesses.
so, I guess that's my main problem absorbing this story-the left witnesses. But if Tommy was an equal partner, that would just leave Misty. & if she was really hiding, that would leave none. So, if this story is anywhere near true, I have to believe that Joe & Tommy were in on it together. & where does Misty's dream of 3 or 4 men, fit in? Who is the other 1 or 2? & where does Jr's account fit in?
Why do you say that?

I am sure they have ruled many out. Of course they will not comment on who all that encompasses because they don't have to and it isn't really relevant to the investigation as it stands today with gathering evidence against the real prep or perps. The ones that are remaining on the suspect list is what is important to this case and I wholeheartedly believe JO is right at the top as the actual one who did this.

If the evidence is pointing at Joe then why wouldn't they want Tommy to come clean about Joe? You accuse them but you dont even know what they have uncovered to make them say that?:waitasec:

That would be like someone trying to tell LE that someone else killed Laci when the LE investigation was pointing directly toward Scott Peterson the entire time.


There goes this "list" again. Like you said, I'm quite sure LE has ruled out many people during this investigation, I don't doubt that. But we have Ron's lawyer stating in September that Ron was being shuffled around on this "list". So that means Ron is still on the list...no? If Ron was completely innocent in all this, please tell me why he was still on the "list"? The ones remaining on this "list" is what's important to this case, right? Well, Ron lawyer told us Ron is on the list. I believe him.

JMO, though
I think Misty gave, Haleigh something to make her sleep, Haleigh died, Misty called Tommy to come and help her, but for whatever reason Tommy couldn't go over at that time, so Tommy called Joe to go over and help Misty. Misty puts the blame on Joe.
I think Misty gave, Haleigh something to make her sleep, Haleigh died, Misty called Tommy to come and help her, but for whatever reason Tommy couldn't go over at that time, so Tommy called Joe to go over and help Misty. Misty puts the blame on Joe.
so, why would Tommy admit to being there, & going to the disposal site? Why would he accuse Joe of murder? to protect Misty? I don't think so,
I think Misty gave, Haleigh something to make her sleep, Haleigh died, Misty called Tommy to come and help her, but for whatever reason Tommy couldn't go over at that time, so Tommy called Joe to go over and help Misty. Misty puts the blame on Joe.

I respectfully disagree, too too many different stories coming out of this bunch for that to be the case...JMO
This is hard to explain, but I think Misty disconnects from anything negative. I think she puts it out of her head & lives in la la land. & I can understand her moving in with Tommy. That night, she was supposedly in her room, hiding under the covers, so in her mind, she didn't know what happened to Haleigh. She didn't see it, with her own 2 eyes, so it could've been anything-including a stranger abduction...so, even though she really did know, she could pretend that she didn't. & although she didn't like or trust Tommy, that was par for the course, because she had never liked or trusted him. & since he was her bro, & she'd always had contact with him, keeping contact wouldn't have felt abnormal. Also, if her story of 3 or 4 men is true, she might not have been scared of Tommy, by himself.
I've had another thought on this. LE stated that they had reason to believe that Misty wasn't @ home that night. maybe everything went down while she was gone, so she really doesn't know exactly what happened. maybe Tommy filled her in later, & she's inserting herself into his story. (didn't she say that Tommy showed her the disposal site?) maybe there's no real verification that Joe was in that house except from Tommy. maybe THAT'S why Tommy recanted the 10:eek: clock check-it didn't fit his story. I'd like to know if Jr. remembers Misty being home @ the time of the squeaky shoes, etc...because for him to have noticed that sound, the trailer must've been very quiet, & not the rage filled craziness that we've been hearing.
I've had another thought on this. LE stated that they had reason to believe that Misty wasn't @ home that night. maybe everything went down while she was gone, so she really doesn't know exactly what happened. maybe Tommy filled her in later, & she's inserting herself into his story. (didn't she say that Tommy showed her the disposal site?) maybe there's no real verification that Joe was in that house except from Tommy. maybe THAT'S why Tommy recanted the 10:eek: clock check-it didn't fit his story. I'd like to know if Jr. remembers Misty being home @ the time of the squeaky shoes, etc...because for him to have noticed that sound, the trailer must've been very quiet, & not the rage filled craziness that we've been hearing.

BBM..At the risk of being totally O/T I can't really eloborate on what I bolded in your post since this thread is about Jo...But you could be right...JMO
I haven't read this whole thread. Normally I do and that's why I rarely comment.

I don't see Joe Overstreet as some kind of criminal mastermind. I think he is a convenient scapegoat.

I think her killer is already in jail.
Another reason why I don't think Joe was primarily involved in the crime against HaLeigh was that he was not around when Misty with Ron called 911.

If he was such a bad guy who did this -- wouldn't he be around under the guise of helping out to ensure that Misty stuck to the script, since the MH was staged. He was not there to ensure he was covered.

Not only that but, he stuck around until he got his planned ride home the next day. If I had been primarily involved in this crime and Misty and Ron were calling 911 and talking to LE -- I'd have to be extremely confident that this would play out as planned else -- I'd have to run and get out of dodge right then ..... not wait for my ride.

It was not Joe stage managing Misty and ensure that she remained intimidated and under threat but ......... Ron.
This is a nasty thing to say but i think if Joe killed Haleigh Misty would have told Ron and Ron would have found him and killed him.

..and probably her too.
I keep thinking we are all overlooking a big piece of this puzzle, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it could be.
why did NG go on national TV and say JOE confessed?
Has his lawyer said anything?
I do not see where Joe is in jail.
Why and what makes even grandmaH think Joe is guilty.
Everyone lies and is on drugs but they call him crazy.
If this is all false, I see Joe suing allot of people.
If this is all true why is he free?
I truely hope we get answers on Joe Monday and
straighten out lies and truth.
IMO, I do think the quilty are in jail right now.
why did NG go on national TV and say JOE confessed?
Has his lawyer said anything?
I do not see where Joe is in jail.
Why and what makes even grandmaH think Joe is guilty.
Everyone lies and is on drugs but they call him crazy.
If this is all false, I see Joe suing allot of people.
If this is all true why is he free?
I truely hope we get answers on Joe Monday and
straighten out lies and truth.
IMO, I do think the quilty are in jail right now.

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