weekend break: discuss the latest here #125

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My apologies if this has been discussed and i missed it. I was wondering if there has been any discussion about the accusations of Dr Phil setting jodis parents up in a hotel and other expenses? I read it on the news and he denied it but i was wondering if this has been discussed on here, i like to read everyone's views on this.
Thank You

He made a statement that he did no such thing.

However there is evidence a producer of his (allegedly) is on the sign in log as if they saw Jodi?
Ah, but do you have a swamp cooler? I do (and live in NM). I love my swamp cooler! Give me some humidity in the dry heat and I'm just lovin' it! It's like a fine, cool mist on my skin. :seeya: And I love the climate here, though it gets pretty high-altitude cold during the winter.

We had a teeny little brick house in Sierra Vista and it had a swamp cooler and it was the bomb! Swamp coolers, as I understand it, work great until the dew point gets to a certain point, and then the humidity is too high for them to work. So they do work here but not once the 'monsoon season' arrives. It got up to 105 in Sierra Vista, and I thought I was going to die. I'd never been in heat like that. The summer we moved to Phoenix it was over 115 for 2 weeks straight, with a high of 120. That is some crazy heat.
Oh yes, that was noticeable. You might also note how she stares pleadingly at the jury when they go in or out of the courtroom. It's as if she wants to make some kind of connection.

But back to your point: Lisa is now in a good place, it seems, happily married with a very young child. She's still on maternity leave from her job. It's pathetic because Lisa has everything that Jodi probably wanted.

I admired both witnesses that were ex-girlfriends of Travis', actually.

Both of Travis' ex-girlfriends were immensely different from Jodi...they were everything she could never be.And had everything she could never have...both seemed to be respectable young ladies. JMO
My apologies if this has been discussed and i missed it. I was wondering if there has been any discussion about the accusations of Dr Phil setting jodis parents up in a hotel and other expenses? I read it on the news and he denied it but i was wondering if this has been discussed on here, i like to read everyone's views on this.
Thank You

Yes, Dr. P denied it, but JA's father says that their producer did contact him for an interview which he denied.
Thanks for that personal background info. Adams staying at that motel: I think he was from out of town, maybe didn't know or that motel had cheapest rates. He sure picked the wrong guy to hang out with even for a short time. Could happen to any of us, if Pros. act the way those ones did.

Yes, he was from the "north" down here looking for a job and the motel was run down and cheap. What can I say it's Texas, and especially Dallas. He was thought of as a yankee, and that was the mind set at the time, same as his lawyer Peter Lesser was known as that New York jew. Davis Harris was put to death too many years later.
Who says the door was closed? Sure doesn't look it to me. In the corner on the bottom right you can see the lip of the shower stall and the floor but not the metal strip of the bottom of the door. The door isn't closed. That was taken right before she went at him with the knife, so of all the photos it's not the one where the door would have been closed. Seeing as his shower door was a cloudy glass door, none of them were taken with the door closed. If the door was closed the cloudy glass, water droplets on the glass and steam from the hot water would make it obvious the door was closed.


I've re-visited that image and agree that the door was open as in the other photos. :back:
A number of us have joined the coverage of this trial in the setting sun of that other one in FLA that left a bad feeling with many about justice and the system that pursues it. While we highly value our rights we have helplessly stood by, appalled by the specter that has played out as an irresponsible defendant and jury have had their 'day in court'. And won. My opinion, unsolicited I admit, is that this will be different. There will be a penalty phase here. And when we get there, everything, and I do mean everything, that is happening now and recently and in the near future will be Very miniscule. For those who have attended or watched a trial wherein there is a deceased victim as a result of whatever means, you know that when we get to impact statements that this trial will finally, totally get turned on it's head as we hear from those that loved Travis. Then, once again this jury gets their say. And history will be made as JSKS sentences her first defendant to DR. My opinion, belief, experience and fog.

Hear, hear :rocker: and hear, hear, again :rocker::rocker:
If she only realized how stupid she sounded saying that. :rolleyes:
Even after the whole long week-end, I bet she still thinks that she got one "over him" with that comment. LOL. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that JM is quite used the DA's and their witnesses thinking they're so smart...JW thought she'd thrown him off guard by making fun of him with her "let's just get this over with" routine. He might be passionate about his cases but he most definitely was not in the LEAST affected by her High School bullying attempt to incite him. And unlike Nurmi (he's still there isn't he?) I doubt that JM hugs his expert witnesses when they get off the stand.

I haven't jumped to the conclusion that Matt is the bad guy. Actually the contrary. I think he had some info that was helpful and gave it up. Not to save his own butt, he just told what he knew. He believed her at first but quickly figured it out. She was just trying to manipulate him. He may have had info he didn't even know would be helpful. If anyone is the bad guy, it is DB in my opinion. He is keeping her secrets.

She believes MM will keep her secrets as well.

Why else did she risk the Boxcar Children Magazine Mystery bust?
ALV says the worst cases of abuse she has seen involved the severest isolation.

Yet in court TA is one of the worst cases of abuse.
So how did TA isolate JA?

Alright, now that's what I'm talking about right there. Here in the States we 'second guess'. But I digress.

Y'know, you've got me second guessing my 'double guess'. I don't even know if that's a term in Australia now. Oops. :blushing:

The main point seemed to be her attempt at witness tampering -- at least -- right up to and including subornation of perjury at worst.

Fair enough, point taken.

Given the timing of his media interview and her attempted message -- which was intercepted by the jail staff who, in Jodi's mind were too stupid to catch her -- it couldn't have been meant for another.

Thanks again, makes sense - point taken.
ALV says the worst cases of abuse she has seen involved the severest isolation.

Yet in court TA is one of the worst cases of abuse.
So how did TA isolate JA?

It's a stumper, ain't it.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't JA tell the court that Travis had one foot into the closet while she was in there reaching for the gun that was supposedly on the top shelf? I think that happened when JM was crossing but not sure. If Travis had one foot in the door while she was up there supposedly grabbing a gun to kill him, what did he do in reaction to that? Man, I cannot wait for 11:30 AM Central Time Tomorrow !!!
What I liked about JM on Thursday, is they thought they were clever asking ALV if she had memory problems, but he came back and very quickly proved that she did have memory problems by asking her what negative things Jodi said about herself in the journals. That was beautifully done.
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