weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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minor4th, how did you get the video embedded with the exact time you wanted to show?
I usually just gives a link when I do that.
Please do tell...

Doesn't sound the same with the 'please' in there but didn't want to sound abusive. ;)

I still cannot believe her cell phone went off in the middle of court. She was an atrocious witness. I cannot believe the defense kept her on the stand for as long as they did.

Now that blew me away. To me that put the nail in the coffin of her professionalism. How does one forget to turn off your cell phone n court - especially when you're a key DT witness. :facepalm:
Originally Posted by wishinuall
May I just say, from your avatar to your comments to your signage, I find you a delightful addition to our newbies! Welcome a 'board'! :goodpost:::welcome3::

....Think I will fit right in. Feels like Home!!

My feelings are bruised....I Never even got a "hi" when I joined :sad:
I seriously want to know what JA writes about all day..... she sure does an awful lot of writing.

Dear Diary,

Alyce made a mess of my case, so she can have all those books back. And she can have back those dumb "O" magazines she sent. What good are they now when that guard figured out my code. Dang. He's smarter than he looks.

I’m going to have to rethink my strategy quick because I don't know why Alyce is coming back next week but now all of a sudden the Judge is a meanie and Alyce is 2 steps from melting into a puddle if anybody looks at her cross eyed. Man, wtf. How did that hateful prosecutor de edify her like that and so fast?

I really am reaching the end of my rope here. It’s bad enough I have no body in my hair, no makeup, no cold sore cream and they're making me dress like a Quaker every day, which is embarrassing. But now things are seriously looking bleak. The jury doesn't think I'm harmless, after all. So what was the point of wearing these plastic glasses and teasing out 5 bangs every day? And eBay shut down my art selling. What is going on here? Why is everyone picking on ME?

What upsets me the most, Dear Diary, is I can’t leave this nice jail where I’m queen of the inmates. If they send me to a real prison with hardcore bad asses, I’m going to really know what a used piece of toilet paper feels like inside a week. :-( So I’m sending positive thoughts into the universe that domestic violence lady can pull my arse out of the fire SHE SET.
xoxoxo Jodi
I think it's easy to forget that real lives are at stake here, and that the defense attorneys are real people trying to do their job, fighting against the odds. How would you like to be Wilmott and be responsible for trying to save JA's life? And after years of hard work, see the handwriting on the wall?

It can't be easy.

Very true. I keep thinking that surely they've known before now but that isn't how the mind works, they're so deep in it, they can't assume the detached calculations of someone looking in from the outside.
She also mentioned referring to something to find out the friend who said she "played the victim" was from ELEMENTARY school, not high school. :twocents:

I wonder if ALV will try to play dumb? Whoops I have habit of misspeaking on the stand! And my mistakes always more favorable to the defense! I'm old fashioned!

I posted this on the other thread, but if she plays stupid regarding her antics on the stand, I hope JM reminds her of this little money making seminar from 2008:

I just clicked on the button where it was on the little bar thing, and it gave me an option to copy the URL at the current location ...and that's how it came out. I think it's a new Youtube feature.

Thanks minor ... Helpful info to learn.
Appreciate the tip !!
So, I'd like the opinion of those who were watching more closely than me today.

It sounds like ALV read that May 26th text and decided she really, really, really did not like Travis. And after that she just saw abuse, deception and generally bad behavior by Travis no matter what he did.

Does that sum it up?

She indicated today, if I heard right, that that late May text/email "rant" alone was enough to convince her Travis was an abuser, even if Jodi lied about all the physical abuse.
Can someone please tell me how/when this happened-TIA
Would speaking of blackmail and being threatened, are you aware that Jodi threatened Travis by saying that she would let out that he was a pedophile? Does that mean anything to you?
I didn't hear JW crying, but she definitely sounded disheartened. I wonder what genius decided to put twice as many men as women in the jury pool of 18, especially given ALV's known biases.

I think Jodi had lots of influence there...you know the whole "ALL men want ME" complex she had going for her (in her sick and twisted mind)...so hence, the more men, the better her chances...NOT!!!!!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
You couldnt see her face, and you have to listen really closely. I think she was just overwhelmed at that moment and probably frustrated and upset because after all the time they spent on this case, she was realizing it was OVER

I am not a fan of JW, but I have thought throughout this trial when she is at the podium how in the world can she stand there all day in those high heels and talk constantly. That has to be hard and she must be in really good shape to do it. She may even be diabetic or had low blood sugar. Who knows. But, it was strange. jmo
Around 32:45 into part 3 of the JA trial day 46 put on youtube croakerqueen123's channel today, JA is CLEARLY up to something clandestine having to do with JW's chair. No. Question. About. It. Here is a slo-mo, then normal speed video of it.

Jodi Diddles JW's Chair

  • First she kicks JW's chair away/into position.

  • Then she twirls the seat of JW's chair into a different position.

  • Then she slowly pulls JW's chair alongside her own, using her foot.

  • She waits a little bit, looks covertly out the side of her eyes to see if anyone is glancing at her.

  • She picks up a notebook and grasps it near the middle with her left hand, then slides the thumb across the bottom of the page.

  • She puts her hand down on the arm of her own chair and makes a couple of picking motions.

  • She quickly moves her hand to JW's chair at the back of the armrest.

  • She works the end of the armrest along the back and bottom of it. It looks like she's screwing or unscrewing something and/or picking/poking at something.

  • She jerks her head up and looks at the bench conference, pretending to be interested in what they are doing, but continues to diddle the back and bottom of the armrest on JW's chair.

  • She quickly pulls her hand back to in front of her, picks up a stubby pencil and starts to write or pretend to write as the conference breaks up and the lawyers head back toward their respective tables.

I never actually saw anything IN her hands other than the notebook and the pencil, but she did something she shouldn't have been doing (I think she hides something). Does D have access to those chairs after the court clears out or before court convenes?
I was just watching the Wilmott meltdown again ( several times, in fact) and yes she initially giggled, but then I think she was crying when she asked for a break

Not seeing/hearing that at all. She flipped her notes significantly before asking the question and took them with her and held them down and in front of her to the sidebar. You can hear the paper flipping back, so she probably didn't mark her place. Then when the questioning resumed, she'd lost her place/the question...chuckled about it and asked for a break. If the camera was on her, you'd probably see her trying to find that place in her notes where she'd marked that question for re-direct jmo
Dear Diary,

Alyce made a mess of my case, so she can have all those books back. And she can have back those dumb "O" magazines she sent. What good are they now when that guard figured out my code. Dang. He's smarter than he looks.

I’m going to have to rethink my strategy quick because I don't know why Alyce is coming back next week but now all of a sudden the Judge is a meanie and Alyce is 2 steps from melting into a puddle if anybody looks at her cross eyed. Man, wtf. How did that hateful prosecutor de edify her like that and so fast?

I really am reaching the end of my rope here. It’s bad enough I have no body in my hair, no makeup, no cold sore cream and they're making me dress like a Quaker every day, which is embarrassing. But now things are seriously looking bleak. The jury doesn't think I'm harmless, after all. So what was the point of wearing these plastic glasses and teasing out 5 bangs every day? And eBay shut down my art selling. What is going on here? Why is everyone picking on ME?

What upsets me the most, Dear Diary, is I can’t leave this nice jail where I’m queen of the inmates. If they send me to a real prison with hardcore bad asses, I’m going to really know what a used piece of toilet paper feels like inside a week. :-( So I’m sending positive thoughts into the universe that domestic violence lady can pull my arse out of the fire SHE SET.
xoxoxo Jodi

So perfect! Thank you!
You are all so wonderful for your thoughts and words. Thank you. I'm touched by your kindness.

I'm just going to post this picture of her as I knew her ... way back in 1999 at a fruit stand in the center of town. That smile is how she looked almost all the time.


This is simply a stunning photo. Thank you for sharing.
I know, right?
Willmott was so visibly shaken after hearing those juror questions.
It's beyond weird that neither her or Nurmi had no clue that ALV's "expert testimony" was not going well.

All week they've been sitting there smiling and chit chatting like everything was going their way (and the disturbing whispering/hair petting between JA & Willmott).
But they sure seemed surprised that those jury questions were pretty much all doubtful of everything ALV's been up there spewing for days in end,

Seems obvious that it all sounded like biased bunk, but guess over in fairytale
land they thought things were going just swell.
Amazing. Glad that it sounds like the jury is able to see thru all the dirt that's been thrown out by the defense team.

I really think Mr. Nurmi has known for a long time that things weren't going well. His last hope is a mistrial and I really hope he doesn't pursue that avenue. There has been enough hurt and expense already. Jodi did it. This has not been an easy case to try. I really think this character assassination of Travis Alexander was planned mostly by Jennifer Wilmott with the help of Alyce LaViolette and Dr. Samuels. I so wish they had gone another way. I may be wrong about who planned it, but I don't care to admit that I might be wrong. This is just the way it seems to me.
She indicated today, if I heard right, that that late May text/email "rant" alone was enough to convince her Travis was an abuser, even if Jodi lied about all the physical abuse.

Okay, I thought there was something like that. Thanks, Deb.
So, I'd like the opinion of those who were watching more closely than me today.

It sounds like ALV read that May 26th text and decided she really, really, really did not like Travis. And after that she just saw abuse, deception and generally bad behavior by Travis no matter what he did.

Does that sum it up?

They were certainly the only thing from Travis, himself, that she could hang a hat on.
My guess is that she began her review of the evidence already convinced of his guilt, those texts were her smoking gun.
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