weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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I'm not sure what you mean. I think the answer is no, the defense cannot be in trouble with the courts based on what they said to an expert witness. But what exactly are you thinking they lied to the witness about?

I was just wondering why the judge wanted AVL next week. Didn't seem to be about more JA testimony, so I wondered if it was regarding one of the lawyers, either prosecuter or defense.
BTW Sorry for asking questions when not on the lawyer thread. It must be like being a Dr at a party and somebody says "Doc, I have a pain in my knee..." :)
Didn't it say somewhere that ALV TEACHES a class in how to testify in court cases?
I wish Juan would have let Alyce finish her answer about "after 34 years experience her retirement"....

To me it sounded like she was going to say that she really needed the money from the trial for her retirement!

I think she was going to say, I don't do this for the money.

God Bless you, Alyce.
Who is that annoying blonde talking head on HLN?

She's chastising the jury for being "flippant" and "disrespectful" to Travis and Travis' family when they ask questions like, "Well, you didn't talk to Travis, did you?" That isn't even close to the way in which questions were asked. She's a big pot stirrer.

The actual questions were emphasizing the fact that Travis couldn't tell his side of the story and that DV Lady didn't speak with anyone except Jodi. I think they're making a point to her and to the Family of "We're not buying your snake oil and we don't believe Travis was what you've made him in your mind."

Sometimes I really want to smack the talking heads. :furious:
bold an big by me: someone who does NOT know all the facts of the case and should read up before commenting jmhoo
To InALandFarFarAway,,,,I remember that case. Such a sad event and it must be hard to endure this trail. Sending hugs to you. <3
I felt bad for JW today when she had her episode.Its can't be easy trying a case & knowing your losing in front of 17 strangers,lots of people in the courtroom,then add in the cameras showing around the country...I 'm surprise she didn't crack along time ago..JMO

I do not like JW at all, but I did feel compassion for her when that happened. I've had my share of embarrassing moments, and have had a situation where emotions got the best of me while giving a presentation, and it never feels good. :( It was uncomfortable to witness, and I'm glad she was able to have a break and get herself back together.
I have read the posts where some of you were saying "don't hate the players, hate the game" regarding ALV and DT. I get they are people doing a job; however, if I am unethical about the way I go about getting my job done them I face consequences. Cherry picking information that benefits your case for your expert to review while putting restrictions on the information they gather is unethical. Taking half the story on DV and stating that someone was a perpetrator of violence based on ONE day's texts and IMs (per her testimony today) is unethical. ALV used May 26th documentation to say TA was abusive without even knowing the basis for his anger. (He was not angry JA knew he was seeing Lisa, he was angry that she went into his email/social media without his permission to get the info. He may have also just become privy to the fact that JA had the sex tape and was planning on blackmailing him with it. He found out that JA was someone he DID NOT want to believe she was and he put all the pieces of her in place and saw evil. He was done.) ALV acted like his anger stemmed from him being exposed as being a liar/cheat. NO! Not looking for more info behind this one day's written word she labeled TA as abusive. Unethical!
Can you imagine, put yourself in TAs shoes, all the manipulation and BS he had to deal with on a daily basis from JA? Think of all the things he had done to help her (car,food, shelter) to find out that she was going thru his bank accounts, emails, social media, slashing his tires, sending Lisa threatening emails, taping their private conversations, following him on dates, and God only know what else....I would have lost it on her too.
My point in all this is, yes they have a job to do BUT they also have a CHOICE in whether they are going to be ethical of unethical. Let's face it ethics have not been a high priority for these attys or witnesses. That leaves a bitter taste in your mouth! While I am completely against the "cyber-hate" in going after ALV professionally in her speaking engagements or her books, I am more than willing to say I do not agree with her opinion in this case and I feel she has to know that JA was not a victim! And that is so sad for those who are victims and really need an expert to stand for them. She wasted her experience and her time!
Didn't it say somewhere that ALV TEACHES a class in how to testify in court cases?

What? For realz?

That must be one strange class... actually I wouldn't mind attending it so long as it's free.
Remember a couple of weeks ago when Nurmi brought up the issue of Juan being outside signing autographs? At the end of the argument, Judge Sherry asked if we wanted to deal with the Grace Wong issue then or another time. Nurmi stated because of the previous delays he didn't want to hold up court anymore and would at another time call Grace Wong re: that issue.

I think that is what the hearing is about on Monday. Nurmi seems to think that she may have seen a juror see Juan/

I could be wrong but that is what I remember.

Re: Dave Hall and the gun video, I don't think Nurmi ever had any intention of calling him. He just didn't want him on TV saying that Travis never had a gun. He didn't want that info out there. So he put him on his witness list just in case.
She sneezed? ;)

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Lol, that or, "After 34 years, my retirement will stretched thin, folks, if you'll look to the ushers coming down the aisles, they each carry a donation bowl..."
I was just wondering why the judge wanted AVL next week. Didn't seem to be about more JA testimony, so I wondered if it was regarding one of the lawyers, either prosecuter or defense.
BTW Sorry for asking questions when not on the lawyer thread. It must be like being a Dr at a party and somebody says "Doc, I have a pain in my knee..." :)

Probably for one of Nurmi's motions for mistrial
Dear Diary,

Alyce made a mess of my case, so she can have all those books back. And she can have back those dumb "O" magazines she sent. What good are they now when that guard figured out my code. Dang. He's smarter than he looks.

I’m going to have to rethink my strategy quick because I don't know why Alyce is coming back next week but now all of a sudden the Judge is a meanie and Alyce is 2 steps from melting into a puddle if anybody looks at her cross eyed. Man, wtf. How did that hateful prosecutor de edify her like that and so fast?

I really am reaching the end of my rope here. It’s bad enough I have no body in my hair, no makeup, no cold sore cream and they're making me dress like a Quaker every day, which is embarrassing. But now things are seriously looking bleak. The jury doesn't think I'm harmless, after all. So what was the point of wearing these plastic glasses and teasing out 5 bangs every day? And eBay shut down my art selling. What is going on here? Why is everyone picking on ME?

What upsets me the most, Dear Diary, is I can’t leave this nice jail where I’m queen of the inmates. If they send me to a real prison with hardcore bad asses, I’m going to really know what a used piece of toilet paper feels like inside a week. :-( So I’m sending positive thoughts into the universe that domestic violence lady can pull my arse out of the fire SHE SET.
xoxoxo Jodi

HILARIOUS AND INSIGHTFUL!!! Thanks for the laugh!:skip:
If you go back and look at some of my posts from right before ALV took the stand, you'll see I was jumping up and down screaming at people to wait and see what she had to say before criticizing her.

She started to lose me when she began "profiling" Travis based on next to nothing, and completely lost me when she said she "misspoke" about Jodi telling her she confronted Travis with the gun in the closet.

I was more than willing to give her a shot (so to speak) but she lost me all on her own. I'm not tremendously sympathetic to the "internet lynch mob" complaint. I agree that death threats are way beyond the pale, and the personal attacks on her appearance, etc., are unnecessary. But the petition to get people to not hire her as a speaker? Got no problem with that.

Look how many times some college invites a controversial person to speak and then has to disinvite them. I really don't see where this is any different. She certainly has a right to her opinion, but she doesn't have a right to a forum.

Don't know how I feel about the Amazon reviews. I've read some of them and, at least a couple of weeks ago, they sounded a lot like we do here. I suppose I would say that Amazon is not the place for it.

Me too! I staunchly defended her .... I had the wait and see attitude too! i have far more respect for Jodi's attorneys than this expert witness! She made Dr Samuels look like a super genius .imo

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I didn't hear JW crying, but she definitely sounded disheartened. I wonder what genius decided to put twice as many men as women in the jury pool of 18, especially given ALV's known biases.


Jodi? She's as smart as Einstein, I hear.
let the state take this away.

no matter what other crap they have to throw at the wall: ARIS HAS BEEN IMPEACHED.
(she has lied to the jury and hey know this based on their questions imhoo)
Didn't it say somewhere that ALV TEACHES a class in how to testify in court cases?

I don't know, but my favorite part of her c.v. is under publications: 1998 Women Studies Encyclopedia: “The Battered Husband Syndrome and Other Myths”
bold an big by me: someone who does NOT know all the facts of the case and should read up before commenting jmhoo

Another poster and myself were commenting on her earlier today. :facepalm: she is just...:what:
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