weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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I'm projecting myself, I know it. A woman I knew years ago (she was my intern at one of my first jobs out of college) went to England on an exchange. I had plans to go to England in the fall. Before she left, she said, "Let's meet up when you come to the UK and hang out."

I said, "Yes, let's e-mail and keep in touch."

She was one of those ultra happy people always looking for the silver lining. I asked her one morning if she drank! :floorlaugh: Seriously, she was that chirpy.

She was super friendly but I never really thought she really wanted to meet up. We all say these things to each other when we part ways after college, from one job to another, from one gym to another. We exchanged a few e-mails over that summer and that was it. I wasn't surprised or disappointed because I thought we were exchanging social niceties.

In early October (my trip was mid October), she sent an e-mail asking where I'd be staying. A few days later, she e-mailed train schedules and maps from my hotel . She was in York and I was in London so it was quite the train trip. Beautiful though.

When the train pulled into the station, I didn't recognize her. She'd had a hair cut and was wearing a stylish scarf around her hair and she was just glowing. We talked about her boyfriend back home and a new guy she'd met in York. She was fascinated with him and conflicted by her feelings for her bf back home. She said she'd date this new guy and see how she felt over the winter break when she returned home.

We didn't keep in touch for a while after I left York but she'd sent me away with recommended books and asked me to pass them on after I read them. She sent a couple of letters and one of the letters was how she was engaged. When she got back to Holy Cross, she could not stop thinking about him.

Mutual friends said that she moved to England and shortly afterwards, she and her husband and new baby moved back here.

I never saw her again. Her husband shot her in the head and their daughter Lilian whilst they slept. And during the trial he claimed she was depressed and that she killed herself and the baby. Was he out of his MF mind? OMG.

He was found guilty and rots in prison. You've probably heard about the case. My friend was Rachel Souza. I refuse to ever refer to her by her married name, which was Entwhistle.

I know I'm too caught up in this case but there is just something obscene and truly pornographic to take someone's life and decide to take the only thing the dead have: their dignity and honor.

So I'm ambivalent about the DP but I know I want her to be convicted. I want her to know we all judge her and find her wanting. I want her in a little cell with no one to admire her and take photos and film her every move and report on her every blink.

She already thinks she's won because she took what no other woman will ever have. But she's still a flaming narcissist who needs constant validation and I want her in a plain little cell with only herself for company for ever and ever and ever.

I want her in a panic now that the sand is running out of the hourglass and I want her to sweat. And I want the Alexander family to make their impact statements and then I want the jury to verbally body slam her with their sentence, whatever that may be.

So, I'll keep posting smarty arse comments about the trial but I'm never forgetting what it's about. And it isn't a spectator sport for me. I'm a heat seeking missile where this chick is concerned and I have no shame about it. :)

OMG, another late night vent. I swear I don't drink or drug. lol

Huggs to you... I remember this case too well. I am sorry for your loss.
No she's not in trouble with the judge and she didn't necessarily perjure herself. She isn't sure, and she even said she wasn't sure and made a guess -- 1 or 2. We still don't know what the number actually is.

Just the fact that she had to go back 29 years in her memory to find a case told me a lot.
Oh, that continuum! It's a real thing, it's not a real thing, I use it, I don't use it, I use it only for training, I used it in this case, I didn't use it in this case, it's incomplete, it's always evolving, only I know how to use it because it's basically good for nothing . . . .AAARRGGHH!

That thing was definitely one of the more embarrassing things she did, and she did a whole lot of embarrassing things.

Lol, "It's on the page but it's in my head. It's from my head, but also from my training. It's very abstract in the sense that it's concrete. There are gradations of abuse but I don't like to give grades. I prefer to use it organically, as you can see in syllabus."
Don't you think the DT know this case is a loser and that ALV was just a Hail Mary? I don't think they had strong expectations that this would work, jus that it was worth a shot (no pun intended). JA probably thought (and may still think) it would work because she's used to getting away with her lies.

From reading at the pro-Jodi site, I think they counted on ALV being their savior. I think many of them believed that she could sway a few jurors. And they seemed to believe that the DT team had faith in that as well.

But we don't yet know if there aren't one or two who are sympathetic to the DT. We have heard the very vocal majority on the jury, but it just takes one or two.
It seemed to me like she was a very inexperienced witness, and she was not prepared well by the attorneys who retained her. I mean, just basic stuff like quit talking when there's an objection - only answer the question asked, don't get defensive or try to guess where the prosecutor is trying to lead you ...etc.

I also believe she was in the dark about a whole lot of info.

Minor, if ALV had wanted to interview, say, Deanna or Matt McCartney, or Rachel-the-two-week-roommate, could she have done those things? Would those people have to comply, or could they refuse? I'm certainly critical of her basing her "analysis" on such limited information, but how far could she go in getting more?
Today, 02:45 PM
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Getting a straight answer out of this woman is harder than pulling teeth!

Hubby has been spitting an imaginary tooth into his hand & throwing it to the side EVERY time Jaun finally gets an answer from ALV ---& Hubs is now SHUSHING me--during MY show! That is abusive :(
Why the heck is she hiding all these pencils? Is she going to run amok in the courtroom?

I know, I wouldn't want to be around Stabby when she's holding a pencil.
Don't know if my question this morning was answered posts were moving way to fast:-)
Alyce always mentions Lisa D's email to Ta and the Hughes email to Jodi..In Rebuttal can JM bring them back to the stand? Jury needs to hear from from them again..TIA

The jury's had Lisa's emails read to them by JW and KN, and then they asked her questions about the cherry picked email.
From reading at the pro-Jodi site, I think they counted on ALV being their savior. I think many of them believed that she could sway a few jurors. And they seemed to believe that the DT team had faith in that as well.

But we don't yet know if there aren't one or two who are sympathetic to the DT. We have heard the very vocal majority on the jury, but it just takes one or two.

JA was in a good mood during her direct, while JW and ALV were having a great giggle fest.

But, really I still think they're just trying to spare her the DP, they don't really think she has a chance of acquittal of anything.
Don't you think the DT know this case is a loser and that ALV was just a Hail Mary? I don't think they had strong expectations that this would work, jus that it was worth a shot (no pun intended). JA probably thought (and may still think) it would work because she's used to getting away with her lies.

Every time I see somebody suggest some motivation for ALV, I think, sure, that makes sense.

I think there's a lot going on there. She'd make a great study for a sociology class.

So I'm waiting for it all to percolate and maybe I'll end with something in the end.
Minor, have to ask you a question since you're on this thread. What was the c@rap yesterday with Juan asking about the text between TA and friend when he wrote he was afraid of JA's stalking. The dt actually removed ALV from courtroom to apparently discuss with her. She came back stammered again regarding the communication and then Juan asked for bench conference. She finally admitted to the wording of the text. Was ALV being warned she had to acknowledge the wording for that communication?
IIRC JA helped guide TA on which camera to buy which led to him buying this camera....

Another lie by the defendant....

Travis' roommate was a photographer and Travis asked for his help.
I didn't hear JW crying, but she definitely sounded disheartened. I wonder what genius decided to put twice as many men as women in the jury pool of 18, especially given ALV's known biases.

Probably the Einstein who has always thought she could wrap ALL men around her bent ring finger... :twocents:
Lol, "It's on the page but it's in my head. It's from my head, but also from my training. It's very abstract in the sense that it's concrete. There are gradations of abuse but I don't like to give grades. I prefer to use it organically, as you can see in syllabus."


The ought to require her to put that in a black box at the top and bottom of the page the next time she uses it!
Minor, if ALV had wanted to interview, say, Deanna or Matt McCartney, or Rachel-the-two-week-roommate, could she have done those things? Would those people have to comply, or could they refuse? I'm certainly critical of her basing her "analysis" on such limited information, but how far could she go in getting more?

No, I don't think she has a right to interview those people. The defense can interview them and the prosecution can interview them, but there's nothing that give an expert witness the right to interview anyone. Besides, there were interview transcripts of all of these people -- I don't know if they were provided to Alyce or not.
Every time I see somebody suggest some motivation for ALV, I think, sure, that makes sense.

I think there's a lot going on there. She'd make a great study for a sociology class.

So I'm waiting for it all to percolate and maybe I'll end with something in the end.

I agree, Samuels seemed more like the professional expert, gun for hire.
ALV doesn't but her opinion is so confounding it leaves us all scratching our heads.
Minor, have to ask you a question since you're on this thread. What was the c@rap yesterday with Juan asking about the text between TA and friend when he wrote he was afraid of JA's stalking. The dt actually removed ALV from courtroom to apparently discuss with her. She came back stammered again regarding the communication and then Juan asked for bench conference. She finally admitted to the wording of the text. Was ALV being warned she had to acknowledge the wording for that communication?

I think it was a little mini hearing away from the jury about whether Juan could go into the stalking issue or not. If I had to guess, I'd say Juan was arguing that Alyce was testifying to things that happened like they were factual just based on what she read in emails and text messages -- so in this instance Alyce should similarly testify that Travis was afraid of Jodi for stalking behaviors ...rather than trying to discount it as untruthful.

I don't know what Alyce was warned or instructed.
Watch from here til the end:

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 46 - Part 1 - YouTube

She loses her train of thought and giggles a nervous giggle, then a second of silence, then you hear the word "break" and it sounds like she's crying when she says that

And after the jury is excused, you can hear JW whisper to herself "Oh, yeah" as if remembering the question she was trying to recall when she got befuddled
It's not the judge's job to prep her though. It is the defense attorney's job to do that.

minor...is it against the rules to lie to an expert witness? Can the DT be in trouble with the courts?
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