weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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Okayyyy.. Finding the .25 by Hoover Dam does sound like a rumor/stunt/whatever....

However... Wouldn't it put JA in total guilty position?

If it is her grandpa's stolen gun...which will be proven by marks/registration/etc...

The bullet shot into Travis will be compared to the gun barrel... Supposedly every gun creates a unique, certain pattern on bullets fired from it...

SOOO.... The gun that shot TA couldn't be his own non-existent gun...

and premeditation could be more strongly proven since the gun was stolen from grandpa... And Jodi had to have brought it herself?

What am I missing here?

I will only admit this to you. I read it on that nut-job site.
JA is Innocent. It was referenced there yesterday. I am sure one of them sent it to him. They like him and think he is fair to Jodi.
In my defense I only read there to gage the response to the questions from jurors.

I get the impression that there are some very smart people on that site.

Not what you think. Let me explain.

There are a subset of posters over there that come up with outlandish theories as to why Arias is innocent. The majority tow the company line, but some are rattling off blood atonement rituals, Mormon mafia, the roommates killing poor Travis, etc.

One of the best ways to discredit an idea is through disseminating ridiculous misinformation. By their hosting these insane theories, it makes it easier for casuals to dismiss the whole shebang.

That or it's just the work of some paranoid schizophrenics.
Well, either JA told her DT where the gun was, or it was planted by someone else. Wonder where Donovan and MM were this weekend?

I really hope it's not a game to try to get a mis-trial. :furious:

FYI - IMO this "reporter" has been on the side of the DT the entire time he has been in the courtroom. He has said very mean things about Mr. Martinez, that have nothing to do with with trial, he was the one who sent stuff out about he Hughes email, and also did the piece on ALV being "abused" by blogs/forums etc..I don't trust him. JMO!!

This sounds like bones on the beach in the Natalee Holloway case years after.
Okayyyy.. Finding the .25 by Hoover Dam does sound like a rumor/stunt/whatever....

However... Wouldn't it put JA in total guilty position?

If it is her grandpa's stolen gun...which will be proven by marks/registration/etc...

The bullet shot into Travis will be compared to the gun barrel... Supposedly every gun creates a unique, certain pattern on bullets fired from it...

SOOO.... The gun that shot TA couldn't be his own non-existent gun...

and premeditation could be more strongly proven since the gun was stolen from grandpa... And Jodi had to have brought it herself?

What am I missing here?


Jodi has the hubris and cunningness to send out messages in emails, fabricate stories/defenses out of whole cloth, defend herself for a period of months so convincing someone to go plant a 25 near the HOover Dam thinking no one will ever be able to match ballistics and it can be argued it was Travis' gun isn't past her limits of ballsiness. IF there is a gun and it doesn't match ballistics it's a red herring. BUT if by chance it does...then , well we will probably be going in to June. Ugh.
Her ex that won't show his face, she's scared him bad enough that he's hiding (and for good reason, he has a kid to protect). The one big big thing we all need to remember is that Jodi has pull in there due to her status and people will do things get her approval. The fact that people are watching websites like this, posting for her on twitter .. it's telling of our society.

without a doubt people live in fear of her and her retaliation.
The miracle would be a twenty dollar bill blew out of his hand and landed on a catus.

That's true. Then again, in the interrogation tapes JA tells Flores that she has scratches on her arm (supposedly from her cat - what cat??). If she did put that .25 under a cactus that could explain the scratches.
I bet the "choking incidents" were part of sex play...jmo

I suspect there were no choking incidents at all. Something she saw in a movie or something, like many of her scenarios.
It's probably a plant. Test it against the granparents', it's not a match, therefore not premeditated. Unless it's not the gp's gun then it shouldn't come in. No doubt this has been passed on to the DT. It stinks of desperation and skeptcism.
Yeah! She was on the chaise and ottoman by the sleigh bed.

The one where she said Travis awoke her with oral sex.

Those were definitely taken at his house and that day (she has brown hair). The photo of him .. bothers me. He's very far away and she's up higher on the bed or standing by the bed. It's not a loving photo or one that he posed for. I think she took photos of herself when he left the room and in a hurry.

She was setting him up .. and had been for awhile. Why else record someone, take photos and other things. She knew she was going to kill him and she wanted to create a case to prove him being abusive or perverted. She may have decided that the day he sent the threatening text and they broke up. I could totally see that actually.
Okayyyy.. Finding the .25 by Hoover Dam does sound like a rumor/stunt/whatever....

However... Wouldn't it put JA in total guilty position?

If it is her grandpa's stolen gun...which will be proven by marks/registration/etc...

The bullet shot into Travis will be compared to the gun barrel... Supposedly every gun creates a unique, certain pattern on bullets fired from it...

SOOO.... The gun that shot TA couldn't be his own non-existent gun...

and premeditation could be more strongly proven since the gun was stolen from grandpa... And Jodi had to have brought it herself?

What am I missing here?


Would definately put her in the premeditation category. But if it was a stunt by the defense team they would be in Big trouble for tampering with evidence etc. Then if it was a mistrial the prosecution could use it in their case in chief!!!
Okayyyy.. Finding the .25 by Hoover Dam does sound like a rumor/stunt/whatever....

However... Wouldn't it put JA in total guilty position?

If it is her grandpa's stolen gun...which will be proven by marks/registration/etc...

The bullet shot into Travis will be compared to the gun barrel... Supposedly every gun creates a unique, certain pattern on bullets fired from it...

SOOO.... The gun that shot TA couldn't be his own non-existent gun...

and premeditation could be more strongly proven since the gun was stolen from grandpa... And Jodi had to have brought it herself?

What am I missing here?


Well if you truly believe Jodi is innocent, you would believe her story and you would assume that the gun would NOT belong to her grandparents thereby taking premeditation potentially off the table.

If that's what you were asking.
Remember how strongly Jodi reacted in court to this about the timer, she leaned over to JW, made sure that question to the camera expert was...now that wasn't taken by a timer, right? I've thought the angles looked odd and rushed. After watching Jodi's behavior in court, getting her 'tells' down --there is something off about those naked pics. I hope the camera expert comes back on the stand, more questions asked. Jodi will squirm.
When were the pics taken of her anyway? before or after, just sayin'. ugh, I need brain bleach!

The time stamps state it was before the murder. I think she took those nudes as he put the sheets in the wash or left the room for another purpose. She used the timer and took the photos. If there were "interacting" photos then I might believe he participated in it, and it was meant for their eyes only - but that's not what they are. It's one photo of him alone and caught off guard and three photos of her alone. Not to be a pervo but any pictures me and someone else would take - would be interacting or posed. These were not that way.
My prison information comes from my son, who was incarcerated with a celebrity, one Mark Hofmann, the Mormon forger/bomber who is serving a life sentence at Point of the Mountain in Bluffdale, Utah.

He explained to me that he needed no gang because he was buff and extremely dangerous, the way he described it, he was "self-insured" you might say. He told me that this Mark Hofmann was ignored by the Aryan gang because no celebrities are accepted due to their fame disturbing the balance of power for those who have the yeah or nay on who gets in their gang. He said celebrities are invariably isolated and have to depend on the prison's special attention (increased supervision) for protection rather than the gang system.

Mark Hofmann was thrilled the day that another celebrity arrived and they quickly became bunkies - that was baby killing throat-slitter Dan Lafferty, whose story of religious violence was documented by Jon Krakauer in "Under the Banner of Heaven."

Correct me if I'm wrong on this because I'm going by second hand info that's twenty years old. I know some of you have current info/experience right there in Arizona. Would you agree with what my son told me or have things changed?

You mentioned two fascinating stories about crime and the Mormon religion, both by fine writers.

Robert Lindsey's "A Gathering of Saints," about Mark Hofmann, is one of the most bizarre and intricate stories of a forger and murderer. I had no idea those two murderers ended up together in prison. Sorry to get off topic of your post.
Her ex that won't show his face, she's scared him bad enough that he's hiding (and for good reason, he has a kid to protect). The one big big thing we all need to remember is that Jodi has pull in there due to her status and people will do things get her approval. The fact that people are watching websites like this, posting for her on twitter .. it's telling of our society.

without a doubt people live in fear of her and her retaliation.

I'm not buying that DB wanted to protect his son, hence his refusal to be filmed during his testimony. His picture and that of his son are all over the internet connected with JA.

To me he sounded downright terrified of JA during his testimony. IMO JA has something big on him that could ruin his life.
Is this really happening the gun is found and it's Jodi's grandparents?

This is what i've been waiting for since I joined WS. Hard evidence.

I'm not speculating too much, but if it the gun, this is going derail the trial big time.
Okayyyy.. Finding the .25 by Hoover Dam does sound like a rumor/stunt/whatever....

However... Wouldn't it put JA in total guilty position?

If it is her grandpa's stolen gun...which will be proven by marks/registration/etc...

The bullet shot into Travis will be compared to the gun barrel... Supposedly every gun creates a unique, certain pattern on bullets fired from it...

SOOO.... The gun that shot TA couldn't be his own non-existent gun...

and premeditation could be more strongly proven since the gun was stolen from grandpa... And Jodi had to have brought it herself?

What am I missing here?


Just a bunch of bull, to try to muddy the water to get a mistrial. JMO
Well, either JA told her DT where the gun was, or it was planted by someone else. Wonder where Donovan and MM were this weekend?

I really hope it's not a game to try to get a mis-trial. :furious:

FYI - IMO this "reporter" has been on the side of the DT the entire time he has been in the courtroom. He has said very mean things about Mr. Martinez, that have nothing to do with with trial, he was the one who sent stuff out about he Hughes email, and also did the piece on ALV being "abused" by blogs/forums etc..I don't trust him. JMO!!

Well, if people are pulling carp like that--I hope everyone of them gets caught up in Jodi's spider web and she drags them all down her spidey hole. Including the reporter.
The smoking chin? ;)


Isn't it against probation rules for inmates to communicate with each other once they have left prison or jail??? I have always heard that!!!
So much for twitter! Kiefer/Wildabouttrial and others are tweeting tonight that a .25 gun has been found.

Yes the wonders of the Internet hey? It looks like Wild has already deleted his tweet. The rest will follow eventually but not before the rumour gets bigger! There's a Youtube clip attached to it too apparently.
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