weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #155

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Very fresh and breezy looking KatieCooLady. :woohoo::woohoo:

This is the length I usually get (sculpted tips) and uasually I get the pearl white - but much the same. I shoot guns A LOT, and having length on my nails will sometimes scrape the trigger guard - and one of my previous jobs had a rule about fingernail length.

Love your nails! I'm finally going natural, but I hate it! Chip, split, peel and having to get the tips from turning yellow ...
I do have a little courtroom scoop from this week...this court sketcher was in the courtroom. Of course she couldn't do anything because Jodi had her migraine that day. but first time I'd seen her in there...kind of interesting:


I ran in to this article on this publication (who interviewed me yesterday so I pulled it up) and there she was!

She put Mike in a purple shirt...
I read a bit earlier on the thread a discussion of whether the "post sexy time pictures" of June 4th were actually taken that day. Some say that they don't believe Travis and Jodi actually had sex that day and the pictures were taken by Jodi alone with the camera's self-timer. If that is the case, how can anyone explain the two pictures of Travis nude on the bed (with a Rudolph-red, deflating you-know-what) with KY next to him? Is that not an indication of post sex? He looks to be willingly posing for the camera while holding up two fingers in a sort of peace sign. That would dispel the theory that she surprised him in the shower, right?
Also, in the "peace sign" picture, you can see Travis has duct tape around his upper arm. In the shower picture, the duct tape is off, but you can see the red mark where it had been. Wouldn't that prove that the post sex pictures and the shower pictures were in fact taken on the same day? And....does anyone know why Travis had duct tape on his arm in the first place? Ah, sorry. I'm tired, so I hope those questions came out somewhat understandable!
If anyone can give me any insight into this, I'd really be thankful!
What do you all think about Michael Kiefer's tweet that a gun has been found?


If a gun was found IMO it was planted awhile back to be found on a specific date.
Her aunt and Dee (crup I am having a stroke! In a fog. I forgot her name)
DB have been absent a good bit lately.

If a gun was found it won't turn out to be the murder weapon.

Maybe the people watching this trial on HLN got together and took a field trip with metal detectors!
Ya know to speed things up and all. :seeya:
Hubs just left on a 3 day trip, so I'm catching up on YouTube - I didn't start watching until Arias was on the stand for 10 days.

Not to freak anyone out, but I find it funny when I have to give hubs a pat down at the front door to make sure he has everything for work ... And he flies airplanes. Inconceivable that he can do it without me ;)
No I haven't actually.. since I have insomnia (it's seriously after 4am) I may look on youtube!

Hi AstroKitty, we should get together and compare notes!! I have insomnia
big time. Been up since 6am,went to sleep about 4:30am. :seeya:
Originally Posted by Alexander family fan
I do think there could be something hereditary, since she is so very troubled and her sister is a recovering alcoholic or had to go to drug rehab. I do not think she was abused by her mom and pop. She would have dropped them in the grease about it, BIG TIME.

As far as her getting a spanking with a wooden spoon....when we were kids my mom carried a little paddle in her pocketbook and we would get spanked. It was not abuse. It was common for parents to spank in those days. Indeed even the school was allowed to give spankings. I recall we always had the option, do we want to take three swats from the principal's wooden paddle, or stay after school for detention. It was not abuse. It was what was done at the time. We don't do that anymore, but it doesn't make it abuse. In the words of Maya Angelou, "When we know better, we do better".

I do believe that she was born with something a bit off and then things may have been made worse along the way, but I do not think her actions can in any way be placed at the feet of her folks. Sante Kimes they were not. As far as the dad having tattoos, so what? Every uncle I have had a tattoo or two, they all seemed to have gotten them while they were in the service, as young men. These were good, upstanding, educated, church going gentlemen that perhaps would not go out and get one if they had it to do over. I recall thinking how out of place their tattoos seemed on them when I'd see them in a short sleeved shirt rather than their work suits. Nevertheless, the tattoo is no indication of a harsh person or abuser or drug gang member. The only thing I know about the dad is he is married for 35 years and has owned some restaraunts and worked hard all his life. Do I wish they could have made her get some mental health intervention, yes, of course. Do I think that once she moved out they had very little , if any.... control over her or her health decisions, yes. I also think they are unsophisticated and likely had no idea where to turn, believing that once she turned eighteen they had no legal rights to make her go get help. So they did what they knew, at the time, tried to talk to her, tried to go get her and help her move back home, etc.

This murder is on Jodi and Jodi alone, in my opinion.

Really good post! From Dr. D's testimony Jodi scored incredibly high on numerous categories which means to me, she has A LOT more going on than a simple diagnosis. I can see the BPD very easily and also other characteristics. I think BPD was the first because there are many simple examples to show the jury i.e. moving to AZ, staying w/TA even if unhealthy (for both).

Someone may continue to examine her in prison and I think she'll be the rare 'cocktail' of Personality Disorders...imho.

Two really good posts! One thing I've noticed is that, no matter how mentally challenged Little Missy might be, she is able to sit quietly for hours and hours and hours and days and weeks and months at a time. That is called "self-control," something which I got very bad marks in when I was school (speaking out in class, doncha know!).

But Miss "I've Got to Kill Him, and Make Up an Amazing Lie About Killing Him" can sit through THE MOST stultifying testimony and keep that tiny, tiny little smile on her lips, with only the occasional break to scribble with crayons or drink in that interesting way that I've heard described but not yet seen.

Bottom line: She can control herself when she wants to! :moo::moo::moo:

Reno, NV
Reply »|Report Abuse|Judge it!|#1Wednesday Mar 27

the gun was loaded, minus one bullet... it was wrapped heavily in paper and also toilet paper that was mostly washed away from it..it was wedged under a large thorny cactus. The man found it after a gust of wind blew a 20 dollar bill from his hand and into the cactus ... not far from the hoover dam in Arizona. It is the same calabar used to shoot travis. It was found over a year ago, but the man who found it ... watched some of the trial,.. and he thinks that it may be the gun jodi used. He works with my brother-in-law... and my brother-in-law was with him the day it was found. He turned it over to the department this morning and it is possible that it could belong to jodi's grandpa. This could be very big news! has anyone any info on this???
This is what I am hearing after reading this

I dunno... I tend to leave my house with out a full deck sometimes. Sometimes through the window or the doggie door...
Especially with a gun that I have never touched or shot. Then I shoot someone I didn't even see, then maul them like a cat in heat...
Used toilet paper understands me (we are best friends) so I always have it handy! DID YOU SEE THE ROLL THEY GAVE ME IN THE YREKA JAIL?? score!!!:woohoo:
I like the funny papers too. :shh: don't tell my mom. NOT the wacky tabaky kind... the silly putty kind! I am so EINSTIEN!!
It is so funny how when I get out of my car money just flies out the window even in the desert! Lucky thing I had a guy with me when I hid the gun that gun. Cause I was in a fog and in the dark at the time. So I stopped and ate and read and I had already slept with him. No not Travis! The guy that was traveling with me contempor anus ly! It's so free- I mean debasing. I like it!!

The gun will prove my premeditation. Cause y'all do realize I am suicidal! So when I have my "friend" take that gun to the courthouse, I know that
I will beg for the death penalty!
Men who hang around me like to give me money, unless I kill them...
Yes I am a big deal! I wrote my manifesto in my coloring book. I have to de-edify everyone else I know before they prick me with that sharpy needle. (I didn't even get poked ny the horny cactus. :giggle:
It will be more painful than a boobjob or anal sex, but Travis is waiting on me so please don't give me a migraine and make them delay my date with destiny. This is such a waste of time NO jury will convict me mark my words!
I will go draw some now... or play with my food...
I have work to do! Take me back to my cell!
Thank you.

P.S. I won't eat my words either. I am in starvation mode! duh.
Nurmiii!I think I am gonna puke!
Travis was looking for a name in that e-mail.It sounds like she told him a lie about something she was told & she told him.So he wants the name of the person.Does that make sense?LOL

I find this intriguing, still! it would be great to put this message next to the long text message. Where do they relate in the timeline? If Travis sent this in April and the Text message was in May, are they related? Both sound like they were MAJOR issues for Travis to be so angry about. Since we know that he evidently passed fairly lights over some of her "lesser" offenses......like hiding in the closet or Christmas Tree, etc., what could be BIG enough to make him this angry.?

It also seems to me......as if somehow, this message relates to someone IMAGINARY and could also involve (in a peripheral way). Others that Travis knew. He brings up Leslie, Chris and Skye, and the Freemans.

Some thoughts, I am not married to any of them but would like to dig into this and see what y'all think.

Is is a MONEY issue? Like fraud, where she got the money for the car? She could have made up a story about some imaginary person who called her and said "since she was buying" the car from him she would have to accept the insurance money?

Or did she drain his bank accounts, based on some phone call from some imaginary person?

Is it a TRAVEL issue? I am still musing over the Cancun trip. Seems like April/May would have been about the time Travis would have received his final docs and itinerary, tickets, reservations, etc, for that trip. If he found the wrong names on the ressies, like you know who, instead of Mimi, THAt would probably send him into a righteous rage at her, and she would have made up some BS story about an imaginary person who changed the paperwork, etc. then he would have called her on it. We are pretty sure that Juan has "Cancun PPL" on his rebuttal list. I find it just a tiny bit not credible that he would call them ONLY to say that she had been on the original reservation.

Is it a PERSONAL issue? Did he actually find out that she was maybe emailing or texting other people (women). And spreading lies or pretending to be him? I don't know....seems like she was doing this sort of all along and he was at least tolerating it to an extent........I do NOT think she was spreading pedophile rumors as she only came up with that nonsense after she killed him. But if she was emailing or texting Deanna or Mimi or Lisa......using some pretend name....I guess that would be really upsetting to him as well.

At any rate, I think it is possible that the two messages are tied in some way, I think it started with this one then he tried to fix whatever it was and could not, and it sent him into a big rage which resulted in that last long text. He was clearly FED UP. And I don't blame him one bit.
Personally I won't believe it until it is coming from officials.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

I feel the same. Until someone verifies it, I can't believe it is true.

Major coincidence either way imho.

It also would mean, imho, that she knew where everything was because the fog lifted as she sat in her car and noticed her bloody hands. She was not in the fog when she got OUT of the car.

Don't know if that makes sense. But, if its the gun, belongs to grandpa then she should just take whatever the judge gives her.

eta: And I would also imagine that there were police converging on the place as we speak looking for more.

Two really good posts! One thing I've noticed is that, no matter how mentally challenged Little Missy might be, she is able to sit quietly for hours and hours and hours and days and weeks and months at a time. That is called "self-control," something which I got very bad marks in when I was school (speaking out in class, doncha know!).

But Miss "I've Got to Kill Him, and Make Up an Amazing Lie About Killing Him" can sit through THE MOST stultifying testimony and keep that tiny, tiny little smile on her lips, with only the occasional break to scribble with crayons or drink in that interesting way that I've heard described but not yet seen.

Bottom line: She can control herself when she wants to! :moo::moo::moo:

Or when she HAS to. I want to reiterate - I have seen so many women like her in my role as an investigator - manipulation is always the game for them. They can be anything they need to be in order to win the game of manipulation. Church girl, wh**re, stepmother, murderer, quasi-investigator, quiet court observer, winning prison idol, snarky, or a poet. Their personality and abilities are fluid because everything in their life is role play.

To be themselves is alien to them. They always need to pick your brain to know what you need, and that's what they become.
This is what I am hearing after reading this

I dunno... I tend to leave my house house with out a full deck sometimes.
Especially with a gun that I have never touched or shot. Then I shoot someone I didn't even see, then maul them like a cat in heat...
Used toilet paper understands me (we are best friends) so I always have it handy! DID YOU SEE THE ROLL THEY GAVE ME IN THE YREKA JAIL?? score!!!:woohoo:
I like the funny papers too. :shh: don't tell my mom. NOT the wacky tabaky kind... the silly putty kind! I am so EINSTIEN!!
It is so funny how when I get out of my car money just flies out the window even in the desert! Lucky thing I had a guy with me when I hid the gun that gun. Cause I was in a fog and in the dark at the time. So I stopped and ate and read and I had already slept with him. No not Travis! The guy that was traveling with me contempor anus ly! It's so free- I mean debasing. I like it!!

The gun will prove my premeditation. Cause y'all do realize I am suicidal! So when I have my "friend" take that gun to the courthouse, I know that
I will beg for the death penalty!
that hang around me like to give me money, unless I kill them...
Yes I am a big deal! I wrote my manifesto in my coloring book. I have to de-edify everyone else I know before they prick me with that sharpy needle.
It will be more painful than a boobjob or anal sex, but Travis is waiting on me so please don't give me a migraine and make them delay my date with destiny. This is such a waste of time NO jury will convict me mark my words!
I will go draw some now...I have work to do! Take me back to my cell!
Thank you.


Great post! I thought it was very suspicious as well. I had googled about the gun being found and that post from the Topix Forum came up. I am still doing some digging but I would bet if this was seriously legit, it would have been ALL over the news by now. I remember though a guy on youtube that was from that area around Hoover Dam was taking a team of people up in that area to search for that gun. I haven't heard anything else about it though. Def. would be a game changer if it was found, but I really don't believe that is where Arias dumped it anyway.
Would love to know why Jodi was held back in kindergarten.

Re the video of Jodi above with Flores, I love her telling the female detective that day how much she hated her new "big orange suit" and knowing she'll be leaving the black and white stripes behind soon and be wearing orange every day for the rest of her life.
I find this intriguing, still! it would be great to put this message next to the long text message. Where do they relate in the timeline? If Travis sent this in April and the Text message was in May, are they related? Both sound like they were MAJOR issues for Travis to be so angry about. Since we know that he evidently passed fairly lights over some of her "lesser" offenses......like hiding in the closet or Christmas Tree, etc., what could be BIG enough to make him this angry.?

It also seems to me......as if somehow, this message relates to someone IMAGINARY and could also involve (in a peripheral way). Others that Travis knew. He brings up Leslie, Chris and Skye, and the Freemans.

Some thoughts, I am not married to any of them but would like to dig into this and see what y'all think.

Is is a MONEY issue? Like fraud, where she got the money for the car? She could have made up a story about some imaginary person who called her and said "since she was buying" the car from him she would have to accept the insurance money?

Or did she drain his bank accounts, based on some phone call from some imaginary person?

Is it a TRAVEL issue? I am still musing over the Cancun trip. Seems like April/May would have been about the time Travis would have received his final docs and itinerary, tickets, reservations, etc, for that trip. If he found the wrong names on the ressies, like you know who, instead of Mimi, THAt would probably send him into a righteous rage at her, and she would have made up some BS story about an imaginary person who changed the paperwork, etc. then he would have called her on it. We are pretty sure that Juan has "Cancun PPL" on his rebuttal list. I find it just a tiny bit not credible that he would call them ONLY to say that she had been on the original reservation.

Is it a PERSONAL issue? Did he actually find out that she was maybe emailing or texting other people (women). And spreading lies or pretending to be him? I don't know....seems like she was doing this sort of all along and he was at least tolerating it to an extent........I do NOT think she was spreading pedophile rumors as she only came up with that nonsense after she killed him. But if she was emailing or texting Deanna or Mimi or Lisa......using some pretend name....I guess that would be really upsetting to him as well.

At any rate, I think it is possible that the two messages are tied in some way, I think it started with this one then he tried to fix whatever it was and could not, and it sent him into a big rage which resulted in that last long text. He was clearly FED UP. And I don't blame him one bit.

When I read that email, I believe he was calling her out on this 'imaginary person' who told her that he was 'cheating' on her. I believe this is where he calls BS because he knows she got that information when she was either spying on him or breaking into his accounts to figure out that information.

I believe he's arguing about HOW she found out - not WHAT she found out.
This is what I am hearing after reading this

I dunno... I tend to leave my house house with out a full deck sometimes.
Especially with a gun that I have never touched or shot. Then I shoot someone I didn't even see, then maul them like a cat in heat...
Used toilet paper understands me (we are best friends) so I always have it handy! DID YOU SEE THE ROLL THEY GAVE ME IN THE YREKA JAIL?? score!!!:woohoo:
I like the funny papers too. :shh: don't tell my mom. NOT the wacky tabaky kind... the silly putty kind! I am so EINSTIEN!!
It is so funny how when I get out of my car money just flies out the window even in the desert! Lucky thing I had a guy with me when I hid the gun that gun. Cause I was in a fog and in the dark at the time. So I stopped and ate and read and I had already slept with him. No not Travis! The guy that was traveling with me contempor anus ly! It's so free- I mean debasing. I like it!!

The gun will prove my premeditation. Cause y'all do realize I am suicidal! So when I have my "friend" take that gun to the courthouse, I know that
I will beg for the death penalty!
Men who hang around me like to give me money, unless I kill them...
Yes I am a big deal! I wrote my manifesto in my coloring book. I have to de-edify everyone else I know before they prick me with that sharpy needle.
It will be more painful than a boobjob or anal sex, but Travis is waiting on me so please don't give me a migraine and make them delay my date with destiny. This is such a waste of time NO jury will convict me mark my words!
I will go draw some now...I have work to do! Take me back to my cell!
Thank you.

P.S. I won't eat my words either. I am in starvation mode! duh.
Nurmiii!I think I am gonna puke!

Seriously? Are you my sister, gngr~snap?

We gotta do lunch, or somethin'.
When I read that email, I believe he was calling her out on this 'imaginary person' who told her that he was 'cheating' on her. I believe this is where he calls BS because he knows she got that information when she was either spying on him or breaking into his accounts to figure out that information.

I believe he's arguing about HOW she found out - not WHAT she found out.

Me too. I don't think the discussions they had about not going into each others accounts with the permission of the other is even remotely true.
I think it went more like TA telling her to stop. I would love to know if his computer shows him going into her account from AZ while she was in CA.

Anyway, regardless, I agree. He KNEW she was sneaking and getting information on him through his accounts. He wanted her to admit it. The only issue I have though in this scenario, is assuming he suspected that, why he didn't change his passwords. But possibly, he didn't realize it till that day and then changed them.

Or when she HAS to. I want to reiterate - I have seen so many women like her in my role as an investigator - manipulation is always the game for them. They can be anything they need to be in order to win the game of manipulation. Church girl, wh**re, stepmother, murderer, quasi-investigator, quiet court observer, winning prison idol, snarky, or a poet. Their personality and abilities are fluid because everything in their life is role play.

To be themselves is alien to them. They always need to pick your brain to know what you need, and that's what they become.

Agreeed 100%. JA talks so much because she is looking for the weakness, the place she can go to win the game and make you think your losing your mind.

Would love to know why Jodi was held back in kindergarten.

Re the video of Jodi above with Flores, I love her telling the female detective that day how much she hated her new "big orange suit" and knowing she'll be leaving the black and white stripes behind soon and be wearing orange every day for the rest of her life.

I hope she's wearing black and white stripes, AND in 23 hour a day lockdown. I don't give a fig if she gets DP or not - I just don't want her to be able to have a 'life' in prison. (I'm a former corrections officer) Inmates can have a pretty decent way of life on the inside, if in the general population. I want her to sit with nothing but her Einstein brain for 23 hours a day. I don't want her to make friends, have access to any amenities, watch television, sing in competitions or be able to work out, or any other experiences.

She should rot.
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