Welcome To Websleuths # 3

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This is getting old.

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The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
I really can do without the snark. We are working on it. I know it's getting old. Dave is working night and day to find the issue.
No word from anyone here for 23 hours now. Has there been progress?
Websleuths has a lot of things happening outside the forum. Those are the things I work on. Dave is working his *advertiser censored* off to fix the problem.

I know the crashing is getting old but you know what else is old? Again, stop with the snark.
The only way she is going to know we want TT back is if we tag her. @Tricia i know you're busy but please consider our request.
It is not a tap-a-talk issue. If going back to tap-a-talk would fix the problem I would consider it but that has nothing to do with what is going on.
If you have not accepted the Websleuths cookie that might be part of your problem.

Possibly theory. What if when a guest or a member does not accept a cookie it causes a slow down because the software has to check to see if it can show you an advertisement. Imagine if the software is constantly checking because of new guests and members coming and going. Tens of thousands.

Someone brought that up and I am going to bring it up with Dave.

I do know certain links will not work and it will disrupt not only your experience on Websleuths but it will disrupt your experience at other sites if you have refused the cookie.

Here is an article about this exact issue. I found several articles saying basically the same thing but this article had the best and easiest description.

"You can control how you treat cookies with your Internet browser privacy settings. You probably do not want to block all cookies, because that would really limit the quality of your Internet experience. You can set your browser to ask your permission before accepting a cookie though, and only accept them from Web sites you trust.

In some cases, you cannot make a wireless connection or access a Web site without allowing cookies for that site. Search cookies in your browser’s help tool for information on how to control and manage cookies on your PC."
Would not allowing 3rd party cookies do that? I'm pretty sure I accept them from this site itself. Thanks for the info.
Dear Confusion,

I honestly don't know. I'll see if I can get someone on the board tomorrow to answer. This is a great question.

Love your title :)

If you have not accepted the Websleuths cookie that might be part of your problem.

Possibly theory. What if when a guest or a member does not accept a cookie it causes a slow down because the software has to check to see if it can show you an advertisement. Imagine if the software is constantly checking because of new guests and members coming and going. Tens of thousands.

Someone brought that up and I am going to bring it up with Dave.

I do know certain links will not work and it will disrupt not only your experience on Websleuths but it will disrupt your experience at other sites if you have refused the cookie.

Here is an article about this exact issue. I found several articles saying basically the same thing but this article had the best and easiest description.

"You can control how you treat cookies with your Internet browser privacy settings. You probably do not want to block all cookies, because that would really limit the quality of your Internet experience. You can set your browser to ask your permission before accepting a cookie though, and only accept them from Web sites you trust.

In some cases, you cannot make a wireless connection or access a Web site without allowing cookies for that site. Search cookies in your browser’s help tool for information on how to control and manage cookies on your PC."

I can't see how it can possibly be cookies because we are getting the ads. Of course it could be the ads plus capacity problems. Being chucked of in the middle of doing something is the server. The 503 error is the server. Slowness and lag is the server. MOO of course.
This will sound crazy but it’s par for the course for me - so go figure. I too kept getting the 503 error. I went to Xenfro and downloaded the 208 and 209 zip file and now am zipping around like Speedy Gonzales.
This will sound crazy but it’s par for the course for me - so go figure. I too kept getting the 503 error. I went to Xenfro and downloaded the 208 and 209 zip file and now am zipping around like Speedy Gonzales.
Really? WOW. That is interesting. I'll have Dave look into it. Maybe this will help others too. Thank you
Are these problems known to be happening on other forums that use the same software/servers? Is the tech guy working on the problems a representative for that that software company or is he an independent tech?
Dave is an independent IT expert. I am 100 percent confidence he will find the problem. Also, we do have a Xen Foro tech specialist we consult.
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This will sound crazy but it’s par for the course for me - so go figure. I too kept getting the 503 error. I went to Xenfro and downloaded the 208 and 209 zip file and now am zipping around like Speedy Gonzales.

That's good to know. Thanks for reporting something positive.
I will only post on here again if I no longer have problems. So assume it is still problematic for me. I don't want to keep repeating it unless @Tricia asks like she did yesterday.
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If you have not accepted the Websleuths cookie that might be part of your problem.

Possibly theory. What if when a guest or a member does not accept a cookie it causes a slow down because the software has to check to see if it can show you an advertisement. Imagine if the software is constantly checking because of new guests and members coming and going. Tens of thousands.

Someone brought that up and I am going to bring it up with Dave.

I do know certain links will not work and it will disrupt not only your experience on Websleuths but it will disrupt your experience at other sites if you have refused the cookie.

Here is an article about this exact issue. I found several articles saying basically the same thing but this article had the best and easiest description.

"You can control how you treat cookies with your Internet browser privacy settings. You probably do not want to block all cookies, because that would really limit the quality of your Internet experience. You can set your browser to ask your permission before accepting a cookie though, and only accept them from Web sites you trust.

In some cases, you cannot make a wireless connection or access a Web site without allowing cookies for that site. Search cookies in your browser’s help tool for information on how to control and manage cookies on your PC."

I'm pretty sure that most of the users have their cookies set correctly, yet most everybody is having problems with the site. I think the problem is a bit more serious then that. I have my browser set to receive all cookies from Websleuths.com. I never delete any of them. Yet it is still taking upto 2 minutes for pages to load for me.
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I'm having less problems than many, in that I only experience the occasional site conking out, either timing out or 503 errors. That appears to be the server being overloaded rather than anything else. The popups, location demands, slow typing speed and similar things I've heard mentioned, I don't experience - however I have blocked adverts and also run a selective javascript blocker, both of which greatly help performance on many websites.

So my opinion is there's probably two separate issues here, one caused by adverts/unnecessary scripts slowing people's browsers down, and another causing the server to slow down. The sidebar does seem to contain a lot of information that probably doesn't need to be on pages outside of the front page; of all that's there, I only look at my own stats, and occasionally the latest replies/recent threads/new threads (two of which are identical anyway, so seems a bit redundant to keep both) - the rest just seems like unnecessary page load, and even what I do look at, I could see as easily on the front page.

Btw unrelated; I really do miss the featured threads bit at the top of the page, it was great for drawing my attention to interesting topics, particularly ones which haven't received much media attention here, so I wouldn't be likely to search for them here without already knowing they exist. The recent threads isn't as useful to me, as it doesn't give any indicator of how popular a thread is, only that it had a reply recently.

Edit: Ugh, immediately after posting this, 503 errors and it's gone to a snail's pace again. No other site doing this, just WS, been like this for 5+ minutes at time of editing.

I agree about the featured threads bit I miss that too.
We have a Facebook page so we can let people who use Facebook know about Websleuths.
We are working on the problem. We know the forum is crashing.
At some point so many people will use a.d. b.locker and Websleuths will shut down. Just FYI.
With all due respect, if the only way to use the forum is through a blocker, people are going to use a blocker. Unfortunately the site is unusable for me without it, so either way WS isn't getting my ad revenue. Obviously that is not my preference - I have great respect for you and WS and want to participate fully. I plan to go back to Chrome when the issues have been resolved.

I do appreciate your responses to my questions about the tech and TT. I'm glad to hear the forum reps are involved. No doubt WS is a major client of theirs so hopefully they're giving the issue their full attention. Are these known issues with their forums?

As for TT, are you saying that the problems would affect usage through TT? I guess that makes sense if it's a server issue.

I hope that you'll accept these further questions as intended - genuine and not snarky.

Lastly & just FYI in case it's helpful, it's 4am my time and there are 500-some users showing. The site was doing fine until I attempted to view the most recent page on this thread. It took probably 10 attempts over a period of five or so minutes before I was able to get to the site again. I did take a screenshot but can't figure out how to add it directly from my phone. It was a time-out error. I have since edited the post for clarification/typos and didn't experience any further trouble.
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Since I couldn't use WS last night I went to bed before 9 and got up before daylight. I thought well, let's go sleuth...maybe if there are less users it will work better. There are less than 700 users here and I'm still having the same issues. I didn't block cookies or turn off java or anything else that has been said to make things worse.

I'm assuming that the mods know all about the time out point system and how that works. Maybe one of them could make a post somewhere giving us the answers to the questions that have been asked on this subject. It would be really nice to know the details.
BBM, I don’t think you’re alone by any means.
I researched XenForo and tapatalk, and I don’t see why it’s not an option for websleuths since other boards that use XenForo use tapatalk.

I don't know if there is an added charge to use Tapatalk, and I have never used it, but apparently it is now available for use with XenForums. It may be something new in July 2018, if I read the page info correctly:
xenForo - Download and Install | Tapatalk

This will sound crazy but it’s par for the course for me - so go figure. I too kept getting the 503 error. I went to Xenfro and downloaded the 208 and 209 zip file and now am zipping around like Speedy Gonzales.

Interesting. I don't understand how to zip/unzip files, nor could I ever get it to work on an iPad in the past. Hopefully, if your fix works, the site can do something on their end to make the modification work for all...? Thanks, ima-g.

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