What about Lee Anthony? **REVISIT**

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Have your feelings about Lee changed?

  • Yes, I now believe he has cooperated with LE or is "on Caylee's side"

    Votes: 66 9.5%
  • I've always felt he was cooperating

    Votes: 142 20.5%
  • No, I still believe Lee is/was on Casey's side

    Votes: 378 54.5%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 107 15.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Never believed Lee was the father. Always thought he was playing KC along, acting like he believed her, to get as much info from her and keep her an allie instead of alienating her. Now the cats out of the bag, he may have been being loyal to her but I have no doubt: Lee's #1 priority in this has been Caylee. Not matter what side of the fence he had to take...to further that cause.

I wonder what the family thought of this doc dump that basically proves to them she did it?
Never believed Lee was the father. Always thought he was playing KC along, acting like he believed her, to get as much info from her and keep her an allie instead of alienating her. Now the cats out of the bag, he may have been being loyal to her but I have no doubt: Lee's #1 priority in this has been Caylee. Not matter what side of the fence he had to take...to further that cause.

I wonder what the family thought of this doc dump that basically proves to them she did it?

Can you please provide a link to the latest documents if they are on-line and available for reading? Thanks.
It is my opinion that Lee:

-- knows that his father is fragile, heartbroken and does not have the emotional energy
to do anything but go along with whatever CA directs

-- loves his mother, but realizes she lives in a state of denial; is an overbearing,
control freak and that her behavior alienates others.

-- is keenly aware that his sister is a narcissistic pathological liar & thief.

-- is the most emotionally stable person in the Anthony family.

KC refuses to see Lee because she respects him and realizes that he won't buy her BS or enable her. I think if she did....or would ever....confess to anything, it would be to Lee. IF she is capable of loving anyone other than herself, it is Lee.

That said, I think Lee took on the role of trying to keep his broken family intact. Sometimes that included playing both sides of the fence. I think it is entirely possible that Lee discovered things that he knew would incriminate his sister, yet was faced with the dilemma of implicating his own blood. I'll go out on a limb and say that I think he realizes that KC murdered Caylee and wishes his sister would confess and "provide the answers that this family deserves". He is trying to protect both of his parents, save his sister's life while grieving the loss of his niece and the family he once knew. I can't even imagine the inner turmoil he has felt.
Can you please provide a link to the latest documents if they are on-line and available for reading? Thanks.

all of the new docs are on the right...


I also wanted to say that I'm not sure about Lee but I am leaning towards beach2yall's opinion. He is very open and up front with LE and Casey's friends....really does not pull any punches when discussing Casey and her penchant for lying and stealing. He was extremely forthcoming in his interviews with LE.

I apologize but I dont have the time to devote to this case like I had in the past; can someone who has already sen it direct the rest of us to what page of the documents in http://www.primewriter.com/blog/?p=355, this conversation is located?
Hopefully you know enough about your own character to know you wouldn't hide or destroy evidence and lie to the police to cover up a crime your child committed against your grandchild.

Of course I would never do those things. What does that have to do with anything, though? :waitasec:
For a brief moment, after reading Lee's statement to Casey's friend to tell LE the truth and not protect Casey, I felt respect for Lee ..... but in hindsight I believe he was just playing detective. I don't know that Lee would have turned over any info he got from the friend, to LE?

I do not like one bit that Lee went to Tony's apartment (WHILE the police were at the Anthony home), and took Casey's computer (and did who-knows-what with it?). Lee should have left that up to LE to go get the laptop.

I am very angry with Lee for his disrespectful to CAYLEE behavior, at Caylee's memorial. He refused to wear CAYLEE's button, he never mentioned CAYLEE's name, he never hand kissed her photo or even looked or spoke to her picture in any loving way. And in all of his public speaking opportunities he has never expressed his love and concern for CAYLEE.

It was wrong for Lee to refuse to give his DNA, fingerprints, and take a lie detector test without being forced to. He seems arrogant, angry, and sullen, dark, and hiding things.

His writings on the internet when he was devastated because the MARRIED woman he had a child with aborted his child, were extremely bizarre and dark. While Casey was messing around with the HUSBAND of this married woman.

I believe that Lee's focus is on saving Casey from the death penalty or life in prison, and will do whatever it takes.
Lee's blog {Myspace or FaceBook

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Current mood: irate
Category: Romance and Relationships
With the information that came out today, the conversation between Annie and Lee, where Lee tells Annie to share everything she knows with LE and not protect Casey, has this changed your opinion of Lee?

If Lee had acted this way throughout, then maybe I would think he was on Caylee's side instead of on the side of the murderer. Unfortunately, only his conversation with Annie shows Lee on the up-and-up, the rest of the time, he's downright shady - and angry-looking. I do believe, however, that most of the time he was behind the scenes and not front and center like his mother, was a good thing for Lee. His other actions lead me to believe he supports Casey and his absence from the media spotlight throughout most of this only makes me think he's quietly behind the scenes obstructing justice, while his family did it publicly.

I'd be willing to cut him some slack if he finally comes out with the whole truth and FINALLY supports Caylee unconditionally. Until then............

Now I'll go back and read this thread and other people's opinions.
I didn't vote because none of the options fitted for me. No, my opinion of Lee has not changed. Other than his very weird, and so far unexplained, behaviours, I can't quite put my finger on it, but he has always made the "hairs on the back of my neck" stand up. Mind you, the whole family does, so that's nothing new.
So that's why he was wearing a bracelet for Caylee that has been referred to as one that contains some of her ashes, and why he kissed it repeatedly during his eulogy as tears streamed from his face?
Someone help me find the link--I think somewhere in these new documents is a statement from Tony to police that he and his roommates noticed that Casey's laptop wasn't working BEFORE Lee arrived and that they TOLD Lee about it. Is that correct?
I've always tried to give Cindy, George and Lee every benefit of doubt because I don't believe they would ever have harmed Caylee.

My position is the same today about George and Lee.

I'm rethinking my position about Cindy.

I hear ya!! While I have never believed any of the 3 could have hurt Caylee, I did wonder about Lee helping Casey. Now, however, I am really wondering how far Cindy would go to protect Casey. I tried for a long time to believe she was in total denial and just refused to accept reality, but I am wondering how much she knew from the beginning. That's hard for me to type, because I am one of the last holdouts in defense of the A's. Poor George, I still feel so bad for him, though.
And I have NEVER believed Lee was the father of Caylee!!
I do wonder why Lee refused to give a DNA sample or why he advised his parents to not take a polygraph. I think he did try to cooperate up to a point, but probably resented them thinking that he was involved in the crime. And I'm sure he had seen the rumors of his possibly being the father, so he did not think they had the right to test his DNA.
I think that the only truth we ever heard from any A was the statement about the dead body smell in the car. IMO every other statement and action has been made to cover KC's rear!...Feigning to look for a live Caylee, giving the wrong brushes to LE, Codespeak ala Lee...not designed for Justice for the victim!....They have lost all credibility with me..but that is MOO and not worth much in this case.
For a brief moment, after reading Lee's statement to Casey's friend to tell LE the truth and not protect Casey, I felt respect for Lee ..... but in hindsight I believe he was just playing detective. I don't know that Lee would have turned over any info he got from the friend, to LE?

I do not like one bit that Lee went to Tony's apartment (WHILE the police were at the Anthony home), and took Casey's computer (and did who-knows-what with it?). Lee should have left that up to LE to go get the laptop.

I am very angry with Lee for his disrespectful to CAYLEE behavior, at Caylee's memorial. He refused to wear CAYLEE's button, he never mentioned CAYLEE's name, he never hand kissed her photo or even looked or spoke to her picture in any loving way. And in all of his public speaking opportunities he has never expressed his love and concern for CAYLEE.

It was wrong for Lee to refuse to give his DNA, fingerprints, and take a lie detector test without being forced to. He seems arrogant, angry, and sullen, dark, and hiding things.

His writings on the internet when he was devastated because the MARRIED woman he had a child with aborted his child, were extremely bizarre and dark. While Casey was messing around with the HUSBAND of this married woman.

I believe that Lee's focus is on saving Casey from the death penalty or life in prison, and will do whatever it takes.

I agree with your post and that is the way I feel too. Only I did not know about the writings on the internet, etc....do you have a link to that...I would really like to read it. Sounds interesting....
With the information that came out today, the conversation between Annie and Lee, where Lee tells Annie to share everything she knows with LE and not protect Casey, has this changed your opinion of Lee?
I'm going to wait until all of the documents are released. I'm still skeptical of Lee and his protection of KC.
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