What did she buy at Target and How did she do it?

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BBM: Ok I want to know what cashier took a check drawn on AH account with KC's ID & Signature? If she had tolen them, wouldn't it have been more likely KC would have passed herself off as AH instead? Fake ID, fake signiture? Also who would write a check out to themselves for cash with a stolen check? I know...I know everybody thinks KC is a ditz, and maybe she is...but not that ditzy. I still say AH had given KC permission to use her account, then reniged. Maybe even encouraged it to make KC look bad. ALso someone can give another person permission to do or use something over the phone, so AH being out of town at the time holds no water for me, not to mention how quickly AH turned on KC. It was too soon for her to have figured out her bank accounts and what was missing or stolen.

Didn't I read somewhere that AH and AL had dated briefly before KC & AL hooked up? I remember it because right away I was thinking "whoa!, no wonder AH is so pizzed." Her and JG both slighted by these two, KC & AL.

You know........if you think about it........if a cashier looks at the DL and the check.....they are likely checking the signature line against the DL. They SHOULD be checking name on the check too, but really how many people would sign the wrong name?? Either she was so out of sorts that she signed the wrong name OR.............she planned ahead so that if she was asked about the wrong name...she could claim...."Oh darn, I grabbed my roomies checkbook off the counter instead of mine." Then she can bust out of the store without raising an eyebrow, where if she tried to write a check with no ID....someone may be suspicious and call for a manager. JMO
IIRC - The reason AH checked her acct was because CA told her to. Remember CA was very upfront with AH in the car about all KC had done. When they got to TL's, CA told the boys to check their money because KC probably cleaned them out. AH did so as soon as she got home.

Hollys G-mom - I REALLY don't think AH had given permission for KC to use her money at her will. AH seems to be a hard working girl saving her money, WHY ??? would she let someone dispose of hard earned money like that? Besides, it's not the point. What cashier should accept "she said I could use her checks"? Also, NO AH & TL never dated. AH is innocent and victimized in this and should not be thrown under the A-bus!
Heck...everyone was checking their accounts IIRC.
BBM: Ok I want to know what cashier took a check drawn on AH account with KC's ID & Signature? If she had tolen them, wouldn't it have been more likely KC would have passed herself off as AH instead? Fake ID, fake signiture? Also who would write a check out to themselves for cash with a stolen check? I know...I know everybody thinks KC is a ditz, and maybe she is...but not that ditzy. I still say AH had given KC permission to use her account, then reniged. Maybe even encouraged it to make KC look bad. ALso someone can give another person permission to do or use something over the phone, so AH being out of town at the time holds no water for me, not to mention how quickly AH turned on KC. It was too soon for her to have figured out her bank accounts and what was missing or stolen.

Didn't I read somewhere that AH and AL had dated briefly before KC & AL hooked up? I remember it because right away I was thinking "whoa!, no wonder AH is so pizzed." Her and JG both slighted by these two, KC & AL.

Bolded by me:

Cause Casey was such a good friend?
You know........if you think about it........if a cashier looks at the DL and the check.....they are likely checking the signature line against the DL. They SHOULD be checking name on the check too, but really how many people would sign the wrong name?? Either she was so out of sorts that she signed the wrong name OR.............she planned ahead so that if she was asked about the wrong name...she could claim...."Oh darn, I grabbed my roomies checkbook off the counter instead of mine." Then she can bust out of the store without raising an eyebrow, where if she tried to write a check with no ID....someone may be suspicious and call for a manager. JMO

You're so right - and I'm sure if you are a young cashier talking with a little gabster like KC, it would be easy to be distracted.

IIRC, she only signed her own name to the first check and signed Amy's to others. I'm just wondering how that worked, because, unless she had an Amy ID as well, I just can't figure out how it flew. I need to go back and look at those check copies. And I'd LOVE the know the endorsement name (and ID) she signed as and used on the $250 one from BoA. I can't remember if she used KC as the endorsement name for the one made out to "cash" that "Amy" signed.
BBM: Ok I want to know what cashier took a check drawn on AH account with KC's ID & Signature? If she had tolen them, wouldn't it have been more likely KC would have passed herself off as AH instead? Fake ID, fake signiture? Also who would write a check out to themselves for cash with a stolen check? I know...I know everybody thinks KC is a ditz, and maybe she is...but not that ditzy. I still say AH had given KC permission to use her account, then reniged. Maybe even encouraged it to make KC look bad. ALso someone can give another person permission to do or use something over the phone, so AH being out of town at the time holds no water for me, not to mention how quickly AH turned on KC. It was too soon for her to have figured out her bank accounts and what was missing or stolen.

Didn't I read somewhere that AH and AL had dated briefly before KC & AL hooked up? I remember it because right away I was thinking "whoa!, no wonder AH is so pizzed." Her and JG both slighted by these two, KC & AL.

I have never heard this. There is too much evidence to show this whole idea stated above does not hold water.
(Respectfully snipped)

AH: I then realized I had left my checkbook in my glove box so I can write checks to church (I tend to forget until halfway there). I knew immediately what had happened.

:shakehead: Sad. Sad, sad, sad.
Let's not forget KC stole money from the account used to pay for her grandfathers nursing home AND from Caylee's piggy bank

She is one heartless b . . . ok, I'll stop now

snipped for space

quote]On the car ride to retrieve Casey and find her granddaughter I found out a lot about the person I thought I was very good friends with. She told me Casey had been stealing money from her for years and about all the lies she had been telling me and everyone really. They go deep and long, all the important lies have been documented already.

We retrieved a very unhappy Casey and they took me back to where I am staying. Once home I was hanging out with my roommate a bit and then the thought occurred to me that I should check my bank account. I did not know how she could possibly have gotten into my account, but what her mom told me about her hacking into her account over and over mad me want to just have that piece of mind.

I checked and my checking account was at 0.00. There were several checks written while I was gone, I then realized I had left my checkbook in my glove box so I can write checks to church (I tend to forget until halfway there). I knew immediately what had happened.

I called the bank, but their check fraud department is only open in the day (It was probably around 9ish now). Cindy Anthony called me at 11 pm to tell me that Caylee was missing and had been for a month. I told her Casey had emptied my account, which she asked Casey about, and she admitted to the fact that she had in front of her mother and police officers. I called Casey's boyfriend at some point that night (I don't remember If it was before or after Cindy Anthony's call) and he looked through Casey's stuff and found my checkbook.


So there we are, there's how Amy discovered Casey had cleaned her out while she was gone.

To add insult to injury, AFTER Casey picked up Amy from the airport, Casey goes online to pay her $574 past due cell phone bill through an electronic draft on Amy's account. This was denied the next day due to insufficient funds.

This is in the Internet files from Casey's computer - the pages from AT&T were cached - IIRC.[/QUOTE]
Bold by me

A bit OT,but this jumped out at me,especially since CA made light of KC using her credit cards in the depo.I knew about KC hacking into the grandparent's bank account using an older check,but I didn't realize she had been hacking into CA's bank account.
BBM: Ok I want to know what cashier took a check drawn on AH account with KC's ID & Signature? If she had tolen them, wouldn't it have been more likely KC would have passed herself off as AH instead? Fake ID, fake signiture? Also who would write a check out to themselves for cash with a stolen check? I know...I know everybody thinks KC is a ditz, and maybe she is...but not that ditzy. I still say AH had given KC permission to use her account, then reniged. Maybe even encouraged it to make KC look bad. ALso someone can give another person permission to do or use something over the phone, so AH being out of town at the time holds no water for me, not to mention how quickly AH turned on KC. It was too soon for her to have figured out her bank accounts and what was missing or stolen.

Didn't I read somewhere that AH and AL had dated briefly before KC & AL hooked up? I remember it because right away I was thinking "whoa!, no wonder AH is so pizzed." Her and JG both slighted by these two, KC & AL.

Did I miss something with AH and AL????
Snipped for space
Target 2032 Winter Park July 10 2008 @ 10:33 AM

TARGET July 10 2008 @ 12:00 PM

07/10/08 1760 0078 9694 BEG:12:00 PM
RECEIPT ID# 2-8192-1760-0078-9694-2
R-EMP# 32904617 (SALE)

042:S213050004 JW DUNDEES 7.49 T
T = FL TAX6.5000% ON 45.22 2.94
TOTAL 155.47
046: CHECK PAYMENT 155.47
046: CHECK PAYMENT 155.47
MICR # T063000047T 005491737877A 0144
2 (S) A535113865990


Is the bolded date of birth KC's or AH's?
Googled it and it is KC's...so if she is buying alcohol (beer) wouldn't she have had to show an ID? This makes me think she did have a fake ID with AH's name on it but her pic and personal info.
Didn't Casey go to Target for her new cheap wardrobe twice in one day? If so, how did she fool two cashiers?

IMO, she had to have a fake ID if she was able to run the check scam twice. Ditto for any other places she used AH's checks. I can see ONE person being lazy but not more than one.
OK, here you go, from the Fraud documents:

7/08/08 Check #142 to Target in Orlando for $111.01
7/10/08 Check #143 to Target in Winter Garden FL for $137.77
7/10/08 Check #144 to Target in Orlando for $155.47
7/12/08 Check #145 to WinnDixie for $92.62
7/15/08 Check #146 to Casey Anthony for $250
Electronic Check presented for payment on 7/19/08 to AT&T in the amount of $574

(And remember, I don't remember which interview, but someone else here will, LH said that the cell phone records only went up until July 8, 2008, because her phone was cut off for non-payment in the amount of $574.)

All these checks were on AH's BOA (Bank of America) account, and OCSO LE were given the checks, the cashier's tape, the receipt for items purchased, video tape and photos.

Checks 143 and 144 had CaseyA's name and signature on them and a Florida DL was captured on the back of the checks, which belongs to CaseyA. Along with the checks, receipts, video tape and photos, sworn statements by the cashiers who conducted these transactions were also attached to the report.

Check 146 was made out to Casey Anthony and was cashed at the BOA.

:::shakes head is disbelief::: She is a piece of work. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Be good to one another,

She apparently used her own driver's license.
It was "too soon" for Amy to have "figured out" her bank account had been drained by her "friend" KC? KC rips Amy off over a period of 3-4 days, right up until the hours prior to picking Amy up at the airport. Amy never knew all that time what KC had done to her, and your opinion is that it is suspect to you that Amy noticed as "quick" as she did?

Amy's what, 22 or 23 years old? That's the average age of the young people I work with, and if you told me more than 2 of them had $1400 balances in their bank accounts for more than a week, I'd be very surprised. KC depleted all of Amy's money to the point KC couldn't pay her $500+ cell phone bill. So we know Amy's balance fell below $500. Did it occur to you that perhaps the way Amy had to "figure out"she was financially raped by KC was perhaps Amy was denied a charge to her debit card when she returned home?

What leap are you making here to try to say that Amy would lie to LE about allowing KC to "use" her checkbook? Also, how could anyone owe KC anything? She didn't have a j-o-b. Anything she gave to anyone came from Cindy's credit. Yeah, they didn't know that - but how does that make anyone who wasted their time with KC suspect of anything?

Amy, TonE, Ricardo - they had apartments, cars, schools, jobs, close family, LIVES. KC was a wannabe, a poser, a leech, a parasite, a liar, thief, and a murderer. None of her friends made KC do anything she did to them. She made a career out of destroying people all on her own.


And if Amy had given her permission and then recanted (which makes zero sense to me), but if she had Cindy would have been screaming from the rooftops during the check fraud charges and especially when they pulled her out of the house during NG's show. Casey says herself in her statement that she has been stealing. There is really no mystery here as to what happened.
Didn't Casey go to Target for her new cheap wardrobe twice in one day? If so, how did she fool two cashiers?

IMO, she had to have a fake ID if she was able to run the check scam twice. Ditto for any other places she used AH's checks. I can see ONE person being lazy but not more than one.

I have used my husbands card with a different last name on it MULTIPLE times where I have been asked for ID, handed over my license that clearly doesn't match, cashier goes through the motions and hands me back my card and ID. It happens all the time.
I have used my husbands card with a different last name on it MULTIPLE times where I have been asked for ID, handed over my license that clearly doesn't match, cashier goes through the motions and hands me back my card and ID. It happens all the time.

This is my first post on this thread. But, I wanted to point out what I learned after having an employee steal thousands of dollars from us.

It's all too easy for a thief like KC (and my former employee) to use stolen checks. In fact, I was told by the fraud dept. of our bank that essentially it is up to the account holder to monitor their account for fraud. I thought that the Proofs Dept. that verifies a sig would have caught all of the blatant forgeries on our checks. Nope. Now, we were stupid for not monitoring our accounts and that we regret. But, the actual carrying out of the crime was very easy for this person. And we were told it goes on all the time.
This is my first post on this thread. But, I wanted to point out what I learned after having an employee steal thousands of dollars from us.

It's all too easy for a thief like KC (and my former employee) to use stolen checks. In fact, I was told by the fraud dept. of our bank that essentially it is up to the account holder to monitor their account for fraud. I thought that the Proofs Dept. that verifies a sig would have caught all of the blatant forgeries on our checks. Nope. Now, we were stupid for not monitoring our accounts and that we regret. But, the actual carrying out of the crime was very easy for this person. And we were told it goes on all the time.

The banks are very hit and miss with catching oddities in your checks. I mailed a business check for several thousands of dollars, forgot to sign it, cleared my account 3 days later.
Makes me wonder why KC didn't have her own checking account. She could have written one check to herself and deposited it. Seems to me that would be less of a risk of not being caught by the stores or BOA. Has she done things in the past to prevent a bank from opening up her own account?
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