What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

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I have to say, Juror # 3's interview bothers me so much, I can't stop thinking about it. The conclusion I have to come to is that this jury needed (and apparently expected) a video of ICA committing the murder in order to convict.

And no, according to # 3, lesser charges were not considered. All she talked about was that there was not enough evidence for her to give someone the death penalty. If she did she said, that would make her a murderer too.

Here is a link to Juror # 3's interview.....if you have the stomach to watch.
The video is under that article about what she said.

It's absolutly sickening what she had to say. First of all they could have voted for LWOP and not the death penalty so apparently she is misinformed about that and also she shouldn't be thinking about sentencing when considering the guilt phase. Also, what about voting for manslaughter. She seems to be saying that wasn't an option. Didn't she read the jury instructions. It's making me more sick reading what she had to say.:banghead:
Wish we picked our jury from the homeless shelter as Judge Perry suggested. We would be in the life or death sentencing phase by now with Anne finnell talking about mitigating versus aggravating factors.

Yes you 12+ mindless jurors...I'm positive that even one homeless individual has more brain cells than the whole bunch of you put together times 100000.
If its true that you all were so "torn up" about this decision then WHY didn't you deliberate for more than 11 hours? Wouldn't you want someone to take more time than that if it was your child???
I was thinking he could...my point is, everyone has thought highly of this judge. deservedly so. I thought him fair, strict, and human. but if he did not overturn this verdict, then it wasnt as cut and dry as people tend to think?

Not true, he could not over turn the verdict. its pretty cut and dry to me. I respect that people disagree, but I am pretty certain they are wrong (in my humble opinion of course, no disrespect)
IIRC, Judge Perry could not, by law, overturn the NOT GUILTY verdicts. He could only have overturned a GUILTY verdict, if he believed that was in order.
When I served on a jury, the judge specifically instructed us about the definition of "reasonable doubt", essentially, ""would a REASONABLE person believe the defendant guilty based on the evidence presented?"

We were not required to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, but beyond a REASONABLE doubt.

There is no question in my mind that the evidence presented proved to all reasonable people that Casey murdered Caylee. The jury let a baby killer go free and I'm still, days later, utterly flabbergasted and disgusted.
Ceelo Green has a song that adequately expresses my thought's to this jury... the clean version is titled "Forget you" but I would express that the original title is a heck of a lot more appropriate as to what I think of this jury.

They didn't even request to see the photobucket account... the time cards... anything. Cindy Anthony lied A LOT more than George Anthony on that stand and she was caught red handed. Yet, they didn't believe George??

I hope Casey Anthony moves next door to one of them. Hopefully with one of the jurors who have children and I would like to see them let their children play outside by themselves.

I'm disgusted!

I could not believe the lack of common sense with juror 3 especially. She was confused because George first seemed to side with the defense, and then with prosecutors. She used that as a reason to believe he might be involved.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense could see George became upset with the defense based on the allegations made at the last minute about abuse and him being the scum of the earth, according to them. How more obvious could that be? He is supposed to sit there and smile and agree?

Also, they seem to mostly be saying that they dont believe the whole defense theory, but still think that the baby drowned in the people. Lets say the baby drowned in the pool but the other stuff didnt happen (George disposing of body, Kronk taking home body, etc.) WHy would the defense say so then??? Why not just say the truth, that the baby drowned and Casey panicked??? The fact that they added other stuff that is obviously not true shows you this most likely didnt happen. So what are we left with? One possible explanation: murder.

I am always surprised when I see the many many obviously uneducated people in this country, it saddens me. How could there be so many people that dont have logical thinking skills in this day of age? I expected there might be one or two on the jury like that, but the odds of there being TWELVE??? I think I would have been less shocked if someone told me that the moon exploded. That is how absolutely shocked I was when i heard not guilty.
If, as juror3 said, you were crying and sick to your stomach at acquitting her, did you consider that maybe you needed to think some more. That maybe your gut was speaking to you? Did you really think, as the alternate said, that George was involved in a cover up? That really made sense to you? You can see Jo Jo throwing his baby girl in the woods after an accidental drowning? You believed the defense's lie that GA & LA sexually abused ICA although they never brought it up again; never asked GA & LA about it? You bought that?

SO many questions that will never be answered. It's finished anyway. It's done.
Does anyone know if the following link is fact or fiction? (Juror Jennifer Ford allegedly arrested for check fraud?) I apologize if this is disinformation, but wanted to know if any websleuths are aware of this?


The age seems about right. If it really is her then she must have gained a lot of weight since. Could be her. I'd like to know for sure before I rant away.
What it says to me is that the 12 that found her to be innocent because there was not "enough" evidence that she was the last to have caylee and the one responsible for her death (murder), which tells me that the 12 of them would expect to get away with murder if that is all the evidence you have against them.
I don't know where to put this.....so I leave it here.

You have been part of Casey's biggest and most recent lie. She has not be rehabbed in jail. She spent those years practicing how she is going to dupe you with her fake tears and fake emotions. A FACE that has and will change now for whatever situation she is in. When you were out of the room it was a different defendant...a different face, I do hope you go and see the lie she played on you.....on ALL of us!!

She deliberately made herself dowdy, no make up, severe hair bun...no emotion until it was about her!! In 48 hours, she has transformed into this person who has now been able to "let her hair down".... twirling and twisting it as if she was already glaming for the cameras....as if she was looking pretty. Sorry, didn't like the dated Snooki bun today, btw. She is wearing makeup and smiling. Had she done that for you, it would have been a different story.

You have been part of her MOST SUCCESSFUL lie to date. I don't blame you but you have been had!!! Can't go back and undo it, we all must live with it. She has perfected the perfect lie and it was on you!! We will no doubt be host to more lies now!!!

She learned NOTHING in her incarceration....she only learned to plan a better mirror.

I think that is the basis for all of our anger, sadness and disappointment.
Murders aren't video taped.. and CSI is not realistic in real life. Thats why you should not make up your mind and LISTEN TO THE EVIDENCE... and NOT TALK ABOUT THE CASE BEFORE DELIBERATIONS...and DELIBERATE.. this is a capital murder case.. TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.

Of course.. none of this matters now...
Did you bother to think about this at all? Or were you too worried about getting home and making money?? I mean really?? You suck. Everyone of you. I hope you are failed by the justice system very very very soon.
I truly can't believe what these people are saying they based their decision on. It literately blows my mind. To not review any evidence and base such an important decision on things that had NO evidence is an outrage. If I were them I'd just quit trying to explain myself because the more we find out the worse they look. I'd be embarrassed to admit I was that ignorant of the judges instructions. Unbelievable.
Jennifer Ford, Juror #3, said the vote was 10/2. I would like to hear from the two Jurors. Was it a 10 to 2 vote on 1st degree? Considering the other charges available to them,how did the two Jurors get from 1st degree murder to not guilty. That is a huge leap.
Jennifer Ford, Juror #3, said the vote was 10/2. I would like to hear from the two Jurors. Was it a 10 to 2 vote on 1st degree? Considering the other charges available to them,how did they get from 1st degree murder to not guilty. That is a huge leap.

I thought i heard somewhere they didn't read the charges and instructions.. so maybe only the foreman new and filled it out.. i wonder if they even knew there were other charges possible besides murder 1 ?
You are all morally bankrupt...Please, never serve on another jury...and I hope Casey moves into your neighborhood.
There seems to be a little confusion.

Casey's out with "good behavior".

Caylee gets the death penalty.
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