What's in the Minds of Her Mother, Father, Brother Right Now?

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I was shocked to read that the Lunsford fund recieved over $203,000 in a few short years. I wonder what the Anthonys have received...

This is their second fund and will be operated by their attorney. The first one had five on the board of directors, none being an attorney.

Mark Lunsford is a wonderful man, he has accomplished so much with having sex offenders tracked. He is not a liar or a greedy unemployed leech either.
Lippman probably is building the site for them since they don't know how.
Their other foundation has not been updated in 3 years!
I just find it odd that you do not see Cindy or George's name on the front page of the website. It mentions Caylee as if she is a stranger, not a granddaughter.
Regardless this is definitely the new fund Lippman has been blabbing about all over town,

If he's building it, he's not doing a very good job. There are several spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. I don't think it's the real foundation site. It's a .com and would be a .org.

.ETA: There are several errors on the website of the other foundation, so I just don't know.

Mark Lunsford is a wonderful man, he has accomplished so much with having sex offenders tracked. He is not a liar or a greedy unemployed leech either.

I am well aware of that and certainly admire him. I was trying to make a comparison of how much he recieved. If he received that, the anthonys may have potentially recieved a lot more. The anthonys aren't in this to change the world, they like the world pretty much the way it is...MO.

Mark has done a whole lot of good and is a truly sympathetic man. I don't see any of these qualities in any of the Anthonys...but apparently many do because they keep sending them money. They have never helped anyone find a child. Now they are going to put there faces on a law to bring in money to benefit who? Themselves is clearly the answer.
Mark Lunsford is a wonderful man, he has accomplished so much with having sex offenders tracked. He is not a liar or a greedy unemployed leech either.

Another example of what a truly worried parent does when their child is missing, in Mark.
I didn't see any mention of him obstructing or playing power games with investigators in Jessica's case- unlike the A's.
He wanted to find his child, CA did not.
Why would they name the foundation CAYLEE'SFUND FOUNDATION, INC.?
I just think there is something fishy as to why they put Caylee's and Fund as one word. This is the work of a lawyer? Don't they use spell check or at least read it over?

I laughed when I saw upthread the accounting for the A's second foundation. Why would anyone think they are being honest in filing the paperwork? It's my guess that most of the reported donations were written by check and most of the cash went under the table. The jars are no longer out there, but I imagine most people donating would have no problem putting a few bills in an envelope without ever having to write a check.
I believe Baez AND the anthonys certainly did win. Baez makes money off of this also. If she wasn't acquited, the Anthony fund would not be happening. They waited till after the verdict to proceed. Lippman is making money. George and cindy are making money and lastly people think the murderer, casey will make money. If not, she gets to live outside smirking that she beat the system.

To see how much money these foundations make, research it. You would be VERY surprised if you have no idea.

They will only make $$ if people continue to be interested in this.
Let it go and it will die. jmo
Money, that's what is on their minds. And now on top of everything they are talking to their attorney about suing Bradley over the 84 chloroform searches claim..
I will try my hardest to respect people for their opinions... With that said, I do not think that the Anthony's should be attacked or have their character questioned by people on this site.

Their behavior has been strange, and at times outright despicable. But, none of us knows what they have been through. None of us have had to choose between defending their daughter and defending a granddaughter they had already lost. None of us know what went on behind closed doors. None of us know what they privately think or how they feel.

For all we know, they might totally believe that Casey is guilty of murdering Caylee. They might feel that they have already lost Caylee and they don't want to lose Casey too. Or, maybe the Casey they knew wasn't capable of murder and they are going through some major cognitive dissonance right now. Maybe they believe Casey wasn't capable of murder, therefore she didn't commit murder.

We all HAVE NO IDEA. But, I guarantee you that they don't believe they won. They aren't happy their granddaughter died so that they can get paid $20,000 for interviews and go on cruises. They aren't happy their granddaughter died so that they can sit through police interviews, depositions, hearings, and the trial for three years. They aren't happy that their granddaughter died and they have to face the reality that their daughter played a role in it. They don't want to face the reality that the daughter they raised murdered the thing most important to both of them.

I guarantee you that if they were given the chance, they would trade all of the money in the world to get to spend one more moment with Caylee.

They loved Caylee more than Casey did. They did not murder her. They did not help her dispose of the body. And if they helped to destroy evidence, I don't believe they did it with the knowledge that their daughter was an evil child murderer.

Casey is the one to blame in all of this, no matter what contributed to the monster she turned out to be. None of the rest of this family wanted this, and they never thought that their actions would ever contribute to this.
I was shocked to read that the Lunsford fund recieved over $203,000 in a few short years. I wonder what the Anthonys have received...

This is their second fund and will be operated by their attorney. The first one had five on the board of directors, none being an attorney.

If you want some interesting reading search G & C A Foundation
What's on the mind of her family>
George is thinking, kc really IS the person I never wanted her to be.

Lee is thinking, She got away with murder........... no wonder I didn't want anything to do with her.

Cindy is thinking...sheeeet, kc won't talk to me and I lied on the stand for her. Oh well, Gotta run, time to buy a new car and a weed wacker.
I believe that actions speak louder than words. People can talk all day long but their actions tell the story...
Well, the new foundation website is online, at least one page of it.
Very odd too, there is no mention of the Anthony's owning it. They must know how toxic they are...Finally! Oh, and the best part, (LOL) it is a FREE website from Yahoo. I wonder how much expenses they will be claiming for online presence? http://cayleesfund.com/

Darn, somebody should have proof read it. Guess they were in a big hurry to get it online and have the dough start rolling in:banghead:.
I believe that actions speak louder than words. People can talk all day long but their actions tell the story...
Your words reminded me of this quote:

"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
It's her legal right, but they still have these other civil lawsuits, the ZFG, Leonard.P., Tim Miller, I really think they will be sick of courtrooms after all that is over with. I know every time I walk into a courtroom I start to shake and that was my job.
How is it her legal right? The state didn't say that she made the 84 searches for chloroform, the state's point was that she didn't make the searches on the computer (along with neck breaking, household weapons, shovels) because work records proved she was at work but that CFCA made the searches. I am not directing this at you - I am trying to understand what the law suit would be: "Cynthia Anthony v. The State of Florida - Defendant contends the State said that she wasn't home when 84 searches for chloroform were made but come to find out there weren't 84 searches made but the state said she wasn't at home and didn't make any of the searches for anything so "where's my check?" law suit
Why does it say New York N.Y. Maybe it's not the Anthony's site.

I am a bit suspicious too. The spelling errors and especially using I, instead of "we" on the "home" page. Oh no, another hoax :waitasec:
Anyone who donates their time or money for missing children gets a big plus in my book. The IRS keeps track of where all the money goes. So when I hear this being a scam it's just not true. There is a lot of legal paper work that goes into starting a charity, and you can believe the IRS will focus on every penny.


I hope George and Cindy gets Caylees stuff back since they bought it all. I know they will cherish it all. Casey will either sell it or throw it out like trash. She threw it all away once along with her daughter.

‪Key Casey Anthony trial evidence not destined for Ebay‬‏ - YouTube

I wish that was true but it is not. They may go after them if they don't file the proper tax forms,990as but the IRS does not normally scrutinized those forms. It falls to public watch dog groups like Guidestar. And there is no way to really prove on those forms where the money actually goes and the IRS does not check. Most non profits get into trouble with their tax exempt status becuase they violate the rules regarding lobbying, endorse a political candidate, fail to file a certificate of existence or not pay taxes on unrelated business income. And if you look at Guidestar for the A's first foundation no financial information is available nor is any on the website. Most likely scrutiny will begin if people complain to the Florida attoneys general's office if they think something is a miss.
I don't think this is their site.

Domain Name.......... cayleesfund.com
Creation Date........ 2011-07-08
Registration Date.... 2011-07-08
Expiry Date.......... 2012-07-08
Organisation Name.... miss xyz (there is a name but not going to list can be viewed if you do a domain name search yourself)
Organisation Address. Denver
Organisation Address. 80216
Organisation Address. CO
Organisation Address. UNITED STATES

**it's cayleesfund.org
Created On:15-Jul-2011 22:04:14 UTC
Last Updated On:15-Jul-2011 22:04:16 UTC
Expiration Date:15-Jul-2013 22:04:14 UTC
**owner name not listed
If he's building it, he's not doing a very good job. There are several spelling, punctuation and grammar errors. I don't think it's the real foundation site. It's a .com and would be a .org.

.ETA: There are several errors on the website of the other foundation, so I just don't know.


Most charities are .org but the A's don't do things in a normal way.
Their other charity is a .net - go figure.
I don't beleive they would live in a cardboard box for anyone. I think there is a shrine for Caylee at the house, sure do. But funny how cindy ask, in a pitiful voice, for the judge to please remove Caylee's PIC fromt the screen in front of her. Puhlease! She has Caylee's PIC all over her house. She is a Drama Queen in every sense of the word and plays to the public for sympathy and dollars. They didn't pay for that memorial. The church and donations did. That memorial was a podium for them to "reach out" to their daughter casey.

Very soon after the memorial, cindy went on air stating "Caylee is alive"! No one asked her who the heck did she just cremate? Enough of her already!

I believe she said that the picture was distracting her from testifying. If she didn't have pictures of Caylee all over the house then everyone would be saying, oh she couldn't wait to get rid of everything Caylee had. I was glad that she shared those videos with us. Seeing Caylee being sung to on her 2nd birthday was so adorable. Then to hear Caylee singing you are my sunshine, for the last time, priceless. That memorial was not your everyday memorial first of all it was televised, so you had hundreds to thousands of people watching, lights, cameras. They probably couldn't believe this was really happening. I find that we get bits and pieces of what is said and in what context, that's why there are hearsay rules in court. I guess because I have seen this behavior so much, in my line of work nothing ceases to amaze me. One of my first cases was a lady who was making her little daughter sick. If I could have thrown dagger with my eyes I would have. I was learning how to do intake and she was just so cold, but she had Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, I can't even talk about the case that upset me so bad that I quit working with criminal cases and moved on to civil.
I was shocked to read that the Lunsford fund recieved over $203,000 in a few short years. I wonder what the Anthonys have received...

This is their second fund and will be operated by their attorney. The first one had five on the board of directors, none being an attorney.

There are many many kind generous Americans that will rather quickly fork over hard earned money for a worthy cause. And I would not call them foolish either. They just trust folks, when there are some folks that should not be trusted. That is why the " CA & GA Financial Support Fund" has my neck hair standing up. There are already plenty of sterling similar organizations they could join.
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