Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #3

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My hinky meter is beeping like crazy.....I wonder..... wouldn't it be smart of JB to have all the money written to HIM in order to hide it for KC? I mean, wouldn't that be to his benefit, and then of course he'd never pay it back to her? I'm going nuts over here, I smell a rat....... Also, to add insult to injury, let's say a deal isn't in the works..... Let's say he was hoping for one and now has to wait, and now has to foot the bill and be responsible for her over the next year while her marketablity plummets.... Anyway you slice it, somebody's ship is likely to sink....

It would be very smart to have all that money in JB's name but would you trust your 1.5 million to be put in anyone elses name?...
you hit the nail on the head. I bet the muddier this mess gets, the more JB squirms, I bet she knows enough to get him disbarred pronto. Could be sex, subporning perjury, evidence or witness tampering, wouldnt' it be grand if she did blab about somthing that could wind her back on trial for murder, as is the case with severe witness tampering, etc...... I think I'd have to buy myself a bottle of Dom...:floorlaugh:

Lol, yeah, she knows enough. And since I missed a pic, I think that is her starting point once she is ticked off. She's not going to go down broke and poor once she realizes JB does not care who she is or how she got there, it was all about JB getting fame and $$$, not about KC. :innocent:
Yep, where ever she is, she is throwing tantrums, I bet. And maybe she has something on Baez or all of the DT? They are scrambling to get her out of probation. They have to know the money train is over. And yet still, there they are, continuing to hide her, spoil her (security systems aren't cheap and she was blinged out in Ohio), and fight the probation. Wow. Talk about Casey having the DT by the b's!

Don't forget Mason's statement right after Casey was released from jail about all the money that was pouring in on her behalf. Maybe he/they had not considered the necessity of accounting for all these checks that were coming in, and now are having issues with how to do that retroactively.

Whether Casey has money coming in at this moment or not, she clearly did have "thousands of dollars" pouring in, per Mason. And I believe that if that did happen, the checks are still coming in.

Someone, somehow, somewhere, is going to be held accountable. One cannot file a petition with a court stating they are indigent if they are in fact, not. And when an attorney supports such a lie, the consequences can be even more profound.

I'll sit and wait. I do not want just Casey to spiral downward--I want her to take them all with her if they are indeed being dishonest with the courts.
It would be very smart to have all that money in JB's name but would you trust your 1.5 million to be put in anyone elses name?...

believe it or not, I think she trusts him......:floorlaugh: Let's hope!:great:
Don't forget Mason's statement right after Casey was released from jail about all the money that was pouring in on her behalf.

I'll sit and wait. I do not want just Casey to spiral downward--I want her to take them all with her if they are indeed being dishonest with the courts.

Respectfully snipped

I love how even CM did not think ahead enough to keep his gums from flapping here. Since the "team" loves to use internet documentation as evidence, I hope the State has learned a thing or two about documenting via media. :fence:
Don't forget Mason's statement right after Casey was released from jail about all the money that was pouring in on her behalf. Maybe he/they had not considered the necessity of accounting for all these checks that were coming in, and now are having issues with how to do that retroactively.

Whether Casey has money coming in at this moment or not, she clearly did have "thousands of dollars" pouring in, per Mason. And I believe that if that did happen, the checks are still coming in.

Someone, somehow, somewhere, is going to be held accountable. One cannot file a petition with a court stating they are indigent if they are in fact, not. And when an attorney supports such a lie, the consequences can be even more profound.

I'll sit and wait. I do not want just Casey to spiral downward--I want her to take them all with her if they are indeed being dishonest with the courts.

BBM. That is EXACTLY how I feel. I hope she does take them all down with her. They all deserve it.

I'm not going to quote your post, but if I ever win the lottery can I ask you for assistance in financial "issues"? :D
I think if she's got a deal and it's sounding like she has by the fight they are putting up, they don't want her serving probation because then how is she supporting herself.

I'll bet Baez has it stashed here and there under various trust sneaky stuff of which he is the executor, but now what? She is under the public eye - and if she has money coming - will NOT be content to be hidden away plunking away at some (silly) course when she could be out in California living the high life thumbing her nose at everyone.

I have no idea how money is stashed in a hinky way so does anyone know - not from experience of course...:great:

How annoying for Baez if he does have some - he could get his house out of hock, buy a new car, etc., but no - all eyes including the Bar are on him and "his girl".

...not to mention how embarrassing it would be (if he is hiding money for her in some way and giving her money to live on), to have her write:

Job?: "No."

Income?: "Jose gives me money."

Try explaining THAT to the wife, the IRS, the FL Bar, and on and on and on.

He's probably going to insist on 'helping' her fill out those forms.
...not to mention how embarrassing it would be (if he is hiding money for her in some way and giving her money to live on), to have her write:

Job?: "No."

Income?: "Jose gives me money."

Try explaining THAT to the wife, the IRS, the FL Bar, and on and on and on.

He's probably going to insist on 'helping' her fill out those forms.

BBM = Bellylaugh! But I could see it happening which is why it was so funny!
Well, they will be curious. They are going to wonder how she has a house with a security system yet no income. I wish I could have that! No more annoying mortgage and no monthly payment to a security company!
The money trail starts at the first indigence hearing. Much hiding going on to begin with, from many, some in, um high political and media places.

No one wants any recorded money showing for KC, at least until the payback the State hearing and the ZFG hearing are completed.

That puts a cramp in everything.

On the brighter side, I don't think that the public gives two hoots about her anymore and would be happy if the media just shut up, ride the tide until she offends again.


Bolding mine.

About that hearing......didn't I read just recently that it was held in Judge's chambers, and then sealed? IF there is any money left from that $200k, and IF she's living off it now, it would be interesting to see it show up on her monthly forms.

Does anyone know why the records of the accounting of how those funds were spent was sealed? And what's up with the motion by the Orlando Sentinel (I think?) to have them unsealed? Any word on that?
Also, on the rules #6 talks about alcohol and that she cannot visit places where alcohol is unlawfully sold. Does that mean she can visit legal bars and maybe even work there?
Bolding mine.

About that hearing......didn't I read just recently that it was held in Judge's chambers, and then sealed? IF there is any money left from that $200k, and IF she's living off it now, it would be interesting to see it show up on her monthly forms.

Does anyone know why the records of the accounting of how those funds were spent was sealed? And what's up with the motion by the Orlando Sentinel (I think?) to have them unsealed? Any word on that?

No, the first one was live and is still online somewhere. The "team" ran to chambers to figure out how the ABC money was spent......

I'm not going to quote your post, but if I ever win the lottery can I ask you for assistance in financial "issues"? :D

Sure it's real simple and I can show you how to double it: Place the lotto money in an offshore trust so you are indigent move to Pinellas county, euthanize your daughter with chloroform, duct tape her mouth shut, throw her out like gargage, and hire Jose Baez :sick:
Bolding mine.

About that hearing......didn't I read just recently that it was held in Judge's chambers, and then sealed? IF there is any money left from that $200k, and IF she's living off it now, it would be interesting to see it show up on her monthly forms.

Does anyone know why the records of the accounting of how those funds were spent was sealed? And what's up with the motion by the Orlando Sentinel (I think?) to have them unsealed? Any word on that?

LOL Well if there is any money left from that $200K - the IRS is looking for 64K of it that Baez forgot to pay for taxes on behalf of FCA...:innocent:
Sure it's real simple and I can show you how to double it: Place the lotto money in an offshore trust so you are indigent move to Pinellas county, euthanize your daughter with chloroform, duct tape her mouth shut, throw her out like gargage, and hire Jose Baez :sick:

No kidding. :banghead::banghead:

I did ask in the lawyer thread about trusts. I hope that's not the DT's out for keeping Casey indigent legally. I will be so mad if it is...
Also, on the rules #6 talks about alcohol and that she cannot visit places where alcohol is unlawfully sold. Does that mean she can visit legal bars and maybe even work there?

Yes. She just can't go to shot houses after hours, maybe even some of the private clubs where you bring your own bottle (they do exist). There are plenty of them. Or work where anyone under 21 is served alcohol illegally, if 21 is the age in Florida. Anyone can feel free to add, this is just what happens in my state, I think Florida has even more action going on.
Bolding mine.

About that hearing......didn't I read just recently that it was held in Judge's chambers, and then sealed? IF there is any money left from that $200k, and IF she's living off it now, it would be interesting to see it show up on her monthly forms.

Does anyone know why the records of the accounting of how those funds were spent was sealed? And what's up with the motion by the Orlando Sentinel (I think?) to have them unsealed? Any word on that?

I think these questions were just answered on the lawyer thread. You might look there.
LOL Well if there is any money left from that $200K - the IRS is looking for 64K of it that Baez forgot to pay for taxes on behalf of FCA...:innocent:

And, I am still waiting! Did he pay taxes on his cut for himself???!!! I'm really waiting on that one.
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