Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #3

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ducking from grandma, I think I'm going to get in trouble for that :) Love you, please forgive me?
I agree with drifter, it's not her. I am sure she has an email and FBacccount under a diff name, rest assured the world will find her, hell all we need at WS and we'll find her:) Sorry, but we ARE PRETTY DAMN AMAZING!

You just search for an identity that uses the most keywords related to FCA, such as Cays (for Caylee).

You cannot keep secrets for long in the public domain, that's why I don't get the inflaming and hiding strategy versus the defusing and integrating strategy.

Go to Suburban and cry for Caylee, hug your parents, etc you will win some sympathy from some and start on a road to recovery versus alienation and isolation IMO.
Well now, perusing the last posts - do I want to find her? Nah - leave her to the opportunists - order rodenta...They will find her. They always do. She'll appear soon enough. They always do. And the sooner the money drys up, the sooner they will show up.

It won't be long now.

Oh, and all the online degree stuff? TOO CUTE!

Call me when she gets an associates - heck, call me if she pulls a certificate.
Well now, perusing the last posts - do I want to find her? Nah - leave her to the opportunists - order rodenta...They will find her. They always do. She'll appear soon enough. They always do. And the sooner the money drys up, the sooner they will show up.

It won't be long now.

Oh, and all the online degree stuff? TOO CUTE!

Call me when she gets an associates - heck, call me if she pulls a certificate


Call me if she DOES it
Do not forget that CA went to see a high priced financial planner. And there is no doubt in my mind that the whole clan is still very much involved with each other which would include financial matters, regardless what Lippman has been spouting as propaganda for acceptable public image purpose..
A "blind" trust could also be a handy dandy for KC.

Where has Lippman been, by the way? I haven't read any "press releases" by him for the A's in the past few weeks....or am I missing something? seems Lippman and his clients might be trying to keep quiet between now and Sept. 12 so they don't bring any more bad press to themselves..... IMO, MOO, etc.
Hate to keep beating this drum, but my God the people HAVE to demand some changes on how the courts treat these cases. Do you realize that they are "protecting" a felon from society instead of protecting society from a convicted felon? We have EVERY right to know where she is and what she is doing imo, at least while she's on probation. Anyone who may be victimized by her can place the blame squarely on the court/jusge in this case.


RBBM: Great points ... I totally agree ! This "special special special" treatment of CFCA by DOC/Florida has gone tooooooo far ...

I believe that if Casey Anthony is "living" in your neighborhood -- you have the RIGHT to know ...

I am hoping that someone where ever she is living will OUT her as to her location.

And NOT because people just want to know -- I think it will also be a "clue" as to WHO is paying for CFCA's "upkeep" ...

If true to form ... FCA will earn a virtual degree after 'pretending' to take the courses and passing them with 'honors', she will have a new set of invisi-friends with fake emails and fake documentation. :waitasec: amazing the hours you can invest in procrastination and playtime while getting around to doing some real work. :floorlaugh:
Where has Lippman been, by the way? I haven't read any "press releases" by him for the A's in the past few weeks....or am I missing something? seems Lippman and his clients might be trying to keep quiet between now and Sept. 12 so they don't bring any more bad press to themselves..... IMO, MOO, etc.

Yes, he's been unusually quiet. Must not be good. Speaking of the 'A's can anyone point me to a link for Dr. P(s) sponsors?
Where has Lippman been, by the way? I haven't read any "press releases" by him for the A's in the past few weeks....or am I missing something? seems Lippman and his clients might be trying to keep quiet between now and Sept. 12 so they don't bring any more bad press to themselves..... IMO, MOO, etc.
I think the last time we saw him was car crush day? Are they all staying low because their own activities might reveal 'somebody else's'?
and listen, I am speaking realistically and not meaning to step on anyone's toes who has an online education, but going to a university and having that as a degree far trumps having an online degree. Online schools are awesome at continuing ed but employers want to know you can cut it in the real world. Just MOO and I hope noone takes offence. Cant have someone take your tests as OSU, you can at Phoenix....

I'm not offended per se, however, I want to make some things clear: not all online universities are the same, just like not all brick and mortar universities are the same. I have attended two brick and mortar universities, a brick and mortar community college, and eventually finished my undergrad through an online program and completed my Master's degree through an online program.

I worked just as hard, if not actually harder, and definitely had more actual work to complete through the online program in comparison to the physical schools.

Also, many universities that are brick and mortar have programs online. Are we to think that the online programs at those universities are of a poorer quality than the physical classrooms at the same university? In a physical classroom, a person can sort of slide through much of the participation/discussion parts with the prof being none the wiser, or at least not marking you down too much. You certainly can't do that in an online class! Of course this is all my own opinion based on way too much experience (my family has been known to refer to me as "the professional student" LOL).

I'm sorry, this is just a hot button for me, as I busted my booty to get my degrees and my degrees are indeed legitimate, from a school accredited by several agencies appropriate for my field, and were not earned at some diploma mill. It's like everything: there are good, mediocre, and not so good schools, online or not.

It is true, however, that it could be much easier to "cheat" on schoolwork through an online program, although, of course I did not. Cheaters can always find SOME way to cheat, even in a not-online university. FCA, however, hasn't done an honest, true thing in her life, AFAIK, and I don't think she has the interest, attention-span, discipline, or basic abilities to complete an online university degree on her own legitimately.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this "online schooling" is actually an online GED program, not college. I think someone posted something earlier about the probation criteria mentioned something about attaining a GED. (which makes me wonder...did she have that opportunity while in jail? I know prisons will do that, but since she was just "waiting," or whatever, would that be an option?)

Also, can she really drag out a GED program for an entire year?

As for where she is NOW, I have several thoughts:
  • It makes me so freaking angry that she is living somewhere for free and has free security. I agree with others' stated opinions that this ongoing, never-ending coddling isn't good for anyone or in principle.
  • If the uh...rumors...are true, and she' in Jacksonville, then perhaps she's just reconciling with the REAL Jeff Hopkins! :giggle: LOL
  • My wish is that the rest of FCA's life is spent miserable, with none of the fame she craves, but I still want her to not be SO obscure as to be able to live "normally." That's kinda mean of me perhaps. However, I am a childless mother, as my baby was killed by his bio father. IMO, FCA killed Caylee. I have an extremely difficult time handling it when I see murderers prosper. I know what it feels like to be a truly bereaved mother--to have your child violently taken from the world and there's nothing that can be done. IMO, FCA does not fit in the same category as me.
  • I hope this makes sense. Sorry I'm so...emotional or whatever. I've been, for the most part, successfully detaching myself from the case over the last three months, but this repeated, ongoing special treatment and exceptions granted has gotten me so freaking angry I could just spit!

Thank you for your time:) :cow:
Let her hide; the less we have to see of her ugly face, the better.

I guess I am just stunned by the number of heartless people in this case. For starters, the family, of course. But what about the attorneys? It's one thing to do your job as a defense attorney, to try to get the best deals for your client, to file motions and appeals as appropriate, etc.

But, it's quite a different thing to knowingly and willfully lie in court, openly disobey the orders of the court, then to file senseless appeals, call judge's orders "stupid," flip off the public and/or media, and party like there is no tomorrow because a murder has been set free! Then, to go on to coddle that murderer, to hide her and protect her from *all the mean people*.

FGS, do any of these people care at all that an innocent 2-year-old was murdered? Do they not care a bit that she may have suffered in pain while trying desperately to breathe with duct tape slapped tightly over her airway? Does it not matter to these so-called professionals--these officers of the court--that an innocent life was with malice snuffed out by their client?

No one objects to a murderer deserving a fair trial. But the abomination that was this trial and the absolute horror that was the jury's verdict just does not compute as any kind of victory. A murderer going free is nothing to celebrate far into the night.

Indeed, the best thing any of the attorneys could have done was walk away from this client after she was released from jail. Their job was done; they owed her nothing more. I personally know an attorney who was so ill over the acquittal of his guilty client that he had to take a leave of absence for several months after the trial. Yet the Anthony entourage continues on in their fight for the rights of a murderer to "be able to live her life and recover from all she has been through."

Foundations are set up under the pretense of doing something in Caylee Marie's memory. What? What is that something? Will they just bring in money forever and ever, with nothing accomplished to show for any of it?

Poor little misunderstood Casey. Yeah, right.

Do your probation, Ms. Offender. Stop making excuses and stop acting like a child. Grow up and own all your evil deeds. There are more important things in life than money....one of them being self-respect. You still don't get it, do you Offender Anthony?
I'm not offended per se, however, I want to make some things clear: not all online universities are the same, just like not all brick and mortar universities are the same. I have attended two brick and mortar universities, a brick and mortar community college, and eventually finished my undergrad through an online program and completed my Master's degree through an online program.

I worked just as hard, if not actually harder, and definitely had more actual work to complete through the online program in comparison to the physical schools.

Also, many universities that are brick and mortar have programs online. Are we to think that the online programs at those universities are of a poorer quality than the physical classrooms at the same university? In a physical classroom, a person can sort of slide through much of the participation/discussion parts with the prof being none the wiser, or at least not marking you down too much. You certainly can't do that in an online class! Of course this is all my own opinion based on way too much experience (my family has been known to refer to me as "the professional student" LOL).

I'm sorry, this is just a hot button for me, as I busted my booty to get my degrees and my degrees are indeed legitimate, from a school accredited by several agencies appropriate for my field, and were not earned at some diploma mill. It's like everything: there are good, mediocre, and not so good schools, online or not.

It is true, however, that it could be much easier to "cheat" on schoolwork through an online program, although, of course I did not. Cheaters can always find SOME way to cheat, even in a not-online university. FCA, however, hasn't done an honest, true thing in her life, AFAIK, and I don't think she has the interest, attention-span, discipline, or basic abilities to complete an online university degree on her own legitimately.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this "online schooling" is actually an online GED program, not college. I think someone posted something earlier about the probation criteria mentioned something about attaining a GED. (which makes me wonder...did she have that opportunity while in jail? I know prisons will do that, but since she was just "waiting," or whatever, would that be an option?)

Also, can she really drag out a GED program for an entire year?

As for where she is NOW, I have several thoughts:
  • It makes me so freaking angry that she is living somewhere for free and has free security. I agree with others' stated opinions that this ongoing, never-ending coddling isn't good for anyone or in principle.
  • If the uh...rumors...are true, and she' in Jacksonville, then perhaps she's just reconciling with the REAL Jeff Hopkins! :giggle: LOL
  • My wish is that the rest of FCA's life is spent miserable, with none of the fame she craves, but I still want her to not be SO obscure as to be able to live "normally." That's kinda mean of me perhaps. However, I am a childless mother, as my baby was killed by his bio father. IMO, FCA killed Caylee. I have an extremely difficult time handling it when I see murderers prosper. I know what it feels like to be a truly bereaved mother--to have your child violently taken from the world and there's nothing that can be done. IMO, FCA does not fit in the same category as me.
  • I hope this makes sense. Sorry I'm so...emotional or whatever. I've been, for the most part, successfully detaching myself from the case over the last three months, but this repeated, ongoing special treatment and exceptions granted has gotten me so freaking angry I could just spit!

Thank you for your time:) :cow:

OMGosh, flourish. :grouphug: I wish with all my heart that you hadn't have had to go through all of that. I can only imagine how angry the results of this trial and the still unfolding events must make you feel. Spit as much as you want, dear lady; you are entitled. :blowkiss:
Let her hide; the less we have to see of her ugly face, the better.

I guess I am just stunned by the number of heartless people in this case. For starters, the family, of course. But what about the attorneys? It's one thing to do your job as a defense attorney, to try to get the best deals for your client, to file motions and appeals as appropriate, etc.

But, it's quite a different thing to knowingly and willfully lie in court, openly disobey the orders of the court, then to file senseless appeals, call judge's orders "stupid," flip off the public and/or media, and party like there is no tomorrow because a murder has been set free! Then, to go on to coddle that murderer, to hide her and protect her from *all the mean people*.

FGS, do any of these people care at all that an innocent 2-year-old was murdered? Do they not care a bit that she may have suffered in pain while trying desperately to breathe with duct tape slapped tightly over her airway? Does it not matter to these so-called professionals--these officers of the court--that an innocent life was with malice snuffed out by their client?

No one objects to a murderer deserving a fair trial. But the abomination that was this trial and the absolute horror that was the jury's verdict just does not compute as any kind of victory. A murderer going free is nothing to celebrate far into the night.

Indeed, the best thing any of the attorneys could have done was walk away from this client after she was released from jail. Their job was done; they owed her nothing more. I personally know an attorney who was so ill over the acquittal of his guilty client that he had to take a leave of absence for several months after the trial. Yet the Anthony entourage continues on in their fight for the rights of a murderer to "be able to live her life and recover from all she has been through."

Foundations are set up under the pretense of doing something in Caylee Marie's memory. What? What is that something? Will they just bring in money forever and ever, with nothing accomplished to show for any of it?

Poor little misunderstood Casey. Yeah, right.

Do your probation, Ms. Offender. Stop making excuses and stop acting like a child. Grow up and own all your evil deeds. There are more important things in life than money....one of them being self-respect. You still don't get it, do you Offender Anthony?

Thank you ! Just clicking the button was not enough and it should be said again.
If true to form ... FCA will earn a virtual degree after 'pretending' to take the courses and passing them with 'honors', she will have a new set of invisi-friends with fake emails and fake documentation. :waitasec: amazing the hours you can invest in procrastination and playtime while getting around to doing some real work. :floorlaugh:

You are right on the money, cyberborg! And very amusing post. :floorlaugh:
I would take happiness and health, living life with purpose and integrity anytime over money.

Money does not buy happiness or health or give life purpose or earn you respect.

As was stated upthread ... Be careful what you wish for ...

FCA has cut herself off from family and friends to live a life of notoriety and obscurity.

I'd take the family and friends every time, life is precious and these relationships can be priceless ... Both rewarding and giving ...

FCA needs to learn what life is all about and hope it is not too late ... She only gets one life.
and listen, I am speaking realistically and not meaning to step on anyone's toes who has an online education, but going to a university and having that as a degree far trumps having an online degree. Online schools are awesome at continuing ed but employers want to know you can cut it in the real world. Just MOO and I hope noone takes offence. Cant have someone take your tests as OSU, you can at Phoenix....

The online universities also sell pipe dreams in a lot of cases. I've known several people who got burned by them. They make it sound great/fun/exciting but you have to research the h** out of them and find out what the profession/job requires...sorry for off topic but I hate to see people get taken in.
I have been listening to that she is free and all.
I want to know how long she goes to jail if she violates.
I want to know who is paying for her school?
I want to know who is paying for her therapy and also her housing food and clothes?
I think the public deserves to know as I would love to live for free. go to school for free and have free security so I could go out and be safe.....
The online universities also sell pipe dreams in a lot of cases. I've known several people who got burned by them. They make it sound great/fun/exciting but you have to research the h** out of them and find out what the profession/job requires...sorry for off topic but I hate to see people get taken in.

Totally true, and excellent point! You can be darn sure I did my homework before I started school. And as Murphismo pointed out upthread, having previous education and/or experience can help "bolster" an online degree when viewed by potential employers. However, IMO, the need to "bolster" an online degree is in many cases simply because people have some misconceptions and/or make generalizations about online schools. (eta: I'm not quoting Murphismo here, just picking up on something she said...I want to be clear I'm not putting words on others' mouths, nor do I feel like she was saying online degrees need bolstering, just that in her opinion they are more helpful for continuing education purposes than primary higher upper ed. If you're a male, Murphismo, I apologize:) I also apologize if I misunderstood and/or mis-represented your point. Whew).

Before online schools, there were correspondence courses, some of which were legit some weren't. In fact, there exist brick and mortar schools which aren't what they appear, either, so...crooks will be crooks will be crooks...technology changes, but crooks don't, I guess is my point. Sorry to continue the OT, although I'm justifying it as FCA is allegedly seeking online education so this all could apply to her future employment endeavors, too. :innocent:

btw, I just want to be clear I'm not mad or anything here, just discussing:)
:twocents: (boy I wish my schooling had only cost as much as my opinion) ;)
The online universities also sell pipe dreams in a lot of cases. I've known several people who got burned by them. They make it sound great/fun/exciting but you have to research the h** out of them and find out what the profession/job requires...sorry for off topic but I hate to see people get taken in.

Normally, I would agree, but I have to say, if Casey gets bamboozled by an online university, I am going to laugh my butt off. Talk about karma taking a big bite out of Casey. Instead of her finding a victim, she'd become a victim of her own medicine. Oh please, let that happen! LOL Because seriously, like she or the DT are going to do their homework first! NOT!
Well now, perusing the last posts - do I want to find her? Nah - leave her to the opportunists - order rodenta...They will find her. They always do. She'll appear soon enough. They always do. And the sooner the money drys up, the sooner they will show up.

It won't be long now.

Oh, and all the online degree stuff? TOO CUTE!

Call me when she gets an associates - heck, call me if she pulls a certificate.

Call me if she gets a GED. :crazy:
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