Where is Haleigh

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Where is Haleigh

  • Alive and safe

    Votes: 26 11.4%
  • Alive but not safe

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • In heaven

    Votes: 156 68.4%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 44 19.3%

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The problem with that is TN has been trying to get LE, Cobra anyone to search there for months. So it hasn't been waiting 5-6 months then all the sudden bring it up again.

What if these family members learned from the C Anthony case, that if you wait 5 or 6 mo. that there will only be bones left, therefore, no cause of death can be made. Maybe someone in the family buried HC somewhere by the green trailer after LE had searched there and that is why TN or whoever, is so adament about searching there again. Just a thought.
It has been updated to 10 days. I don't believe it is 10 days to wait to search, it is 10 days before this particular family member decides to speak out to the public or not. At least that is how I interpreted the article.

I listened to the show where TJ spoke, and don't recall 10 days being said?
It has been updated to 10 days. I don't believe it is 10 days to wait to search, it is 10 days before this particular family member decides to speak out to the public or not. At least that is how I interpreted the article.
I also took it to mean the person was talked into giving LE 10 more days to extend time for them to check into it or the person is going to the press to put information out there.

I wish they wouldn't cower down to LE like that and just come out with the information instead. LE have had months so why give them a day longer?
I also took it to mean the person was talked into giving LE 10 more days to extend time for them to check into it or the person is going to the press to put information out there.

I wish they wouldn't cower down to LE like that and just come out with the information instead. LE have had months so why give them a day longer?

I agree w/your last sentence. Just spit it out already, the public is so tired of the waiting game-it's frustrating. And there is freedom of speech-as long as it doesn't hinder the invesitgation I see nothing wrong with speaking out.

Take for example the Neveah Buchanan case-even though the perp has not been apprehended LE did release Neveah's cause of death yesterday to the public. Why can't LE give the public a little info? Or why can't LE tell the public why they cannot release info? :confused:
Thanks Busy. If I were family I would be cautious and have legal representation, and be mad as heck. Bless the families
He wrote an article today that mentions he spoke to a family member and the person has elected to wait an additional 10 days (or more) before making any possible public statements . (I don't think we can link there since it's considered "tabloid").

It's on his site, in any event.

I linked the first article in the media thread and it was ok. I don't put TJH into the "tabloid" category. Even though he does speak on the BNN show (which I would consider "tabloid") he does work for a local media radio station out of Gainesville. So IMO he's no different than a local reporter on TV that we can link to. And when he does speak about this case you can tell in his voice how passionate and caring he is about Haleigh and wanting this case solved. I have never seen or heard him publish or say anything that is not true. I have corresponded w/him personally through his work e-mail and he has never been anything but nice to me.
I listened to the show where TJ Hart announced this very same thing and my first thought was: How on earth could any parent of this little girl wait for another 10 days if they had even an inkling of a thought that Haleigh may be close or even at the Green Trailer? The only way I can see a parent not running to this green trailer to search for Haleigh is if that parent is the one who put her there in the first place. This is total lunacy. Is one of the parents about to confess to something, and why the ten more days BS?:mad:

I also wonder if LE told this/these family members there may be an arrest within those 10 days?

I understand how you feel lonetraveler, but people can't just run up and start looking/searching through the green trailer and land.... As much as most of us would want to do just that. KWIM?

That said. LE spent a ton of money in Baker County searching because the family asked.
Why not do the same for Haleigh's paternal family?

Looks like we'll have to wait and see...
I linked the first article in the media thread and it was ok. I don't put TJH into the "tabloid" category. Even though he does speak on the BNN show (which I would consider "tabloid") he does work for a local media radio station out of Gainesville. So IMO he's no different than a local reporter on TV that we can link to. And when he does speak about this case you can tell in his voice how passionate and caring he is about Haleigh and wanting this case solved. I have never seen or heard him publish or say anything that is not true. I have corresponded w/him personally through his work e-mail and he has never been anything but nice to me.

I have no doubts TJ is a nice man.

I just thought I remember seeing on of the mods here say he was considered "tabloid" and we weren't supposed to link him. I don't recall which one and when it was. That's why I asked. :)
I like TJH, but after the "alleged" Crystal flirting with him episode I think he lost some fans.
I have no doubts TJ is a nice man.

I just thought I remember seeing on of the mods here say he was considered "tabloid" and we weren't supposed to link him. I don't recall which one and when it was. That's why I asked. :)

I understand and agree-some are "tabloid" and I would definitely not link them!
I like TJH, but after the "alleged" Crystal flirting with him episode I think he lost some fans.

Yes, that kind of turned me off to him and I didn't know if I should believe it or not. For what it's worth, he told me his Twitter acct. was hacked and was shut down because of that. Believe what you want, it's all a big guessing game in this case anyway!
Yes, that kind of turned me off to him and I didn't know if I should believe it or not. For what it's worth, he told me his Twitter acct. was hacked and was shut down because of that. Believe what you want, it's all a big guessing game in this case anyway!
Didn't turn me off, I think he is ok, and ya, he was not hacked imo
What ever happened to the guy that Cobra took down? He was supposed to have had a friendship with Misty. He tried to donate to the HaLeigh Bug center. He was to go to trial for molesting 2 little girls. We don't know if LE ever confirmed he knew Misty or that Misty took the kids there. That is what I mean when I say they need to look at this circle again.

Wrong Misty. Snodgrass's lady friend's daughter is named Misty. Misty Croslin is not friends with Snodgrass. That is a rumor that keeps coming around the rumor mill.
What if these family members learned from the C Anthony case, that if you wait 5 or 6 mo. that there will only be bones left, therefore, no cause of death can be made. Maybe someone in the family buried HC somewhere by the green trailer after LE had searched there and that is why TN or whoever, is so adament about searching there again. Just a thought.

I doubt it. It's not like LE hasn't searched this place and Teresa went there and her and Cobra went there. Teresa was adamant months ago. Some pyschic is Ga also has brought up that place months ago. So there has been no waiting 5 or 6 months in checking out this place.
I listened to the show where TJ Hart announced this very same thing and my first thought was: How on earth could any parent of this little girl wait for another 10 days if they had even an inkling of a thought that Haleigh may be close or even at the Green Trailer? The only way I can see a parent not running to this green trailer to search for Haleigh is if that parent is the one who put her there in the first place. This is total lunacy. Is one of the parents about to confess to something, and why the ten more days BS?:mad:

Teresa was there months ago, two times. You just don't traipsing around other people's property, you will get shot. LE has searched the property also. They were going to do another search just like they did another search in Baker County.
That is a very good question, why do they not do the same for Haleighs paternal side of the family?
I also wonder if LE told this/these family members there may be an arrest within those 10 days?

I understand how you feel lonetraveler, but people can't just run up and start looking/searching through the green trailer and land.... As much as most of us would want to do just that. KWIM?

That said. LE spent a ton of money in Baker County searching because the family asked.
Why not do the same for Haleigh's paternal family?

Looks like we'll have to wait and see...
I think the families were told to stay out of the media as it would harm the investigation and might jeopardize Haleigh's safety, one side of the family respected and honored that request. Unfortunately LE seems to have done squat so hopefully soon something will happen to turn this investigation around and get the ball rolling.

I also took it to mean the person was talked into giving LE 10 more days to extend time for them to check into it or the person is going to the press to put information out there.

I wish they wouldn't cower down to LE like that and just come out with the information instead. LE have had months so why give them a day longer?
Yes, that kind of turned me off to him and I didn't know if I should believe it or not. For what it's worth, he told me his Twitter acct. was hacked and was shut down because of that. Believe what you want, it's all a big guessing game in this case anyway!

I am pretty positive he was not hacked. I have an email from him explaining his version of the events. None of that really matters to me, as it has nothing to with HaLeigh.

I'm wondering if LE was able to get a search warrant to search the property that the green trailer sits on, as well as the MH. If so, what grounds they used to get the warrant. IIRC, the person that lived in the home didn't want to allow LE to search there without one. Perhaps he has decided to cooperate now?

My hope is that NOTHING is found on that property, even though I hope LE is able to search there. Finding something there means a deceased HaLeigh. I'm still holding out hope for her, and I will continue to do so until I have no choice left in the matter.

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