Where will the jury come from?

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The way the court in our county does voir dire in a death case is they do a LARGE group first and fill out questionnaires. (that were agreed upon earlier by both sides and the Judge). Then they do "hardship" excuses. They excuse people that are self employed, handicapped and cannot sit for long periods of time or hear properly etc etc. They then excuse what is left of their large group and bring them back in groups of 15 or 20 for 1/2 day sessions of group voir dire. (explaining the stages of the trial, the guilt phase and penalty phase) They question each prospective juror and do what they call "death qualifying". Then they talk to jurors individually during that time if the juror requests it. All on the record. At the end of each 1/2 day session they eliminate the ones the DT and SA want to excuse permanently and tell the remainder a specific day to return. At the end of all the 1/2 day sessions they bring all the unexcused back and do another big voir dire and then narrow it down to the final panel.

I know it looks like I am rambling but my point is, it is a grueling process and I am DREADING seeing JB and CM in action. It is hard enough when you have GOOD, EXPERIENCED attorneys. :banghead: HHJP will have his hands full reining in these two during the selection.
Starke probably has the mentality of the people in Satsuma plus it is home to Florida State Prison, Union Correctional Institution, and two or three other correctional facilities, and many of the residents in that area are employed at the prisons. To me, it would be very difficult to pick a jury from that potential pool. I know nothing of Altamonte Hills, only Altamonte Springs and I know very little about Sebring but here is a tidbit from wikipedia.

Sebring is located in a fringe viewing area of the Tampa-St. Petersburg television market (DMA). In additon to the primary Tampa-market television signals, local services offer signals from WFTV, the ABC affiliate in Orlando and WINK, the CBS affiliate in Fort Myers/Naples.

Lakeland Florida which is in Polk County sits about halfway between Orlando and Tampa. This might be a decent area. According to the 2008 U.S. Census Bureau estimate, the city had a population of 94,406.

I lived in Lakeland years ago - it has grown a bit since then but I'd say the demographics are similar to Orlando, especially the area in which ICA lives. All the media there is pretty much Orlando, IIRC, but that is not going to matter much apparently.
IMO voir dire is intended to facilitate seating a jury that has been neither tainted nor predisposed to a certain outcome.

While many a jury consultant do an excellent job at "cherry picking" jurors.....a defendant is not legally entitled to "expert filtering" of potential jurors.

I believe that by HHJP indicating an estimated 4-5 days for jury selection he has pretty much hinted that excessive / designer voir dire questioning isn't going to happen.

HHJP said that he would be pulling much larger pools than usual. I also recall him stating that he would be pulling new groups daily. To me, that indicates a schedule of asking the important questions that facilitate a fair trial for KC, not allowing the DT or the SAO time to analyze jurors down to the color of their slip.

Interesting.....just found this old article...

Baez says his research shows that 84-percent of WFTV web visitors who answered a poll said they believe prosecutors should seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. He said, in four months, more than 14,000 stories aired about the case, but only three-percent of them aired in the Miami area and even less in the Tallahassee area. Yet, he wants the trial in Miami."]Baez says his research shows that 84-percent of WFTV web visitors who answered a poll said they believe prosecutors should seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. He said, in four months, more than 14,000 stories aired about the case, but only three-percent of them aired in the Miami area and even less in the Tallahassee area. Yet, he wants the trial in Miami.

Interesting.....just found this old article...

Baez says his research shows that 84-percent of WFTV web visitors who answered a poll said they believe prosecutors should seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. He said, in four months, more than 14,000 stories aired about the case, but only three-percent of them aired in the Miami area and even less in the Tallahassee area. Yet, he wants the trial in Miami."]Baez says his research shows that 84-percent of WFTV web visitors who answered a poll said they believe prosecutors should seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. He said, in four months, more than 14,000 stories aired about the case, but only three-percent of them aired in the Miami area and even less in the Tallahassee area. Yet, he wants the trial in Miami.


14,000 segments about Caylee's case on TV in 4 months? That would be about 116 stories about this case on TV everyday. I just find that number really hard to believe. I don't live in Orlando though so maybe I'm underestimating the numbers.
I know what you mean. I watched it today. Posted in the jury thread that now I have to wonder if it is going to be possible to seat a jury in 4 or 5 days? :dunno:

Judge Alex said that he had a big DP case that took 30 days to seat a jury!! UGH!! :maddening::maddening:

I really like judge Perry, but is he being realistic about this? :waitasec: :dunno:

I remember that when Judge Perry outlined the jury selection procedure, he stated that there would only be one attorney from each side for each prospective juror doing the questioning. He said both the prosecution and defense could, of course, alternate attorneys.

This is going to be a time saver. We won't see a prospective juror questioned by three different attorneys for the state, and then three different attorneys for the defense. And then after a couple hours of questioning, that juror dismissed or seated.

It will be one attorney for the state asking the juror questions, and then one attorney for the defense questioning that juror, and a decision made to either seat or dismiss that juror. This will make the process go quicker.
I remember that when Judge Perry outlined the jury selection procedure, he stated that there would only be one attorney from each side for each prospective juror doing the questioning. He said both the prosecution and defense could, of course, alternate attorneys.

This is going to be a time saver. We won't see a prospective juror questioned by three different attorneys for the state, and then three different attorneys for the defense. And then after a couple hours of questioning, that juror dismissed or seated.

It will be one attorney for the state asking the juror questions, and then one attorney for the defense questioning that juror, and a decision made to either seat or dismiss that juror. This will make the process go quicker.

Good point Leila, I had forgotten HHJP saying that now you've brought it up - thank you. I don't believe HHJP will allow excessive knit picking and questioning - it will be yes or no - move it along Mr. Baez!

And he will need to because let's face it - what does Baez know about picking a jury? I suspect he has as much experience at jury picking as he does running a DT.:waitasec:
Interesting.....just found this old article...

Baez says his research shows that 84-percent of WFTV web visitors who answered a poll said they believe prosecutors should seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. He said, in four months, more than 14,000 stories aired about the case, but only three-percent of them aired in the Miami area and even less in the Tallahassee area. Yet, he wants the trial in Miami."]Baez says his research shows that 84-percent of WFTV web visitors who answered a poll said they believe prosecutors should seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony. He said, in four months, more than 14,000 stories aired about the case, but only three-percent of them aired in the Miami area and even less in the Tallahassee area. Yet, he wants the trial in Miami.


Probably because Tallahassee is a much more conservative demographic and perhaps he thinks it's loaded with potential jurors who have utterly no problem with DP verdicts. Not to mention the fact that JB seems to think he would have an edge with a large Latino population for some reason, hence his preference for Miami. (Or maybe that's where he intends to flee after this trial to re-open his practice in a place where he is not a local joke and wants the local exposure).
Yeah but here is a thought .. he isn't running for election... you know.. I have several "Latino" friends and talk about FAMILY ...WOW .. so It might bite him in rear ... My GFs love their babies .. and the Men love their children and mamas sooooo JMO
14,000 segments about Caylee's case on TV in 4 months? That would be about 116 stories about this case on TV everyday. I just find that number really hard to believe. I don't live in Orlando though so maybe I'm underestimating the numbers.

Maybe he's talking about Channel 13 which is an all local news channel on cable where they repeat all the stories over and over all day. I live here and just can't imagine that many on the regular channels (but no, I don't count them lol). It would be just like him to count the same segment each time it's repeated on the local cable news channel though. Anyway, that was in the beginning of the case. Now we hear about all the hearings and motions filed but we went for long stretches without any reports on TV before the Frye hearings.

I guess I've strayed off topic a little here. I'm still thinking Gainesville since it's 100 miles as in the estimate posted up thread and is one of the areas listed in this article/motion that wasn't as inundated in the beginning. :twocents:
We live in Orange County. In today's mail, my husband received a jury questionnaire with a cover form stating that the questionnaire is filled out prior to being called for jury duty. For some reason, he gets called at least once every year or two and he has never received such a questionnaire. Could Orange County be bumping up their potential jury pool in the event they need to come back to Orange County? Just seems strange that we have never received such a document before.
Okay, sorry for the second post, but I don't know how to edit my post. My neighbor just told me that she also received a pre-jury duty questionnaire also today. I know there are others here who live in Orange County. Anyone else get one of these?
Very interesting mombomb, as large as Orange County that both your DH and neighbor got one at the same time!

We live in neighboring Lake County and both me and my DH have gotten summons very few years, we have never gotten a questionnaire attached.

Was any jury date mentioned? When do they have to be returned by?
Very interesting mombomb, as large as Orange County that both your DH and neighbor got one at the same time!

We live in neighboring Lake County and both me and my DH have gotten summons very few years, we have never gotten a questionnaire attached.

Was any jury date mentioned? When do they have to be returned by?

The back of the questionnaire states that my husband's name was drawn at random (odd that my neighbor also got one!) and that the form needs to be returned within 10 days. Probably nothing to do with this. That would be the 23rd and I believe they normally give you more than a couple weeks notice for official jury duty?
Was just watching cfnews13 and they are going to do a report at noon about jury selection on the case and trying to figure out where the jury is coming from, from the clues that HHJBP gave at the last hearing. Will watch and report what they say.

Good map above dipicting Florida Counties...

where would central Florida be located?

Orange County, Osceola County, Seminole County, Lake, Sumter, Hernando, Pasco, Citris, Marion????

I believe His Honor has many counties to pick a jury...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Good map above dipicting Florida Counties...

where would central Florida be located?

Orange County, Osceola County, Seminole County, Lake, Sumter, Hernando, Pasco, Citris, Marion????

I believe His Honor has many counties to pick a jury...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Those are all central. All HHJP has to do is pick a county that doesn't have a booming metro area, preferably inland where they have small communities that roll up the sidewalks at 5:00 o'clock. They do exist :great:
Just thinking out loud here, but I also think it will either be Leon (Tallahassee) or Escambia (Pensacola) County. Both have a population of 250k plus, and they both have had much less coverage than middle or Southern Florida. Another thing that makes me think this is that HHJP could have made arrangements in person with either county while he was on his week long trip to Tallahassee to talk about the judicial budget a couple of weeks ago. His visiting in person with the prospective counties is something I would see him doing to speak personally with court staff and the sheriff departments in both jurisdictions.
After the latest defense trick with CBS.......I propose the DT be blindfolded and driven to the jury selection location.

Are we to believe that they will keep their mouth shut??

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