Where will the jury come from?

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Note there were NO PICTURES of HHJP in the courthouse to run with the story???

Unless I missed seeing them, I think this was a "faux story".

Are we surprised...except for a sweet little girl whose life was cut short...most of this mess is Faux.
Looks like the Palm Beach post also ran a story about Judge Perry
Palm Beach to Orlando is approx. 3 hours. (I have driven to WPB in 2.5 hours)

Casey Anthony trial: A judge's visit to Palm Beach County could be a scouting trip for murder trial

"Court orders specify that the alternate county must have similar demographics to Orlando's Orange Country - and Palm Beach County, as it turns out, is a good match. According to census information, the two counties have similar education, income, and age and race balances."

IF a jury is chosen from this area they would come from Palm Beach County, The City of West Palm Beach is 1 of many cities in Palm Beach county
I would bet everything I own, that HHJP WANTED to be seen in Palm Beach County, just to throw everyone off. This man is very intelligent. No way would he be seen strolling through the courthouse, in the area he plans to pick a jury where the Media could have a field day. :D

I'm not familiar with the state of Florida and had to look up Palm Beach on the map. The first thing I noticed was how far it is from Orlando. It's close to 150 miles from Orlando.

HHMP said words to the effect that the county of jury selection was about an hour drive from Orlando. He said something about leaving at 7:30am and getting to the courthouse on time.

I'd be surprised if Palm Beach is the county of jury selection.
---video @ link---

"I don't think Judge Perry goes to Palm Beach on a whim," WESH 2 News legal analyst and retired Judge O.H. Eaton said.

Eaton has presided over change of venue cases. This close to a trial, he said Perry has undoubtedly chosen the location for jury selection.

"I don't believe he is still looking for a location, and this appears to be a good shot," Eaton said.
I just took a short drive from the Orlando area to Sanford and back. Where ever the jury comes from the drive back and forth from jury selection is not going to be fun. The love bugs are here early and it looks like we are going to have a bumper crop this year!:rolleyes:
I have a serious question - I'm not being flip. I'm not from Florida, but does anyone think one city over another would really be more favorable to one side or another?? I guess I just don't understand why DT is flippen out about where the jury selection might be taking place. People are people, and a murderer is a murderer, ykwim?
I have a serious question - I'm not being flip. I'm not from Florida, but does anyone think one city over another would really be more favorable to one side or another?? I guess I just don't understand why DT is flippen out about where the jury selection might be taking place. People are people, and a murderer is a murderer, ykwim?

Well, a jury of one's peers is not specific to Florida, as I'm sure you know. It's just to try to match up the environment that the defendant comes from so there will be no class or racial prejudices. In a perfect world this wouldn't be necessary and even though America has become a good melting pot of people it is still an important protection for the accused. I doubt that a caucasian millionaire would feel he had a fair trial in Harlem (or vice-versa), for example. For this reason our legal system requires that the jury should represent a reasonable cross-cut of where the crime was committed.

Please take everything above only as my simple understanding ~ as my background is far, far from the legal field!!! :blush:
Palm Beach County would be a good location. Most people live in the fast lane there as they do in Orlando. Counties to the north of there are altogether different. More laid back and under strong religious influences.
Thanks, Expecting Unicorns & Beyond Belief....I lost sight of the fact that the defendant may have thoughts or opinions about getting a "jury of her peers", and where that might be.....
My youngest daughter got a Jury Questioner in the mail a few days ago .She does not live in PB . I know there are other trials that are going to be starting soon .Hope it is not for Caseys trial . She would lose everything being sequestered for 2 months or more , probably lose her job also .
My youngest daughter got a Jury Questioner in the mail a few days ago .She does not live in PB . I know there are other trials that are going to be starting soon .Hope it is not for Caseys trial . She would lose everything being sequestered for 2 months or more , probably lose her job also .

So what county does she live in ?
Semonile County ... Longwood

You just may be right, JSV. I keep remembering what HHBP said about the hotels not being very expensive, I looked, and they are not very expensive in Longwood.

If your daughter would have such a hardship with being on the jury (any jury), then surely she would not have to serve.

I hope there will not be any trouble finding a jury.............:innocent:
I think Baez is going to have a real big problem picking a jury. I get the impression he is search of Hispanic jurors...
My youngest daughter got a Jury Questioner in the mail a few days ago .She does not live in PB . I know there are other trials that are going to be starting soon .Hope it is not for Caseys trial . She would lose everything being sequestered for 2 months or more , probably lose her job also .

Wouldn't she be excused on hardship grounds if that were the case?
I think it's against the law to fire someone for serving on a Jury...?
My youngest daughter got a Jury Questioner in the mail a few days ago .She does not live in PB . I know there are other trials that are going to be starting soon .Hope it is not for Caseys trial . She would lose everything being sequestered for 2 months or more , probably lose her job also .

So what county does she live in ?

Semonile County ... Longwood

You just may be right, JSV. I keep remembering what HHBP said about the hotels not being very expensive, I looked, and they are not very expensive in Longwood.

If your daughter would have such a hardship with being on the jury (any jury), then surely she would not have to serve.

I hope there will not be any trouble finding a jury.............:innocent:

I just want to opine and say IMO Seminole County is most definitely OUT

Seminole County is part of Metro Orlando, it's an abutting County...way too close..

Picking a jury from Seminole County IMO does not constitute a Change of Venue, not for this case
Seminole county abuts Orange County and driving from the Orange County Courthouse to the Seminole County Courthouse would take about half an hour. Florida has a diverse population. The southern part of the state is like the tropics in many ways. It is very different than the rest of Florida - some would say like another country. There are many transients - tourists and people who have second, third, etc homes there. People from all over the world. Lots of money and sophistification along side people who barely get by. Wealthy people will not sit for two months on a jury. Those barely getting by cannot afford to - losing income, lack of child care.
The northern part of the state is more like the rural southern United States - Georgia, Alabama. This area had the Hailey Cummings crime that is still unsolved.

The central part of Florida (Orlando) has lots of tourists, but also has colleges and families with young to teen kids. If you go to coasts, you get more retired people.

I really think the Orlando area is the place with more of ICA's peers - if selecting a jury of peers is what the court wants. I think HHJP may have a place to the north in mind, though. JMO
I'm baffled. Could someone explain this to me?

1) Judge Perry has told one attorney from each side where the location of jury selection so they can make hotel arrangements.

2) Is it correct that the rest of the SA and defense team will find out Monday a.m.?

3) From what I understand, today is the last day that the attorneys can protest the location of the selection.

4) If only one member knows the location, it is up that that one particular person to do the protest motion, but they are on their own with no help from anyone else on their team -- because they aren't allowed to tell anyone else.

As an example, supposed it is Baez who was told where the jury selection is. He doesn't agree with the location. He can't go to his staff and say "pull the demographic data from [example] the St. Petersburg area (because that will mean he has broken the one-person confidentiality rule.

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