Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

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Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? POLL

  • John

    Votes: 124 8.4%
  • Patsy

    Votes: 547 37.2%
  • Burke

    Votes: 340 23.1%
  • An Intruder, (anyone including someone known to them)

    Votes: 459 31.2%

  • Total voters
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SuperDave said:
Rashomon, I told this story once before, but for those not familiar with it, a little of both. I was die-hard RST until about June of 2000, because that was the now-legendary ST-LKL face-off.
I have to ask ... you didn't post under a hat beginning with "T" did you? There was a poster who disappeared not long after I came on the forums and I'd forgotten about him but he seeme to me to be a young male and posted at jameson's.
Clues about what? I'm the same guy who joined CN2000 back in 2002.
SuperDave said:
Clues about what? I'm the same guy who joined CN2000 back in 2002.
Sorry. When you said you were a die-hard RST, I was wondering which one. The first I was aware of your hat was when jameson posted a thread about you saying you were a BORG and that she was having some sort of debate with you.

i.e. I didn't know you used to be an RST and I thought perhaps you had posted at jameson's under a different hat. I just wanted to guess which one :-(
Sorry. When you said you were a die-hard RST, I was wondering which one. The first I was aware of your hat was when jameson posted a thread about you saying you were a BORG and that she was having some sort of debate with you.

Debate, nothing. It was her screaming at me and me trying to keep my cool. But I was never an RST poster. Just in my life.
JMO8778 said:
What's RST? thx.
Ramsey Spin Team. Not to be confused with IDI (Intruder Did it theorists).

The RST label applies to only a small group of diehard Ramsey supporters who are completely devoid of any objectivity when it comes to the Ramsey case seemingly because they have the Ramseys on a golden pedestal. They believe the Ramseys incapable of any wrongdoing and will happily consider and discuss any bizarre theory before they will contemplate that a Ramsey did anything wrong at any time. An RST will rationalise every aspect of Ramsey behaviour or piece of evidence which is non-exculpatory to the Ramseys. For example, the RST will claim that the DNA is the killers as a FACT because they cling to it as proof of Ramsey innocence. The danger of this of course is that the DNA might not be the killer's and there are plenty of good suspects whose DNA doesn't match!

Fortunately, the RST is a small group although they are pretty active. What intrigues me is that several forums have a little hard-core of RST posters who only seem to post at that forum! I suspect that this is because they use a different hat at each forum they post on - so instead of there being 20 RSTs spread across 4 different forums, there are probably only 5 of them using different hats at the 4 forums! I find them fascinating. Some of them would sooner believe astrology or numerology than look at the evidence - but they just KNOW that the Ramseys didn't do it! They will make statements of facts about the Ramseys that only a Ramsey would know - thoughts, feelings, actions which took place with no witnesses..... all based upon what the Ramseys say happened. i.e. if a Ramsey said it, it must be gospel truth. It's rather fascinating actually - kind of like the way some people would hero worship a celebrity.

As I said, not to be confused with IDIs. IDIs are much more objective and will acknowledge the reasons why the Ramsey haven't been cleared.

Get the picture? :)
Jayelles said:
Ramsey Spin Team. Not to be confused with IDI (Intruder Did it theorists).

The RST label applies to only a small group of diehard Ramsey supporters who are completely devoid of any objectivity when it comes to the Ramsey case seemingly because they have the Ramseys on a golden pedestal. They believe the Ramseys incapable of any wrongdoing and will happily consider and discuss any bizarre theory before they will contemplate that a Ramsey did anything wrong at any time. An RST will rationalise every aspect of Ramsey behaviour or piece of evidence which is non-exculpatory to the Ramseys. For example, the RST will claim that the DNA is the killers as a FACT because they cling to it as proof of Ramsey innocence. The danger of this of course is that the DNA might not be the killer's and there are plenty of good suspects whose DNA doesn't match!

Fortunately, the RST is a small group although they are pretty active. What intrigues me is that several forums have a little hard-core of RST posters who only seem to post at that forum! I suspect that this is because they use a different hat at each forum they post on - so instead of there being 20 RSTs spread across 4 different forums, there are probably only 5 of them using different hats at the 4 forums! I find them fascinating. Some of them would sooner believe astrology or numerology than look at the evidence - but they just KNOW that the Ramseys didn't do it! They will make statements of facts about the Ramseys that only a Ramsey would know - thoughts, feelings, actions which took place with no witnesses..... all based upon what the Ramseys say happened. i.e. if a Ramsey said it, it must be gospel truth. It's rather fascinating actually - kind of like the way some people would hero worship a celebrity.

As I said, not to be confused with IDIs. IDIs are much more objective and will acknowledge the reasons why the Ramsey haven't been cleared.

Get the picture? :)
Ok RST =Ramsey Spin Team... I know there is a virtual coven of them at Courtv... sorry for the word coven but if the hat fits they need to wear it.
coloradokares said:
Ok RST =Ramsey Spin Team... I know there is a virtual coven of them at Courtv... sorry for the word coven but if the hat fits they need to wear it.
Trust me, they will be the same people posting at the other forums - just different hats :)

There used to be a comedy sketch which took place in a hotel. The guests were greeted at the front entrance by a man in a porter's uniform. He took them into reception where they were told to wait for a minute. Then another person appeared and took their booking. Then they had to wait until the porter came back and took them to their room. The sketch went on and all the hotel staff were played by one person wearing different disguises. It panned out that there was only man in the hotel, but by wearing the different disguises, he had hoped to con the guests into thinking that he had a whole bunch of staff....
Jayelles said:
Ramsey Spin Team. Not to be confused with IDI (Intruder Did it theorists).

The RST label applies to only a small group of diehard Ramsey supporters who are completely devoid of any objectivity when it comes to the Ramsey case seemingly because they have the Ramseys on a golden pedestal. They believe the Ramseys incapable of any wrongdoing and will happily consider and discuss any bizarre theory before they will contemplate that a Ramsey did anything wrong at any time. An RST will rationalise every aspect of Ramsey behaviour or piece of evidence which is non-exculpatory to the Ramseys. For example, the RST will claim that the DNA is the killers as a FACT because they cling to it as proof of Ramsey innocence. The danger of this of course is that the DNA might not be the killer's and there are plenty of good suspects whose DNA doesn't match!

Fortunately, the RST is a small group although they are pretty active. What intrigues me is that several forums have a little hard-core of RST posters who only seem to post at that forum! I suspect that this is because they use a different hat at each forum they post on - so instead of there being 20 RSTs spread across 4 different forums, there are probably only 5 of them using different hats at the 4 forums! I find them fascinating. Some of them would sooner believe astrology or numerology than look at the evidence - but they just KNOW that the Ramseys didn't do it! They will make statements of facts about the Ramseys that only a Ramsey would know - thoughts, feelings, actions which took place with no witnesses..... all based upon what the Ramseys say happened. i.e. if a Ramsey said it, it must be gospel truth. It's rather fascinating actually - kind of like the way some people would hero worship a celebrity.

As I said, not to be confused with IDIs. IDIs are much more objective and will acknowledge the reasons why the Ramsey haven't been cleared.

Get the picture? :)
I do,thx !
I was reading about the numerology on another board..someone came up with numerology nonsense pertaining to lines in the RN and items used in the staging ..I have to roll my eyes ..lol,why not just get out the tarrot cards...
coloradokares said:
Ok RST =Ramsey Spin Team... I know there is a virtual coven of them at Courtv... sorry for the word coven but if the hat fits they need to wear it.
CK, be careful what you say about the posters at courttv....remember...they are known for copying and pasting other posters comments on this board, and plastering them up over on the courttv boards! ;)
JMO8778 said:
I do,thx !
I was reading about the numerology on another board..someone came up with numerology nonsense pertaining to lines in the RN and items used in the staging ..I have to roll my eyes ..lol,why not just get out the tarrot cards...
I am not into that numerology nonsense either, but....have you noticed that percentages were used in the ransom note, and JR uses percentages in his interviews?

Off subject...I told you that I am orginally from SC, right? I read in the paper today about a woman in NC, that had came home from someplace, maybe work...and found her 4 year old daughter decapitated!!!!!! They arrested the little girls father!!!!! Just wondered if you had read or heard about it on the news...it was in the paper today.
Ames said:
I am not into that numerology nonsense either, but....have you noticed that percentages were used in the ransom note, and JR uses percentages in his interviews?

Off subject...I told you that I am orginally from SC, right? I read in the paper today about a woman in NC, that had came home from someplace, maybe work...and found her 4 year old daughter decapitated!!!!!! They arrested the little girls father!!!!! Just wondered if you had read or heard about it on the news...it was in the paper today.
Try Crimes in the News, think there is a thread in there about it.
Ames said:
CK, be careful what you say about the posters at courttv....remember...they are known for copying and pasting other posters comments on this board, and plastering them up over on the courttv boards! ;)
Well heck if someone could guarantee me that I'd include every link I have got including the one link I have to a globe article. One out of how many links, its more than 50 and probably alot more than that and only one is to a tabloid publication. That would have kept them scrolling and trolling for a bit. I have nothing good to say about that forum so on that note I have to shut up.... My momma told me if you can't say something good about someone or something say nothing at all. So listen for the sound of silence...
coloradokares said:
Well heck if someone could guarantee me that I'd include every link I have got including the one link I have to a globe article. One out of how many links, its more than 50 and probably alot more than that and only one is to a tabloid publication. That would have kept them scrolling and trolling for a bit. I have nothing good to say about that forum so on that note I have to shut up.... My momma told me if you can't say something good about someone or something say nothing at all. So listen for the sound of silence...
HA HA...yep, my momma told me the SAME thing!!! (sound of crickets in the background).
Ames said:
I am not into that numerology nonsense either, but....have you noticed that percentages were used in the ransom note, and JR uses percentages in his interviews?
Patsy, as a cancer victim, would also be very familiar with percentages connected to survival.

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