Who will make the most money? Includes various book discussion

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My blood is boiling over this one. So they want to start a non profit and draw salaries becuase they are unable to work. Where do I begin?

First..If they are unable to work..how will they run a non profit? It does take work.

Two. Most "new" non profits never start off paying salaries becuase there is no need. Until the money and programming really becomes large and has to be managed as in a staff, audits, human resource functions, it can be handled by volunteers. Just as most us us do not pay salaries to the folks who run our booster clubs, PTAs, athletic association ect.

Third.What makes them qusalified to run a non profit? Even if we believe GA is innocent of the sexual allegations he has a history of poor financial management. They lost their first home to forclosure in Ohio and he supposedly fell for the Nigerian email scam, or it was gambling.(depends which story is being pitched)
But they were in serious finacial trouble before this all started. So lets give them money to manage.

Fourth. This case had nothing to do with grandparents' rights. CA and GA were not grandparents who thought something was terribly wrong with thier daughter and tried to take custody and were told you had no rights( a real problem for some grandparents) They were enablers who actually had thier grandchild in the home. This was about family dynamics and not grandparents' rights.

And I hope they realize that a non profit has to have a board of directors and its ownership belongs to the board, not anyone person. A foundation though does have different rules. I hope the state of Florida and the IRS look very closely at this before granting a 501(c) 3 tax expemt status.. End or rant!
I think FCA should be made to pay back all the expenses of the searches and etc. Remember the run away bride in Georgia?? She had to repay because of her lies.

From that article;

...Mason also said that Anthony had to come out of “Casey World” — her lies about Caylee’s death — to assist her attorneys in her defense. “She’s got a tough row ahead of her,” Mason told DeForest. “But she’ll make it.” Anthony was acquitted two weeks ago of first-degree murder in Caylee’s death.

Mason said psychological counseling was “absolutely mandatory” for Anthony and that she had a breakthrough when a grief expert testified at trial.

“It was like Casey being brought out of Casey World into the real world,” Mason said. “She got quite emotional about, I think, having an introspection of her own conduct and behavior. … She’s having to deal with that. Casey World was changed, and we hoping she doesn’t regress into that dark place of denial and not remembering and not knowing and all the things that apparently were there. She’s quite a kid.”...

:puke: That woman actually made her open her eyes to herself. :rolleyes:

My blood is boiling over this one. So they want to start a non profit and draw salaries becuase they are unable to work. Where do I begin?

First..If they are unable to work..how will they run a non profit? It does take work.

Two. Most "new" non profits never start off paying salaries becuase there is no need. Until the money and programming really becomes large and has to be managed as in a staff, audits, human resource functions, it can be handled by volunteers. Just as most us us do not pay salaries to the folks who run our booster clubs, PTAs, athletic association ect.

Third.What makes them qusalified to run a non profit? Even if we believe GA is innocent of the sexual allegations he has a history of poor financial management. They lost their first home to forclosure in Ohio and he supposedly fell for the Nigerian email scam, or it was gambling.(depends which story is being pitched)
But they were in serious finacial trouble before this all started. So lets give them money to manage.

Fourth. This case had nothing to do with grandparents' rights. CA and GA were not grandparents who thought something was terribly wrong with thier daughter and tried to take custody and were told you had no rights( a real problem for some grandparents) They were enablers who actually had thier grandchild in the home. This was about family dynamics and not grandparents' rights.

And I hope they realize that a non profit has to have a board of directors and its ownership belongs to the board, not anyone person. A foundation though does have different rules. I hope the state of Florida and the IRS look very closely at this before granting a 501(c) 3 tax expemt status.. End or rant!


Especially the bolded part!
My blood is boiling over this one. So they want to start a non profit and draw salaries becuase they are unable to work. Where do I begin?

First..If they are unable to work..how will they run a non profit? It does take work.

Two. Most "new" non profits never start off paying salaries becuase there is no need. Until the money and programming really becomes large and has to be managed as in a staff, audits, human resource functions, it can be handled by volunteers. Just as most us us do not pay salaries to the folks who run our booster clubs, PTAs, athletic association ect.

Third.What makes them qusalified to run a non profit? Even if we believe GA is innocent of the sexual allegations he has a history of poor financial management. They lost their first home to forclosure in Ohio and he supposedly fell for the Nigerian email scam, or it was gambling.(depends which story is being pitched)
But they were in serious finacial trouble before this all started. So lets give them money to manage.

Fourth. This case had nothing to do with grandparents' rights. CA and GA were not grandparents who thought something was terribly wrong with thier daughter and tried to take custody and were told you had no rights( a real problem for some grandparents) They were enablers who actually had thier grandchild in the home. This was about family dynamics and not grandparents' rights.

And I hope they realize that a non profit has to have a board of directors and its ownership belongs to the board, not anyone person. A foundation though does have different rules. I hope the state of Florida and the IRS look very closely at this before granting a 501(c) 3 tax expemt status.. End or rant!

When I read the part about grandparents rights I almost choked. George and Cindy were not grandparents that were denied legal rights to Caylee. The only person that denied them their "rights" is their daughter by murdering Caylee. This wasn't a situation where Casey took off somewhere with Caylee and they were taking her to family court. This makes me so mad and is an insult to grandparents who really have been denied their rights to visitation with their grandchildren.

Aren't George and Cindy collecting disability? So they can open these non-profit organizations and keep being "disabled"?

How long do they think they can milk their dead grandchild's memory and face? They interfered with the investigation....why should anybody give them the time of day nevermind a dime.

Since when does a dead child become somebody's career choice?
From that article;

...Mason also said that Anthony had to come out of “Casey World” — her lies about Caylee’s death — to assist her attorneys in her defense. “She’s got a tough row ahead of her,” Mason told DeForest. “But she’ll make it.” Anthony was acquitted two weeks ago of first-degree murder in Caylee’s death.

Mason said psychological counseling was “absolutely mandatory” for Anthony and that she had a breakthrough when a grief expert testified at trial.

“It was like Casey being brought out of Casey World into the real world,” Mason said. “She got quite emotional about, I think, having an introspection of her own conduct and behavior. … She’s having to deal with that. Casey World was changed, and we hoping she doesn’t regress into that dark place of denial and not remembering and not knowing and all the things that apparently were there. She’s quite a kid.”...

NO, she got quite emotional about the possibility the DT found 'a new explanation' for her horrid behavior, because their 'old one' was not allowed into evidence.

I don't think the grandparents of Caylee are going to make any cash from this scam. If I need help or advice in dealing with any future grandchildren, there a zillion grandparents to look at before them. imoo
Well, I've heard CA is collecting disability (don't know for sure). But GA hasn't worked in a long time and I've never heard that he was collecting disability. Heck, what are their disabilities????

And how have they been living until now? Fancy new car, just bought a fancy saw--unless GA is gonna make $$$ with it, how is that important when you need $$$?

Something smells.

Was it a saw or leaf blower? Maybe they are getting the old homestead ready for sale.
Was it a saw or leaf blower? Maybe they are getting the old homestead ready for sale.

Heck, I heard on the news it was a saw but we all know how reliable the news can sometimes be, lol. Could have been a leaf blower....point being, if you really need $$$ would you be out buying either one? Not me, I'd be concentrating on bills and food but that's just me. lol
Here is KC's future in a nutshell. She is going to spend the next few weeks getting some sun and recouperating. After that (a month or so, per Baez) she will do an interview - She'll pay off some bills, give the IRS theirs because they will just take it - give Baez some money and have some left over.

HOWEVER, after that, she will be approached by the tabloids, and she will be told not to accept them, but she will accept them and eventually we will hear that Baez and Anthony have had a parting of the ways. Because KC cannot sustain a relationship without $#%ing it up and she is not about to give up her sociopathic ways because she cannot (contrary to what the court appointed psychiatrists said about her not being a sociopath) You know the psychiatrists who were interviewed and look like they have had a round of shock treatments themselves especially the one with the Beard that started and ended somewhere.

I think one of the basic news channels here in the US will get her first interview and they will play it and people will watch, ABC, FOX or one of those.

After that, if The Sun (from the UK) is still around, they will approach her - The Sun is about as sleazy as it gets - makes The Globe appear readible. And then the U.S. TABS will offer her money.

After that, it is over. But KC is going to make as much money as possible and I can even see People offering her money.

But as Jeffrey Feiger said, she is a pariah and the interviews will not last.
Well, I've heard CA is collecting disability (don't know for sure). But GA hasn't worked in a long time and I've never heard that he was collecting disability. Heck, what are their disabilities????

And how have they been living until now? Fancy new car, just bought a fancy saw--unless GA is gonna make $$$ with it, how is that important when you need $$$?

Something smells.


I have heard that Cindy has neck and back problems. There was a rumor that the reason Cindy worked for Gentiva was because it mostly an office job and Cindy didn't have the strength to work in clinics or hospitals doing certain duties.

I read on a thread somewhere here that George got some kind of disability settlement back in 2005 or 2006 because of a knee injury. I think both George and Cindy stopped working in August or September 2008. There were rumors that Cindy was given a leave of absence offer from Gentiva.

People have been questioning the Anthony finances for the past few years. There were rumors going around that the Baptist church they attend was paying some of their monthly bills. Stuff like that happens a lot but usually it is only short term help. My cousin is married to a pastor a few years back their church had to implement a limit/policy on how long the church could offer financial support to people. Their church was getting taken advantage off too much by a unemployed woman and her teenage daughter. The pastors and church board members voted and enacted a policy. I think the A's church which is the Eastside Baptist Chruch probably cut off help to them at some point or possibily referred them to seek help elsewhere.. I also heard that the Anthony's did get a few big monetary donations from people.
My husband just called me and said someone offered Casey Anthony One Million dollars
to take a Lie detector test! LOL guess that wont happen
Here is KC's future in a nutshell. She is going to spend the next few weeks getting some sun and recouperating. After that (a month or so, per Baez) she will do an interview - She'll pay off some bills, give the IRS theirs because they will just take it - give Baez some money and have some left over.

HOWEVER, after that, she will be approached by the tabloids, and she will be told not to accept them, but she will accept them and eventually we will hear that Baez and Anthony have had a parting of the ways. Because KC cannot sustain a relationship without $#%ing it up and she is not about to give up her sociopathic ways because she cannot (contrary to what the court appointed psychiatrists said about her not being a sociopath) You know the psychiatrists who were interviewed and look like they have had a round of shock treatments themselves especially the one with the Beard that started and ended somewhere.

I think one of the basic news channels here in the US will get her first interview and they will play it and people will watch, ABC, FOX or one of those.

After that, if The Sun (from the UK) is still around, they will approach her - The Sun is about as sleazy as it gets - makes The Globe appear readible. And then the U.S. TABS will offer her money.

After that, it is over. But KC is going to make as much money as possible and I can even see People offering her money.

But as Jeffrey Feiger said, she is a pariah and the interviews will not last.

I agree with everything you said with one exception. At least in the first couple of months - it will be Baez who does all of the arranging, and it will be him who is paid the money, from which he will take a very hefty cut, and then pay out the balance to ICA.

And from there, she will only see the back of him as she is left to juggle the many judgements she will have to pay. What she does from then on won't be his problem as I think once paid, he will wash his hands of her, and be back to picking up a new case or two.

Edited to add, I believe then he will make a few "dignified" interviews saying he tried to lead her in the right direction but she refused to take his valuable advice...
I hope a victim of a sociopath/psychopath who survived will make a stand against someone like this profiting in our society.
From that article;

...Mason also said that Anthony had to come out of “Casey World” — her lies about Caylee’s death — to assist her attorneys in her defense. “She’s got a tough row ahead of her,” Mason told DeForest. “But she’ll make it.” Anthony was acquitted two weeks ago of first-degree murder in Caylee’s death.

Mason said psychological counseling was “absolutely mandatory” for Anthony and that she had a breakthrough when a grief expert testified at trial.

“It was like Casey being brought out of Casey World into the real world,” Mason said. “She got quite emotional about, I think, having an introspection of her own conduct and behavior. … She’s having to deal with that. Casey World was changed, and we hoping she doesn’t regress into that dark place of denial and not remembering and not knowing and all the things that apparently were there. She’s quite a kid.”...

:puke: That woman actually made her open her eyes to herself. :rolleyes:


Especially the bolded part!
Wait, wait, wait...this breakthrough happened during the trial? Wasn't this lady one of the last witnesses to testify? How was that assisting the defense? Sorry...refuse to read the article for just that kind of reasoning. Oh, please just put a lid on it, CM.
I agree with everything you said with one exception. At least in the first couple of months - it will be Baez who does all of the arranging, and it will be him who is paid the money, from which he will take a very hefty cut, and then pay out the balance to ICA.

And from there, she will only see the back of him as she is left to juggle the many judgements she will have to pay. What she does from then on won't be his problem as I think once paid, he will wash his hands of her, and be back to picking up a new case or two.

Edited to add, I believe then he will make a few "dignified" interviews saying he tried to lead her in the right direction but she refused to take his valuable advice...

Exactly. As Tracey said (Padilla's assistant) it was driving her crazy being around KC because she talked constantly.

Her actions at sentencing were very telling - the winking, the hair, etc. She wanted the world to see her in a different light and they did as opposed to the KC at trial. But for some reason, she had her hair back again when she left and little makeup.
Exactly. As Tracey said (Padilla's assistant) it was driving her crazy being around KC because she talked constantly.

Her actions at sentencing were very telling - the winking, the hair, etc. She wanted the world to see her in a different light and they did as opposed to the KC at trial. But for some reason, she had her hair back again when she left and little makeup.

Probably didn't want to risk getting it grabbed by someone in the crowd or getting it slammed into the car door as they ran to make their getaway...:innocent:

Sure it wasn't about the negative press about how she looked ready to go clubbing on sentencing day.....
I just found this a disturbing article and wanted to share..
I'll be writing to these people.
If this is the wrong place to post, pls just move. TYVM -)

Two Tapped For Upcoming Caylee Anthony Movie

"HOLLYWOOD—Actress Mila Kunis and journalist-actor Tommy Garrett are among the first to review scripts for an upcoming movie surrounding the death of Caylee Anthony, to be executive produced by Belle Avery. The script is based on the soon-to-be released fictional novel surrounding Caylee’s life, written by Kathleen McKenna and Marti Rulli. "

Perhaps the Anthonys will make the most money ?

Casey Anthony: Heard about Casey World? A new foundation?

WFTV-Channel 9’s Mary Nguyen reported that George and Cindy Anthony, Casey’s parents, are setting up a foundation called Caylee’s Fund to focus on grandparents’ rights. Mark Lippman, the couple’s attorney, told WFTV that the Anthonys plan to be the nonprofit’s officers and draw salaries because they are unable to work. Nguyen said the new nonprofit would be separate from the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation, which will remain active.

Just disgusting !! :maddening:
Caylee's fund ? More like Cindy and George's fund
None of them will if we ignore the whole bunch and boycott everythign that runs anything about them. Media wants the ratings and obviously we give it to them. I do change the channel on the TV tho.
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