AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #12

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I’ve been reading this over and over. It seems to me they are really portraying her as a child. The physical description is one used more for a child; not a teen nor an adult. The artwork for the fridge - again, a nod to childhood. This makes me think Jayme was the target. Perhaps they are trying to get the Perp to see her as a child and not “girlfriend” or “mate” material, if you will. JMO
Jayme is more of a child to me than a teen - she just barely turned 13 in July. Regardless, I definitely think it humanized her. MOO
I don’t think it’s odd they were left out but rather very diliberate. They focused on very normal everyday things - sort of like life as usual. MOO

To me she had a total lack of emotion and I do not know why that would be advantageous to either Jayme or the perp. What harm would there be in showing emotion?
I can't tell you why earlier photos worked, and the one you want to use now doesn't, but the reason will be that the image file is too big. I just loaded an avatar for myself to see what the requirements are, and it says to use a file of around 100 pixels by 100 pixels (the number of dots per sq. in). This indicates the quality, or sharpness of the image.

A dog photo taken recently with my phone camera is over 2000 x 2000 pixels. I could enlarge this photo 10 times and it would still look pretty good.

100 x 100 doesn't even look good at 1" square. But reduced to avatar size, it looks alright without slowing the website down.

So you will need to find a way to reduce the size of your image file by lowering the pixels per square in. If you don't see a "reduce image size" type option on your existing picture/camera apps, there are many apps specifically for that purpose. I'd be glad to help more if anyone wants to send me a personal message.
OT...totally worked thank you!!

Back on topic, I think it was a really great move to include Mollie in that presser. Especially, if on the night of the event, the perp had shown some restraint against hurting the dog....for Jayme.
  • Your family and friends miss you so much — your sparkling eyes, your bright smile, your soft little giggles
  • Your dog Molly is waiting for you. She’s sleeping in one of your sweatshirts — and will only eat chicken.
  • Grandpa needs new artwork on his fridge.
  • Aunt Susie wants to go jogging in the park with you
  • that girls shopping date we planned
  • your favorite iced coffee
This could be seen as a laundry list of reasons to go on living — all that you have waiting for you, all of those who are longing for you.
Was that her aunt, caretaker, who spoke at the presser?

I'm not sure. But it would make sense if it was that aunt-- that would be the aunt she is closest too and knows her the best right? One who always took care of her when her parents had to work overnight or early morning shifts? I think the FBI would want someone especially close to Jayme to speak (and her parents can't for obvious reasons). JMO.
OT...totally worked thank you!!

Back on topic, I think it was a really great move to include Mollie in that presser. Especially, if on the night of the event, the perp had shown some restraint against hurting the dog....for Jayme.

I'll be interested in knowing where the dog was found. I have a feeling Jayme protected her from the beginning of the assault. Maybe hid her somewhere.
To me she had a total lack of emotion and I do not know why that would be advantageous to either Jayme or the perp. What harm would there be in showing emotion?

I can understand why people feel she lacked emotion, however, I saw it as her wanting to say everything quickly and get the heck out of there before she broke down. They left as soon as she finished her last word. I think they were both about to break and also I'm sure she was nervous about speaking in front of the whole country. If that was me, I would be terrified of what my words could do to a victim. Am I saying the wrong thing? Am I making it worse for them? I assume they thought of that as well.
Gosh I'm still on the last thread and just realized this one will be closed before I finish up to reply. A few comments, from older stuff.

The theory that DC was the target: If she was, it would have been less risky for the bad guy to attack when JC was at work.

LE can get the IP address from Jayme's social media posts: Home computers seldom have a dedicated IP. It's all sorted out by DHCP.

Facebook requires it's users to be at least 13: She has posts going back to spring of 2013. I've known many friend's children who had accounts younger than 13. One close friend I talked to about it; the parent had the password so they could check all interactions, if the password was changed the account would go away, and by letting the child have the account they had a privilege that they could revoke if a punishment was called for.

The creepy guy story: Someone asked, "Did we know she went to Radar or did Radar just see her story online and go with it?" I saw it on social media a couple days earlier.

I think the theory about dad shot through the small window in the door makes sense. That would explain why relatives said the door was shot in, while LE said the door was kicked in. It could be bad guy(s) opened the storm door and pounded on the door, or started kicking the door. Dad came to the door, they shot him through the small window, then kicked the door in. Remember, LE says dad "had answered" the door, not "had opened" the door.

What were they doing for 20 minutes?: My theory. Terrible things were happening to mom. Jayme was restrained. 2nd perp? The chair? When bad guy(s) realized someone had made a 911 call, mom was finished off with a gunshot. Remember they said that the COD was gunshot, not that it was the only injuries. If it took them a while to determine the COD all the more reason to think there could have been other life-threatening injuries. Rage against mom seems like a good possibility. Why did they take Jayme? Maybe she had escaped, one person finished off mom, the other grabbed the kid and threw her in the trunk to deal with later.
I'm not familiar with FB but Jayme posting at age 8 (2013) just doesn't seem right to me or fit what we know about her. MOO

ETA: Perhaps a fake FB profile?
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I haven't been on WS in a very long time and I tend to be a lurker because I get really overwhelmed with emotions at times. This case just has me so upset. I just wanted to add my 2 cents to some of the posts debating how old Jayme looks or doesn't look, if she has pics somewhere with lipgloss or trying to look enticing. NONE of that matters. She is 13, she is a child. Regardless if she is a young 13 or old 13, she is young and a child. For me, pondering these things makes me feel like if she were posing as I've seen some young girls do, she would somehow be inviting a weirdo to take her. I do not think anyone here is implying that, but it just struck a chord in me as I know there isn't a 13 year old anywhere that isn't a child imo. A naive, shy 13 yr old and a more advanced 13 year old would equally be a victim because they are so young. A child! Hope this makes sense. Going on 2 days of no sleep so apologize if it doesn't and has typos!

Welcome, Island Girl.:):):)
Your first post.
I agree with you that certainly Jayme is a Child
To me she had a total lack of emotion and I do not know why that would be advantageous to either Jayme or the perp. What harm would there be in showing emotion?

She might be just holding on by a thread given planning her sister and brother-in-law’s funerals and desperately searching for Jayme...being worried sick for Jayme. Nothing would be accomplished by her falling apart during the presser, she had to stay strong. She is also still processing her sister being murdered in a horrific fashion and her niece being abducted. Nothing could ever prepare you for that situation.
To me she had a total lack of emotion and I do not know why that would be advantageous to either Jayme or the perp. What harm would there be in showing emotion?

Given the circumstances, I'm sure she practiced this a lot and if she allowed herself to show any emotion she may have broken down and been unable to communicate what she was supposed to communicate. When someone starts crying it can be very difficult to understand them.
I can understand why people feel she lacked emotion, however, I saw it as her wanting to say everything quickly and get the heck out of there before she broke down. They left as soon as she finished her last word. I think they were both about to break and also I'm sure she was nervous about speaking in front of the whole country. If that was me, I would be terrified of what my words could do to a victim. Am I saying the wrong thing? Am I making it worse for them? I assume they thought of that as well.

All you say is true and I agree. I was referring to earlier posts that thought the FBI had written her words and that they were for a specific reaction from the perp.
If we have it here, and the local area groceries also have it when I'm checking out with my grocery purchases, then what this tells me is that Starbucks is marketing their cold drinks in markets which likely don't have a huge walk- in Starbucks presence. Small towns all across the USA, IOW. We have a Starbucks, but it's empty every time I've been in, and the drive- thru is excruciatingly slow.
I agree. Without breaking TOS, what kind of things was she posting when she was 8 on FB? Just generally.
I "only" see it going back to 2015, so around age 10. Still too young imo. She mainly posted pics of just her and her with friends, her in her dance costumes, dog and scenery. I hope this doesn't break TOS.
I like the idea of changing your profile pictures to pets. Also, thanks to everyone for being proper web sleuthers, and providing sources for your thoughts & information. My profile pic is clearly a cloud cat. Carry on.
Well. If you can have a cloud cat, I guess I can have a bird dog.

Personally, I think they talked the way they did for a couple reasons. First, if she's alive and able to see it, they want her to know they care, are looking for her and will continue to look for her. It not only helps keep her spirits up so she doesn't just give up, but also may help prevent Stockholm Syndrome if he tries to convince her that he's the only one left that still cares about her. Second, I think they may have been trying to let him know that he's not important enough to even waste time talking to, all they care about is her. It may upset him enough to make him contact them in some way. There may be 1001 other reasons for doing it, but that's all I have. I hope whatever their plan was works. MOO
A little off topic but I’m on vacation and every night, my time, I come on to check Jayme’s thread and it’s closed. Can someone enlighten me as to what time the mods close it down. TIA
Well. If you can have a cloud cat, I guess I can have a bird dog.

Personally, I think they talked the way they did for a couple reasons. First, if she's alive and able to see it, they want her to know they care, are looking for her and will continue to look for her. It not only helps keep her spirits up so she doesn't just give up, but also may help prevent Stockholm Syndrome if he tries to convince her that he's the only one left that still cares about her. Second, I think they may have been trying to let him know that he's not important enough to even waste time talking to, all they care about is her. It may upset him enough to make him contact them in some way. There may be 1001 other reasons for doing it, but that's all I have. I hope whatever their plan was works. MOO
She might also be feeling some guilt that her parents are dead. I mean, if kids can blame themselves for their parent's divorce, imagine how much they will blame themselves for their parents murder...ESPECIALLY if she was the target. Having her aunt list off the people who still love her and want her would be huge to Jayme. Imo.
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