AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #17

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Moved from where?
Wherever it had been parked. Maybe he had it parked closer to the house near Denises car. Or maybe it was just parked there originally and they would not have had to move it at all. It just appears to parked in the most convenient spot for vehicles to get around it and in front of it.
Yeah, I'm not too sure how much they would have done. I'm sure they would have at least checked it out but I don't know how involved it would have been. Since it was pretty clear the perp didn't use the truck they likely had no reason to believe the victim had been in there at any time. Jmo

I think it looks like someone pulled in and got out very quickly. Not taking time to pull further by the garage and not really taking time to park it even on the drive.
Maybe I watch too man crime shows, but I don't think LE would move it. Course if it had already been processed and cleared they wouldn't be concerned with where it was parked.
I still think he was followed home and he was trying to get inside quickly.
After digging around on the internet and reading other forums and community gossip, here is my .02. IMHO, I believe whomever did this was angry. (If you want to abduct someone, you don't begin by blowing off the door knob and kicking the door in.) I think the perp shot the door knob and that's when dad went towards the door. The perp then kicks it in and shoots dad more than once. (The cop stated multiple rounds spent, and mom wasn't near him). Mom and Jayme screaming in the background, he ties mom to the chair and tortures her. The tie on the chair doesn't look like a normal tie to me, it reminds me of some either cub scout, military, survival training type knot. The blood on the chair and the either, wood damage, or another tie on the front left side of the chair shows someone spent time on that chair. I also thought there could have been blood on the back of the chair. I think the perp wanted to know something the from the mother, or had something they wanted the mother to hear, even while, or especially while being tortured. I think the perp may have raped Jayme or did something on the bed and the phone being in the dying moms pocket, or in the room either Jayme or her mom dialed 911, and laid the phone down. Mom dies from gun shots and/or injuries inflicted upon her (they stated somewhere that it was a gruesome crime scene), and the perp notices the phone is lit up and takes Jayme, because he will show the mom that he can have her. The dog being left alive makes me believe that they knew whoever did this and they had met the dog and visited the home before. If it were someone who hunts, killing a dog they didn't know that was barking or being a nuisance wouldn't have bothered them while murdering two individuals. They say the mom was close with her daughter and they were together a lot. I think maybe the mom was rude to someone that had an infatuation with Jayme and they didn't know just how crazy he was. I'm still not sure if he was alone or not. Let me say, I work a lot and have not had much time to read everything posted on this case, but this is JMHO.
Hi Gardener1850- Thanks so much for consolidating the PCs into one post. That will be super helpful for future reference.

To answer your question above, I do not recall the Sheriff answering a question about items missing from the home. With that said, I did watch some of the PCs again just to be sure, and while I didn’t hear anything questions regarding items missing from the home, I transcribed some parts that I found to be relevant. Jmo

Oct 16, 2018 Morning:

(-4:57) REPORTER: Sheriff, what can you tell us about what may have happened inside the home. Were there signs of a struggle?

SHERIFF FITZGERALD: I can’t comment on that. That’s part of the active investigation. We continue to have teams on scene at the residence to continue to process that scene. We’re working with the state crime lab who’s coming up. We redid the scene just to make sure we didn’t miss anything. We continue to monitor that scene so we’re not going to comment on what took place inside the residence.

Oct 17, 2018 Afternoon:

(-4:37) SHERIFF FITZGERALD: And no, I wish I was closer to that question, and that question again, let me repeat that, sorry. Is it a random attack, or is it a targeted attack? I don’t know that answer. That is why those leads are so important. Again, we’ve received no other threats or anything in the local area to say that this was just a random act, but we do not know that answer and we continue to follow up on leads to hopefully answer that question.

Oct 22, 2018 Afternoon:
Barron County Sheriff’s Department

(-5:07) REPORTER: Is there any scenario that you’re able to rule out since last week about what happened?

SHERIFF FITZGERALD: No, we have not ruled out anything. We continue to look at this from above to look at all of the aspects, and that’s why every tip is important.

(-2:51) REPORTER: Sheriff, any closer to a motive at this point?

SHERIFF FITZGERALD: We do not exactly know what took place in that residence yet.

(-2:01) REPORTER: People in the county, we’ve been told, are afraid, wondering if this is a random act. Can you give them any assurance?

SHERIFF FITZGERALD: At this time I can’t. We’ve had no other incidents since this, incidents of violence or calls of anything like that, so I can comment that there’s been no other similar cases of violence like this in the community since the date of the incident. But I can’t - I wish I knew a motive. I wish I knew why this took place.

Oct 24, 2018 Afternoon:

(-4:18) REPORTER: Sheriff, can I talk to the FBI guy please?

REPORTER (cont'd): So you’re saying, with all the forensics you’ve done at this point, you’ve not been able to come up with a single suspect? And if not, what is your next step forensically to try to establish or maybe come up with a suspect?

SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, JUSTIN TOLOMEO: Well that’s a joint answer, because the forensics are being worked by all agencies involved, and we continue to look at that information and assess it, and when we have a viable avenue, we will follow it.

REPORTER: So no - you’re saying no suspect?

SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, JUSTIN TOLOMEO: I’m not saying what we have sir, I’m saying what we’re doing.

REPORTER: But no suspect then?

SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, JUSTIN TOLOMEO: Again sir, I’m not saying what we’re having, I’m saying what we’re doing.

(-2:42) REPORTER: Earlier today, we saw some items being taken out of the house, one of them a mattress. What happens to that? Does that become evidence? What is that process?

SHERIFF FITZGERALD: We had another evidence team go back out to the scene today to make sure we didn’t miss anything. As we said, we keep combing over evidence, looking for new things. We had a new team, a new set of eyes come in today and go over that house one more time, to make sure nothing was missed. They did remove some items and those are being processed to see if there’s any new items of evidence.

Thanks Rainy! Man, that is frustrating that they either can't answer what happened or don't want to reveal what little they know. He is being very careful with his words to not give anything away about the scene. I hope something breaks in this case soon!
I think it looks like someone pulled in and got out very quickly. Not taking time to pull further by the garage and not really taking time to park it even on the drive.
Maybe I watch too man crime shows, but I don't think LE would move it. Course if it had already been processed and cleared they wouldn't be concerned with where it was parked.
I still think he was followed home and he was trying to get inside quickly.
Maybe. But if he wanted to get in the house quickly he could have parked much closer to the house to decrease the distance from the truck to the house. Since we have no idea what time he came home, or if in fact someone was following him, its impossible to know.
Maybe. But if he wanted to get in the house quickly he could have parked much closer to the house to decrease the distance from the truck to the house. Since we have no idea what time he came home, or if in fact someone was following him, its impossible to know.
Yes, we can just add it to the list of impossibles to know. It is so baffling and it will probably turn out to be so obvious. I wish we were privy to more detail.
It looks like it was moved to let that huge truck get by and get as close to the house as possible.

If you look at the picture, Denises vehicle is clearly not in the way of the big truck getting by. But thank you for agreeing with my original thought that he may have actually parked it there. <modsnipped personalized comment>
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I think it looks like someone pulled in and got out very quickly. Not taking time to pull further by the garage and not really taking time to park it even on the drive.
Maybe I watch too man crime shows, but I don't think LE would move it. Course if it had already been processed and cleared they wouldn't be concerned with where it was parked.
I still think he was followed home and he was trying to get inside quickly.
This is one theory I have. Either followed home or came home to something going on in the house. Logically he would have parked next to Denise. Or this could have also been his normal spot. I dont believe LE moved it because its more in the way compared to being moved further back toward the garage. I also agree they would not have relocated anything from that scene.
I'm curious about LE reaching out to the nearby casino early in the investigation. Also, LE briefed the volunteer searchers that the crime scene "extended fourteen miles to Turtle Lake (the location of the casino)". Does anyone know how the casino fits into this? Also, has there been any further information released about the red car found in the lake? Sounds like the red Challenger that LE was looking for earlier.
Earlier today I ran a poll here with these choices:

YES: You think the abduction of Jayme was the primary purpose of this crime.


NO: You do NOT think that the abduction of Jayme was the primary purpose of this crime.

Results 41 responses (only updating new names)

Undecided 11 (oceanblueeyes)

YES 21 (Stina, cody22, Linskid, mks762, Gardener1850, IslandGirl, Stunned, Mollyandme)

NO 9

As percentages:

Undecided 26.83%
YES 51.22%
NO 21.95%

I only included names in case I mixed something up. A lot of the Undecideds mentioned not enough info released by LE to feel or think strongly enough Yes or No.

I am closing this day's poll. I am not doing anything with this poll, it was internal for us at WS because we have 15 threads in 15 days, so many ideas. THANK YOU!
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I haven't seen this one posted in the threads. PB's response yesterday to a Twitter user's questions re: vehicles of interest.

Paul Blume on Twitter
Request continues for leads on 2 #FindJaymeCloss vehicles of interest- older red Dodge Challenger & more common Black SUV. Sheriff says many Challenger owners have come fwd to say they weren't involved. Hearing stories of LE pulling over Ford Edges across region. Still no Jayme.

Paul Blume (@PaulBlume_FOX9) | Twitter
6:38 PM (CDT) - 30 Oct 2018
Especially if he only stole a few items. Assuming he thought he'd hit the jackpot - an empty house guaranteed to have no owner returning to - he could have hauled out a heck of a lot more items, even if he was on a bicycle... in a backpack or a few bags. I still don't think he was taking anything for Jayme, if she is still alive, or else it'd be practical items like jeans, shoes, socks, a COAT... not underwear and a few tops and a dress. But ... is he of a small stature? Would a 13 yr old's items fit a grown small man?
Hard to imagine. That could be a clue (or not) here. He'd have to be awfully thin and small.

His mug shot shows his height as 5 ft 9 inches so nothing Jayme wore is going to fit him. Regardless of what they say about him I hope they are watching his every move ...
This is one theory I have. Either followed home or came home to something going on in the house. Logically he would have parked next to Denise. Or this could have also been his normal spot. I dont believe LE moved it because its more in the way compared to being moved further back toward the garage. I also agree they would not have relocated anything from that scene.
Before I was ever on WS I was following this case on news sources. My first gut reaction was that someone was really mad at Mr. Closs because of the rage.

The first account I heard was that he came home from work and the rampage ensued. Immediately I thought of a disgruntled employee following him home. I can't rationalize any other scenario. I still feel there is a tie to the Challenger they located at Jennie O. Too coincidental...
Before I was ever on WS I was following this case on news sources. My first gut reaction was that someone was really mad at Mr. Closs because of the rage.

The first account I heard was that he came home from work and the rampage ensued. Immediately I thought of a disgruntled employee following him home. I can't rationalize any other scenario. I still feel there is a tie to the Challenger they located at Jennie O. Too coincidental...
What challenger at Jennie-o???? I had not heard this. Is there a link?
What challenger at Jennie-o???? I had not heard this. Is there a link?
About a week ago, when those vehicles of interest were identified, someone called in a tip to LE saying that a Dodge Challenger matching the description put out by police, was parked at the Jennie-O’s.

On Ashleigh Banfield’s show, the sheriff said that they had followed up on the tip, and that vehicle/driver were cleared.

It wasn’t the Dodge Challenger they were looking for.
As someone mentioned previously, perp could have gone to wrong neighboring address, OR maybe ONE OF THE victims had previously tipped off police or work management about possible drug activity and the perps were out for revenge. Jmo.

I think the perp(s) got the wrong address. Personally, I hope police have checked on cars registered in the Chicago area. If a local drug dealer had a problem with someone cutting in on his turf, he could have called in "help" from his supplier - which would probably mean a big city. The perps being from out of town would explain why the sheriff specified they were looking for people who'd seen one of the suspect vehicles during a two week window, and also could explain them getting the wrong house. (Road naming conventions in the area are strange and confusing.)

If this was something of a professional "hit" against what they expected to be an armed target, then it would explain the "shock and awe" break in and immediate shooting of the father. Perps might well have been told that there was only a husband and wife, and did not know there was a third person in the house. Time spent in the house may have been trying to get Denise to tell them where the drugs/money/guns were, or even trying to find out who their (supposed) supplier was. If it was a hit, I think it's likely the perps had a scanner tuned to the police frequency and knew the gunshots hadn't been reported and they had plenty of time.

However - Jayme (who had been out of sight and hiding) get her hands on mom's phone and called - either perps heard this, or they heard the resulting police call and realized someone was in the house. Jayme makes a run for it.

At this point, one of two things happened. Either one of the perps caught up with her, possibly knocked her out, and (not wanting to shoot her because they know police are coming and may hear shots fired outside) they throw her in the trunk and get out of there. Sadly, if this is the case, most likely they took her somewhere, killed her and dumped the body.

Second possibility - remote, but... Maybe she made it to the woods and got away. With police coming, perps had a limited amount of time to look for her and maybe didn't find her. She could be so terrified that she's still in hiding. The fact they left the house open with cameras on it makes me think the police think this could be a possibility, hoping she might come back for clothes or other possessions. (If police have some evidence that she escaped the house such as the back door being left open, and if they didn't find any signs of a scuffle/fight anywhere in or around the yard, that might point them in that direction, as well.)
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