AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #19

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Where’s the closest airstrip for a plane to land?
Not an airport, but a private airstrip.
Where a small plane could carry someone to be put on a larger private jet.

And I agree, this seems like an “extraction “.


Barron Municipal Airport is less than 10 minutes (3 miles) (East) away.
Edit to include Romeo Airstrip, 30 mins. (West)
I know it's been hours since you posted, and others have probably replied, but "due to meth" doesn't necessarily mean Jayme's parents were involved with meth, but that the murderer's actions are "due to meth." Just like like Holly's case was "due to meth" because the creep that kidnapped her used meth. Meth is evil and breaks the brains of those that use it, making them evil.

Now, I admit that I no longer read every post (or even every page) so I apologize if I've missed someone claiming that Jayme's parents participated in meth in some way (using, buying, selling) but the comments I've seen that implied meth was involved in this case suggested it was the perp, not the victims, that was involved with meth.
I think that something like that is definitely plausible.

It’s very important that people realize that any speculation involving illegal drugs, in no way implies that the parents were engaged in any nefarious activity.

I’m not big on the drug theory, but in no way do I consider it far fetched or reckless speculation.
True. So theoretically it could rule out murder as the main motive?
It’s hard to say. This case is so unusual, and we aren’t privy to many of the details regarding the crime scene.

In almost every case, I have a theory, and am able to rule certain things out.

I can’t do that here.
Have not posted in years but this case upsets me for some reason because a family that seems like a normal hard working middle class family is destroyed. I believe there were two people involved. This incident took place on a work/school night during this family's bedtime. I feel the family was awakened by the pounding on the door and James ran to the door to try to stop them from breaking in awhile yelling at Denise to call the police or get out of the house, and was shot at that time. Once inside one probably restrained and subdued Jayme while the other confronted Denise who saw that Jayme was restrained and she locked herself in the bathroom and dialed 911. During this time the Perp broke into the bathroom and killed Denise. Because this happened so quickly with Jayme being subdued they were able to leave before the police show up within four minutes of the call. With JC & DC being steadily employed and DC being involved with Jayme and people saying they had a good relationship I don't think Jayme was involved with her parents murder. Even though not much is said about James other than I read he was a little reclusive I feel the family loved one another. They did not seem to have a lot of people coming and going from the house. Jayme was well taken care of. I think this was done by two people who were fueled by drugs and the target was Jayme, JC & DC were collateral damage. This incident probably happened so quick the family could do nothing to protect themselves.

Welcome desertstorm after several years not posting. :):):)
I agree with the points you raise about plan of action.
However, perhaps not fuelled by drugs, as if that was the case, mistakes would be made: the 'operation' would have left evidence for LE.
However, this may be the case with evidence left, but as yet we are not aware.
I admittedly know nothing about guns. I would describe them as either a hand gun or a shotgun, which is probably over generalizing. Could someone educate me on what kind of guns “high caliber” includes?

Numbers (caliber) refer to the barrel (diameter) size, which corresponds to the bullet (projectile) diameter. Some are metric (9mm is common), some are inches. For instance, a .22 caliber is almost a quarter inch around in size and is one of the smallest calibers commonly sold. A .45 is almost a half inch, one of the largest in common use.

I think you meant "high-power", not "high caliber", that tends to refer to the amount of powder (charge) in the case, bullet shape and typically refers to rifles. The AR is one of the smallest diameter rifle rounds in .223, but considered a "high power" rifle.
I admittedly know nothing about guns. I would describe them as either a hand gun or a shotgun, which is probably over generalizing. Could someone educate me on what kind of guns “high caliber” includes?

Without getting too detailed, a high caliber gun is basically a gun with a barrel designed to shoot larger bullets. Punch also plays a part in the definition of "high caliber". There are many high caliber guns, of various types...hand guns, rifles and shotguns. It's all about the ammo, baby. ;)
Numbers (caliber) refer to the barrel (diameter) size, which corresponds to the bullet (projectile) diameter. Some are metric (9mm is common), some are inches. For instance, a .22 caliber is almost a quarter inch around in size and is one of the smallest calibers commonly sold. A .45 is almost a half inch, one of the largest in common use.

I think you meant "high-power", not "high caliber", that tends to refer to the amount of powder (charge) in the case, bullet shape and typically refers to rifles. The AR is one of the smallest diameter rifle rounds in .223, but considered a "high power" rifle.

Well dang, that's a way better explanation than the one I gave. Wish I had seen your response before I bothered typing. :)
It’s hard to say. This case is so unusual, and we aren’t privy to many of the details regarding the crime scene.

In almost every case, I have a theory, and am able to rule certain things out.

I can’t do that here.

I can't either. It's like a Merry Go Round. Each poster thinks of something new. Something we haven't discussed or thought about.

I would like to say I think there are several detectives working hard on this case. They have tons of information on probably everybody and place we have discussed.

I think the ones that left are that FBI Rapid Response Team and I'm sure State has tons of matters piling up on their desk.

As our society evolves into the kind where our kids can't play outside because of snatchers and our teens can't go on the internet due to predators and our families can't be safe in our own homes and drugs and guns are holding American hostage our front line of defense LE is over worked, out manned and I worry if we will be able to sustain the quality of life and officers we have now.

It's a jungle out there.
I check in everyday, several times a day in fact, hoping beyond hope to see that Jayme has been found.

I have nothing to add. This is so unusual and disturbing. I can't help but think that Jayme was the either the main target or just grabbed when everything went wrong. I don't know. But I think she's alive.

I really don't think this is a trafficking situation because typically this is not how it works. If she was taken to traffic, I'm not sure they could "put her out there" without someone recognizing her.

Something more nefarious is at work here. MOO

I wish we had a little more information.
Yeah. I definitely agree with your thinking here.

I might even add a third, that he was under the influence of something, which mitigated any fear he might have had.

The thing that gives me a bit of pause about that theory, is that he was able to successfully do whatever he came to do, and escaped.

We don't really know that he was successful in what he came to do, do we ? If he came to abduct Jayme, then yes, obviously he was successful. But we don't have the first clue as to this suspect's intent, imo. Maybe he came looking for drugs and there weren't any. Maybe he came looking to rape Denise and James got in the way of that. Maybe he came for cash and there wasn't any. Who knows ?
We don't really know that he was successful in what he came to do, do we ? If he came to abduct Jayme, then yes, obviously he was successful. But we don't have the first clue as to this suspect's intent, imo. Maybe he came looking for drugs and there weren't any. Maybe he came looking to rape Denise and James got in the way of that. Maybe he came for cash and there wasn't any. Who knows ?
True. My point was that he successfully perpetrated a crime, and escaped.

It doesn’t mean that he successfully perpetrated the crime that he intended to commit.
I have been here a long time and when cases go “cold” as far as info...the same bizarre theories seem to surface, including cartels, hits, drug money owed, etc...none of which I remember ever being true, as those types of cases seem to be solved quickly...LE knows when people are killed over drug money, debts, etc as they easily enough come across proof. If they don’t know the exact culprit, they know, more or less.

Crimes when the motive is unknown, as this may be, are much harder to solve. I can’t rule out a crime similar to what happened to Holly, just because that happened at such an unlikely time and way, too. Her brother is lucky to be alive. It could have been semi-random in that the perp(s) knew the somewhat isolated house included a teen girl, if that was their goal. The boldness/thoughtlessness of shooting and kicking doors does summon up junkies high on meth, as well as other scenarios that include plain old rage.

Completely random seems unlikely unless the house was also ransacked. We do not know, but the first responder seems to have mentioned nothing that made it sound that way. Jmo
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