AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #27

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Daily Mail .... are they really a reliable and believable source now?

Yes, I wonder that myself. Although, the sheriff stated the 4 minute time frame in an earlier interview posted on here sometime back. As far as putting trust in the rest of the article, not so much.
I don't know how LE defines forensic evidence, how broad an area it covers etc. To me forensic evidence means bodily fluids, blood etc., evidence under fingernails etc.
And why the darn Daily Mail of all places. Makes me wonder if other news agencies aren’t picking up the story because there’s really nothing “new” there.

Other than that podcast from Garage something (forgive me, I can’t remember the name), I haven’t heard or viewed much of anything from the sheriff lately.

I’d really like to see this more in the MSM. Maybe soon? The two month anniversary is coming up. I hope there’ll be more “real” news soon.
I really think we need to ask ourselves how LE could possibly know the killer only walked 5 feet into the house without any evidence except the shell casings.
IMO, the answer is that it is not possible. The only way they would be able to state with certainty that the killer only went 5 feet into the house would be either an eyewitness other than JC directly observing the killer commit the crimes (IMO, we can almost certainly rule that out) OR as a result of some type of forensic evidence that they collected.
So, logically, either:
1) LE lied about knowing the killer only went 5 feet into the house
2) LE lied about not having any evidence aside from shell casings
3) They have an eyewitness (IMO, extremely unlikely to the 9th degree) or
4) The DM completely misquoted LE.
Those are the possibilities I came up with...can anyone think of any others?
Could not have said it better! What a mess!
IMO Daily Mail is a tabloid.

That is pretty much how they seem to operate. There is no way they could know the perp(s) were only there for four minutes and only went in five feet. I don't think there's any way the LE could know that for certain, and even if they did, they certainly wouldn't be giving it out as fact, especially not to the Daily Mail.
Thank you for video. Fitzgerald does say 4 in context.
I am still not 100% convinced as it is coming from DM

He says something very similar at about the 43:30 point of this interview as well. This one is with local media, and lasts over an hour. Highly recommend listening for anyone who has not. Sheriff answers a bunch of questions. And this is the entire interview so you can understand the entire context of each answer.

WATCH: Sheriff Fitzgerald Discusses Jayme Closs Investigation on DrydenWire Live! | Recent News | DrydenWire
But Jayme showed no signs of resistance according to the DM article last night. Would Jayme screaming in horror be considered resistance? To me, it would.

I've said this before but some people shut down after they witness something terrible. They can't fight, their nervous systems won't let them. I witnessed a horrible crime when I was Jayme's age, and I just completely shut down. Someone could have dragged me out of the house and I wouldn't have been able to fight.
Agree. And I think that there needs to be a new look and a fresh line of thinking here. We have a piece of evidence. Will it help? We dont know. Smart people have said it wont. But those same smart people of found nothing of this girl, tips have dried up, and people have stopped reporting on it in the way needed to put on a full court public press on finding this girl. So redact anything that you feel would hinder a prosecution, and release the 911 call. The worst that can happen is we are all in the same darn place after as we are now. Maybe, just maybe, there is something there that sparks something. Or maybe the release of the tape reignites regional or national media and that random person in Oklahoma, or Iowa, or wherever is watching a talking head talk about the tape while Jayme's face is on the screen at the moment she and her captor are at a gas station or eating pancakes.

This is what LE would do if finding her was the priority.

I'm not sure how releasing the 911 call would help find Jayme's location. How would that give LE her location whereabouts?

Imo I believe Jayme is no longer with us and that is why there has been no sighting of Jayme in almost 2 months now.

I have nothing to base it on that Jayme's location is not a top priority for the investigators. I think it's very logical she is. She was a witness inside of her home when both parents were murdered. So of course they would want to locate her for her own safety where she could tell them what had happened.

I do believe they have tried very hard to locate where she could be but they cant find anything that leads them to any possible location.

I dont fault them for that. They must have some kind of evidence or credible tips showing where she could be in order to locate her.

I think even though they have worked very hard they are coming up empty through no fault of their own..

Fitzgerald has already said they have found no evidence of any boyfriend of any age at all and havent found any online social media connection either between Jayme and anyone else.

So it's like trying to find a tiny needle in a huge haystack without them even knowing which haystack to even begin looking in. Unfortunately this has been the hand police have been dealt in this case.

Sometimes the evidence just isnt there. That is why so many cases remain unsolved.

James and Denise's murders must remain a top priority for the investigators too at all times. They owe them that and no less. They owe them a thorough investigation too. They dont become a side issue for LE because one of the victims inside of the home is missing. All three victims must remain a top priority for LE.

I never question why investigators decide to do what they do. I firmly believe they have a valid reason for not releasing the 911 call and I respect that decision. .

There have been over 200 officers on this case including FBI profilers. I feel the profilers have told the investigators that releasing the call wouldn't be advantageous in solving the case or locating Jayme.

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MOO after reading new article and comments…

Door is kicked in. James goes to see what is going on and is immediately shot. Denise is then shot as she comes to see what going on. Jayme grabs nearest phone which is moms and calls 911. Before call even is connected Jayme is told to drop phone/or drops phone on her own and told by unsub to come with him. She doesn’t resist as she is in shock and he is pointing a gun at her.


Door is kicked in. James goes to see what is going on and is immediately shot. Denise calls 911 and is shot before call is connected and phone drops to floor and slides away a little. Jayme is told by unsub to come with him. She doesn’t resist as she is in shock and he is pointing a gun at her.

911 tape only hears a commotion, no words, and sounds to be from another room (Fitz said it was a distant commotion like it was in another room or the hallway) Unsure of why everyone talks about yelling on call as I only remember it being described as a commotion.

Maybe the original shots were fired outside because unsub(s) wanted to see if it drew the police or not. When no one reported the shots after 20 minutes, they put their plan into action, knowing there would be additional shots that would not be reported and would also be muffled as they were shot inside.

If the neighbors heard two shots fired at 12:30 that means James and Denise most likely heard them them also. I doubt Jayme would be outside walking her dog after that in addition to the time of night.

Denise’s brother stated in an interview that he has a couple of ideas of what happened, wish I knew his thoughts.

Why did Fitzgerald do an interview with the Daily Mail out of all news outlets available?
I also noticed in this video, the reporter said “many shell casings from the gun”. Whether that’s true or not I guess is up for debate. I’d like to hear it from the sheriff.

ETA Personally, I’ve always felt that the word “multiple” would not be used if it was only 2 bullets.

Multiple to me means many or more than two, Denise couldn't have been directly visible to LE when they arrived otherwise they would have seen her straight away in the open-plan home described by the Daily Mail. It took them time to report a 2nd Victim as per their Despatch Report.

I quite simply envisage Kicking of the door in (Noise) James thinking WTF, Denise not far behind him simultaneously calling 911. The perpetrator quite simply shot both of them no hesitation that in itself takes a certain type of person.

I happen to be with those who think angry + thinking s/he was rescuing Jayme.
Are they "investigating" anyone at that plant? LE said they talked to people there, LOL, that's not investigating.
Your guess is as good as mine. I hope they are investigating, but the LE haven't divulged that info or much of anything really.
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