Will this case ever be solved?

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JMO the tat is because he loves his mother. I don't find it strange at all JMO

Hi, Whisp!! :seeya:

Well, I don't know how much RC was "given" in life, but I do think we should factor in that his father left him when he was very young, then when his mother remarried his step-father didn't want him around and he had to go live with GGMS (which I think was a much better situation.)

Lot's of times when the men in a boy's life reject them they turn out to have grave troubles. Believe me, I'm not sticking up for RC, I just see a lot of resentment in him and I think he took it out on the women in his life.

Still would like to know what that big tatt of his mother was all about. :banghead:

I readily agree he has some deep seeded anger issues..I also believe his out of control anger is the reason Haleigh is deceased...
To be honest, I sincerely believe it was a terrible accident and he didn't intend for Haleigh to die... I also believed him when he stated he would give his life to have Haleigh's life back...IMO..Thats the ONLY truth he has ever spoken in reference to this case...And IMO he is correct in his thinking when he put ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME on that truck..

Truth be known I suspect people could have and would have forgiven him IF he would have told the truth as to what really happened to Haleigh, eventhough he may have had to do time for his actions, but since he made the decision to take the low road that incorporated lying and covering up what really happened with the help of his family and the Croslins, I suspect forgiveness for his actions is slim to none now...
IMO.. The pain and suffering he and his famiily have heaped on Crystal and her family due to all the diabolical mis-directions is beyond reproach...There is no excuse acceptable....JMHO..
I readily agree he has some deep seeded anger issues..I also believe his out of control anger is the reason Haleigh is deceased...
To be honest, I sincerely believe it was a terrible accident and he didn't intend for Haleigh to die... I also believed him when he stated he would give his life to have Haleigh's life back...IMO..Thats the ONLY truth he has ever spoken in reference to this case...And IMO he is correct in his thinking when he put ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME on that truck..

Truth be known I suspect people could have and would have forgiven him IF he would have told the truth as to what really happened to Haleigh, eventhough he may have had to do time for his actions, but since he made the decision to take the low road that incorporated lying and covering up what really happened with the help of his family and the Croslins, I suspect forgiveness for his actions is slim to none now...
IMO.. The pain and suffering he and his famiily have heaped on Crystal and her family due to all the diabolical mis-directions is beyond reproach...There is no excuse acceptable....JMHO..

So you think Ron really knows what happened? Well, lots of people think that too. I'm not so sure. I don't see the Croslins covering for the Cummings or vice versa.
Looking at these pics, I cant wait for Tim Miller to sue the Cummings like he is doing Casey.

Now why would he sue the cummings family? lol this case is nothing like the Anthony case, Casey would not talk to them to help and Baez said that Caylee drownded, Casey said she was kidnapped, no one has been arrested in this case for doing something to Haleigh, for some reason the cops wont give out the clues that they do have or release the whole 911 call.... this is on the police, not the Cummings family. She is stil missing and a lot of them are still in jail so now what?
So you think Ron really knows what happened? Well, lots of people think that too. I'm not so sure. I don't see the Croslins covering for the Cummings or vice versa.

To my knowledge in the beginning we never heard a word from Tommy or Timmy... The ONLY people talking in the Croslin family were Misty, Lisa, Lindsy and Chelsey, and Chelsey and Misty were pointing fingers at Jo O...Teresa Neves and Crystal Cummings even joined forces in that campaign against Jo...Crystal C even referring to him as a a child molester. I believe the word she used was pedofire..
During this time there was also alot of garbage being spewed about Crystal S, her finace (at the time) and her family as being involved in whatever happened to Haleigh...
To make a long story short, first we heard about any conflicts going on between the Croslins and Ron C was when Hank Sr. accused Ron C of trying to kill him...
Not too long after that there was a fight between Ron C and the Croslins that landed Ron C in jail....IMO..They knew the gig was up and the time was right... Thats when Ron C and Teresa Neves started revving up that bus to run smack dab over Misty and the Croslins.. Timmy and Chelsey had already left the area and moved to Mass... My understanding is the rest of the Croslins wanted out of Dodge too and were making plans to leave......I suspect those involved in the Croslin family realized they had made a BIG mistake by not reporting what had really happened to Haleigh....Not to mention the trouble they knew they were in for helping out that night...
IMO... Truth be known the Cummings/Neves/Sykes clan set out to frame Misty and Tommy.. I suspect they knew it would be an easy task too, especially since Haleigh died at Hank Sr. and Lisa's residence or in the immediate vicinity..
IMO.. It's truly sad Misty and Tommy allowed themselves to be manipulated by Ron C instead of doing the right thing and notifying the authorities immediately...
Right now I suspect it's quite possible the Croslins and the Cummings/Neves/Sykes Clan are all to a certain degree still covering for each other. JMHO
So you think Ron really knows what happened? Well, lots of people think that too. I'm not so sure. I don't see the Croslins covering for the Cummings or vice versa.
Maybe the Croslins aren't covering for the Cummings and vice versa...maybe while somebody is covering for him/herself, (for something other than murder), the guilty person benefits by association. For instance, if Tommy's guilty, I doubt very seriously he sat Ron down and told him what he did. But if Ron was covering his own drug/gun activity, a lot of suspicion would be centered on him, (because he wasn't being 100% upfront about his activities). So while suspicion is focused on a non guilty person, LE would have to investigate and try to answer some of the questions swirling about. Meanwhile, the guilty person is benefitting by not having investigators zero in on him. precious hours wasted that can never be gotten back. IDK if this has happened, but I think it's one of the many possibilities. JMO.
Maybe the Croslins aren't covering for the Cummings and vice versa...maybe while somebody is covering for him/herself, (for something other than murder), the guilty person benefits by association. For instance, if Tommy's guilty, I doubt very seriously he sat Ron down and told him what he did. But if Ron was covering his own drug/gun activity, a lot of suspicion would be centered on him, (because he wasn't being 100% upfront about his activities). So while suspicion is focused on a non guilty person, LE would have to investigate and try to answer some of the questions swirling about. Meanwhile, the guilty person is benefitting by not having investigators zero in on him. precious hours wasted that can never be gotten back. IDK if this has happened, but I think it's one of the many possibilities. JMO.

I believe they were all involved in some way or the other. Whether they participated in the crime themselves or helped cover up after the fact, they all knew what had happened. These people were drug dealers, thieves and who knows what else. Not exactly a stand up bunch!! Their actions do not surprise me, just sadden me.
Sweet Haleigh, I wish I could have taken you home with me. You could have played in the river, climbed the trees, played with the dogs, gone boating. Then you would have dinner with us, on the deck, by the river. It wouldn't be a canned or frozed dinner. It would be homemade from scratch.

After that, a nice bath, a sweet story (or two) and then tucked into your own bed, a real bed, not a mattress on the floor! You could have a Disney nite-lite if you wanted and lots of stuffies to cuddle with.

I would check in on you several times before I went to bed. And tomorrow we would start another wonderful day.

I love you sunshine.
I believe they were all involved in some way or the other. Whether they participated in the crime themselves or helped cover up after the fact, they all knew what had happened. These people were drug dealers, thieves and who knows what else. Not exactly a stand up bunch!! Their actions do not surprise me, just sadden me.
and you could be right. It's hard to get into a criminal mind. What doesn't make sense to you or me, could be completely logical to them. Maybe some years in the pen, will make this bunch a little more philosophical. And I am glad they're all locked up. JMO.
JMO the tat is because he loves his mother. I don't find it strange at all JMO


When a male tats their mother's first name in a position over their heart that is just plain weird...and creepy I noticed when he was called out on it, he added "aka mom".

There is something abnormal about having that tat. Mentally healthy men do not do that.
"We have no reason to believe that Haleigh was taken out of state," said Casey. Haleigh was never found.

He also said he doesn't know if she was taken outside of Putnam County where she was last seen.


IIRC.. Teresa and her boyfriend, Jeff (Papa Jeff) Hankins were living in the Lady Lake/Fruitland Park, FL area in 2009 when Haleigh was reported as being abducted...

Just wondering if FBI thinks Lady Lake/Fruitland Park area could be the location where her remains were placed..JMHO

When a male tats their mother's first name in a position over their heart that is just plain weird...and creepy I noticed when he was called out on it, he added "aka mom".

There is something abnormal about having that tat. Mentally healthy men do not do that.

Yeah, mentally healthy men do not do that, exactly.

He grew up needing his mom who split, its actually sad.

Then he becomes a drug addict on top of all the mommy issues and he steals his kids, probably not even really understanding they needed to be with their mom because of what his mom did to him.

He needs to just fess up. If Baez could get Casey off by swinging all the blame to George, Ron should have some hope.
Can someone tell me what the interviewer says at 1:15?

I believe the interviewer says..."or don't want to say" right after asking if they had ever been close to an arrest and Casey answers "don't know"
"We have no reason to believe that Haleigh was taken out of state," said Casey. Haleigh was never found.

He also said he doesn't know if she was taken outside of Putnam County where she was last seen.


IIRC.. Teresa and her boyfriend, Jeff (Papa Jeff) Hankins were living in the Lady Lake/Fruitland Park, FL area in 2009 when Haleigh was reported as being abducted...Just wondering if FBI thinks Lady Lake/Fruitland Park area could be the location where her remains were placed..JMHO

Wow...never thought of that. I keep forgetting about Jeff H...another silent man in the mix. There is donald, jeff, ron, timmy, jo, ac guy....and lastly ron's friend Orlando, who simply didn't appear any more with ron and was claimed to be his best friend. The men are very silent and all the women talk. It must be the culture and it smacks of "What are the men hiding?"

....now you got me thinking again..thanks em.
Wow...never thought of that. I keep forgetting about Jeff H...another silent man in the mix. There is donald, jeff, ron, timmy, jo, ac guy....and lastly ron's friend Orlando, who simply didn't appear any more with ron and was claimed to be his best friend. The men are very silent and all the women talk. It must be the culture and it smacks of "What are the men hiding?"

....now you got me thinking again..thanks em.

Your welcome Whisp...And other than Orlando and Lester I never saw any of them at any news conferences and have never seen any of them at any of the vigils, or memorial services held for Haleigh.. Maybe Lester... For certain they are all on the down low.. JMHO..

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