WORLD WILL BE SHOCKED Padilla says ***Revisit Padilla's Claims**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Now if she was drunk or high in boyfriend's apartment which I find highly unlike since she was there alone (drinking/getting high alone) plus she put the ''perfect girlfriend and perfect mother'' show for the boyfriend. I don't think she would get drunk in his apartment and have her get caught with her daughter there by the boyfriend. Anyway, if she was drunk or high she wouldn't be able to cover such an accident. With all the apartments, and the noise of a body falling, but even if nobody noticed, there would have been evidence on the ground right? That is not a pretty thing to clean or easy. I don't buy this.


Is it possible that CA was hoping having a missing child might help her keep her boyfriend? You know, give her the "Poor Little Me" image? Plus it would free up her time??
LP could be blowing smoke. But he could also be trying to give Casey "the out" the way investigators sometimes do. Offer a scenario to the suspect to get them talking, one that would mean they were in less trouble. Once they start talking, then the evidence that is found can be used to impeach them. But that would mean they had a possible theory over how Caylee died. And IMO, that probably means he thinks Caylee was probably beaten to death. Many kids who are taken to the hospital "due to a fall" are often found later to be abused children and parents use falling to try to explain the injuries. IMO, I don't think we will know until after a trial.

One thing I think we all need to consider. Caylee has been gone for sometime and she wasn't very big to begin with. So it is entirely possible that she will not be found. I heard a landfill search described once as worse than trying to find a needle in a haystack, that it is more comprable to a needle in a field of haystacks. Remember she is small and she may be in some type of bag, box, or other container. So even if they search (and those searches are quite expensive) they may not be able to find her. But I am happy they are searching there.

Is there any significance to LP saying that the findings will shock the world, then his mention of names right after that?
I have a niece who is somewhat mmmm, uh, delinquent in her duties as a mother, and one of her children actually fell out of a 2nd story apartment building window...They had left a lighter lying about, and the kid had caught some curtains on fire, and they had opened the windows to let the smoke from the fire out, and bam, the kid falls out the window...LUCKILY, and by the grace and mercy of God, there was a PILE of boxes and card board just beneath the window, and although it knocked him out, he was otherwise unharmed...He was 18 months old when this happened...

Maybe Caylee fell and broke her neck or something-no blood, just a broken neck and instant death and Casey just hurriedly loaded her up and away she went with her where ever she took her? A small child like that is so light, that it would not necessarily cause the outward damage in them that it might in a grown person to fall from a low level window...

What floor was T's apartment on?
Perhaps I have missed something but last week there was so much talk about all this breaking news that would be coming out. It has had me on my toes and I anticipated new information all weeked. As far as I can see absolutely nothing has happened aside from Casey getting lots of freedom and LE being completely absent from the media scene. What are your thoughts on this supposed major information. Do you think it exists and they have something or is it just speculation and the case is about to go cold.

I think they have significant information but I can't help self doubting it!
I thought I heard something too! LP mentioned about the dumpster and new info that would shocked the world. I could have been wrong.
I think one of the news stations (fox?) petitioned to get the newest affidavits etc and were expecting to get them soon. I thought big news would come from those. Someone last week said there was lots of copying going on etc. But so far nothing. One of the reporters from Fox claimed news was suppose to come fast and furious soon and now nothing. Been the most boring time since. Maybe they figured TES would find something and TES never did. I don't think TES will either unless they want to sift thru the landfill. It is all very discouraging. I am sure LE has back all test by now and it just isn't enough to arrest her further. I hope even if they can't find any more evidence to arrest her for murder by november that they charge her anyway. They might just get a conviction with what they have. I hear after november they can't bring any new charges. I think thats what Baez is hoping for. He will move for a speedy trial.
And what happened to the fast & furious release of info thing?
I have been waiting for this information that was to be coming 'fast and furious' in this case. Still waiting.

Let's have it already.
And what happened to the fast & furious release of info thing?

Thats what im talking about, I dont think they were referring to the cloroform at all. They have to have more because good or bad they have to have results from the shovel because im sure they have processed it. They would have info on the fluid in the car and what it was even if it was an orange juice stain. There are quite a few things that they still will need to release, even if the results arent pertaining to Caylee.
Everything always seems to go quiet over the weekends so maybe as the week progresses we'll start hearing more. Hopefully.
New info is supposed to be "coming up" shortly regarding new info about Cindy.
On FOX national news on tv.
Of course it may actually be reported in hours, you know how FOX puts out teasers!
New info is supposed to be "coming up" shortly regarding new info about Cindy.
On FOX national news on tv.
Of course it may actually be reported in hours, you know how FOX puts out teasers!

Where did you hear that?!?!?!?!

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