Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #2

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I really doubt she cares.

Oh, she does care. But not in a loving way/kind of 'caring'. More like a 'because I have nothing, no-one to love me, I'm gonna make your life a living hell' kind of caring.

She did it after her divorce (well obviously before lol, anyone know who was plaintiff in that filing?) to Jonah and Rebecca, every opportunity she could find (and in doing so hurt little Maxie too). She just wouldn't/couldn't move on. Perhaps because her ego (you can't leave me)? Perhaps because of a personality disorder? We've all seen other women and men do the same thing. AND we've all seen what these wackos are driven to do.

She was/is obsessive, impulsive, reckless, and ever sooooo angry. She was/is also drinking and drugging according to Jonah. She was bent on hurting Jonah and any other woman he chose to be with.

The combination of those traits is, holy moley, soooo very dangerous. Just look at the violence that occurred before they were divorced. And after he moved out. Look at all the conditions she laid on Jonah and Rebecca.

Then her most beloved precious little treasure, the joy of her life, Maxie, had an accident and would forever more be gone from this world. Dina's world.

Take the obsessiveness, impulsiveness, recklessness, anger, drinking and drugging...combine it with Maxie's death, well, one can almost say it was a given Rebecca would end up murdered. She was/is driven to retaliate in kind.

So yeah. Dina did/does care. Just not in the 'caring' way most people perceive the word "care".

Oh, she does care. But not in a loving way/kind of 'caring'. More like a 'because I have nothing, no-one to love me, I'm gonna make your life a living hell' kind of caring.

She did it after her divorce (anyone know who was plaintiff in that filing?) to Jonah (well obviously before lol) and Rebecca every opportunity she could find (and in doing so hurt little Maxie too). She just wouldn't/couldn't move on. Perhaps because her ego (you can't leave me)? Perhaps because of a personality disorder? We've all seen other women and men do the same thing. AND we've all seen what these wackos are driven to do.

She was/is obsessive, impulsive, reckless, and ever sooooo angry. She was/is also drinking and drugging according to Jonah. She was bent on hurting Jonah and any other woman he chose to be with.

The combination of those traits is, holy moley, soooo very dangerous. Just look at the violence that occurred before they were divorced. And after he moved out. Look at all the conditions she laid on Jonah and Rebecca.

Then her most beloved precious little treasure, the joy of her life, Maxie, had an accident and would forever more be gone from this world. Dina's world.

Take the obsessiveness, impulsiveness, recklessness, anger, drinking and drugging...combine it with Maxie's death, well, one can almost say it was a given Rebecca would end up murdered. She was/is driven to retaliate in kind.

So yeah. Dina did/does care. Just not in the 'caring' way most people perceive the word "care".


BBM: Agreed Screecher. Many ways to look at this murder and one is that it was more about hating Jonah and taking something away from him that he adored, than it was about hurting Rebecca. IMO Jonah knew this, also knew this could severely damage his business, so it was moot for him to press for the truth since RZ was dead. It was way more to his advantage to suppress everything using every way he possibly could. In MHO, that's exactly what he did.
BBM: Agreed Screecher. Many ways to look at this murder and one is that it was more about hating Jonah and taking something away from him that he adored, than it was about hurting Rebecca. IMO Jonah knew this, also knew this could severely damage his business, so it was moot for him to press for the truth since RZ was dead. It was way more to his advantage to suppress everything using every way he possibly could. In MHO, that's exactly what he did.

Yes i agree and so believe the message on the door was very directed at Jonah. Biting sarcasm from a bitter person (the murderer).

And the immediate painting over the door and refusal to show the message speaks to this as well.
Another confusion about this case:

IIRC, when each of the players were accounting for their whereabouts the evening/night RZ died, their focus seemed to have been on accounting for their time on the evening of the 12th, not the early morning hours of the 13th.

Later on the ME reported his estimated time of death at ~3am, IIRC. It's as though the ME declared ~3am time of death was a surprise to the players as well. But how could the ME be sure about the time of death when there was such a delay in getting to her after having been reported hanging?

Did the Zs address anything about the time of death in the WDS paperwork? TIA

ETA: Or, time the Zs suspect an assault took place? TIA

Hey Quester :) Good Questions!!! I searched the Zahau's WDS and below is what I found regarding TOD. Not much, but item #18 gets the mind working. At least mine.


10. On or around the morning of July 13, 2011, Defendants ADAM, DINA and NINA, and each of them, conspired to plan, and did in fact, enter into a common scheme of conduct with the intent to murder REBECCA in Coronado, California, and did in fact, murder REBECCA by each of them personally committing one or more of the following acts in furtherance of the common scheme and conspiracy:

11. On the morning of July 13, 2011, REBECCA was found dead, naked, bound and gagged, with a rope noose around her neck. Her cause of death was asphyxiation, which was caused by either manual strangulation before she was hanged, or from being hanged with a rope noose around her neck from the second story deck of the Coronado vacation home at which she was staying. The Coroner for the County of San Diego determined that she died on that date.


18. The final scheme agreed to that evening by the Defendants involved binding DECEDENT’s hands (behind her back) and ankles with rope they found at the residence. Plaintiffs allege that based on the knots having nautical qualities and ADAM being a tug boat captain with experience tying nautical knots, that ADAM bound the DECEDENT. Plaintiffs further base this allegation on the fact that the ropes had the same black paint residue found on DECEDENT’s nipples, thus implicating the person who tied the knots as the person who also pinched the Decedent’s nipples, and that ADAM had admitted to masturbating to *advertiser censored* on his cell phone that evening, the further inference being that the two instances of sexual behavior are consistent with ADAM’s state of mind that evening. The Defendants also placed a blue t-shirt around her neck and stuffed it in her mouth, using it as a gag to both muffle her screams and cover up any marks that would suggest murder. Based on the type of injury to DECEDENT’s throat, which commonly occurs with strangulation and is unlikely to occur with a hanging, and the amount of strength needed to create such injury, Plaintiffs allege that in the early hours of July 13, 2011, ADAM choked REBECCA to death.

Let's stick to the facts of the case please. Do not make things up. This case is difficult enough.

If you can't link to it, don't write it.

Could a very much alive but beaten RZ have been left with a noose around her neck, gagged, naked, bound wrists & ankles, and standing/teetering on top of the broken legged table??? Until she succumbed/table tipped???
Hey Quester :) Good Questions!!! I searched the Zahau's WDS and below is what I found regarding TOD. Not much, but item #18 gets the mind working. At least mine.


10. On or around the morning of July 13, 2011, Defendants ADAM, DINA and NINA, and each of them, conspired to plan, and did in fact, enter into a common scheme of conduct with the intent to murder REBECCA in Coronado, California, and did in fact, murder REBECCA by each of them personally committing one or more of the following acts in furtherance of the common scheme and conspiracy:

11. On the morning of July 13, 2011, REBECCA was found dead, naked, bound and gagged, with a rope noose around her neck. Her cause of death was asphyxiation, which was caused by either manual strangulation before she was hanged, or from being hanged with a rope noose around her neck from the second story deck of the Coronado vacation home at which she was staying. The Coroner for the County of San Diego determined that she died on that date.


18. The final scheme agreed to that evening by the Defendants involved binding DECEDENT’s hands (behind her back) and ankles with rope they found at the residence. Plaintiffs allege that based on the knots having nautical qualities and ADAM being a tug boat captain with experience tying nautical knots, that ADAM bound the DECEDENT. Plaintiffs further base this allegation on the fact that the ropes had the same black paint residue found on DECEDENT’s nipples, thus implicating the person who tied the knots as the person who also pinched the Decedent’s nipples, and that ADAM had admitted to masturbating to *advertiser censored* on his cell phone that evening, the further inference being that the two instances of sexual behavior are consistent with ADAM’s state of mind that evening. The Defendants also placed a blue t-shirt around her neck and stuffed it in her mouth, using it as a gag to both muffle her screams and cover up any marks that would suggest murder. Based on the type of injury to DECEDENT’s throat, which commonly occurs with strangulation and is unlikely to occur with a hanging, and the amount of strength needed to create such injury, Plaintiffs allege that in the early hours of July 13, 2011, ADAM choked REBECCA to death.


These allegations are so ridiculous they would be laughable if innocent people were not being accused just to make some big cash.

So Adam "pinched Rebecca's nipple" and got paint on it, because he was just SO sexed crazed, and she was just SO naked and desireable, he had to. Hogwash, Hooey, and Horsefeathers!

These stupid and illogical (RIP Spock) allegations are so laughable that they will never make it to court.

Someone want to venture to explain HOW the Zahaus "know" Adam pinched her nipple? Idiotic claims!
Could a very much alive but beaten RZ have been left with a noose around her neck, gagged, naked, bound wrists & ankles, and standing/teetering on top of the broken legged table??? Until she succumbed/table tipped???

I've always thought it was feasible, but I believe some of the details in the autopsy prove she went over the balcony.
I promise, I'm not being intentionally argumentative about this, but I assure you, traffic through the city during peak hours is terrible. It bottlenecks at certain points and can be at a dead stop at times. In some places along the mansion/rch route, it is only 2 lanes. Our freeways were built for a city of 100 years ago and there's not many options for expansion without cutting into...say, our zoo, which literally borders a majoy freeway. Or the Cabrillo Bridge, which the 163 flows beneath. Once you get out of the deep city it clears a bit, but getting stuck is not a risk *I* would take if time was critical. I would choose a hotel nearby just to be 100% sure that I could be available at a moments notice without regard to planning a drive around traffic.

Both Jonah and Dina did navigate traffic to their homes in Coronado. Jonah choose not to stay the night and preferred a hotel at 2 AM. The facts do speak for themselves, kwim?
These allegations are so ridiculous they would be laughable if innocent people were not being accused just to make some big cash.

So Adam "pinched Rebecca's nipple" and got paint on it, because he was just SO sexed crazed, and she was just SO naked and desireable, he had to. Hogwash, Hooey, and Horsefeathers!

These stupid and illogical (RIP Spock) allegations are so laughable that they will never make it to court.

Someone want to venture to explain HOW the Zahaus "know" Adam pinched her nipple? Idiotic claims!

BBM. I think the reason the Judge allowed the suit to go forward is because that is a defamatory detail that is especially malicious in addition to the accusations of murder and conspiracy.

BBM: Agreed Screecher. Many ways to look at this murder and one is that it was more about hating Jonah and taking something away from him that he adored, than it was about hurting Rebecca. IMO Jonah knew this, also knew this could severely damage his business, so it was moot for him to press for the truth since RZ was dead. It was way more to his advantage to suppress everything using every way he possibly could. In MHO, that's exactly what he did.

While I do believe Jonah did adore RZ prior to Max's injury, I seriously doubt he adored her afterward or had any intention of continuing to live with her. He had a motive to harm her and yet it is his ex-wife and brother who are being accused of conspiracy and murder. This is a very bizarre lawsuit.

Both Jonah and Dina did navigate traffic to their homes in Coronado. Jonah choose not to stay the night and preferred a hotel at 2 AM. The facts do speak for themselves, kwim?
Well, Jonah had been awake since probably 7am, and had been with Max almost constantly (think he went home briefly to bathe, etc.), and Dina had 'slept' the day away before she finally showed up at Rady in the late afternoon. Jonah slept for a very few (4?) hours about 5 minutes away from Rady before going back and relieving Dina at Max's bedside. Then Dina went home and slept for 12 hours, a minimum of 20 minutes away, and a maximum of potentially much longer. She left her son's likely deathbed for 12 hours. If he had died during that time, she might not have been able to get there in time. She (IMO, and based on what I as a parent would do) could have stayed at a nearby hotel in order to be available at a moment's notice. When my 82-year-old mother was doing poorly following emergency surgery, my sister and I took turns sleeping in a hideous chair in her room. We didn't want her to be alone and crying out for one of us, and when we traded off, the home we slept in was 5 non-trafficky minutes away. This went on for three weeks. (One morning she woke up, much better, was shortly dismissed, and went home and lived another 8 healthy years.)

(Yes, my sister and I were excellent daughters.)

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who would willingly separate from their small child lying critically injured in the ICU. Most parents, if not all, would not think 12 hours sleep was so important.
Hi Zinn :wave:

There is a discrepancy in Dina's arrival to the hospital.

- Nina alleged she and Dina drove to the hospital in Dina's car at 4:00pm (1600 hrs).
- Jonah told the detectives Dina returned at 6:00pm (1800 hrs).
- Dina alleges she returned at 8:00pm (2000 hrs).

4:00 PM – Nina alleges she and Dina drove to the hospital in Dina's car.
NR Interview - http://ftpcontent.worldnow.com/kfmb/misc/nina_romano.mp3

6:00 PM – Adam and Rebecca pick up Jonah and Howard from the hospital. Howard is dropped off at the airport. Jonah, Rebecca and Adam then get some dinner.

8:00 PM – Dina says she returned to the hospital * A discrepancy in the time Dina returned to the hospital. Detectives are told by Dina 8:00 PM. Jonah tells them 6:00 PM. Nina also alleges 4:00 PM. *

8:00 PM - After dinner Jonah returns to the hospital.
– Rebecca and Adam return home to Coronado mansion.
– Adam claims this is the last time he saw Rebecca. He went to the guest house, she went to the mansion.

Rebecca and Max Timeline - links included

The discrepancy in times at this point is irrelevant because the only time LE were interested in is the time frame of death that was established by the ME. That's why they obtained cell phone records and sealed the warrants.

Well, Jonah had been awake since probably 7am, and had been with Max almost constantly (think he went home briefly to bathe, etc.), and Dina had 'slept' the day away before she finally showed up at Rady in the late afternoon. Jonah slept for a very few (4?) hours about 5 minutes away from Rady before going back and relieving Dina at Max's bedside. Then Dina went home and slept for 12 hours, a minimum of 20 minutes away, and a maximum of potentially much longer. She left her son's likely deathbed for 12 hours. If he had died during that time, she might not have been able to get there in time. She (IMO, and based on what I as a parent would do) could have stayed at a nearby hotel in order to be available at a moment's notice. When my 82-year-old mother was doing poorly following emergency surgery, my sister and I took turns sleeping in a hideous chair in her room. We didn't want her to be alone and crying out for one of us, and when we traded off, the home we slept in was 5 non-trafficky minutes away. This went on for three weeks. (One morning she woke up, much better, was shortly dismissed, and went home and lived another 8 healthy years.)

(Yes, my sister and I were excellent daughters.)

I'd be interested to hear from anyone who would willingly separate from their small child lying critically injured in the ICU. Most parents, if not all, would not think 12 hours sleep was so important.

iirc, Dina had been ill. I'm not going to judge her harshly because her child's father was at the hospital as well. Both parents kept a vigil and traded off and I think any criticism of them is cruel and unfair.

I agree, Morag. As I recall, Dina's then-boyfriend was staying at her home on the island. Remember? He is the one who finally answered the door to her house, after all those hours when police were looking for Dina and knocking on the doors, and no one was answering. I've always wondered why he didn't answer the door earlier, since Dina claims she was sleeping with ear plugs in and her phone off. Couldn't he hear the police at the door?

Perhaps Dina wanted to be with him before he left, and that's why she left the hospital for 12 hours the first day Max was in the ICU?

I wonder when the boyfriend left for home? His daughter is the one that posted on social media so early that Max wasn't expected to make it. I've always assumed she heard that from her dad. She sounded so shocked and broken up about it in her post.
I agree, Morag. As I recall, Dina's then-boyfriend was staying at her home on the island. Remember? He is the one who finally answered the door to her house, after all those hours when police were looking for Dina and knocking on the doors, and no one was answering. I've always wondered why he didn't answer the door earlier, since Dina claims she was sleeping with ear plugs in and her phone off. Couldn't he hear the police at the door?

Perhaps Dina wanted to be with him before he left, and that's why she left the hospital for 12 hours the first day Max was in the ICU?

I wonder when the boyfriend left for home? His daughter is the one that posted on social media so early that Max wasn't expected to make it. I've always assumed she heard that from her dad. She sounded so shocked and broken up about it in her post.

Why are you assuming the boyfriend was at Dina's home when police were knocking on the door?
BBM: Agreed Screecher. Many ways to look at this murder and one is that it was more about hating Jonah and taking something away from him that he adored, than it was about hurting Rebecca. IMO Jonah knew this, also knew this could severely damage his business, so it was moot for him to press for the truth since RZ was dead. It was way more to his advantage to suppress everything using every way he possibly could. In MHO, that's exactly what he did.


Yes, I've always felt Rebecca being tormented, tortured and killed in the manner she was, was an obvious hit to Jonah. Your whole post is truth, imo.
Snipped. Pictures were taken at the scene, and at autopsy. Very possible the pictures show what is interpreted to be finger pinch marks on her nipple. Several experts would have had access to the autopsy and scene pics. Could have been any of the 3 alleged to cause her wrongful death, I suppose, but the plaintiffs must have some other evidence we don't have access to that prompted them to name Adam. After all, they have access to much, much more than we do. We'll all have to wait and find out.

Your comment about Rebecca being "naked and desirable" is a disturbing, interpretation, IMO-- almost sounds like injecting jealousy into the scene of her murder, IMO. "Taunting" in a sadistic manner makes far more sense to me.

But now you really have me wondering, so thanks for bringing that up again. I agree, maybe it wasn't Adam that pinched her nipple. Could have been Dina, or Nina, I suppose. Maybe the Zahau's named the wrong person there in the complaint? They're not required to be 100% correct in their allegations in the complaint-- that's what discovery is for. Things do change. Maybe it was Dina who pinched her nipple? She had a lot to be jealous about, and sadistically taunting a naked woman about to be murdered, is a real possibility, IMO. I hope we find out more about this. I hadn't considered that it may not have been Adam that did the pinching, until you brought it up. It could have been one of the other 2 alleged to be present. Lots to think about.

The lawsuit accuses Adam of pinching the nipple. The twisted logic of the lawsuit is that he admitted he masturbated that day therefore he twisted her nipple because he was ordered to do it.

The discrepancy in times at this point is irrelevant because the only time LE were interested in is the time frame of death that was established by the ME. That's why they obtained cell phone records and sealed the warrants.



Everything is relevant in this case as the LE and the ME, imo, were inept at best, corrupt at worst.
I agree, Morag. As I recall, Dina's then-boyfriend was staying at her home on the island. Remember? He is the one who finally answered the door to her house, after all those hours when police were looking for Dina and knocking on the doors, and no one was answering. I've always wondered why he didn't answer the door earlier, since Dina claims she was sleeping with ear plugs in and her phone off. Couldn't he hear the police at the door?

Perhaps Dina wanted to be with him before he left, and that's why she left the hospital for 12 hours the first day Max was in the ICU?

I wonder when the boyfriend left for home? His daughter is the one that posted on social media so early that Max wasn't expected to make it. I've always assumed she heard that from her dad. She sounded so shocked and broken up about it in her post.


Perhaps he and Dina got hit with the same 'illness'? And were in the third floor bedroom to recoup while all the phones were shut down, wearing eye masks (or whatever they're called with ear plugs in? And the boyfriends daughter was up there also with that horrible sickness? Also with earplugs? And not one of them could hear the cops pounding on the doors and windows. For all those hours. Yeah, makes sense, right? NOT.

Something bizarre about that story too. IMO
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