WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 8

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The more I think about this case, the more I am convinced that the parents of Aliayah were born with absolutely no conscience whatever. They have showed absolutely NO semblemce of appearing to find their daughter. I mean NOTHING! Hardly appearing grief-stricken. A normal mother would be consumed,...unable to eat, sleep or function. This woman was happily grocery shopping the following Saturday. Life continues without a hitch for them. She NEVER ONCE appeared to make any effort in locating her toddler,....not even calling out for her in the neighborhood.
Induce labor, take the twins, throw away her uterus and lock her up in a hard-labor prison for the rest of her life.Then there's Ralph......
There are a lot of things that I've found that are "different' here in Lewis county.

Back in February, a 14-month old child "fell" out of the sink while he was unattended by the mother's boyfriend. The boyfriend said that he performed CPR on the child. Upon examination of the child, it was found that he had 16 rib fractures, with an additional 5 old fractures that were healing. The boyfriend was arrested and is in the Central Regional Jail.

Under West Virginia law, if you are arrested and bound over for trial, then you must be indicted by the grand jury. If three grand juries meet and you are not indicted, you are then released with no further action. Christopher Sheppard is facing the third grand jury here in Lewis county, which convenes on November 7th.

In March of this year, Cory Burkhart, a Lewis County High School senior and sufferer of Downs Syndrome, died during a domestic disturbance between him and his mother. The mother's boyfriend subdued the boy while his mother left the residence. According to his autopsy, Cory died from asphyxiation. As of today, no charges have been filed against the boyfriend. The Lewis county sheriff is supposedly investigating, yet they will not take statements from the boy's own father.

Like I said, things are different here...

Most of the time bail is so low that they are out while they are waiting for the grand jury. Or the prosecutors mess up and they don't get it to the grand jury in time.
I couldn't find Aliayah on Namus. Is it up to the family to add a missing person or does law enforcement also do it? She's still on on th FBI missing children page. She is on the WV state police web page.
DO we have any folks here that have connections with the national media? It would be great to contact them about this case.
Every time I see a picture of Aliayah, she always seems so sad.
I wonder if she has ever had a happy day in her life?
DO we have any folks here that have connections with the national media? It would be great to contact them about this case.

The FBI doesn't even think offering a reward is necessary.
Just says 200 people. No mention of family and no pictures. You would have thought they would have said something about family. Really makes me wonder, and how sad too!
Monday marked one month since Aliayah Lunsford, 3, vanished from her Bendale home. Now, a community is taking a new approach to keep her story alive.

More than 100 people from in and around Weston released 1,000 purple balloons, hoping someone sees them with information that could help in the search for little Aliayah.

Aliayah Lunsford was last seen at her home in Lewis County on Sept. 24.

Investigators have been very tight lipped, as the FBI looks for a break in the case.

Investigators are focusing on three possible scenarios: that Aliayah could have been murdered; that she could have been abducted; or that she may have been taken by someone who thought they were protecting her.

People in Lewis County aren't giving up on the possibility that Aliayah could be alive.

They released hundreds of purple balloons Monday evening. Each balloon had a card attached to it with identifying information about Aliayah.

"We're just a close-knit kind of community here, so when something like this happens it impacts everybody. So, people come out and help whenever they can," Braden Stover says.

Aliayah's cousin, Jade Gregory, says she wishes she could do more to find Aliayah.

There are "a lot of broken hearts in my family," she says.

Organizers of Monday’s event chose to release purple balloons because that is Aliayah’s favorite color.

"We want to remind everybody that she's still out there. And, when they see a balloon, they'll think of Aliayah," Teresa Hathaway says.


Video at this link----the balloons are beautiful---!! Makes me so sad :(
Investigators are focusing on three possible scenarios: that Aliayah could have been murdered; that she could have been abducted; or that she may have been taken by someone who thought they were protecting her.

Is this reporter taking literary license? I've not see the FBI describe the three scenarios with those words before.
On one of the facebook pages, a family member attended the balloon release, so family was there.

She is saying, it was her impression that the FBI did not want family speaking out in the media. She called the FBI today and was told they could speak and that they would be doing so shortly. GOOD!!!!!!!!!
Two people know where Aliayah is and they aren't talking. moo
I suppose that it goes without saying that Lena and Ralph did not bother to attend this event.
I suppose that it goes without saying that Lena and Ralph did not bother to attend this event.

I'm sure they didn't. They know where she is. imo
I hope when LL has those babies they take them before she has a chance to do any harm.

I can't imagine a mother not doing everything in her power to get her child back. I don't care if you have a dozen, a mother loves them all.

Maybe she does but she sure isn't proving it to me. moo
I'm in VA Beach and I just glanced at a wall where I am and I see Aliayah's sad little face staring back at me.

I hope she is found soon!
DO we have any folks here that have connections with the national media? It would be great to contact them about this case.

I have sent emails to 1/2 of the television stations that have newsrooms in the eastern U.S., including telephone numbers, links to the story, contact names, etc. To date, I have received only ONE reply.

Face it, to the media, Aliayah is not in the same category as baby Lisa.
I suppose that it goes without saying that Lena and Ralph did not bother to attend this event.

That would be dwelling on the past. They have made it clear to people here in Weston that they "want to go on with their lives".
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