WV WV - Cassie Shelton Sheetz, 23, hiker, Spruce Knob, Monongahela National Forest, 11 Mar 2021

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As many here are stating, 'the story' of the three of them hiking sounds suspicious. My hinky alarms have been blaring since I first read about Cassie. Realizing through peeking at Google Earth that this area of Spruce Knob is quite remote and barely populated, I wondered if there were ANY cameras along the way leading to the hiking trail that would capture the vehicle in question with three passengers inside? And, also wondering if the local LE is investigating this as suspicious, or are they buying the young men's bogus story?
As many here are stating, 'the story' of the three of them hiking sounds suspicious. My hinky alarms have been blaring since I first read about Cassie. Realizing through peeking at Google Earth that this area of Spruce Knob is quite remote and barely populated, I wondered if there were ANY cameras along the way leading to the hiking trail that would capture the vehicle in question with three passengers inside? And, also wondering if the local LE is investigating this as suspicious, or are they buying the young men's bogus story?
By the wording used in the news story, I would say LE is doubtful.

I wonder if the back window of the car was broken by Cassie in an attempt to escape?
They were all split up in the woods just before dark on Thursday (18.00hrs approx).
A passing vehicle finally went past where their car was parked at 11.00hrs Friday and the 2 men flagged it down for help.

But before that, they had both waited at their car for 3 hours together for Cassie. (So, since 08.00hrs)

But one of the men, who came out of the woods first (and smashed the back window in to get inside the car) had been at the car for 2 hours before the other man (so 06.00hrs).

So, from that timeline they had all split up and been wandering around the woods, lost and or looking for Cassie for 12 hours!! (18.00hrs Thursday to 06.00hrs Friday). Then waiting at the car for some more hours! (5 hours for one man, 3 hours for the other.)

Wow, 12 hours in the woods in the dark?! Were they searching for her that whole time? They'd been hiking all day too. What about sleep? Tiredness? Enough battery power in the flashlights? Did they shout or call out to Cassie? Did Cassie shout out to them?

Then finally stopped a passing car at 11.00hrs Friday. and when you add in that they started this hike in the daytime on Thursday....it's getting on for a whole 24 hour job!! That's a long time to be up there.

Those 2 men need to be hauled in by LE and interrogated!

Plus, local search teams have had sniffer dogs there who couldn't find Cassies's scent, which makes me question if she was even up there at all.


I've been trying to find the source that establishes this timeline and talks about how one of the men had been found back at the vehicle with a smashed window, but I'm coming up empty handed. Was it posted here somewhere and I missed it??

I imagine this guy broke the window to get inside the car because Cassie still had the keys, it was cold and the vehicle would provide some warmth.

If CS were harmed, I mean, ideally, if you were the perp, you'd make sure to take her keys so you could get away after the crime, not leave yourself in the car, with no way out, no cell reception, no escape plan...essentially a sitting duck.

Did the police question these guys and then give them a ride back home to wash away any evidence!?

This whole story is confusing, the timeline is confusing. I'd love to be able to make sense of this, but I don't know there's any to be made...

(also none of this is directed at you personally, just expanding off the things you mentioned. Hoping we can get an article to reference and create a timeline of events!)
When you need to break into a car, you don't usually break the back window. You break the side window next to where the lock is.

Do we know what kind of car it is?

If one had an SUV with a hatchback door the person might want to break the rear window so the glass would fall into the cargo area instead of the driver or passenger seat area as it might be easier to clean up and less disruptive when driving off.
I've been trying to find the source that establishes this timeline and talks about how one of the men had been found back at the vehicle with a smashed window, but I'm coming up empty handed. Was it posted here somewhere and I missed it?? This whole story is confusing, the timeline is confusing. I'd love to be able to make sense of this, but I don't know there's any to be made...
I'm sure I read it on a link here.
It was a report of what happened by one of the men's mothers. That's probably why it sounds such a load of BS. She may be trying to cover for him. Or he told her a pack of lies.
Long time lurker, and just wanted to add some info about this area.

I've been up here many many times, and on the way up the Mt, about a mile-1/2 mile from Summit, my ATT phone will get a message or two briefly. Also, the parking lot loops around up on top, and when I park in the "middle" lot, in view of restrooms, I can get a bar, SOMETIMES. I know us cellular serves the area intermittently as well, no info on Verizon.

The trail itself is moderate, as most are in the area. You can easily get off trail in a few sections, but I think we can all agree she was probably never up there. No scent left? Love to hear background of these two guys.

Huckleberry Trail
If you have to drive a car after breaking a window, the rear is the one to break. No glass on the seats, and keeps more wind/rain out of the passenger area.

It's possible that the rain interfered with the dogs picking up a scent.

All the information given in media stories has been inconsistent and vague. The conspiritorial feel of the articles could just be caused by poor reporting. Pretty common in news outlets around here.

Huckleberry trail is muddy and rocky, but it runs the ridge top, so there is not much elevation change. It ends at the intersection with Lumberjack trail, and from there several trails branch out in different directions. All are well used and well defined, but it would still be easy to get off trail on any of them if you were unfamiliar with the area. Particularly if you were unprepared to navigate in the dark and not dressed for the weather.
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Long time lurker, and just wanted to add some info about this area.

I've been up here many many times, and on the way up the Mt, about a mile-1/2 mile from Summit, my ATT phone will get a message or two briefly. Also, the parking lot loops around up on top, and when I park in the "middle" lot, in view of restrooms, I can get a bar, SOMETIMES. I know us cellular serves the area intermittently as well, no info on Verizon.

The trail itself is moderate, as most are in the area. You can easily get off trail in a few sections, but I think we can all agree she was probably never up there. No scent left? Love to hear background of these two guys.

Huckleberry Trail
Welcome to WS. It's always great when locals join a thread (and stay to join other threads too).
If you have to drive a car after breaking a window, the rear is the one to break. No glass on the seats, and keeps more wind/rain out of the passenger area.

It's possible that the rain interfered with the dogs picking up a scent.

All the information given in media stories has been inconsistent and vague. The conspiritorial feel of the articles could just be caused by poor reporting. Pretty common in news outlets around here.

Huckleberry trail is muddy and rocky, but it runs the ridge top, so there is not much elevation change. It ends at the intersection with Lumberjack trail, and from there several trails branch out in different directions. All are well used and well defined, but it would still be easy to get off trail on any of them if you were unfamiliar with the area. Particularly if you were unprepared to navigate in the dark and not dressed for the weather.
Welcome to another newcomber.

If I were to break a car window, I'd pick the smallest one and in a spot where I could reach an inside latch.

Welcome all new-comers!!

From the original articles listed on this thread, it is stated that #1 male was found by the vehicle...and subsequently questioned by the police. Per the same articles, #2 male was found "coming out of the woods" ...and #2 did NOT talk with the police. It is my understanding that he was taken to the local hospital to be evaluated, and therefore was not initially questioned by LE.

I am wondering now just how cooperative and forthcoming these two witnesses have been since Cassie's disappearing.

< Insert suspicious cat eyes here >
I’ve just read the 1st page of Cassie’s case on here. I will for sure catch up. I was born and live in WV, though not near where she disappeared. I wouldn’t necessarily see much on our news sites because it’s an entirely different area of WV. I’ve hiked mostly alone in WV. We have some majestic beautiful mountains. The mountains are my fave. I want to look to see if the trail the 2 dudes with her is anywhere near a body of water. The other thing is all across WV, there are caves. We get sink holes (one was in my front yard...yikes!) Occasionally a car starts falling into them, mostly before it breaks all the way through. Idk if there are caves/caverns there. And mines. I’m from the southern coal fields of WV. There are mines ALL OVER. That being said, I remember a case on here of an intoxicated young lady going to pee away from the group she was with. People were pointing to the friends/family. Ends up, they found her body way down steam in the water. They think she somehow fell in and drowned. I wish I could remember the name. I’ll need to look at a map of Spruce Knob. I’d like to see what all is in that area. Perhaps she had to pee, so so she wandered off into the woods, and something happened there without her being able to yell for help. I’ve NEVER heard of anyone hiking in WV at midnight. Wait, I lived near all the river rafting companies for a few years. At every different rafting company, they had an overnight trip available. I’m sure someone not paying attention tipsy before getting in their tent, has trotted around in the mountains. I trotted off at a party once to pee privately (away from dudes) and almost lost my way back. I wasn’t even all that far away. However, I have no idea if that’s something possible in this case. I’m sorry to write so much, but I just wanted to share a little bit about our state and possibilities. Imma catch up.

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